Spirit building 2

We are following through this journey and have been at base camp looking to discover how we can engage God in the spiritual realms both within us and within the realms of heaven. And we have been looking at two pathways to do that. The pathway of relationship leading to deeper intimacy with God which flows from the inside out. Flows from heaven through the gateways of our spirit, soul and body around us to create the atmosphere of the kingdom around our lives.

But also, the pathway of responsibility leads to kingdom rulership, where we take authority as sons of God in the realms of heaven, to manifest heaven on earth. And that flows from the outside in.

So, we go from here into heaven and we present ourselves as living sacrifices so that we can find out what God’s will is and out work that will. So, today we are going to look at the gift of tongues and how tongues is a vital element in terms of spiritual growth. And we are going to look at meditating through the word, opening the eyes of our heart and open the eyes of our spirit. So, that we can just follow this journey along the way. So, tongues in spiritual development I believe is one of the key factors in spiritual growth.

And many years ago, in the previous two centuries they actually fought battles over tongues as a gift. And people would tarry for hours and days waiting for that gift to be released. And so, it was a precious thing, and they really appreciated the value of speaking in tongues as a spiritual gift but over the years that became easier and easier for people to receive the gift of tongues. But I think along with receiving it easier people I think lost the sense of the value of it and the importance of it. So, we are going to look at using the gift of tongues three ways. Using the gift of tongues as we engage the word of God and as we engage vision and looking into the things of God. Hebrews 5:14 solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. And so, we need to practice training our senses to engage God. Both our spiritual senses and the senses of our soul and body so that we can discern. Discern means to understand something spiritually. Now we are going to use plenty of exercises to train our spirit and build our spirit up just like we use physical exercise to build the body. We need to use spiritual exercises to build the spirit. And if you see these exercises, there really just let the scaffolding used to build the house. Once you built the house you live in it, you don’t use the scaffolding anymore. So, a lot of the exercises are practice until this becomes part of a lifestyle. And last time we saw that there are many different ways that we can build our spirit. Fellowship spending time with God, that we just absorb him as we spend time with him, as we behold him, we become like him. There is meditating on the word of God, waiting on the Lord. Praise worship adoration. But one of the keys is speaking, praying, singing in tongues. We are going to look at that today. In all these things there has to be perseverance. It is not a one-time thing. I am going to pray in tongues one day and then my spirit is just going to be huge. It’s an ongoing thing that our spirit grows stronger, bigger and has a greater dimension to engage the kingdom. So, if we desire that, if we desire our life to be engaging God and out working our destiny in the spiritual realms and to manifest the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven through us as a gateway. Then we need to put discipline in. Because you can have as much desire as you like but without discipline to follow it through, actually it won’t work. The same will be in anything, when you’re looking to engage physical exercise or let’s say you’re looking to lose weight or do anything like that. If you have the desire, the desire will enable you to develop the discipline. And sometimes we have wishful thinking, like New Year’s resolutions, that didn’t last beyond the first week in January. It was a good idea or a wishful thinking, but it wasn’t really desire. When you really desire something, you will develop the discipline to outwork it, then it will become a delight.  It just becomes part of our lives in which our spirit is active in this sense, and we are living in the benefit of it. But it does take that time to develop. So, really what we are doing is developing our relationship with God, so we can hear his voice, so we can see what he’s doing and that enables us to do what he is doing. What I would encourage you to do in these exercises, when you practice in your own spiritual walk with God, is to journal everything. Write down what he says to you, write down what you feel, the impressions you are getting from him. Write down everything don’t try and analyze it at the time. Because if you try and get your head in the way when God is speaking to you, often you miss what he is saying to you because you try to figure it out and understand it, intellectually rather than spiritually.

Everything that comes in the Spirit has to be appraised by the spirit not just the mind. It doesn’t mean we throw our mind out, what it means is we go back to it. So, once we’ve written it down, we can go and review it and in reviewing it we can meditate around it asking God to give us revelation of what it meant.

Maybe the imagery of the vision may be understanding of the words he speaks and then we can revisit that experience and get more out of it. So, a key is journaling, it is a really key factor in spiritual growth because you have a record, and you can go back and see the things that God spoke to you and how they were out worked in your life. That is the price and the testimony of how your spirit grows and develops. The gift of tongues is really a gateway gift into all these things. The Spirit of God has given that language we call speaking in tongues or praying in tongues. It is the language of the spirit. The Holy Spirit communicates with our spirit through the gift of speaking in tongues. That gift is a spiritual gift, it’s not something you can develop or cultivate naturally. It is a spiritual gift and I can be imparted through laying on of hands as of the gifts can 1 Corinthians 14:2 says the one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but God that is a really a key factor in this. It is about speaking to God in words no one understands but in their spirit they speak mysteries, one of the greatest forms of payer and intercession. Mysteries are things that you don’t understand but in speaking in tongues you get to understand those mysteries and verse four says the one who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, builds themselves a house God can live in. And they grow stronger in their spirit. So, the gift of tongues in personal use is for building ourselves up and to engage with those mysteries. In verse five Paul said this- now I wish that you all spoke in tongues because he saw how valuable this gift was. Verse 14 says if I pray in tongues my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. that that it’s against our soul is our soul wants to know what’s going on it wants to be in charge and therefore tongues challenges the rule of the soul in our lives and pull says them what is the outcome I will pray with the spirit whole pray with the mind also is nothing wrong in praying cognitive things praying for things will pray for somebody but actually praying in tongues helps us to pray according to the spirit problem according to the flesh is sometimes we can pray compassion for someone I pray the wrong way mind pray God get now that situation help them when actually God is using that situation to change and transform the lives so praying at of the soul is a dangerous thing so praying in tongues enables us even to pray with our mind more fruitfully so we can pray with the spirit sing with the spirit and also with our mind so speaking in tongues is about design is designed to help us and equip us from the inside out is not something we apply from the outside it’s flowing from the inside and he edifies that part of us are spirit which from which all permanent change comes that is where our spirit needs to grow and be strong so that our spirit effects change in our life which lasts because again when we tried to change ourselves change our soul and we are using self-will or effort and we put are willing to practice these is good as long as I will lasts but often I will the last that long and then we slip back into old way of thinking our own ways of behaving because we’ve not affected permanent change when our spirit begins to rule and to direct our soul this permanent change because our soul surrenders in no longer fights for control of certain areas it allows the spirit and the Holy Spirit together to lead and to God and to direct our lives so tongues the comes in activation gift also to activate things of the spirit in and around us one Corinthians 12 seven and 10 says to each one is given to another there is kinds of time so there are lots of you gives in a list and at the enemies is to another various kinds of tongues so is not just one sort tongues there are various sorts of tongues and therefore basic varieties of tongues which we can see in the in the word of God one Corinthians 14 for again the one who speaks in a tongue edifies himself so that’s tongues for personal edification that we can use as a personal prayer language that’s available to us to use as we want to its under our control we can use that as we are directed to use it one Corinthians 14 five says and greater is the one who prophesies the one who speaks in tongues and as he interprets so the church may receive edifying to sometimes there’s a gift is given in a in a church meeting where some appraising a tongue which is as the spirit directs the and that needs interpreting that she when there’s a lot of press prophecy and we have a lot of prophecy we don’t really see that gift operating much because we’re already prophesying a lot so tongues for interpretation is another sort of tongues and that manifestation is normally a public gatherings were interpretation by the same person or different that is only as the spirit wills you cannot make that happen is as the spirit gives that so it’s not we can come today is a right I’m going to give the gift of tongues because actually is a spirit gives it and if you can try and do that you try and take the place of the spiritual work Romans 826 is this in the same way the spirit also helps our weakness for we do not know how to pray as we should but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words so tongues of the intersessional groanings is also a one of the gifts of tongues that this variety of tongues empowers believers to stand in the gap for their own lives that families a church city nation etc. sometimes God moves us to intercede for people don’t out at the situations we don’t know and sometimes people get woken up in the night when you get a strong urge us to pray in tongues and that’s God using the two effect change in a situation could God always wants someone on earth to be involved in the process is that’s why he’s given authority to us and he wants us to be involved in the process of change and transformation again that gift is as the spirit wills is not something we can effect without the spirit moving us to do that one Corinthians 1422 says then tongues are assigned not for those who believe that from believers this is always a difficult one illustrated is when people hear other people pray in tongues I feel is a bit weird and so what was first time would that be what is talking about is this tongues is assigned to the unbeliever in the same way that it took place on the day of Pentecost and that was when the Holy Spirit transcends people’s minds or language barriers empowering the believer to preach teach testify about Christ in some language of men we should believe himself has no knowledge and their loads and loads a test and is where people do not know the language but they begin to speaking times and actually people understand and a lot of test and is where someone is begun to speaking tongues in a meeting and soul in the meeting is totally understood what they were saying because it was actually for God to speak to that person to engage them and that is a gift that people in the missionary philosophies so for different sorts of tongues that two of that are designed for the personal believer in their own private life tongues a personal vacation in tongues for that intersessional groanings and to there for public use for interpretation and for the sons of unbelievers not believe is we yield ourselves to the spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to use that gift in us and when we practice that gift ourselves will cause our spirits to grow stronger and stronger so we can engage the realm of the spirit easier is our spirit will be Choon the two what God is doing so the most common of those gifts is our personal prayer language that we use to build ourselves up and to engage God with that that is what we receive when we fill the Holy Spirit and is used by God to transfer of those divine secrets all mysteries from his spirit to our because the mind of Christ the spirit of God who knows the deep things of God wants to reveal those deep things to us so that there no longer hidden mysteries but that personal revelation because everything that was ever written about us in heaven everything that was ever thought about us in heaven is contained within the revelation of the Holy Spirit house for us to engage so God wants us to understand those mysteries so when we’re praying in tongues is like our spirit is receiving revelation of truth so there’s a strong link between praying in tongues and spiritual revelation and understanding that were mysteries a key the pattern definition in Webster’s dictionary said truth only known by revelation and that’s really what it’s about is not again something we can try and understand with our mind we need to receive it by revelation and by receiving by revelation it causes us to live and from the revelation that we’ve received in our spirit sometimes even without our mind understanding what’s going on Paul mentions the word mistress three times in Corinthians 32 and 14 when credit is 27 says we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery so it’s the wisdom of God that when we begin to speak and pray in tongues that is done which God predestined before the ages to our glory comes available to us things that have: eight it would it be to know what the wisdom of God before we were all so that we can actually live out that wisdom for our lives but that is what praying in tongues will release when we understand when were in faith for because if you’re just praying in tongues not really knowing what he is then you’re just doing exercise that there’s value in that because it does it doesn’t affect things that the more you understand the more your spirit can engage one Corinthians 41 says them and regard us in this manner as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God so those revelations that came in wisdom in God’s wisdom Paul was a steward of each of us can become a steward and we are called to be good stewards in other words we faithfully steward the things God’s given us to make the best use of them there is a strong link between tongues in ancient revelation knowledge and we need to work that link Paul told the created church that he spoke in tongues more than all of because he saw the value of what tongues what’s the also stated that he be made a steward of those minister of those mysteries so what is a steward and what others mysteries really important thing to understand a steward is an administrator a rich man of the day would’ve have employed stewards to look after their goods to the steward God the rich man’s goods against waste misuse and theft say in a sense be in a steward of the mysteries of God we need to God look after those things are revealed to us make best use of the spirit God is a’s given us talents to use and we don’t use them then were not making best use so God wants us to fulfill everything according to our destiny so we can out work that in this life to bring glory to God and Paul guarded those mysteries he was given that’s why he garden against error that’s way toward the Lord Scriptures and he wrote that letter is to help people God and protect the mysteries of God because he didn’t want the enemy to infiltrate and bring a mixture into those things you want to the purity of truth of the revelation of who we are so that we can out work that on earth and did he do that what you can imagine Paul he traveled all over the Middle East he traveled over a lot of Europe he did a lot of walking you do a lot of traveling on ships you may have written on a few donkey sources but it took a long time is not like jumping on a plane and being there in our so he had a lot of time to pray in tongues he had a lot of time to receive revelation of those mysteries I believe on the journeys that he took he was developing an understanding in the spirit of the mysteries of God and then when he got a certain places and he was faced with situations he was able to minister out of the wisdom the received and he wrote lots of letters to different churches to encourage them from the revelation of the mysteries to be received because he built his spirit up and praying in tongues that’s why he valued it so much I believe he knew it would release that the revelation knowledge that the calling out to deep our destiny is very destiny at the end of his life he said I have not missed this place this I’m not I’m fulfill my destiny if you like the heavenly vision I was given that I have fulfilled it and that meant he did some things other people thought we should do he went to Jerusalem when people say we shouldn’t he knew he was going to run even though he knew it could lightly mean his death because he was following the revelation of the destiny for his life so he wasn’t frightened he was able to deal with all the beans in the Stonington all the things that went on his life because he knew he was out working the destiny of God he didn’t think all this is really hot I must be on the wrong pass on this can turn around go back which is what we often do when we’re faced with difficulties Robin overcoming them going through them why was he so strong because I believe he built the spirit up he had revelation and he was able to access the realms of heaven to be of do that as well so there’s so much of these hidden mysteries in the thoughts of God for us you can read that in some hundred and 39 that we need to discover our spirit needs to catch up with who we really are our spiritual identity the truth of who we are so when we start pray in tongues really you’re putting yourself in the spirit your your actually operating in the spirit the Holy Spirit therefore bypasses the flesh the soul the intellect and goes right to the heart of the matter is our spirit is everything about us God spirit is everything about God when they become together they begin to flow so that supernatural language is available when we begin to open a mountain speaking that or engage our mind or spirit is there are three ways of praying in tongues one Corinthians 13 one says if I speak with the tongues of men and angels so angels engage when we speak spiritual and because were speaking the language of the angelic so they understand what was say the enemy doesn’t he cannot understand and interpret tongues one Corinthians 14 for our spirit is pray June 20 praying in the Holy Spirit one Corinthians 617 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with it so we become a flow of revelation from our spirit and the Holy Spirit become one so that it’s just like a seamless integration between us and God one Corinthians to 10 the Holy Spirit searches all things even the depths of God for who among men knows the thoughts about it set the spirit this is why it’s so important to get our spirit flowing and it flows in harmony with the Holy Spirit when we begin to pray in tongues so we edify ourselves we build our spirit it helps us grow and function in the spiritual life and and an actual life to BL to flow out the wisdom of God communicating with God if were constantly praying in the spirit them is a constant flow of communication which is going on underneath the surface so we can chewed into what God is doing what God is saying what God is showing us any minute of any day so tongues is a spiritual language language of angels there different times for different purposes I start one time but now I can have different dialects of tunnel different so tongues there tongues when I’m praying in the spirit there tongues when their love tongues intimacy with God stand different there is intercessory tongues ministry tongues when you’re praying and ministering to someone Chewning into what God is doing in our lives is a battle come sometimes we gain the prayer room is out there is a tongues which start to come into forceful is it says the violent take the kingdom by force the sometimes is a battle it goes on and your is interestingly listen to people praying in tongues you can begin to pick up the flow of what the praying just by the way in which tongues his release from acid is English tongues because sometimes we can pray in the spirit and actually be in English is just not coming from our mind in English is actually coming out of our spirit so eventually we are hearing what our spirit is present which is good as you do get understanding as well the Dell doesn’t interpret that so we can use tongues in so many different ways in Bible reading when you’re reading the Bible and you want revelation of the word of God be praying in tongues while you’re reading it because your spirit is engaged in exploring life from it when you’re meditating around God thinking about him praying tongues what we’re doing that helps you Chewning to that meditation when you ministering to people you want to know what God wants to say to the praying in tongues choose in to help us pray the right things that God wants us to pray when were seeking revelation and direction from God can pray in tongues helps us chewed into that he just keeps us connected to God flowing from the inside out and keep spiritual life flowing in John seven it talks about rivers of living water and is talking about spirits talking about the flow of the the language of God when were practicing multitasking which is means pray in tongues while we doing something else is helping us to develop being able to walk right into realms at the same time is also in the at the end of this process what we want is our spirit engaged in heaven seeing what the father is doing administering from that so that we can be a gateway of heaven so our soul just flow with the revelation of our spirit is given from the heavenly realms that takes practice for these why would you practice these exercises that is a nice little picture of a brain basically each person when their age 5 or less is 99% high level creativity they function in the right side of their brain really well and that highly created by the ages seven that goes down to 10% which indicates in our school system is doing something to create right left brain thinkers rather than right brain created people adult hood it goes down to 2% because we talk to think logically and work things out logically and strategically which is not wrong just it needs the creative process to inspire it rather than just trying to outwork it so we have I left brain which is often bigger than the right brain most people actually physically because we’ve used a lot so we need to find a different way by the time we finish school that’s what it’s like the left brain just outweighs the right brain which makes it more difficult to engage in spiritual things that’s why little children see angels and see the spiritual realm so much easier adults because they are not been trained at it yet but when people go to school that there encourage not to use their imagination in such a way you know we need to reengage that and learn how to do it ourselves so to to develop our spirit we can use the Western educational approach to study to build our spirit is nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to study the universe in the King James in the New Testament actually says be diligent just means persevere doesn’t say study that we developed a whole world system around study theology courses about studying the Bible rather than gaining revelation knowledge of the truth of God’s word as a living relationship with the word of God not book the word of God is not a book that’s just a story about how God engages with men to help us in our journey the living word of God is Jesus whose with God before the foundation of the world we need to learn how to engage with him now that means that our relationship with God is not dependent on intellect you do not have to have a degree or a PhD or a Masters degree or anything you just need your spirit alive which means there is no respecter of persons with God you can have no knowledge anything in a month is not even knowing how to write readable right and you can still have a relationship with you can hear God’s voice of God can speak to normal against education education is good helps us with lots of things it just does not really help us when it comes in the things of the spirit so we can keep using our Western educational system to try and build our spiritual muscles so the God the goal of knowledge is an encounter with God is actually encountering the Holy Spirit and having revelation of heaven in our spirit so that our soul becomes transformed so that cannot be just limited to left brain so God communicates with us in the right side of our brain more often than not and it comes a flow of thoughts impressions pictures or knowing’s through the spirit so that our soul engaged with that whether it’s our imagination or our reasoning center in our brain engages with what flows as thoughts from the spirit of God when we relax more blood flows to the right hemisphere of the brain therefore relax person can more readily engage with the right brain functions of revelation and literally when we closer eyes and relax our brain slows down in the slower alpha waves engage with the realm of the spirit much easier that’s why when you close your eyes sometimes is easier to engage shouting out distractions of the left brain product think about work it out to just relax and allow flow of God to come so when we see God when were seeking for that revelation that flow takes place we just have to surrender to it relax and allow the spirit to flow so when we know God in our spirit will the center of our being we can live active that consciousness living from our spirit needs when living in a place of rest were not anxious and worried try to figure things out with flowing from a place of rest that’s when you know things in God you can begin to see what those things look like in your life when you can begin to see those things then you can begin to be often we try to be something to share change and create something that is the only route we need to know before we can be what we know who we are then we can out work that flowed analyze and then you can know what to do it so often we try and do things to make ourselves good with God to make ourselves good with other people reality is we need to have a revelation knowledge of who we are as children of God so that we can do in the everything that God called us to do so when when know him we can be like him then we can see what he’s doing to do is to so tongues three ways what are the three ways praying out lab in tongues actually pray out loud is one of the ways we can pray in the spirit that is a good way of doing it because our ears here it and we reinforce it in our but also we can pray in our mind in the spirit conscious of the words that developed in our thoughts was also another way you can pray in tongues in your spirit that’s in about laying but not conscious of the words that aware is a flow of the spirit taking place know if the practice doing all those as well we practice doing all of those we will begin to flow fully in the realm of the spirit and we can begin to pray without ceasing one Corinthians 517 encourage us to pray without ceasing that how can you possibly pray that ceasing if it’s a conscious cognitive process because you would have to be focused on praying all the time and speaking and words all the time is impossible but your spirit can be praying all the time once it grows once it’s develops so when it out practice that now we practice multitasking two or three things at once so that we can actually be praying in the spirit while we are reading the word of God always thinking about Jesus actually if you if you really get good at this you can be praying in the spirit in your spirit you can be thinking about something in your mind and you can be saying something out loud at the same time which is really helpful when you ministering to people because you can be thinking about what they’re saying speaking from the flow of God spoken to you and continually being connected to him in the spiritual realm which is really good and it but you have to practice it don’t just how to that that speaking that lab in tongues for some people it causes embarrassment will what people listening to my tongue you been in this exercise in a place of music so you won’t be aware of may be other people and you have to share in tongues enemy is a shadow in tongues anywhere it says speaking tongues or pray in tongues will say tongues and so we discover practice actually engaging in that for a period of time and each exercise will just be a minute or so so encourage you to do is close your eyes so that your just blocking out everything around you so that doesn’t get in the way and then that’s just begin to pray live in tongues for a minute so so just gently quietly if you like this pray in tongues for a minute so you and you yet on that him the beyond the shall you a key component your mama yet he on the Sharma you will she can how you you the truth area shall not be on you Schumann area in the other having DRM the beyond the piano and that you shall not as we encourage you now just to pray in tongues in your mind so just allow the words that comes to form in your mind so your where the mind is receiving that flow revelation you not speaking and when you first do this sometimes is on you and so you must by you said out loud you get used to do so you don’t get engage when you mind is as you practice it to us just be that for a minute as it is praying in tongues in your mind just begin to focus on your spirit and your innermost being sometimes it’s good to think about it coming out of your belly and just begin to allow your spirit to release tongues which are coming out of your mouth are coming into your mind like a flow of feeling of bottling in your spirit just spend a minute so just beginning to try to engage that may be difficult for something not done it before the some of you flowing in this you just just begin to allow spirit above the flow of tongues is and actually in your mind door in your in your voice so so that feeling it a sensing it wrong thinking about sometimes it helps to picture something in your mind that picture Jesus take your focus on trying to think about it your mind picturing maybe Jesus is allow your spirit to begin to sometimes it helps us to worship praise to him in your mind think about him your mind saying things like a worship surrender to as you doing that is spirit engage in again just to keep your eyes close thinking about Jesus and as you doing that now just get begin to pray allowing tongues while thinking about Jesus know your eyes closed just begin to think about Jesus and the father now pray in tongues in your mind time flowing praying in tongues in your spirit through Jesus in your mind father think about that okay they can open your eyes only to pray that in tongues while reading Psalm 23 screen and read in your mind just praying in tongues and while you’re reading the and caveats in the you shall you will have and you you yeah she you yeah and you now just switch to praying in tongues in your mind and reading Psalm 23 and you go Lord is my shepherd I some makes you lie down in green pastures leads me beside stores my soul guides the right now I encourage you just plagiarize now begin praying in tongues in your mind door in your spirit and just relax while I just speak Psalm 23 two just listen to it listen to it by drawing from the spirit is your is praying in tongues in your mind your spirit just begin to listen the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures leads me beside quiet he restores my soul guides me in paths of righteousness for his namesake Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures leads me beside quiet waters he restores my soul guides me in paths righteous his namesake us in verse four word just junk setting you just begin to think about that Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet stores my soul guides me in paths of righteousness for his namesake as you just bring in tongues in your mind are your spirit just begin to picture the seven exercise your imagination to the shepherd you are lying and is the green pasture side the quiet just engage in that picture you are there is one you just picturing that just been my will see that I can ask can have both journal us so you ferrules spiritual work at the we practice bring tongues three ways inside you mind and his spirit and also practice reading the word of God and meditate and word of God was praying in tongues and also practice visualizing and picturing things was praying in tongues if you want to practice this in your everyday life and I would encourage you to do so I’m is a regime that you can use I would encourage you to spend five minutes praying in tongues that lab just thinking about picturing Jesus five minutes praying in tongues in your mind again just picturing Jesus five minutes we tongues anyway light was reading the word of God and use a Scripture which may have a visual element to it like John 14 313 drinking living water or Hebrews 416 coming to the throne of grace so while you’re thinking about that your looking to engage in the picture and then just visualize that spend five minutes visualizing that Scripture engaging in it and allow the thoughts of God to come to allow God to speak to you while you’re reading the word of God is what you don’t to be doing is reading word of God just trying to just reading nothing going on you want the revelation of that come to you and then during the day in everything you doing try to be praying in tongues because if you pray in tongues in your mind then you can do that will you’re working anything if you pray in tongues in your spirit and you can do it even when you’re thinking about the things just try to build this up as a praying without ceasing and as you do your your spirit will grow and it sometimes it helps to re-center your thoughts on Jesus are on God every out brother Lawrence is a famous monk who wrote a book called practice in the presence of God used to just turn his thoughts it be every our then he would do it every happen out and eventually got it to every minute so every all the time he was conscious of the presence of God within around him flowing with you when I first did it I set like you want to be every our and as a reminder just to remind me hey whatever I’m doing arms can think and re-center my thoughts on God and in doing that that will help me be sensitive to his presence be able to see what he’s doing any situation and then begin to flow my life doing the things he wants us to case is a a good exercise their in your day lies the more you practice the easier it gets and the more your spirit will grow in the more we will hear and see more easier become to engage in heaven and to engage in the realms of the spirit is they all start with our spirit engaging in a

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