Sons invested and enthroned 1-1

Sons Arise! is the cry from the Father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release His children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim god-like ones.

Welcome to Sons Arise! –Sons invested and enthroned -great to see you here and to connect with those who are live streaming or watching later around the world . We have a mountain of authority here Freedom Apostolic Resources -FAR . The FAR mandate is to Gather, Connect, Impart and Release.

 For all who have gathered and all who are connecting our desire is to impart revelational experiential truth through encounters and engagements . We want everyone to find an oasis of time and space to be able to engage our heavenly Father in intimacy as His sons/daughters.

 This is the third Sons Arise event this year and builds upon the first two.  The first Engaging the Father was about the intimacy of relationship we can have with our heavenly Father that reveals our sonship.

 Our relationship with God as Father is outworked in many dimensions, the physical, internal of soul and spirit, heavenly and the eternal. Our governmental position of sonship is also fulfilled by engaging those same dimensions

 Investiture, Succession, Enthronement, Coronation. Royalty terms. This is a process of maturing into who we already are from God’s perspective. Agreeing with who He says we are and with what He says about us.

 As we shall see during our time together that we have all already been invested for sonship by the Father we need experience that truth. It is our destiny to rule in God’s kingdom by being enthroned. But to be enthroned in heaven there must be a succession in our lives.

 The death or abdication of the old king or queen had to occur before there was an enthronement. Our identity will only be revealed when we abdicate -succession. Our enthronement will only take place when we abdicate succession.

 That succession was the focus of the intensive ‘Into the Dark Cloud which was about separating our soul and spirit so we become free to live simultaneously in the dual realms of heaven and earth. Free from the tethering of our soul to this physical realm, we won’t need to continually step in and out of heaven.

 Therefore the goal of this conference is for each of us to discover our governmental position in the heavenly realms and be enthroned to rule and legislate as a son of God.  We are all at different stages of our journeys so be inspired to take some forward steps towards that goal

 The Father has shared some things with me to share with you. Son I have been calling to My children to come and take their places in heaven and find their heavenly roles to bring heaven to earth through their lives.

 This gathering will be a further opportunity for a deeper revelation of identity, position and authority.  All My children have a destiny that involves their inheritance and birthright so that they can all be mature sons of God revealed out of heaven into the earth.

 I have been releasing a sound that is designed to connect to the deep desire that is within all My children for relationship and responsibility.  I will intensify that sound frequency during this time so encourage all to be open and sensitive spiritually to resonate with that sound.

 Samuel of SML Music has composed some music to accompany that sound that we will use in some of the activations. Let that sound penetrate as deep calling to deep to awaken your sonship.  Relax and rest in that sound be immersed with the presence and intent of God within that sound.

 There will be lots of opportunities for activations. Meditation space available downstairs for the breaks. We have a web page filled with links to activations that you can practice.

 Activations are but soundbites little opportunities to taste and see. All the activations can help us develop  our lifestyle if we continue to pursue them . They can all become our continual living testimonies if we will pursue them out of desire until experiences become part of the fabric of our beings.  Pursuit is the evidence of desire.

 There will be some Q & A sessions and you have a form for submitting written questions or you can email them to us if you are watching using the live streaming page . We have legislated for this to be a safe place to help you connect with the Father and discover your sonship.

 Legislation for all the Sons Arise events. You are authorised to awaken sonship at a new level of relationship and responsibility. You are authorised to call the eternal spirit hidden within My children to arise and shine.

 You are authorised to call for the light of their eternal spirit to burst forth from the darkness into the glorious light of their full inheritance . You are authorised to engage the Father’s heart in the eternal now . You are authorised to unveil reveal and restore eternal memory, identity, relationships  and destiny.

 You are authorised to engage my children in the High Chancellor’s Houses. You are authorised to activate My Precepts, Statutes and Laws as the foundation of sonship . You are authorised to open the House of Ordinances to reveal past and present purpose to ignite passion and zeal for creation and its freedom.

 You are authorised to open the Houses of Mantles, Scrolls and Commissioning to restore the callings and positions of heavenly governmental authority for My sons.

 You are authorized to call forth the roles of chancellors, judges,  ambassadors, magistrates, scribes, oracles, legislators, councilors, ministers, elders, lights, fragrances, harmonies, frequencies, doors, matrixes, planners, architects, designers, artists, musicians,

 You are authorized to call and prepare My children for their roles as sons with authority to restore their heritage and free their generational family lines and genealogies with the ministry of reconciliation. You are authorized to unveil the call for My sons to arise and engage beyond the limitations of the imagination of this age.

 You are authorized to unveil and reveal the dimensions and domains that exist beyond the limitations of earth bound consciousness to My sons.

 You are authorized to open the possibilities that exist beyond beyond so that My sons can arise and take their places and positions within the councils and assemblies of the dimensions that are preparing the ages to come.

 You are authorized to release the sound of the Father’s heart, beating with My deepest desires to inspire My children to shake off the shackles of their earth bound existence and arise as sons to the glorious liberty of their eternal destinies as co-creators.

 Sons Arise is the cry from the Father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release His children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim god-like ones.

 The Sons Arise mandate is to equip God’s children to arise and take their places as sons in heaven and on earth both relationally and in responsibility.  Our mandate is to equip the sons of God to manifest heaven on the earth.

 We are under an open heaven now. We can all encounter our Father’s affirmation –Hear Him say You are my son in you I am well pleased . You who bring me great joy. You in whom my soul delights. I take great delight in you . In you is My delight.

 God speaks from where He is to where we are to reveal the truth from His perspective. John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

 John 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.

 Act 2:17 ‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

 Acceptance . Affirmation . Approval . Recognition . Recommendation . Commendation . Blessing . Endorsement . Validation.

 Son I call your spirit to attention . Spirit listen as a true son. I call forth your identity as a son part of the Joshua generation the order of Melchizedek . I call forth your destiny to manifest God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. I call forth your destiny to fill the earth with God’s glory.

 I call forth your identity, destiny & authority to be enthroned as Lords to administer God’s rule on earth as it is in heaven. I call forth your identity, destiny & authority to be enthroned as Kings to have charge over God’s heavenly courts. I call forth your identity, destiny & authority as Sons to stand in My presence & be displayed on the earth.

 I call forth your identity, destiny & authority as Sons of God to answer the groan of creation and restore to it to original condition & purpose . I call forth the Joshua Generation to rise up & take possession of their inheritance.

 You are my beloved son in whom my soul delights and I am well pleased with you. Receive my Acceptance, Affirmation. Approval, Recognition,  My Recommendation, Commendation . Blessing, Endorsement and Validation. I speak words of remembrance from my eternal heart.

 Son I am calling My children to a new level of sonship where the assemblies and councils of heaven are accessed and the roles of government are to be filled.  The mantles are prepared and the scrolls are ready for those who have accepted responsibility as sons and are willing to become mature.

 All of My children have been invested with identity, destiny, position with a birthright and inheritance but there must be a succession before there can truly be an enthronement.  All are seated in me but so few are actively functioning from that position.

 The sound has gone forth and some have responded to the call to sonship but many don’t want to go through the maturing process of friendship, lordship and kingship so they can receive the mantles and scrolls needed for positions within My kingdom government.

 If the sons of God are not positioned in the heavens they cannot be manifested on the earth and the true Ekklesia cannot rise to become Embassies of heaven on the earth.

 What is established in heaven must be on earth but there is a lack of willingness to receive the heavenly and the earthly roles.  There are many who want to continue in the old order earthly roles without being enthroned in heaven.

 There are now more who are embracing heaven but still few of those who are willing to take the earthly responsibility to establish heaven on the earth.  Will you accept the call and actively take your places?

 The call is not to just to keep ascending but to dwell in dual realms and function in heaven and on earth as responsible mature sons.  True reality can only be shaped from a heavenly perspective. It is but a dream without earthly expression.

 The individual call is to be a gateway of heaven on the earth but that is but the beginning unless there are earthly expressions. The true mountain of the house of the Lord will remain in the shadow of the religious systems of men.

 Your new covenant inheritance has an open heaven through the torn veil; do not let the veils of the old restrictions limit the full scope of your sonship.

 My sons need to arise and take their places in heaven so I can reveal and release them into the earth to answer the groaning of a creation in bondage to corruption and decay.  My sons are called to administrate and oversee increase not decay.

 Decay and death are the result of independence but with the face to face restored innocence of relationship there is fruitfulness and increase that will bring the abundant life of my desire.

 The power of the resurrected sons of God will be demonstrated on earth as it is on the mountains of heaven.  Who is willing to embrace the dark cloud of separation and reintegration of soul and spirit?

 Who will have the courage to respond to the call to go beyond investiture to succession to embrace heavenly enthronement so that earthly coronations can take place?

 Ultimately our mandate and goal is to see the sons of God answering creations cry, it’s groaning for freedom by taking their multidimensional places in the heavenly realms to establish heaven on earth through new order Ekklesia and Embassies of heaven.

Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven start thinking about those steps and the open door .Hear the invitation to come up here .Let those steps form in your imagination and by faith walk up those steps to the door step through the veil into the kingdom realm.

Jesus is standing in the doorway .Present yourself to Jesus your High Priest as a living sacrifice .Ask Jesus to take you to engage the arc within the tabernacle .Let Him take you by the hand and lead you.

Look into His presence .Begin to think of His name YHVH .See His 4 faces rotating morphing .Lion Ox Eagle Man .Step into His presence into His name .Let Him reveal your identity and destiny as sons.

Let the Father reveal His true essence of love. Let the Father reveal His heart of love for you .Receive your sonship mandate.

You may hear His thoughts about you .You may feel who you were always meant to be .Sense your eternal identity and destiny.

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