Sons invested and enthroned 11-1

 Legislating as sons is using the positions of authority we are seated in to exercise kingdom governmental authority . We need to receive mandates and legislative authority . We sometimes need to make and establish laws.

 Do we know our authority?  Are we using our authority?  Are we proactive about engaging governmentally or are we just reactive to situations and circumstances . Do we think like a lord or a king?  Are we waiting or are we pursuing?

 What is legislation?  The process of making or enacting laws . A  law or set of l aws s uggested by a g overnment and made  official by a  parliament . All the laws that we have been given or mandated to release to fulfil our mandates.

 What is it to legislate? To use authority to provide, create, prepare or rule . This will be a heavenly governmental process to facilitate the fulfilment of our mandates, the restoration of all things and answer creations groan for sonship.

 Where do we get legisation?  Courts and assembles of heaven, arc of God in the holy of holies, temple . Where do we legislate from?  Our positions of authorityour thrones and in some of the courts . On earth as it is –living in dual realms.

 Mandates and Blueprints . Scroll for Joshua Generation . Scroll for the Harvest . The blueprint is the context to outwork those mandates . Everything we do needs to be viewed from that context.


Good News







Bench of 3









God = Heavenly Bench Father, Son, Holy Spirit —- = 4 Apostolic visionary                       principles —– = 4 ministry principles Lion OX Eagle Man

= 10 mountains

= Destiny Mountain

Bench of 12 = representatives from all Mountain Benches

S = Spiritual Social Supernatural H = Health Holistic Hope A = Accommodation Administration L = Lifestyle Learning Liberty Love O = Occupation Opportunities M = Mentoring Mediation Ministry Media Bench of 12



DestinyBench of 7

 The old is not confined to biblical revelation alone.   Everything must be evaluated from a new versus old perspective individually and corporately.  Including mindsets, practices, provision, ministry, government, administration, HR, structures, management etc.  Therefore we need to review everything using the lens of the new.

 Questions to consider . Is everything established in heaven first?   Is everything administrated in heaven first?  Have the boundaries of the tent pegs been extended through all our spheres?

 Is everything overshadowed?  Are rivers of living water flowing through us into everything?  Have angels been assigned for everything?  Do we have laws and blueprints for everything?

 Are there Ketubahsfor everything?   Are we using our Ketubahscorrectly?  Is everything lived from a marriage perspective?  Are we releasing sound, frequencies and light from the heavenly realms out into all our spheres of authority.

 Are we trading correctly?  Are we operating in Jesus’ faith?  Do the same patterns of government run through everything?  Are the Chancellor’s Houses aligned for everything?

 Do we have the answers to all these questions?  What do we need to understand about government and legislation to be able to do all that God is revealing?

 You will need to learn to administrate the manifold grace of God so it becomes greater grace and grace upon grace in preparation for the season of mercy that you are looking for.  This is a great responsibility that I am giving to the forerunners of the Joshua generation.

 Prepare your hearts and minds by embracing the new and letting go of the old so that you will be able to know Me at ever increasing depths of intimacy.  Deep is calling to deep I am is inviting you to come closer so you can arise as sons of God and take your places in the councils and assemblies of heaven.

 The biggest hindrance to My heart’s desires being fulfilled are the mindsets of My people filled with unbelief and doubt because they are blinded by the darkness of hope deferred.  So many of My people are living in spiritual depression, suppressed and oppressed in the deception of disappointment.

 Unfulfilled dreams, visions, promises, false and real expectations brings spiritual incapacity inoculated against future hope by past disappointments.  Most are unwilling to face the truth of their own hearts because they live in religious bondage and fear of GOD trapped in an unreality that keeps them debilitated.

 This must be dealt with or people will continue to be visionless, fearful to go forward because they are afraid to face the past and be honest about their disillusionment with GOD.

 I am going to create a culture of honour where there will be an amnesty and all those suppressed and hidden emotions, thoughts and disappointments can be aired.

 All the pastors. Teachers, prophets, apostles and the theologians and the translators of the old order must be forgiven and released and the old can be left behind so the new can be embraced.

 We are in a new season a new era, that of God’s government through the order of Melchizedek . Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man, . Kingly, Prophetic, Apostolic, Priestly  functions . There are heavenly as well as earthly positions and functions.

 King, Prophet, Legislator, Oracle, Scribe, Chancellor, Judge, Magistrate, Ambassador . The mantle of spiritual authority has been removed from the Moses generation who are operating in purely earthly authority . The mantle of true spiritual authority has been released to the Joshua Generation who can operate beyond the veil.

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