Sons invested and enthroned 12

Okay so we got to the last session eventually. A couple extra ones in there along the way but as you be really good just begin don’t any activations the last couple session so be great just a step in heaven and just ask God to give me something think you have you give you a heart-to-heart so you got something directly from him you can take takeaway with again heavens open and we have invitation to come up here so I can just close your eyes this accept that invitation by faith just step into that realm of heaven as you step through the open door into that realm just let Jesus give you become and let him place his heart next your heart let his heart reveal something your sonship to you just let them speak your right on your heart will reveal something that he once you take away from this time something that you can take for something that will be remembrance of what years is down is doing the revelation can continue to inspire is now you may have heard something felt something sense something you may not all the spoken we will imparted something to you were in something you are thinking you can take away with some of the gets unveiled over time something gets released by bit so encourage you to just continue practising listening to God giving an opportunity to speak to you as he begins to reveal your sonship he will give you much much more than I can give you a this so everything that we do in heaven has to be practically making a difference on earth some things are heavenly and yes there is in a perspective doing things for the preparation ultimately God wants things to flow through us we are spirit soul and body we are connected to heaven heaven is in us in the kingdom where God dwells within us in our spirit and we have so where were conscious of God virtually in our spirit so we designed to be self-conscious but not independently of our spirit supposed to work together so God reveals ourselves not the world and then world conscious is how we then relate to the world around us but from the inside out and not from the outside it so God does not want us to be influenced by the world to the world shakes us we shape the world is was mostly will changes were supposed to be those who overcome rule and establish heaven into the so within we have this first Love this first Love gate we can open our first Love gate welcome the presence of God’s glory father-son spirit to us into our spirit and then things are supposed to flow so within our spirit we have those thrones resting on river of life flowing being yoked to Jesus but everything is supposed to flow out of our spirit gates to engage our soul into our soul to our soul into the world so whatever we do in these courts needs to be outworked in our life therefore a gateway it from heaven to earth through us and therefore heavens power touching the earth through us like Peter shadow healing people that was in manifesting heaven around him having the laws of heaven bringing health and wholeness to people even is very presence would do that as Jesus is did people touched him and they drew heaven the power to bring healing and wholeness and various things so whatever we do in heaven the key is we Wanna see what the father’s doing just as Jesus described in John 519 the son can do nothing of himself as our attitude I will really show us what we can do together and then we can do these things in like manner on earth as it is in heaven so we need to learn to use our kingdom authority to rule over the situation circumstances in our daily life not be subject to the not just are no terrible things happening I need to frame my life according to God’s purposes and if anything 60 that then I will stop them overcome if I’m just subject whatever happens that I accept whatever happens and we should be accepting whatever we need to be what is God’s purpose and what is God’s intention how can I administrate that we have a great capacity to outwork the kingdom on a daily basis is greater when it flows in heaven we have a holy spirit in us and yes there can be yes of the spirit and we can do things is the Holy Spirit chose us but that is usually the trickle that slow and rather than the flat we really need an increase of what’s from connected to heaven in earth and if you open our first Love gate nothing really much supposed to much then we can begin to expand contract time miracles all fun stuff because we are outworking is a practical demonstration this does not aligned with God’s purposes therefore going to change an example of Housing New Zealand and housing that we will heavenly in late in the evening and it ran over and will angels and stuff people who were working Christians are invited to come and that we were when they were the building left and I was left and outside the talk to commemorate the gate was locked and I was not and I so when has was going on holidays locked we have to get get so I saw walked to the front car was part by the gate there was the two ladies was a seek long as an easy-going person and they were right they were into the soil as I will get the open the gate and I immediately took that and I thought our local so I just chose to think about the reality of me opening the gate I chose that reality I can chosen reality of an angel and gate but it so not to you why chose to be other do because I want you to be stuck in here enough until you die comes no so open the gate for you so chose to do something which was beyond human then as I said possibilities that exist in heaven and I chose one of them and then I did it know how I like he is a know to try their hand unlocked so we can do things like that when we know authority when we are not limited by the circumstances and situations around our lives rule changes circumstances they don’t align with the kingdom we can be translated in time and space you when were available in the rounds are heaven we can go from that mount any other spiritual realm so often when I’m in times of worship things and I’m not any responsibility do anything I just say God is raising money do you Wanna go I’m so standing their eyes closed and also about by my spirit soul is actually in summer our soul replacing world where I ministered people physically because spiritual material can manifest in material matter dislike of angels are spiritual entity that can actually physically manifest and you can touch it and it can touch you you got many examples of that in the Bible we also do that so I’ve been to China and other places around the world Russia places where people because God anyone to answer their prayer so send me and I ministered to them and came back and I thought I disappeared so us no use there no memory what gone in the soul there is a did that in Spain in time so I was standing here once in the morning and I found myself first happen in 1756 in some while place in the middle of the US in this cabinet and I’m was there and I were my ancestors were not doors that open the door and welcome news it I would like when you know someone releasing a child and they they, where the guy was an angel when I was like a momentous of the child shall not yield I came back, here so ask will what happened now I was actually whatever manifestation I manifested into it was something that actually they was not place so I don’t know how that works but I guess an angel can be you are looking it can be all sorts of different things I guess you can do that it was I chose to do it was something I was available to do and then God is me to resting design change time he said know you always been done that they happen instantly six you neural area now as you engage outside of time now you been used but actually happen then because time is no barrier to God when you are in him you can engage in time so I done that several things since then where I’ve done I’ve also heard lots of testers other people doing something to sign know God is is expanding the barriers and the boundaries and removing the restrictions were available to serve the purposes of God is in timespace or anywhere else so these things can happen when you begin to realise who you are as a son and what the possibilities are sonship and so I started to learn how to do that and then slide looking to expand the kingdom as a gateway of heaven and that becomes possible because join to the more than one spirit with him so every is a limitation of that and I stood practice that and a gateway supposed to flow through the gateway houses supposed deflation gateways that began to understand the spheres of government that I have they are spiritual spheres again not bounded by necessary geography although my regional sphere is a regional area my family sphere my family are spread out in Brighton at one end restored to the so that people love my family around the country one mum is down, so from that perspective that is not bounded by anything which is geography within the spirit I have access to their lives to bless them to empower them sometimes to protect them when as I’m led and if you are connected to those areas you can begin to sense things are happening is they’re not all the time but you learn to find disturbances in the force that received little things you sensitive to disturbances things are happening and sometimes you get the wind that something is the enemy eternity head those of you can begin to frame your life and time for the blessing to be fruitful to be multiplying to do the things God is going to do but outside of just the normal what you do in this physical realm you not limited by being in you can be anywhere actually even when you are in a room if you extend the boundaries of your spirit around those spiritual spheres your spirit can access that in heaven all the time now with the spiritual sphere you don’t get every authority is my regional sphere is to help establish regional government and area government in our region are not responsible for anything else so other people may be responsible for other things in our region and then will be sensitive to other things senses to a lack of government actually establishing heaven on earth so our regional bench of three is looking to how we can equip people to establish things in Cornwall and in Devon and Somerset will sit Wiltshire our region and then interacting with others beyond that that’s what we do we do it from the heavenly perspective and then we find a strategy what we do honour to start with you anything but then God says start connecting people he said personally set send & into the region and this was 2012 30 the sites and sat we do that some got together so Calgary seven and then we expected something happen and it was like nothing happened but things were happening but we didn’t see it you’re expecting something to happen then said after 18 months he said start calling the sound backing well in that 18 months the number of people I knew in this region increased by 50 fold is connecting with people through our blog through that you’d you a son to engage which Einstein at that point also people then because God then said actually call people together and call people are interested in heaven government so we sent an email to people we do and we will send out through the sand at this email and 18 months ago blow into three really do we really connected now Wescott how many people you want to come to this gathering news at 60 so we sent out a call physically and spiritually as people came and we started to just shell God was doing go to the heavenly government share some of things I’m sharing here in a different way and started from us just being together knowing we have a mandate and then step-by-step said keep doing it is the first gather so can we do this again will have already begun as God so we went has to be said this again so we did it again and then last year he said do something with others to actually draw the region so we can say in Exeter with just a that in last December today which she shared. I did ministering together and then and this year God said help people to establish something practically so in April we actually did something which was a weekend which actually was how you you get things from heaven to earth and practically do it and are third conference in September is on that thing how you actually practically manifest something ever heaven onto the earth in all the different ways the practical ways a spiritual ways what you need to establish the foundation all those things so we can actually learn how to do something because this is not enough just to have his idea flesh that there are legal implications spiritual inflation government indications if you know what you doing you will know how to do it rightly and righteously so we will help people actually start to form a pleases businesses whatever their mandated to do on earth as it is in heaven do we manage start doing that frame that needs to actually start to go through us and around us so it practically begins to change things in our spheres of authority so when I am in heaven I am engaging with creative like with God himself and I have created my physical body and I live in a created light world but creative light actually has higher authority so I agree with creative light my spirit resonates with God and in heaven my soul begins to come into agreement that and then peace so long unity being united in unison all those things with heaven actually then begins to manifest through our lives to my life I look to see those things at work so then I come into agreement and things change if I then look at the spiritual atmosphere around me I need to become sensitive to it so what’s in the spiritual atmosphere and through right now can you see what is here do you know was it you know what the angels are you know your angels that you know you like because they’re all here see their here are here in this realm their support all see other things here you sensitive to those on any become sensitive the things that are happening in their so let’s say an angel comes from portal where you become aware of that you you pick up the electromagnetic vibration of their spiritual dimension in a physical one because yours connected to it as your spirit is connected that realm you practice doing that you actually deliberately practice doing it so that you can begin to tune into that immediately put you learn he was 514 solid food is for the mature whom because the practice have their senses trained to discern so you can discern things and train your senses by practising to engage that realm so our seniors and and are able to do that quite naturally gifted what is so people can we have to learn I have no clue so I had to learn so I started practising to do that the first idea so that there and musicians were doing a sound checkers got things that have to review that’s and that out there and just thinking want to undress I can see with my spirit so like a noisy with the eyes of my heart with my imagination and quantify consumer spirit so is like looking at the musicians and I close my eyes as well quantify can still see the my split no black so my cousin the get black eyes of those that I open my eyes are anathema close them it wasn’t black I saw everything in spiritual stuff was going on was like we’ll what sort of was not really did it so so those lies itemise I could still see it so so why are you know I do not see which was really quite strange spiritual stuff is going on around you that you realise most the time you know world so then you can learn to turn an orphan terminal and I are learn how to do that and then I began to look to how do I discern what’s going on in that realm around your time so essentially it’s like my spirit Holy Spirit father-son in me they flow through me so little spirit gates fear of God reverence prayer faith worship hope revelation intuition they all acted as there open there flowing and you got your soul gains conscience imagination reason choice mind emotions will suffer the river of life rivers of living water flows from our innermost being because heavens open the river of life is slow now the client that to start with because there are things in the way that were hindering the flow that’s why cleanse my gateways and the things that were blockages so you can flow actually realise that there were realms of’s the spirit around me the spiritual realm something that is he you can see it so those things are in this room you can see that you can’s have lots of things this really can sing this emotions in this room can see there’s radio waves in this room you can see there’s different the electromagnetic radiation in this room you can see is here your eyes and just not sensitive to it outside of the range the lies now have which is very limited to a very very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to gammaray is spectrum is a huge spectrum we have this little bit that we can see with our physical eyes we can learn to see with our actual natural eyes so the realms is around the corner the Holy Spirit is operating in the actually those brilliant us things about what’s going on in the sales angel q. week as you say that person is struggling with the right now can you can pray for us the Holy Spirit discerning what’s going on in someone or in the room and telling you and giving you the opportunity of operating together so used to that realm and also people see prophetic pictures from that realm Holy Spirit is the from that realm and that’s what most people are used to connecting to supernaturally spiritually but there is another realm beyond that which is our atmosphere personal atmosphere we actually contributed to the atmosphere in the room was flowing through us are we flowing love joy and peace or are we angry miserable upset when you are gather we invite the angels because we have an assigned to us there is our church angel the several other angels that for angels are transformation we invite them so we made a point of welcoming whoever God wants to send a notice it been assigned to us there here are personal angels are here in us we sent them somewhere there are doing something they around us usually behind us because they never want to draw attention to themselves they must be looking focusing on God but they are there and you can become sensitive to and it’s like franchising the you as your spirit and to them whitewashing a all one you because one-liners white winged horse analyser why are looking angel so then you won’t our friends as a dog called Vincent thing – this is this not when you look at in the meaning actually is very significant you so these are not necessarily just human being looking always because angels can also be was a fire is a cloud that was the angel of all that there were following around the wilderness the angel can be that is the angel can be a whirlwind you be a fiery whirlwind an angel can be the chaos living creatures so there not physical so they can be things that are not necessary you associate with the angelic they are sometimes healing pool here and the healing pool angel stirs the waters and says people coming so become sensitive to that over a period of time there were when we were going through the process in 2012 to 2015 the three-year process that God spoke to us about four really embracing change you start gathering angels and they were stern looking angel used to stand on the outside wall waiting the someone to give an opportunity of gathering stumbling blocks and also so their lives you read about them in in Matthew 13 because they gather out of the kingdom stumbling blocks and lawlessness which is in us and so we went through a process where they were here a lot sometimes widely become you see some of them but Jones turned up here the weekend after he died and offered a scroll for the harvest so it in the was taking the fire scroll so what is it run take it you ask anyone else just it is afterward is so this is what happened today to expect next week Jesus showed up with scroll for the Joshua generation so you become sensitive to those type of things in that realm because beyond our personal angelic there is that spiritual atmosphere all those other angels come there sometimes sent sometimes they come within a surveillance sometimes they felt when we have the meetings year I caught some of them on camera us with faces in and the angels were sometimes sent through the atmosphere in those all where some angels come through portals directly without ago you know in some places further start floating that because there are whatever new saw knocked of the know what is oldest as a sign wonder the point is something you so you can can send them that you are here with us individually and usually within the dynamic of wants to do in any setting there are angels there are ministering spirits in the sense years ago I saw everything was the Holy Spirit and it was I come Holy Spirit your involved in anything within your we window meetings where it was the colour Holy Spirit) like that’s what the the marshals of the day Holy Spirit and they i.e. and all the manifestations of the one Holy Spirit through this bit were laughing and being here and then I actually heard that some children in Toronto where this in 1994 we receding call in 1993 all so we have this like while stuff no one really it because my happen in Toronto and it was embraced by holy Trinity Brompton others it became obvious okay but for us it was like this is weird so in 94 we set our series of meetings in the park hotel and to 94 they were wild they put us upstairs in this meeting with the seed banks three days they can cope this was that it was a school teacher and it was have to resolve commonly our school which was great but it was it was like while the means were wild and wonderful other times Holy Spirit but then I spoke test me some children in Toronto meetings who are actually spirit be sensitive and they were talking about angels to putting were people tickling people. So I was just Holy Spirit actually God sends people we have can have the Holy Spirit come do anything he commands angels to cut that we can invite his presence to do what everyone’s that’s what we do we invite you wants to come whoever is invited to come God wants to send were overfull and then you learn to discern what’s going on and sometimes it is something one of the angel the transformation is here here that one day I was working anyhow the axe really big is although knowing of hell because they want to pronounce and release Max so I was like looking axis. When asked what was the actual so some people here are tethered to the earth with tethers so long they’ve never been stretched far but they don’t know the cycle okay so I said people is an angel here was going acts that was one heavy even anything that is eventually going to limit you for the was one who wants to engage that angel and then the lady does are banners and flags she saw flat panel where it will be flags representing this pathway to this angels and then we had one of the light was an oxen no underlying they were in this you went through that so I suspect that normally I dissuade to last longer go first, I want this icing this morning any tether so I went missing Saturday’s tether I did know I have I found myself in a place I’ve never been in a dimension of never believe matter it was that I wanted to go to that place it would have you actually back and I could have gone so that’s something that this realm does when you begin to tune into it you become sensitive to and then like last week when we hear our Sunday that he was well up into three saw this for angels of transformation together forming a solid the lamb clay you can go into so she put we got the flexible honour for the Linux, we currently got some sometimes a physical act of just going to place activates your engagement with it because there are sometimes just getting up and down so when we give at the last conference your we have a whole load of flags out on the floor we had different tracks for this we have the seven spirits of God and that’s something we do sometimes when God chose us to do but just the act of engaging just seems to activate something when you embrace it you will know what you’re seeing is the manifestation of what the angels would try to do which was created environment you can step into and we will see things in a sense of a prophetic way that that is been interpreted with unnecessary all see the same but you picked up the something is going on she was familiar with the angels that were looking to create this thing therefore she shared that an but we will see things in a sense when we engage that realm slightly differently so when I see angels around people I’m generally see them from the prophetic perspective of how they relate to the person’s life so sometimes I see angels that are very warrior like sometimes I see angels that look like their artists or artistic or musicians or the distress that like sometimes very feminine and almost just’s creative and usually that because it relates to how they been assigned to the person so when I used to share that more regularly but and can help people see them for themselves doing it right then then I would begin to connect someone else casinos angels and see love from a different perspective there was still the same angels but they were picked up something different that could be communicated to some and in this really important to get that some people think INC that so was I right yet you just you needed to see as a can see it from a different perspective because these things are able to communicate you in that way you are picking up something which is a communication of the realm the women so just practice to become sensitive to it now can engage that realm in a place like a higher frequency wavelength the our normal senses but we can engage in practice just keep practising my just keep engaging give our took me several years to be here anything in writing your gets appointed as okay the key this and I do now we can engage with the eyes of a hearty imagination and close your eyes and begin to picture something and attribute communication a picture in that way with the eyes of our spirit just begin to sense and then I just became more sensitive know and whenever I go to a place people use the at what the atmosphere and life of great now we think it’s hard you by Caroline atmosphere a live under an open heaven make my own atmosphere despite you know the best one of the best one to ask when it comes to atmosphere need to then look around I can if I feel led to do it always sometimes I will travel in the spirit before it is a place and have a look just to see is there anything I need to be aware of before I go because then sometimes I can prepare beforehand and be aware of some spiritual dynamics then when I go I then dealt with the prepared to do that for when so this is a distinct you become do when you can extend this invites me to a place they are unable need to extend my boundary around them and their place as they given me an invitation a mandate to come so then that temporarily becomes a place where I can access I wouldn’t presume to access a place that I had no relationship connection with a mess, told but I can in any place that I have a relationship and the connection in that way so that you begin to tune into the vibrational frequency of those realms perceive and sense the activity in their so it’s like our spirit is light and we can send our vibrational pulse of energy like sonar already done that so show me how to describe it how do I connect with the things that that my spirit is sending out some sort of pain then it comes back and I begin that’s really what I was do so I’m just looking this is now I can engage that realm and looking at some way catching something and then I picking up is literally our bodies are amplifiers of energy frequency because the water things transferring water much better than doing here so when we pick up something our spirit is in the county that covers our brain and and spinal column and is separated from our blood and think it’s cause thing with this so is an area break and therefore its sensitive to our nervous system and to things that we pick up by our normal senses our spiritual senses can also be cut those things and begin to tune it so literally when this comes back to me I amplifier my spirit actually discerns what it is that’s a son of a technical you but when you’re looking had why do it almost like a justice engage my spirit this and similar muscles a good thing to do so three well so I normally engage with the Holy Spirit realm this realm of the personal angelic and then the spiritual atmosphere in the room now I’m not really interested in the demand and we actually administrate that there is no demonic activity when we gather so we don’t have a whole load of demonic stuff going on when we are here in our day centre there is host of demonic activity going on that we have to legislate for to keep it from exploding and causing trouble and sometimes it does because people unnecessarily always conscious of doing that and that then we start to rule and bring it back because this is a place of peace so we legislate the peace even though people can come into this place absolutely completely chaotic becoming is like an oasis of place where they can get away from the things of life but they do some of mental health issue some of the mount demonic issues and they bring that stuff with them so we need to make sure that we will this at so when were doing something like this is not a whole load of stuff all round hanging onto the place causing trouble so but we have to specifically do that so when I look into the realms here there is no demonic to see sometimes when I’m looking into the atmosphere I can see things that I’m much more interested in what God has whatever the enemies I know whatever God is doing whatever I can do in the authority I have I can deal with whatever is only time is cause you trouble was in Seattle in 2015 and I was went to sleep and woken up through talking and it was whole host of things going on in your was kicking off big-time and unlike and then you might you you so I just thought it had. I told to stop now frightened recruiting freaked out but like not waking you up. Actually the next talk to the Mozilla this is the Northgate the Northgate is always the place where the enemy tries to access was later released gate Northgate is the place where the enemy comes in the fire then the Bible always comes from the and and they were the of that area and size you need to be prepared to be the gate keepers of this area into the Allstate your gatekeepers and they really taken that seriously numerically was but now they do and they are really on it that they are benches never been to 12 into the three the really only looking to make sure that whatever is operating is not getting access I we learned to become sensitive to those things so literally and when you then understand that your own life Jesus so sent that he lived under an open heaven all Jacob’s dream the latter coming from earth to heaven angels going up and down that is something we need to expect we need to be expectant of living in an atmosphere of the angelic 151 truly truly I say to you you will see the heavens open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the southern that is they did Jesus they order for us because he needed that we certainly do so we need to tune in and become aware of that because regular some my health your ISI my able to do all sorts of things I’m going to tell you parking space $my angel to stand in the gap that there will be Wanna need to walk very far as I want near the place we put money in the thing and virtue every time there is a space because that’s gonna save me time and that’s what angel do they minister for me on my behalf so is not just super spiritual stuff can be very practical whenever I’m going on a journey I send the angel ahead of time to make sure that all the traffic lights are actually red or green depending on what is needed for me to be at the right place at the right time to avoid every accident to avoid any you might be driving dangerously these things to chance around my life I know.txt me but he’s given me authority angels to help so I send them ahead to prepare the way now and when you have that sometimes they do some weird things was travelling was travelling Jeremy and we were going to Winchester but I was dropping my wife to turn it into cash to train on the way so we got so far and I puncture as a fair puncture my fixed puncture carried on and discovered later the my puncture of with you next me having an accident was something happen they will so low can you do it their way okay will you so sometimes further I can be angry and annoyed consumer, okay I sent the angel and then there’s a reason so I’m accept the reason and in zero the enemies. Us with any time we got to the things we got plenty type which is to sometimes know you engage that way expect the angels of your out particularly if you are giving off an atmosphere of joy peace and because they love that they not too keen on being ranked thinking thinking about that will just dispel but it will attract other things don’t be one who attracts negativity attract the positive Jesus lived under that he had release angelic realm around him any basically said the father to give his disposal 12 legions of angels so this plenty of opportunity for us to have lots of angels do lots of things with us for us around us and sometimes my horse angel will bring things are the way you wise minister a stick things to be way crowns and swords and sceptres also. They will bring it and the Dales someone who is really like people this angel stuff that is okay so I said bless you Tessa you open an angel comes and visits you this week would that be enough to prove to the angels a real so it’s okay will just be open this week in the next week told so I spoke to my angel and I the white winged horse angel and I said go visit this guy can you so then generally this guy comes in next Sunday is coming in seen smiling and sizeable what happened as let me tell you what I think you saw a white winged horse how did you know that I said was my angel I descending to go on a soil so how fun but him that actually challenged his view is now he was left with I explained that so the angelic become something open so they are available this whole canopy comes around us when the guys on the throne of our lives and when we are in authority and we can access all those realms and I could I do a whole set teaching on what all those different realms are all the different angels had angels that purpose so that we can learn how to engage the investing to go go in there and find out yourself so the angelic realm really is open when we gather we gather and angels come with those for angels are transformation and others I did have a really interesting experience once when I was here speaking I am standing up speaking then sin that I was there and I was just in a flow and a glimpse of the corner of my colours shimmering 90 usually the cash million eight which often when I close my is worship get this glimpse that they are floating around somewhere and some carry on speaking amount of sense that they’re coming closer and literally, this is with eyes open so I could see them with my natural eyes people they are aware something was going on with this thing walked right in front of me all these other know anything they were all shimmering my screens I can see it so I was trying carry on as if nothing was happening not be able to see the screen and really flummoxed so so and eventually this removed off satellite to God well what was or how about that one very fair is you been asking to see these things you really need to be prepared when when you do use them okay be more careful what I asked for in future that that this will miss the old with those atmospheres let’s engage it do that will close your eyes or “when you do but actively look to engage your spirit with the atmosphere is whether the personal angels or the angels here in this room in the different corners you where is actually here just be sensitive and look to see if you can engage it you may feel it sense it actually see it us perception of it but tries and just just look to send your spirit at that your spirit go out and engage those different realms has first just trying to engage the angels that you just in your mind focus and desire to engage them speak to them sense what their giving off the energy sense the fragrant sense perhaps that speaking says what they’re wearing you for that prejudice I go further into the atmosphere begin to maybe engage the for angels are in the corner of the room other angelic presence is and they come. Maybe opening just say now that your spirit gates that realm just dissented, now sense the thing I was nuts balances to you were observing something one particularly David to do that he is David Souter follow allow Matthew but encourage you do every day get up welcome you angels are being you and if you have time you miss you can see the more on on speaking terms or whatever just speak to because there there God has assigned them the more you begin to be conscious of the more they will make their presence known and just practice doing that until you become sensitive to what they are they are and stop talking to them met on is all your medical is an angel is the key keeper and the timekeeper of the rounds are heaven and in that even in timekeeping capacity and is involved in giving keys giving changing of seasons melt on when Alex engaged him was in the garden of God a golden mountain and gave me a key once and said this is a golden key that can when you do engagements you can open rather so near is there’s a lot of and a lot of background lots of different angels of different things tries the head of the order of the kale the living creatures is way there is involved keys and various things like that all those angels are heroes for angels are they are in order to the ones that here along here but it you can invite them to come you can invite all for you can buy one of them you can invite them to be with you because there there are angels that are assigned in this process of transition out of the old into the new so transformation helps to show you the things that need transforming in your life winds of change is an angel that is associated with changes of season and bringing a change of season to bring you into the new season you’re like many waters is actually the voice of God the calling to deep so so releasing a destiny God’s voice speaking into your spirit refiner’s fire itself is about the fire needed for purification and refine and then they are always here with us thereunder and everywhere I go I invite that would come with they do and then I usually leave the Mr welcome and anybody does this myriad’s upon is not just two or three this the holders orders are usually hundred million each as if you so invite them invite any above all of them to come with you and then begin to learn how to engage with them because they are very helpful process of us mature into such yet the heavenly that individual names they have all is that seraphim is the order of seraphim and there are hundreds of millions of seraphim angels but there are order each individual one has got a name and actually you can get to know the latest a release of sometimes they don’t your personal one is definitely well as it is getting to know and and a very broad the we got so oils you continually engage with them then yet they will they will be with you because they want to help with this process of transformation in our lives we come into the maturity sonship so yeah I don’t engage with everyone every time we gather but I become aware that sometimes sometimes unaware that the are doing something different so take note and and sometimes you I go away to places I I I particularly engage with them and help people to engage so angels are is really important subject to to be able to embrace because if you don’t embrace it you’re missing out on so much God has given to minister for us and to us with us sometimes they look different in proportion to what they do you like when one relax is not legal but there hacks you are sometimes I seen sometimes they wear different things that give you an insight to summer things that there are two and we as I said we all may perceive the differently but they engage with us the way that we need to get there are female ones and it’s just my wisdom is female so and you so is several of the her handmaidens it was that wisdom handmaidens and those were angels that were associated with number of those and but really it’s not about gender as much is more personality some other sense they carry something in a way that had a minister to us so you this there’s lots of different the thing some of them are really strange some of them are beautiful in some the most regal and some of them are big and tall really our church angel is by 75p I most like Justine speak the had other legal and I was willing to his two-headed the the regional angel and is 70 it it’s stride is 75 miles so it has a foot over on the south goes on to form the North as a big spade and a torch flaming torch so I’ve engage with a number of times and its role is to unblock ancient wells and the new wells not wells water wells oil and then put fire to them and create pillars of fire that eventually will join up to, You fire which will deal with some of the so you know I I stood engage with them on and off at different times when one focused on regional things or other things and there are the one the of the church is the order of the issue but they size is relative course in us in enzyme just see them in that place to start so I I I see that sometimes I sorts in the angel the church a godlike being like talk to face-to-face so is literally like when I engage that I’m 75 or their 62 so some his relative the when I went sometimes they do that to show you their the dynamic of their strength for their authority will never and in different ways but it is important to learn to be sent so voice spheres that we have we need to learn to spool the spheres are spiritual spheres not just engage the because if we have spheres authority they also can be engage with the also fell so we Wanna see something flowing into that realm to engage it so when we join to and one spirit are spirit is not bounded by our body my spirit is in heaven and from heaven I’m not bounded by time and space or physical geography I can go anywhere my spirit can extend so literally I create the boundaries tent pegs stretching if you like around all the spheres that I have that would be the ecclesia the family different ministry things of them read this Joshua generation see other things like that and and I look then to flow from the inside out as I’m living in oneness with God heaven and earth is connected in the other gateway therefore I need to expect there to be flow despite you don’t Wanna be a dead Sea the dead Sea has a river flowing into nothing going at the other end and basically it is not very full of you yes you can floating but it’s very much follow intense salt as evaporation causes the heavy salts and metals are things like that to be in the water so we need to flow river flows and that’s what we are up to rivers of living water flow from must be so I come into agreement with God father-son spirit the bench of three government that makes all so me in the three makes for that opens a doorway because for is always talking about the door and window and opening so I agree and then I become a and then things can flow through me as an open so then I’m a portal a gateway to flow through the become a manifestation of the where I’m operating in heaven so the four faces of God standing in his name that can manifested as I begin to rule in kingship I have legislative authority to administrate things around me I carry the word of God which is therefore gives you authority and then as a priest I can engage those realms in a priestly function of in into seated or standing in the gap for that engaging it and I’m doing it from the heavenly perspective not just mercy one but it’s engaging earth to the kingdom of God is a flow through us like those rumours and that’s where the atmosphere around us can connect people when people come close enough to us and the atmosphere they should sense Lovejoy peace something of what we are producing and you need to produce something leaving Kent and maybe you will sometimes release a healing thing around you by intent if you go belly won’t you can choose to you can choose to let things flow through certain gateways that will actually create certain atmospheres around you because that’s what need is needed today or in this situation come into a situation of chaos you bring peace you don’t get freaked out by chaos you change the chaos you carry and dimension of peace can bring heart into a situation if you will if you don’t rule you’ll end up began running from the chaos you’re looking to attack the chaos was coming the opposite spirit and everything is going on so every day engaging in first Love be baptised into the father-son and spirit on immersed in them be clothed with them in with them one then to be fully around me the the armour of righteousness the armour of light the armour of God around me because I’m in them as I drink the living water from the wells salvation says in John four biker counting within the that gives me life myself to Jesus wannabe disciple walk a surrender the sea rest of government throne, spirit to the father to the father that is just something that I live by every day now become sensitive to that flow and I surrender the gateways of my spirit soul and body to that flow and I consciously looked coming to agreement with that whole bench of three thing to see the kingdom really manifesting around me in those spheres particular purposes because if with intent then if I am aware of summer things I need to be doing from heaven in heaven then those things begin to manifested so literally it’s it’s a flowing in oneness to create an atmosphere so depending on what is my family my family spread out all over now I will bless them I want to see them protected I Wanna see them coming into their destiny and everything else so there are on their way to that some are those in Rome way but literary I don’t give up on that because not trusting God now I want them coming into a dead church I don’t coming into an old things so I’m holding off on the then coming into you will be baptised able been baptised in the spirit so wanted to find expression which is gonna be the reality of what I know ecclesia can be so I want them going the some church just finding God and then not now to outwork it so I’m legislating for the right time for that so is not as simple as just God just do something as you know what do I sense needs to be done therefore I can begin to administrate that and I do and and sometimes I’m aware of things times I’m not and therefore if I’m not aware of it then to be aware of it is not something that I could do or authorised to do anything about but then sometimes like you court cases sometimes a legislate into those situations which will deliberately particularly engage no and I just let I don’t have a a formula I don’t have a set pattern another whole premise my work through I just do whatever I knew whenever I do it whenever led I will just begin to engage that realm as I will be crazy around here is I will engaging God program their errors those spheres with the region I knew everything every day but I do things led to do it looking to engage those spheres I want my spirit to extend around my soul around my body that some me is my area of personal government wherever I am under an open heaven and then be a little bit further than that so I go to the seven personal spheres and then I go to the corporate spheres that I have authority and I look to expand outwards so I’m looking to extend the boundary of my spirit so then I have access into anywhere within that boundary that’s really what the time of day now with practice that you can practice that now that just as we practice engaging the realm actually now just practice leading your spirit actually go beyond the boundary of your physical body I do that well by intent just I say I consciously choose to extend the boundaries of my spirit around the spheres of government that I have an start with my life so just begin to extend the boundary around you and consciously flow something into that boundary like lava people it might be new feel and then just become a bit sensitive to those around you and see if you can sense what their actually releasing you looking me the to disclosure eyes just relax and then ask you joy sotalol become one spirit with you then just begin to extend your spirit further than your soul through your soul gains the gate around you just at this point just to create that atmosphere and that rivers of living water begin to flow slightly just pushing the boundaries of that constructed your spirit outwards creating a larger sphere around you now just release an intent might be blessing just love my healing with every sealed this release that in to fill an atmosphere around sometimes people can pick these things are fragrance sensation of feeling okay I did that we become sensitive stuff around you feel anything more you practice this again every day oldest encourage you to practice that day of the create this atmosphere around Lisa wherever I go that is the atmosphere was under the bring with deliberately by intent and then when you go into a situation consciously release that atmosphere and you’ll find people will begin to rescue different is a sense things they might not know what their sense in be did and you might find favour you might find more openness with the because they’re picking up that what you’re giving which is a good atmosphere that they can connect right I Isaiah and for to is a year Scripture which a lot of people know and in given circumstances in different settings is used for all sorts of different ways to convey different things but in in doing using the intent I want to encourage you to think about is your spirit so in large the place of your tent place where you dwell stretch out the curtains of your dwellings are not next your cause strengthen your case for you will spread abroad to the right this is a prophetic statement sensing the increase of the government God so Isaiah 9 is no end to the increase of his government so we need to deliberately choose to extend and expand why so righteousness and justice can begin to engage our spheres Acts one Jesus said this you will receive power the Holy Spirit upon you you should be my witnesses both in Jerusalem in you dear Samaria and even the remotest parts of your don’t try and put the spirit around the globe until you put it around your life and begin to extended our little bit more as you get confident and as you begin to to learn how to do the six actually Daniel to buses the stone this that struck the statue which was talking about these this statue was represented kingdoms of the earth became a great mountain fill the whole that is talking about the mountain of the house the Lord actually us taking our spheres of government in the earth expanding the kingdom so as we filled with the glory of our atmosphere as it should be glorious should be a representation of our very nature as sons of God and that will begin to answer creation’s grown will begin to hatch things in creation in ways that you won’t necessarily understand so we all have this mandate to reach the world be blessed we have the capacity to fill as it’s says in Genesis 128 be fruitful multiply and fill the earth the earth this bill as we feel our atmospheres and extend it’s not the God so music and just poor his glory into the earth it is coming to come as we create these atmospheres these areas and then then begin to fill from heaven so we really need that fountain of living water to become a river of living water flows not just a trip so I every day my spirit my spirit outwards create the atmosphere I go around my seven mountain my our spheres are corporate spheres home at easier area regions website resources resources something I consciously do I choose to engage so I’m preparing the space for fruit to multiply so it can be felt and must not be this dead Sea that doesn’t have anything flowing so all these things of the spheres of my destiny as a son to engage so I’m preparing that no wireless can do it but I would suggest just start small don’t try and get to expansive unless you really feel God is giving you more of a trick electrical you have ankle-deep if ankle-deep goes out to far how much is it can be deep not much can easily be soaked into the ground without the actually making of life so I rather be mild the very name Stephen a mile wide is actually it’s the debt you want to touch people with not just the area so intimately only a mild even my wife in what that refers to so engage that in the spiritual realms and not really begin to then start to flow out so we can begin to change the atmosphere of the earth change the atmosphere around our lives rule allows answers subdue and overcome establish the kingdom so ankle-deep filling your Jerusalem but you need something to be more knee deep filled you dear waste deep to fill Samaria through the end of your destiny you can go into wine spheres division sons of the global so we know is if you’re 47 whole story of that you get the trickle coming under the threshold that’s what most of us a little when you open the door then it can start to increase ankle-deep the so it’s flowing and it’s the ultimate reason what is is of this these waters go out towards Eastern region being made to flow into see the waters of the sea become fresh, every living creature which spawns in every place where this river goes will live we Wanna bring life abundant life and blessing demonstrating the life of the kingdom demonstrating our sonship encouraging others of this is actually good life to what God is has for then is the same abundance overflow blessing love and joy and peace always amazing things and actually looks to flow Zechariah 9000 and he will speak peace to the nations and his dominion will be to see the river to the end of the earth so is coming to bring peace and dominion and rule Genesis 2 this is the river flowing out of Eden became rivers four rivers that watered the earth that is now us when our leaders representation on earth that those rivers increase and begin to flow and you suddenly scriptures about open rivers and springs and fountains and pools of water amazing things Isaiah 4118 Isaiah 4390 rivers in the desert see you can walk into a desert place and you can bring life to it that is what was supposed to do is were seated in heavenly places those blessings and spiritual places need to be flowing through us into the earth so then that river is created in heaven is coming from the throne and we are seated on thrones and then it flows through our positions into the earth to bring us so as you begin to expand your boundaries you can fill that space frame that space is I say start Jerusalem is much easier to frame Jerusalem is to frame around but eventually we will be able to do that by releasing our words are decrees our blessing calling things creating things all the things that with learning to do in heaven they must also start to affect the earth through us then you can begin to assign the angelic realm your sphere so it’s literally like within us we have our body soul and spirit this starts to flow outwards we create an atmosphere around our life starts to flow outwards are Jerusalem our family those first years and it flows bit further IGD and then a bit further Samaria and ultimately all our actual purposes when you really are flowing in everything that gods given expanding our territory to the anniversary we can then look at the spheres of authority around us and begin to see then increase till their creating a can tenuous flow of life around us and we are the spheres are corporate spheres maybe further afield they’re all beginning to increase that’s God’s intention increase increasing government increase of peace so wherever we go were looking to radiate energy frequency light vibrations of love and joy and peace people say that love is the highest frequency that you can omit because God is love therefore love is really the key love joy peace and healing manifestations of our sonship glory so we can establish the boundaries of our spheres Joshua sets boundary stones and he spoke the boundary stones that therefore things couldn’t cross read about that in Joshua 24 in verse 27 it says Joshua said to all the people behind this stone shall be for a witness against us for it is her all the words of the law which is spoke so when you speak you are creating boundary stones you are a boundary stone to you can actually stop things from entering into your area you have authority where you live in your neighbourhood take responsibility for your neighbourhood be about and therefore you don’t allow negative things in so this is all just take it responsibility for where we live where we were being every stonework be a place of joy and peace at work some our workplaces are places that people see the real us and sometimes we don’t really demonstrate a good real us but this legislate love in our workplaces the atmosphere is change negativity with being positive and distilling that place with so set boundary stones been the declarations all those things all part of this whole process of actually taking responsibility for corporate spheres the ecclesia spheres and Mrs heaven all those things were in by engaging our spirit and allowing our spirit to flow through us and flow outwards essentially everything you learn everything that you so her in these nothing less you go in making so anything I said anything summer things you might you be know that obviates other so that your spirit by resonate with just go with that and start think what do I need to take away from here what I’ve heard what God has spoken to me this is more important what God says was actually touch your spirit because that’s the things that really need to resonate with coming to agreement and then just start to say okay I’m going to step-by-step just you and if you need help to do that encourage you do not kingdom the gate probabilities look at that as a to free to drop just because it gives you a little bit more of everything I’ve been saying much more depth just start to begin to practice to learn how to do all these things that you will coming great value was and I trust that you will be blessed with summer things of God

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