Sons invested and enthroned 8

Okay well we’ve looked at being enthroned  as sons having a position in heaven which is where we begin to establish things so they can come onto earth. where we get involved with God’s kingdom so that Gods kindom can come on earth as it isin heaven, because that’s ultimately his desire. But he doesn’t want all this things in heaven without any outworking on earth, it has got to be practically outworked. that’s why a lot of visionary things if they don’t have a practical application to bless people then what are they for? and we are here to bring a blessing. We bring blessing to each other to be a blessing to our neighbours to our friends to our family to our area, to our community. and you may have different ways of doing that. us we have a blueprint that helps us bless different areas of people in our society. but those who are disadvantaged in some way. and the disadvantage can be lots of different ways financially disadvantaged disadvantaged by being in an addiction not having a house. but also being lonely being sick being mentally unwell. all those things give us an option to bless people. but others may be a completely different way of blessing people. that’s why every blueprint and every ecclesia and every expression of heaven on earth will be different. because they’re all designed to be different to carry God’s heart for that situation and in this town we may need many expressions of what God’s heart is to reach people in different ways because there is a lot of diversity and God’s a diverse God in that is not boring. he has created and he’s made all these amazingly wonderful people around the world creatively and he rejoices in our diversity and our difference and everything else. so we also in what we do reflecting heaven will reflect it differently. but if were on that throne, is there any help in regards to what we do when we sit there? because I have no clue what to do when I first was shown and given a throne. where I’ve no idea what to do, I didn’t know how to do anything. because I was on a journey of discovery and I was shown a lot of things and they were experiences of forerunners and they stirred my imagination. I didn’t really understand what to do. so I needed to be taught, I needed to be discipled and Jesus started to disciple me and the father started to disciple me. but then they introduced me to others. so what do you from on a throne? You rule. How do you rule? How does a government rule in your country where you live? what form of government is there, how does it work. heaven is not a democracy, it is a theocracy. God is King but he delegates his authority to his children to be co-heirs with him and heirs of what he has created so we can also be participating. so we need 1- to learn his heart, how does he do something. if I’m gonna do something I really Wanna make sure I’m doing it out of the heart of God. yes I can do it creatively because I am creative. He has made me a creative son. so he doesn’t give me a list of instructions of what to do that I have got to follow. it is not having a flat pack and trying to put it all together using usually useless instructions of trying to get it to work. It is not like that. he gives me his heart and then he inspires me to express his heart through me. So when I first started to do this, I was trying to do things like other people would do it. Because we hear from others that we can do this. But that is not us god would say. so don’t try be like anyone else just be you. so just relax and just flow and just be you. so I just started to do that and over time I learned more and more as he showed me and as he spoke to me it give me a clue of how I was to speak. so I just learned the different courts of  heaven. I didn’t even know what theu were when I first went there. it was just like, this is really interesting what goes on here? But I saw some things and then eventually I was taken and shown what I can do there. so a lot of these things are learning, they are a learning process, of being a discipled and growing in that discipleship to become more confident of the position yourself .because when you first start to do anything you usually are learning the ropes. you arey trying to find out how , what is  the best way of doing this. You go into a new job and you may get some basic instruction of the company and how the company works. but then you find how you can affectively do that job the best way, so when God shows Jesus, the father shows jesus what he is doing, he  shows him his heart,he doesn’t give Jesus a whole list of instructions. so Jesus did the things he did creatively which is why did things differently to show it wasn’t a formula.  and actually to show that we can be creative. when you lay hands on somebody to pray for them if your mandated to do so. let’s say someone is sick and you lay hands on them. don’t just do what you did last time or don’t just do what might have worked last time.  it might not work this time. actually begin to tune into the heart God and then let your spirit lead you what to do. sometimes you might speak sometimes you might lay hands on them. sometimes you might say let’s take communion together. sometimes you might do something completely different to that. because you’re inspired to minister through your spirits creativity not just out of a formulaic way of doing it. which means we always got to be relational with God and in tune with him. but also we got to be realising that he has made us his children to be responsible to do these things through who we are. that’s the important thing. don’t get caught up in formulas . anything that I do and put online is a starting point for you to develop some thing your self. Not to parrot fashion the things I do. because their my words and they are not supposed to be your words. they are supposed to inspire you to get your own words. so our communion prayers and declarations- I use them because I developed them, but I wouldn’t expect someone to  just parrot fashion what I say and expect it  just to work. It has got to be  more how you would say that, how would you talk to God and ask him to bring his life into your physical body to bring health and wholeness. what would you say. how would you decree things. Let it be yours because when it’s yours you carry life in it which comes from you. so in all these things what do we do. don’t do a formula. do it inspired and let your spirit lead.  I do not work out what I’m going to do on the throne before I do it. because then I would have a formula to follow rather than I am going to be inspired to decree or declare. and let’s say i have a law .we got lots of different laws that we’ve developed here in the realms of heaven. that law empowers me to do something. the law in itself actually carries nothing other than the empowerment for me to do something. if I don’t do anything the law is useless and me saying the law says i can do this, really don’t do anything. I have to do this. So if the law says you can declare freedom over the children of God from their religious mindsets and bondages then I need to declare freedom over people’s lives because that actually is what I’m called to do so then I might be on my throne and i might start calling to particular people groups or particular thing. As I am led, I might call that into my family or I might call that into the ecclessia, I might call that into the Joshua generation. 9:30

 and uncoiling and setting angels out to give people dreams that stir their restriction to show them where their limited I do all that just because I have a man it says you can do this I then do it in multiple different ways our my do that one day, not do that again for another month because my need to so is very much relational and active rather than just read you in this do it this way so what do we do how do we do it the kingdom of God is about legislation so you have to do something to rule to establish rule you can just sit there and home you’re sitting there will effectively make things happen you you will justice at and then you will get frustrated and stubble was appointed senior nothing changes something changes you change your when you make a declaration regularly it starts working with you first I realise that person God got me on that one just like I thought I was making these decorations of freedom from religious mindsets and thinking getting people free to know the truth and is actually God saying was pointing at you now I got you now you declare this over yourself now you given me authority to start revealing all the restrictions you got which is what he did beginning in 2016 he asked me to legislate everything so I spoke and you know what to do so when asked for insight into what I was authorised to do it is also starting first, this freedom from restrictions and things I did it then God starts today through two years of free me from all the restrictions that I had was a denier and I was shocked over summer things I didn’t know I have until I got deconstructed all these mindsets things so I can then begin to see things from a totally different perspective you totally different perspective last two years of been like removing veils from my office over and over again so we have to do something what you do well legislation what is legislation allowing you if you not in any form of government local government anything else you are really legislatively legislation is the process of making acting that’s really what it’s so there is a lot you can use it if you have permission or if you don’t have a or you can make one now someone said to me well surely the was already there in heaven will think of on earth in 1934 did we need a law to actually facilitate us using the Internet no because of on the Internet so we are in this day serving the purpose of God in this generation we should be try use the last generation you we got some laws on the statute in the UK which have never been removed might you can drive geese up through the city street or something ridiculous things are just never got statue but are useful in 1730 or something but not very useful today so we need up-to-date things to enable us to do what we are called to do today and that is very much what you can do to establish legislating laws that say you have got the authority to do this rather than I know God wants me to do this I don’t really know how I don’t really feel empowered well I do well there is a process and when we look at the courts we can see way go what call to get certain things so if you have been given a law you can use it you can active what is it then to legislate is to use the authority of that piece of legislation all all to provide create prepare all rule and I got this from the dictionary this is anything super spiritual is just basically what the word so where do we get that legislation when we legislate so in the courts are heaven there are different things and is there any help to help us in this journey otherwise you can be wandering around a fine things ways to do see I teach people what I have learned so that you can enemies get a starting point for you to learn more that why forerunners exist because you do something you learn how to do something and eager pass that on so others can learn easier to you don’t necessarily have to go through the whole process of learning all these things if I can say what is what project the then take that and go and see if that works for you but Polly companies you’ll find how it works for you in your scenario your set but there is help in all these positions of sonship Aussie we have this Zechariah 37 there is a process that but if were gonna have govern my house and have charge of the courts then we do need so insight to how the court works if I walked into a local court and started asking the judge to explain things to me he probably would be to impress because it is there to judge is a Magistrate’s Court you magistrate I go in there and I observe what goes on and I keep pressure generally otherwise I have been to court my been witnessing call on a jury court so you get show what you do as a jury I’m supposed to give a verdict of the end of it you given some insight into you can do this you can do that we can asked this question or you can refer this back to the judge or you can do lots of different things I have no idea until I was called to jury service and have to go on do it was given this information so is the same in heaven you can see some things but then when you’re seeing you may need more information to say will was that hands at work, entitled to do here I just here to watch what do I do when I get here so is this sense of governing roulette having charge of the spaces is like there are lots of different courts heaven whole system of government call strategy or war angels Chancellor scribes, the right you are looking is all that functions within kingdom of God kingdom heaven heaven and then above that in heaven heaven 30 the more things court judges the court of the court council of 70 the core 71. So much of that i.e. have no idea it wasn’t something that all someone there will government to do I’m went into each of those places I will take into some of those bases by Jesus sometimes Holy Spirit will engage me but eventually I went into all those places and I experienced some things in and in some of them I actually started to function now I couldn’t function the court answers until I was given the responsibility as a Chancellor to function even though I use the call the Chancellor’s on the other side of the bench and I presented things to the Chancellor’s and they authorised and one day we were doing some legislative session here and we were producing some laws and we took it into the corner kings we made the declaration of this laws and then we took the court jesters and I was there involved is corporate you doing for you 10 to 12 people doing it and rule following this process through an I actually sat at the Chancellor’s bench on your side so that things that we were presenting I was actually duplicating was conflict-of-interest fell bit odd but chaos that that there are three other chancers and one of the others it was in the activation actually saw me doing in there a bit hesitant to say, going wrong but eventually get what you see is why so use that the bench world I did you know I do that quite a lot mostly not. Six is a learning how to do this is not obvious by just reading the title of a name you when you go there you can see some things now I can only share what either I know by personal experience or what I trust other people I generally just share mostly my personal because that I know the test you may well engages courts and find there are lots of other things that I haven’t done and that’s okay don’t be limited by someone else’s experience let their experience the platform you to have your own so that might expand because what I do in the corner kings as a particularly governmental legislated perspective but I’m sure the core Kings also operates in other aspects may well other people may well develop find that they can do those things so we need to learn how to engage these things in my journey the seven spirits of God are particularly wisdom not the spirit of wisdom but wisdom as as improbably really help so God has provided some tutors to help ensure us in sonship now you will widely just do it himself because he’s assigned others to do it because actually engaging seven different beings who carry essence of a particular aspect easier to engage them one being carries all those aspects because when I engage God often I’m overall or or I’m being honed and there’s in this tutors there are specific roles that they have been helping us so Galatians and 412 says an air though he be Lord of all is under tutors and governors so this is the mature in process of being disciple a tutor does means only trying to they do so God society with the train and that maybe the seven spirits of God could be angels some of the living poets it it could be part God himself is all sorts of tutoring and training goes on a governor mean someone that teaches you how to rule rules over you until you can so there’s a process where we learn in safety we don’t wreak havoc across the glycogen I can imagine some people with a vivid imagination tried all sorts of stuff where is we need to learn to govern responsibly does me can be fun it isn’t exciting but needs to be responsible as it needs to be aligned with the heart God my God is and does have a sense of humour mostly at my expense plicated the Arsenal but we are those Galatians 320 as we are heirs of the promise and we are joint heirs with Christ so we do need to be due to an air of the promised needs to be trained to come join with Christ just because it says doesn’t mean I can immediately do everything he can do without being tutored and trained and disciple into that that’s why Jesus spent 3 1/2 years with 12 people and a lot of others round him actually training them being with them talking to them sharing his heart with them yes sometimes correcting their things that they were doing in and there was a whole interaction between that that interaction we can have in the same process of being trained engage you spend time with the heart God in the heart God and actually talking to God sharing his heart listening to him knowing his character and is going deeper into his present statutes and laws all that comes by relationship can only really know by knowing and knowing is experience so it isn’t and you can be given a legislation in your read it and then you’ll know everything you were that I’m a manual type of and I I download manuals for you my sewing find out what they do what they can do the same old by the because I like to see all the always at the finder for was your things went wrong all the things you used to correct it because of the because stuff so but give you a manual so the Bible is not your manual to help you do any of stuff is designed to be so and so is you need a relationship the relationship is what will bring a revelation as you learn to hear God’s voice as you learn to years in speaking to you as he shows you things as he gives you encounters that just exploded your perceptions of what might or everything will taking the the course to deep so I may have a relationship with God which I think is absolutely amazing need but there is always going to be a deeper relationship because our client one the depths of an infinite God with my finite mind until I find I might start to get expanded to be old take on with the capacity to embrace more of the very character nature well Jesus said the disciples out and ease the trust in them to go do some stuff in any game a little bit of a have to with the debrief and you is that while the don’t be so happy that things respond to you more about it like this could they were like us so you be perfect you don’t have to be perfect the God use you have to be willing and he’s most of the things I’ve done are learning on the job I don’t think God ever taught me to do something before I did it so I spend a lot of time with him and across I’m doing it not independently of him so as I do it I’m still within and in he writes things on my heart and even I don’t necessarily read it is not really talking about this is that he’s putting their things that inspire you motivate you and draw you towards certain things and ways but were on a journey of purification and refine it so it doesn’t mean you will make mistakes you will sometimes have a wrong are all automotive God is not there waiting to jump is there waiting to correct that is what it will usually do is indicate the something in our lives the needs dealing with we have deliberately go and try do something outside of the heart God but we might not know that that little area in our heart that feel angry about certain situation will influence what we do window gives but then when you start to feel things like frustrations or you start to feel things like anger or even embarrassment for any reaction to a certain situation you I will use those things to help me to see is that showed me something that is highlighting something in my life that needs dealing so I got taught me a whole process it is in this in the transformation series on using trauma to bring transformation and that can be very mild trauma or vehicle but often it’s mild in the is my reaction ones I defensive when that person startled all why was I tried a press that was so I become more sensitive to why I was thinking or acting the way I was because I God showed me reflective so I become more sensitive to the workings of my soul and so then something would happen I would then okay I need to take this back to find out why take you back to God not talking to white wine gives an insight, need to go call take that reaction to call is there an accuser that actually is has some legal right to stimulate need to respond angrily and that’s tuition ought to be defensive so it was a whole process there the iLounge and began to think more reflective the to allow him to unveil things that I normally might just a completely missed or ignored those things are part of the process where we learn to grow and mature by being changed so you will find all those things come up in this process of learning to legislate the frustrations aware it doesn’t come into your timescale I felt I know other people have wanted doing this years my why am I not see the change so the major reason then that will probe you to find a reason not just you being frustrated because ultimately you’ll end up getting disappointed that will hope deferred makes the heart sick things will flow from your heart right then you be a vicious circle you end up spiralling that so is always good to be open to I ask for debrief’s on when I do something is there anything I could have done better or differently asking sometimes it says and we try and debrief things that we do here with is there a better way of doing that now that does open people if they have any insecurity to feel you gain a trying to punish them to get the wrong we just need to learn is that there is no right or wrong this just a is there a better way and actually of everything about this when we did this though all better think about that next time because the consequence you we call it the law of unintended consequences you do something you don’t think about what impact this can have an you don’t prepare for the impact on the new suffer the so now I think a lot more about what I’m doing and what it might accomplish which defiance of the centre God yes I’m gonna start engaging God and I’d actually thought about what might happen I would have prepared for 200 people are not 20 I was operating out of my own limitations of I don’t think I can handle 20 the God the bigger picture and I had to learn on the job really quickly to do things the 200 people so I had to people or 20 groups in my diary the once a month so that says you that’s at the several meetings a week with people and that was on top of all the other means I already have I looked to my diary must work the God said it will so that then I think well I you to teach me how it will work so then he started to teach me how to frame and shape time so that I could do everything I was called to do that came out of necessity and desire because all of a sudden my diary is full am I supposed to even prepare teaching for an engage program when I’m spending all my time doing this which I love doing so I know and then I grew in that and then all the administration of that because initially for the first six months or more I did everything emails all the replies all the posting things all the developing of the PowerPoint all of answering people’s technology problems because they didn’t work you know why it didn’t work I’m not an Apple person but their philosophy so I don’t have the staff so there’s don’t play with other people try to get them to play with Microsoft didn’t so that staff all going on so I learned on the job because I trusted that God would enable me to be able to facilitate whatever we wanted me to do and he put me I did go into it all fully prepared having read the manual knew exactly what to do so we don’t automatically inherit promises we have to grow into the maturity of those things being released so there is a trend process as a all of us have huge potential become mature we need to be trained is okay you got doesn’t expect you to know what you don’t know it isn’t a hard task master and is not gonna come down on you hard when you don’t know something you don’t know pursue for sink in for everything you need to know so I frame my day but I will have everything I need to have to enable me to do everything I need to do in that day so if I need insight and revelation that I don’t yet have I’m already calling into being connecting my spirit to the source that can flow that because I do get asked all sorts of questions all sorts of people all over the world and I’m no idea what the glass I don’t actually ask the questions like do here freedom I just sit there we talk and but I never know what the but I know that whenever I need I will be able to share as I’ve already organised that that’s already in place I have the full expectation that I will be able to do that is that’s what my destiny is and he promises to enable me to do but along the way there are a lot of help so the tutors are to sign by God to mature seven spirits of God was done angelic beings balances God himself the seven spirits of actually came to Jesus with this that were in recognition of his kingship his position as identity and they imparted to him revelation as a child that disciple Luke 250 2000 Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature favour with God and man wife because he was being disciple and the seven spirits were part of that discipleship process to him how did that happen while they trained him here is the Scripture which is referring to Jesus Isaiah 50 verse four the law God has given me the time of disciples that I may know how to sustain the weary one with the word he awakens me morning by morning he awakens my you to listen is a disciple Jesus I was actually what it was talking about and if that was what Jesus did it will be really good if we learn to do the same so when we awaken morning by morning Matthew a night person okay but Bible says awaken in the morning so I do things at night but very rarely do get woken up I do things sometimes later mostly I knew things in the morning because I’m preparing for that day it makes much more sense to me to actually prepare the day running and so he awakens my you to listen is a disciple well I learned to listen and embrace who every sense to speak to and learn now what I discovered was that although I met the seven spirits of God and I was introduced to them they were very helpful initially I really then sense that they were always behind-the-scenes helping and helping with that position those mandates those things sometimes I sensed one of them turn up in a particular situation often spirit the Lord but I’m aware when you spend time with somebody or something someone an angel you become more sensitive to their the awareness of their presence and you can I’m aware that angels are with me even though I’m not looking at in the spirit or they may not be saying anything but I’m aware I’m also aware when the father comes and engages me you aware when Jesus also aware in in a sense of the seven spirits now I know some people are very much very personally interacting with them in the there is a place in heaven which is a training go sign of the courses and some people sit in heavenly classes being taught I never did that never felt really meant but I know some people do so I know it must be something which is available to and so my senior wisdom show me where it was so I can only where is and and you might feel ya I need to go and get some training in this or that and and there is based in heaven that is like people to the University heaven with classrooms and and I talk to people all over and they share things that they done you know that this might have been there, done that but resonates with something else lysine or whatever we all will learn different ways and some people like classroom education you I would been taught on-the-job so that was the way God did it with me but don’t mean that he could do it with you if you desire at Pacific everything comes from desire as the desire of your heart it awakens things into reality so if you like to be trained in certain areas ask God to show you where to go to sign up for a training course one of the why would God want a training but for me I found it easier be trained on the job now I believe there is weariness shifting time things are changing the way we used to learn is changing so I don’t really believe that this what I’m doing now is the ultimate goal things should be like I think there will be different ways in which God enables us to disciple each other but were still at the beginning of something new and in the beginning usually you have an really trying establish that foundation of the beginning which was then I think will be different things start to really be built so I’m really don’t want to keep doing this type of thing but I do want to continue relating to people and finding ways to rack to discover how God wants us to me excitedly position and what God said to me was these governors and tutors are being released to prepare that ship for a new order different order will no longer cooperate earthly order a priest were operating you will notice which is the heavenly priest of the royal priesthood that and then heaven is coming to agreement so that’s why the fivefold ministry all this stuff tension between is in charge and function this new order is coming so the wins and seven spirits of God you trend uterus in opposition to small thinking sonship we must be willing to embrace and engage them if we fulfil our destiny to rule bring whichever way that works you really ask the help just as the seven spirits of God are released by God the enemy also the seven spirits Jesus said if you don’t are not built with some good that will come and try again so be aware that the enemy will try and counterfeit what God does he will always try and train you into something that so makes you feel miserable our you get damaged your heart it’s hard gets to all members of the spirit of excellence I have heard of the spirit of excellence the very careful in the spirit that it doesn’t become performance driven excellences doing things the best way you can in line with the heart of God performances having to do it well otherwise you will be judged and found wanting that will produce fear in your doing the desire for excellence is to do something which brings glory and honour to God trying to do something for performances so that you will be recognised as a big difference between those two things so whenever I hear people to lesbian excellence really got get what that spirit really is not what it can be from our own perspective because I a lot of people are driven to be excellent is there actually don’t feel it you can you can express excellence because you are a son of God in you know yourself and your identity and everything is be yourself you without having to try to for anyone else danger you don’t have to perform to God – don’t have to perform people just be free to be you people don’t like that you tough luck on them because they’re not can receive the blessing of who you are don’t ever be manipulated to try and what someone else wants you to be just be best you that God created you to be as we have to be is you because you are the person God has given these authorities position statement annually else so easy to get fear of man such a rare at snaring attract so the seven spirits of God well there before the throne see not the Holy Spirit was there seven, now before the throne of the Holy Spirit on the throne with Jesus so revelation 14 talks about that spirit so if in a sense this is like greetings from beyond the veil John to the seven churches in Asia Grace to you and peace from him who is and it was who was to come father-son spirit from the seven spirits were before his throne so actually they are communicating with us wanting to let us know that there there and they giving us greetings I never read that the never ever thought the seven spirits of God were being supplied the relate to connect to are no invited gun heaven so there’s greetings beyond the veil which is an indication that they Wanna be involved that engage something they want to have revelation for five they were the seven lamps of fire burned before the throne to the seven now there is pictured as lamps my physical maps but is a description of their function not therefore this he group will be there lamps there not lapse their beings do they exhibit the light of God yes that’s their function but there not lapse so when you see pictures of the throne room you see it painting with these lamps that’s not my experience of what they look like Revelation 56 I saw between the throne the four living creatures and the elders a lamb standing having seven horns seven eyes which of the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth now actually Jesus is a lamb with seven horns and seven islands is Jesus so it’s a description of something which is indicating the seven spirits carry the authority of Jesus horns represents government and eyes represents the ability to see and have insight and there are actually sent out into the earth to engage with us not just stuck in heaven now in these things there is a thing of what has only seven and there actually be they relate to 1 billion people will to make any sense of the the same as wisdom doesn’t relate as the father and able to relate to you and me and everybody else on the throne of grace at the same time as heaven functions a novelty first environment know it isn’t like earth in the same way so they the capacity that God has an which he has in due to some of his creative beings is to be able to engage with everybody because he enables them to do so now whole load of people can go into a classroom and sit with this into one of because I’ve heard people say that that’s what they’ve seen what they done so there is this sense when when we read these very descriptive things don’t get caught up in the form and try and fine some land somewhere with seven horns and seven eyes because it doesn’t exist is a description of the abilities that Jesus is imparted to the seven spirits to carries authority and is 30 to see and to impart that ability to us so actually was like elimination fiery placebo refining throne equals government lamb equal sacrifice for the full authority Isaac was revelation inside perception and sent out with a purpose so don’t get caught up on what the light engage them and experience what they want to impart so you can get to know them and learn from or certainly be open to them to be at work in our lives even if were not always aware what they’re doing they will be at work if we if we create that environment we have a desire they will be drawn by a desire do I want to be due to train absolutely want that desire to cause those who are traders and tutors to come to to if I’m not wanting to that they one want to change our desire all the time to be alignment so when something is sent out is given a purpose and mandate authority to do a job in the seven spirits have been given that the purpose is to empower you and me to establish the kingdom and to express in there’s of God to the world around us that really needs that it needs our sonship it needs us the world needs to see our glory as reflecting his kingdom the question is are we willing to say here I send me so we can also be set out with a mission because that’s what their equipping us to do what they have been quick to do they quit us to do to go out and embrace our destiny and fulfil we are called to do two chronicle 16/9 is this for the eyes of the Lord moved to and fro throughout the earth may strongly support those whose heart is that is talking about the seven spirits of the eyes of the law seven eyes so when we read that the father don’t have eyes like the spirit you only yes you can appear to us in a way that we relate to but it is not his eyes of wandering around the the universe somewhere independently you just wandering around be really weird when we bumped into all these eyes of you do get my the angel having all his eyes on the wing cherubim the seraphim because it’s a representation that they are representing God’s ability to see and to engage as they looking for us are looking to engage with us that’s the purpose of the eyes is always something happening and the sense you can only surrender what you can surrender and you just have to trust that it is she will continually to transform you until more and more it is and that comes relationally and it comes through a process and the council transformation the thing is not to be concerned about if we get caught up in trying to change our heart our focus is on the problem the solution if we behold him and spend time with them healed it with our don’t spend time trying to deal with your own heart as you then doing it in by DIY allow him to do it the way he wants to do it just respond to whenever you need to respond just respond and most of the time he’s not so concerned about us as an the religious thing will get us into cinema bondage single one already enough and not yet is all about me is not about me him it’s not about me myself and I not doing it my way we Wanna do it his way which is relational in love and and of our ongoing process and journey not an event no some time do we greater think the ending of our makeover weekend makeover will be different completely while that’s not relational really way the God but it is anything that he wants to deal he can make you weak and proactive search my heart God and only Johnny it is anything in the antianxiety any worry any concerns any iniquitous way that might trip the up in the future and take the someone I don’t Wanna go where you want to go Johnny go if it’s in my genetic material show me if it’s if it’s a hidden belief system show me just you if you if you have that desire I guarantee you will continue to purify your heart actually sometimes is doing it you can even though you you find you think differently sometimes actually other people notice sometimes more you Isaiah 11 choose where the list of the spirit says spirit of the law will rest on him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit council in my strength spirit lives on the fear the Lord and he will delight in the fear the Lord and he will not judge by what he sees his eyes see nor make a decision by what is years here and this is the important processes this will not were being trained not to judge of our own understanding and our own memory of our own experience but to see things the way he sees the seven spirits of God are there to help us able to engage things the way God would and may require us not to make judgements until we are given the authority to be able to judge righteously and in love and actually not just to go what you see in the natural sense or make your decision by what you hear on the natural sense I can hear something naturally that I could try and judge and interpret be completely wrong that’s why need to have discernment comes training my spiritual senses to discern which is why we practice to do the seven spirits of God are not the Holy Spirit they are created heavenly beings to train a mandate us and they so test a to our covenant of adoption as a whole other passage so they are often associated with the colour and colours obviously represent different aspects of light so white light lets a pure white light creative light if you engage a prism can be split into seven colours so the seven colours represent the light of God but in different perspectives that enable you to tune into so the spirit always read spirit of wisdom orange understand yellow spirit council green spirit might lose spirit knowledge is indigo spirit lawyers by local a difference between violent verbal. The but in the seven colours the rainbow it says by wild but so in this is sense God is light and in him there is no God he is created by and that’s the ultimate speed of light that can be that contains all the way will expand with select my refuge all contained within him so prism is a very that is a symbol of government and its first symbol of government that displays the light of God and the seven spirits of God contained colour wavelength the vibration fragrance shaped all sorts of things that are there to help the light of God be distributed into the earth so that is my saw pictures of periods taking what light and so when we engage the different colours they give us a perspective of what the pure white light is which you don’t necessarily see when you just see the white light it’s just white but it contains way more you can just perceive in that way that’s why it’s good to so the spirit these do the spirit the Lord mandates us position so they give us an insight into what authorised to do wisdom equips us a position the spirit of understanding authorises us position spirit council prepares us position spirit might reveals us position spirit knowledge and powers us position and a spirit available brings accountability for position that’s what they will do and that’s what their aspects of my door about and they want to help us to understand all that stuff us a lot so you deny sit down and learn all that in a lecture-based know I started to learn that as I was shown the places of heaven as I was given things to do in heaven I realise that I needed equipping I realise that I needed to know why authority I realise that I needed to be prepared in many years and so that’s what they can do so what is a position we looked at this this is our strategic place where were in heaven seated it gives us advantage it is our position of authority it shows our ranking other words of our roles we play another rank above others the place where we operate in the authority that we been given all those things so all those positions as we saw our also connected to God’s government connected to sacred geometry and how the dimensions all operate in so we need to engage them find out how we can be the best you can be the best you so that we can actually fulfil our role in government and learn how to do that so what is a mandate and official order of commissioning to do some so you have a mandate associated with your whole life and destiny that God has already agreed you may not know fully what it is for how that relates to your life a mandate give someone authority to act in a certain way and other words the mandate instruction directive direct shown decree can an order injunction did charge commission you been commissioned you might not know what the full commission is so the spirit of the law will give you some insight into that and it’s about positional dominion about where we are in the realms of the kingdom are not gonna go through all of this blow will leave the slides Esther you can go back over later if you want but it does teachers about order that’s our position of government to bring order to bring justice to bring the kingdom into the earth so all that glory realm and particularly in terms of how that relates to God is and how God functions I found the spirit of the Lord help me a lot and my first encounters with the spirit of really was the first insight into what God was really like because the spirit of the Lord took me to this big-screen is a big screen in heaven not really thing but in reality what he was trying show me something is amiss got my attention so it was a way of revealing something to me by showing me a vision which I saw on screen and it was a vision of numerous things that actually showed that God can operate in using the same thing in different ways so that was showing me the what I assume might be anger was love because God is love and what he does might appear to be actually is all good so first of all I saw the sun warming a garden is a beautiful summer’s day and was just sunbathing this was lovely but then I saw some burning in the desert with the seed it’s the same son but in some situations God wants us to feel is amazing and in some situations he wants us to feel this situation is going to accomplish something different than this one is the same somebody encompasses different things and actually God is like that so we can just assume that this was bad so that can be God actually some things God does to challenge us so I had lots of these things same with water bubbling river Jones beautiful scene still waters are wonderful I can lie down restored blessing and a raging torrent ink capable of incredible power and seemingly destruction the same water used in different situations has different effects that wind was really trying show me know several other things like the fire warming my hands on a cold winters night by beautiful open fire but then a raging inferno like a forest fire they can look at one of the last good together that he will show me is actually God does things very different don’t make assumptions about when you look at things out of your own understanding and I learned much more about this when we look to nature of God in terms of what happens if God is angry was that look like what Jesus seem to show some anger when he cleaned the moneychangers temple and all that stuff the still love so whatever that appeared to be it was still love but expressed in a different way than love will be express when he was sat down with his disciples talking to the perhaps so I saw a lot of things like that you show the different things that show me the different aspects of righteousness and justice and how they completely still represented the fullness of God because justice the way I thought about it was people getting their just deserts that so we tend to think about it our justice tends to be punitive already they deserve to get justice there was a done something that they deserve to get found out about was actually that is and God you just so it challenged me about my thinking when I started to see things God’s this the Lord showed me the way God’s mind works now at this point this was just an introduction begin to go on until more and more I will start to see that my understanding is not God’s understanding and I could not apply my understanding to God or anything else actually so you it was so many different things that will relate in a sense is like need the spirit of the law in our lives when I came and to these encounters with the spirit of the Lord the first practical demonstration of people asking for ministry and asking me to pray for which I used to do long and they would tell me their woes and what was going on their life and then they would say can you help me you pray stop that. I be free from this so I asked started to ask the spirit of the Lord what is God doing in this situation because I found that my own passion and the person’s desire to get them out of situations God using so I started to ask for insight into do I need to help this person out of this situation or do I need to help us and go through this situation and learn from what is now not talk about things that’s as God in the but there are situations which may seem quite difficult are training situations which are situations that teach us to overcome and if you remove the situation you can learn to overcome so sometimes people want the easy life the learn to overcome that problem with what the reality is what how do we grow the most through the trials and troubles and tribulations that faith that show us how to overcome them, that’s what it says in the Bible account it all joy brothers when you encounter various trials while was that but verse one in the Bible is and it shows that God knows what we need in every situation and circumstances and sometimes it’s a warm embrace and sometimes it’s a cold wind that about God the sometimes we are truly the cold winter the enemy and warm embrace to God and action about so is really important that we really flow is now wisdom equips equipping is to us why supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose to supply with the necessities such as total provisions to furnish with the qualities necessary for performance is oldest dictionary definition they do give some insight to furnish will provide with whatever is needed for whatever is useful any undertaking such as to fit out an army worship that’s what equipping really is in the spirit of wisdom not wisdom herself at the spirit of wisdom helps us with that process and so if we need something like insight then the spirit of wisdom can give us insight if we need something like a sword the spirit of wisdom can use so help us Jesus or not the choppy was have made Thompson Brabant central to make a dividing like Jesus said he came to bring a sword that sword created a line gave you will not choose to step over the sometimes we bring choices to people says he is an opportunity for you to embrace something is a sword you not slaying it you’re using it with incision to show there is a choice to be made that’s what saw can do that lots of things like that I I think that’s just going engage that really is what in initially begin to give you insight into what they do is to meet I don’t know who and what the best was you to be God does and will also look at how we how we do that in terms of engaging so this so be open for that you may engagement the colour you may engage with the person you may engage with’s in your mind that that person will being talking to you so as we do the same thing with engage in heaven where the seven spirits are operating and engaging in that realm we can begin in that realm to effectively begin to just see what God will do I I with you and I engage these things you I find that he does all sorts of different things were all sorts of different people which is open to him to do so that let’s be willing to embrace that and engage it so encourage you again to just begin to close your eyes sure that latter in heaven that helps you Jacob’s ladder the invitation that there is to come up here so as you just wait in his presence just begin to let that form in your imagination use your imaginations the doorway or if you just have the ability to step in and out that realm will just do it just take a step through the veil into the realm are heaven now Jesus is standing in the doorway waiting for us this engagement him I would just as you Jesus you take each person when they are in their particular situation in their life right now and just leave the to the seven spirits of God so that their mandate their destinies their position of authority in the heavens you can give then help help them understand it help build function there just begin to unveil and reveal that ask you to unveil and each of the seven spirits to each other people here need to just take those who need to engage the spirit to engage with that the the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding of counsel each so just be open Jesus to meet you may be was the colour maybe towards the being you can see maybe just to receive wisdom or inside thoughts into your mind so I’m ask him to take to 1st of all to your throne to be seated to go back to your throne take your seat this is the place and position and then let him bring the seven spirits to let her introduce them to you get a sense of who they are what they might have help in that position again this is just an exercise you first started to sue whenever you sell your throne and you’re wondering what should I do Jesus to send one sense that this is a you you learn if you want to sign up for a course that they might run if you’re in that place we can do that you are your journey whether that’s not see as Jesus takes you to a place you keep asking to take your place it becomes a place that becomes partly then you can go there I thought so I don’t have to think Jesus can take need to my mountain I just think about my throne on their five thinking about a court I think about on their because I walked down practising on the Sony times now just an access point for you just by for when you’re first learning you to go back to places time and time again and usually ask God to take their and then it becomes part so if you want to sign up thing just as Jesus to take you to the training all and in that training was always desperate you can go and put your name that things was that was what I saw while show don’t myself but I I know others who have talk to the ballot they said that some of it was very cognitive and some of it was just they just know they received revelation was change the the don’t be so conditioned to what it might be few be open for 12 the training hall has an anteroom is where you sign up and then it has various lecture places you can go and sit with one of the seven spirits and and received revelation whether it’s whatever it is for you that something you can go if you desire and that works set heart mascot to take you everything I rather do on-the-job stuff and just be seeking for when I need it will just do that is no formula to any of this this is the key everything is relational and you just need to go with what you feel led to give me some options and then you potential things you go to wisdom sites and wisdom site I spend a lot of wisdom sides also place on wisdom sides there are doors that you access to various places one is into Zion mountain of God and in through that door there is one training also that that’s where I engage there are also seven pillars step into and be trained and equipped particularly if you’re going to embrace a mandate is that can help with the mandate of development and is a whole process of going through seven pillars not never taught that friend of mine reintroduce that to me have been in I went in the pillars years ago, where really pursue it to go find out what building that is when 12 eight friend of mine he proceeded is help you been in the seven pillars is why we have been in the Bible revisits whole I was shown this and this whole well as awesome you are here is how you can develop a mandate from an an idea or principle to follow working more blueprint and the whole process I will that we do you will for actually maybe bring out the but there are so many more things and places that are there to discover way beyond whatever I into is more so sometimes Jesus will just take you on an exploration journey to show you some of them and what resonates with you you then begin to pursue if it doesn’t resonate yet you don’t I did resonate with the pillars of wisdom although I found interesting until this guy said this is what therefore this is what I wish I be reducible I went back engage them and that wisdom if you read Proverbs a wisdom was the very first created being before everything else was created and is been with God from the beginning the spirit of wisdom is one of the seven spirits of God which is another created was created subsequently so wisdom is a feminine personality that carries deep wisdom and but particularly to help us rule and if you if you so of an look at it from Proverbs 8 as it but Proverbs 8 describes wisdom calling to the sons of men that we would engage that does not wisdom call an understanding lift up your voice because wisdom has other angelic beings that work with her understanding is an angel and orders of angels in fact who lift up your voice on the top of the heights beside the way where the past me she takes a stand beside the gates at the opening of the city at the entrance of the doors she cries out to you and I call on my voices to the sons of men that describes wisdom sites wisdom sites at the top of the realm of the kingdom of heaven and leads into heaven so the gate is the gain into the city into the city as I the doors are doors that go into the stars under the earth into the atmosphere and other places you can find the way so there are passed that meet the ancient past the people walked on into eternity and various things are there is a very mystical place that has all sorts of things and it’s a place I love to go but I love to engage wisdom and love to embrace you have seen the movie the shack wisdom is presented there as a person who gives insight into the things that carry the deep things of God because she’s been with God from the beginning what it says then in in Proverbs 850 it says this buying the king’s reign and rulers decree justice by me princes rule and nobles all judge rightly I love those who love me and those who diligently seek me will finally so there’s a role there in helping us reign as king and ruling and decree justice in Princes ruling so there are different realm roles the different people at different times and nobles who ruled judge rightly and rulers who degrees it so all these things are helping us in our government and she clearly and she wants us to come to wisdom sites again if you desire it set hard and attitudes are taking introduce you to wisdom you I spend a lot of time there when I was learning all the things of the courts and the sheep that’s what is ethical to help me understand how to rule how to effectively use the courts outworking administrate that outwork so obviously I leave all the slides on that you can look addresses that I can actually keep so that you can read through it look at how you can engage wisdom with tights and how that might lead you into other places stuff which is which is good this is all good and and you don’t expect to find everything in a day it all happens on a journey

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