Spirit building-meditation 4

Okay well we’re, to those you are visiting today are some of in the middle of a series of things that were doing basically we are producing a manual to help people engage in the heavenly realms but also engage with the supernatural realm of God around our lives and so where at base camp on this journey and just preparing our spirits and this journey is basic to follow a map on this journey so is not just going here there and everywhere and we are going to discover how to engage the spiritual realms how those realms are within us and around us and in heaven and there is two pathways we are going to follow pathway of relationship which leads to deeper intimacy with God flowing from the inside out because God is within us from heaven engaged through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to the world around us so that we can see the kingdom of God manifest in our lives and through us and then the pathway of responsibility really which leads to kingdom rulership because God commissioned Adam and Eve to have dominion therefore to bring heaven to earth and manifest what is in heaven on earth as Jesus said in the Lord’s prayer your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and that really flows from the outside in which we are he here,

but we step into the realms of heaven we can present ourselves in the heavenly tabernacle there as living sacrifices and learn how to be sons just like Jesus was a co-heir we are coheirs with him as he was with the father so we bring his rule onto the earth .

so there is this pathway of relationship is where we going to begin and we are starting at base camp and these experiences  and there is four sort of different topics here that were looking at , we have looked praying in tongues as a foundational experience to build our spirit and we are now looking at meditation and how to meditate in the word of God how to discern God’s thoughts and how to have a conversation with him in our daily lives these have all been personal encounters for me in my own personal walk with God to be able to see in the realm of the spirit and to be able to operate in the realm of the spirit .

and for me these took many years of practice and hard work pushing through to learn how to do these things and but once a door way has been opened people can follow much quicker, and so it won’t take years if we learn how to put these things in practice in our own lives

So last week we looked at being still and in engaging God in meditating in the word of God.

The word of God becomes living and active and the word of God then speaks to us and the Holy Spirit applies the word of God to us as thoughts, that is what we looked at last week, today we are going to look at God’s voice and then journaling a little bit. last week we looked at how the mind works, now if you weren’t here, that looks like a pretty complicated diagram, it really isn’t but basically our mind works and stores information on the basis of repetition and value, so if we value things then our mind stores them because we repeat them and they get stored in our hearts and then our hearts then release them so, we move on from there.

       Hebrews 5:14 solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil and so this is the process for all of us essentially training training training now  we all like playing the game training is what prepares you to play the game and

if you don’t train then usually even though you might be really really skillful at something actually the best people are skillful and they train and so we need to practice and when we practice we practice training our senses to be able to discern and so mature people can discern therefore they can see in different spiritual realms they can discern good they can discern evil they can discern things because they train their senses to see and to feel and to hear and to engage because our senses just like our five physical senses our spirit and our soul has senses that we need to learn how to engage and so by practicing we can do that.

 Psalm 46:10 let be and be still and know that I’m God. you can’t we can’t do this in our own strength or by self-will or effort.

 we have to just engage God and be still and learn how to cease striving so that we can know God. and when I am talking about knowing God and not talking about knowing about him, I’m talking about knowing him personally in a face-to-face encounter, like Moses had like Abraham had like those Old Testament’s had but also like the disciples had with Jesus they had a face-to-face relationship with him.

 Jesus has made that available to us today as well but we need to learn how to know God in personal encounter the Hebrew word for know, means by personal experience not by intellectual knowledge.

the Western world has taught us to know things by knowledge and intellect rather than by encounter and a lot of church -type meetings are about intellectual and information rather than revelatory understanding through encounter and we are in a process of transitioning from that way of doing things .

 I will long for the day when I don’t have to sit here doing this, but we will all just engage and step into heaven, get our assignments for every Sunday and go off and do things.

 and like last week and someone did went off in the spirit to Russia and ministered in the spirit in Russia and. Wow that is a bit odd, well that is what God can do when we make ourselves available were not limited by time and space. in the realm of the kingdom and so God can use us to transrelocate us all over the world and in different places. now Isaiah 40:31 says those who wait on the Lord shall change, renew their strength and power and so in this waiting being still it changes us.

 because who we look at we become like if we spend most of our time looking at the problems the problems tend to get bigger if you keep looking at the solution the problems are seen from the perspective of that solution and so they seem smaller. so it is important that we listen actively in this process with God. Hebrews 4:12 the word of God is living active and powerful so when we meditate it in 3-D in 2- D if you like. we are meditating in that written word. it can become a 3-D experience, where we can step into it and encounter it. and a picture really does paint a 1000 words. because what God gives you in terms of a verse, his Spirit can unfold  and unfurled it into so much more. revelation when we experience it and encounter it and on this journey, you know. encourage people to write down what they experience, what God says the visions the encounters they have, write them down that will enable them to be reviewed. and that means you can meditate around the experience and then revisit the experience. because it comes a doorway of entrance into more experiences with God, now a lot of people say, oh , you’re talking about experience. well if we haven’t got experience what have we got?- Theory. God does not want our relationship to him to be theoretical. he wants it to be practical and experiential. just like when he walked with Abraham and Moses just like Jesus. he wants us to have that today. now some experiences of heaven and some of the experiences of things we encounter today are not in the word of God in the written word of God. they are obviously contained within the root the physical word of God Jesus. but there are greater works than Jesus did. and even actually it says in John if all the things Jesus did were recorded it would fill all the books of the world and all libraries of the world. because Jesus did an awful lot of things before  he ever came here. and he is doing things now. and we are called to do the greater works as well. so we need to realize that and the reality is there are many things we use every day that are not in the Bible, like this laptop and everything else we have in technology, it is not wrong so there are many things that are not in the Bible specifically that we encounter on this journey but the key is we use the word of God is a plumb line for those experiences and we plumb that to the principles of God and the nature and character of God that are revealed in the word of God and that keeps us on track. the word of God then is not our endpoint it’s our beginning starting point into a journey an exciting adventure of experiencing God, I mean God is infinite so to think we can contain them in a book is madness but we can experience him and have a greater and a deep now, deeper and deeper experience of God as we pursue him now.

 John 10:27 says my sheep hear my voice so it’s really really important that we learn how to hear God’s voice. and I know them and they follow me. because when we hear God’s voice in relationship. we enter into he knows us and we know him and then we want to follow him, we want to go where he is going and we want to do what he’s doing. we want to continue with that experience. hearing God’s voice through the word of God is the beginning of engaging in a real living relationship having conversations with God rather than praying and hoping God hears somewhere from heaven. somewhere actually God is in us and he is with us and therefore we can communicate with him and have a conversation. but we have to practice and learn to discern his thoughts and how he speaks to us from how other things do and so we will learn our own thoughts will learn what his thoughts sound like, we will learn how he speaks to us maybe in visions or dreams and in different ways. but bottom line is God wants us to have a real living relationship where we can hear him and talk to him and have a conversation anytime. because he’s in us and with us at all times now Joshua 1:8 sort of the foundational Scripture for meditating in the word this book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth so in meditation speaking it is important but you shall meditate on it day and night so you may be careful to do all that is written in it. so it’s not a theoretical exercise it leads us into action and relationship and a real lifestyle and if we do according to everything that is written in it. then you will make your way prosperous and you will have success now in that prosperous ness or prosperity I guess the real word is you make up your own words. Alice does it all the time in that prosperity that means we are blessed to accomplish not what we want but God’s destiny for us. God has a plan and a purpose and a destiny for our lives when we surrender to that destiny we follow that pathway in our own lives then we will have success, it is when we step off that pathway and try and do things our own way and trying to do it following of the pathway of the knowledge the tree of good and evil that is actually when things go wrong if we keep on the pathway the tree of life that pathway which  has come out of eternity and will lead us back into eternity then we will have success guaranteed, it don’t mean that it will be easy but we will have success if we keep on the path. now God wants our attention he’s always speaking are we always listening we can relate to God in the busyness of life and we should be able to engage God whatever were doing wherever we are but it’s also important that we give him quality time a relationship where two ships pass in the night does not bode well you need quality time and communication for any relationship to be good and this is the same with God. God wants us to have quality time with him where we actually learn to see and to hear and to engage him. so when we meditate what we’re really doing is repeatedly bringing the things that god has said either in his written word  or said to us personally into the forefront of our thinking and focusing on them that’s what it is. Psalm 103:2 David saying bless the Lord oh my soul now he told his soul to do what he wanted it to do and our spirit should be the part of us that is in charge guiding and directing our soul to be obedient to where the Holy Spirit guides our spirit and so we need to tell our soul what to do. If our soul is in the way which often it is, then we need to see that blockages and stumbling blocks in our soul removed because this is what David said, oh my soul forget none of his benefits so remember what he said remember what he’s done remember who he is and that really is the focus of everything we are doing in meditation it’s not empting our mind and hoping something fills it, it is fixing our attention and thinking about God thinking about Jesus and the things that he said and done and those things then are entrance points and doorways into personal experience with him. so Psalm 63 six when I remember you on my bed I meditate you in the night watches now we will hopefully learn how to engage God in the night watches but the key is to begin to think and remember when were alone and in times of quietness. Psalm 77:11 I shall remember the deeds of the Lord surely I will remember your wonders of old. remember the testimonies of God in our own lives and in the lives of others those testimonies again can become access points to future relationship and engagement Psalm 143 five I remember the days of old I meditate on all your doings I muse on the works of your hands so there is some of the things we can actually  think about and focus on, well what do I do when I meditate?, well we about God that’s the the key part of it. so what we repeat gets stored in our heart in our subconscious mind and what’s in our subconscious mind triggers our conscious mind to act.

 so Proverbs 23 seven as a man thinks in his heart so is he and that is a key to our lives how do we think about ourselves how do we think about who we our identity our purpose if we don’t think the way God thinks about us then we are missing out on so much and psalm 139 says how vast the sum of the thoughts I have about you God has more thoughts about us for us to discover they were always his thoughts in eternity in his heart  that birthed our spirit before we were conceived Luke 6:45 out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks so it’s important that what we say comes out what’s in our heart so that we can produce life. now we are going to make sure what’s in our heart is good ,because if we  bring negative things out of our heart then negative things can form around our lives so it’s a process of transformation and bringing our heart into purity and refinement .now , I want to  just briefly look at seven steps to meditation all of them have to be God centered verse one cleanse and prepare my heart Lord give me a teachable attitude, lord I surrender my senses to you Lord open the eyes of my heart, lord I present my abilities to reason and imagine to you to fill and flow through, lord I focus my attention on what you show me.

now we go through those in a little bit more detail, lord cleanse me by your blood were looking to receive revelation from God that’s the whole heart of meditating therefore we need to prepare if we have unconfessed sin in our lives the enemy will use that to block us, we will feel guilty condemned and that will block us receiving from God that’s why Adam and Eve ran in the bushes and hid and tried to cover up they should have run to God and received forgiveness so when we come before God just make sure that our hearts are clean and that means making sure that God is the things that God is already spoken to us that were doing if were not obedient to previous revelation why would he give us any more. so let’s check up and make sure the things he has spoken to us, we are living because that’s a key for him to reveal more and more things in our lives lord grant me teachable attitude revelation is given to those who maintain an attitude of humility now humility is not  I am a worm and a nobody humility is I’m son of God and I have access in relationship to the son of God and to the father and to the Holy Spirit in relationship. I just need to realize that’s not about me it’s all about him and the focus of our whole lives about bring glory to him. so revelation is not going  to be given to the proud and arrogant who are going to use it for their own purposes we have to bring glory to God so keep an open humble attitude allowing God to bring the freedom to shed greater light on any ideas you currently hold and to altar them if he sees fit that’s really hard because we have a lot of religious tradition and ideas that have come through religion and tradition rather than through God and so they  are quite hard sometimes when God starts to challenge our mindsets and our belief systems to change to something new but if were going to engage God and realize that we don’t know it all and most of what we know actually probably isn’t right anyway then we need to allow God to change and transform how we think and how we act therefore we have to be open for that transformation and be teachable continually that means what we believe today we may not believe next week or the week after because we’re on a journey of progressive revelation God is the truth Jesus is the way the truth and the life so he leads us on a way to discover the reality or the truth so that we can bring life into it and live it so it’s important that we allow God the the right to change our thinking to renew our minds with his truth if we go into meditating with a fixed idea that I know everything anyway then it’s not much point we have to go in with it with a revelation that God is going to reveal something new to us Lord I will not use my faculties myself ,now what does that mean? Jesus in John 5:19, 20, 30 he only did what he saw the father doing he only did what the father initiated and he said what the father showed him, it wasn’t  I am going to do what I want and so when we engage God in this way we must allow him to use us as he sees fit therefore it’s not that, we’ll I have a mind I’m going to try and use it to figure stuff out, it is actually I have a mind but I’m going to present my mind to God so he can fill it with anointed reasoning it says in Isaiah let us reason together let’s come together and agree not like I don’t really believe that so I am going to try and find a way to disprove that’s true which is what the whole evangelical movement has taught people to do and it stopped progress in us coming into the revelation of what God is doing so we need to give our mind and allow god to fill our mind so that he can use it if you use your mind yourself to try and figure things out it really is a dead works ,Jesus said the flesh profits nothing and the mind is part of the flesh so if we use our mind in an intellectual way to try and figure things out logically then we will miss out on so much, I am not saying throw your mind out the window I use my mind a lot but I use in relationship, I use it surrendered to God so that God can speak to me through it I’m not trying to use my scientific background to try and figure things out all though God speaks to me often in scientific principles and terms because he uses what who I am and speaks to me in that way now some of you are more creative and he’ll speak to in creative ways God uses who you are uniquely how you are wired your redemptive gift he uses all that to communicate with us that’s why it’s all personal that’s why we’re introducing principles here to help people engage in find the way that God speaks to them some people are more visual some people are more auditory some people are more touchy-feely and they get more senses and impressions, and they are all good now we can learn to get better at all of them but find out what God is how God speaks to primarily and build on that and  then grow. Lord I pray the eyes of my heart might be enlightened when you read the word of God slow down is not a race , how many times have your  read a chapter and then you can’t even remember what you read, you know I have done it fall asleep reading the word of God and we’ll it is like a good place to fall asleep I guess, but actually when I woke up I couldn’t remember a thing because actually I was just reading it slow down and allow the spirit to bring revelation out of it so you can stop mull it over mull over the text of it engage your heart and constantly ask God to give you that spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him because that’s what we want to do when were engaging in the word of God find revelation knowledge of him and experience. Lord I present the abilities to reason and imagine to you to fill and flow through by your spirit meditation involves presenting our faculties to God for him to use and to fill that includes left brain reasoning capacities as well as right brain visual capacities he can use both but we have to surrender them for him to use John 737 to 39 talks about rivers of living water flowing  from us we need to look for the river of God i.e. the Holy Spirit’s flow to guide both and fill our both brain hemispheres. It is a flow that flows out of the spirit to touch our soul in those areas and then God can release reasoning and thoughts with him and also dreams and visions two Corinthians 315 now bring me a minstrel this was a prophet and he was about to prophesy for the King and he said bring me a minstrel and when the minstrel played the hand of the Lord came upon him sometimes music is good to just focus you, now sometimes people don’t need to, I don’t use music in my own personal time with God much now because I tuned my senses to to use it but we in the exercises we do here we use music a lot just a take the focus off ourselves and to give us a background that can open up our spirit. God uses music to open our spirit and anointed music is really good to open up our hearts so that we can engage it, it can assist in lots of things we do so while we are speaking what were thinking music in the background is really good while were journaling music is is really good . lord show me the solution to the problem I’m facing now we need to focus our attention when we focus our attention we concentrate on something and it is much easier to focus on it now an example of focus is the difference between a ray of sunshine hitting a piece of paper which sort of may cause it to be warm and if it’s a piece of a newspaper or something it can actually change the makeup of the paper because they give different colors because of sunlight touching and releasing things from it but when you magnify a ray of light and it hits a piece of paper what happens that energy focus actually causes the paper to burst into flames so when we focus what were thinking about it can actually help us to see things much clearly more clearly and so when were focused and hungry for something then we can begin to engage in Matthew 56 blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied so if you want something in your relationship with God focus on it, if it is intimacy focus on it if it’s to hear his voice focus on it whatever it is, actually focus on it and that attention and that demonstration of hunger will enable you to see things and engage in things that you  would not have seen otherwise and there are lots of things that we have gone through previously and not seen, that will all of a sudden open up and we will get revelation. How many times have we read the word of God and read it and read it and didn’t get any revelation from it and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit just brings a revelation to the surface, and it just hits us. now we have read it lots of times so when we focus it enables us to see thank you Lord for what you’ve shown me an attitude of Thanksgiving is really important the Holy Spirit gives us revelation to bless us but that is so that we can be a blessing and it’s always good again to know that it’s about God’s glory and the focus of of the revelation is about bringing glory to him but having an attitude of thanks opens up our heart for greater experience of God if we take our experiences for granted, god doesn’t like it, he is precious and he wants us to value our time with him, so it is important to have that attitude. now some of the things that help in meditation physical calm, we know the blood pumps to the right hemisphere of the brain better when we are calm we know when we close our eyes our brain waves slow down and help us tune into the spirit easier when you relax it is much easier to engage God attention focusing our attention, letting be, don’t try and figure it all out receptivity being open to receive often this comes as a spontaneous flow and that’s what we’re looking to pick up sometimes that spontaneous flow will  go right by us and we will forget to actually attach to it God is speaking to us all the time how much do we actually hear what he saying because we not learned to tune in to the frequency, you know there are all sorts of  radio frequencies in this room you can tune into them if you have the right tuner and you tune into the right frequency and that frequency will enable you to receive the program we just need to know what wavelength God’s on and how that wavelength , we can tune into it to be a receiver of the programs that God is revealing to us if you like now that just means we have to practice until we discern the wavelengths and how we can actually do that and one of the key things is to journal and that’s really what we are going to just finish off with today how to journal because journaling is a very biblical process . Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart I will keep watch to see what he will speak to me then the Lord answered me and said record the vision so when we focus and when God starts to speak it is important that we record the vision record what he saying write it down so as we recognize God’s voice as spontaneous thoughts in our mind if you just let those thoughts go sometimes it’s hard to remember what he said when you write them down it reinforces, when I was studying for exams , I would just keep writing things out that that was my way of learning I wrote them out if I wrote something out three times I could remember it at least for the duration of the exam, well I wanted to pass the exams, I learned how to do it for me you know and I realized that I could read things for three times I  would remember them so the trouble is the longer you go and the more higher education to get, the files get thicker and thicker, so oh no I got to read that but by focusing on that we learn to discern quiet yourself if you’re so busy and your mind is so full of other things it is going to be difficult to hear look for vision look into what God is trying to show you write down the flow of your thoughts so there are three, four keys here we are going to look at three of them briefly  and we are going to look at the key three next week because it is going to be about opening the eyes of your heart. 30;34

so first one of God’s voice in your heart often sounds like a flow of spontaneous thoughts Habakkuk knew the sound of God speaking Elijah described as a small still voice so we need to listen to that inner voice it’s not like something that you’re hearing from the outside but it’s like a voice on the inside and usually God’s voice is spontaneous thoughts visions pictures feelings impressions knowing’s and all those things can grow and develop. key 2- become still so you can sense God’s flow thoughts and emotions within you. habakkuk said I will stand on my guard post he knew that to hear God’s quite inner spontaneous thoughts, he had to go to a quite place. so we need to find a quiet place in your life that may not be just absolutely silent but a place that you can actually find .that place that you call your secret place with God, that you can engage him . that may mean that you go and you have a favourite chair, or you  have a favourite place. some of you it may be your bed. it is not always a good idea to lie on your bed and meditate, you tend to fall back asleep. but find a place that is special for you that you know you can engage in. because once you learn to hear in the silence it is easier to hear in the heckticness of life as well. it is so hard to try and tuning to God and everything is hectic. see psalm 4610 encourages us to be still. now in the inner knowing our spirits can experience something when we quite our flesh. and this is the important thing because I know when I first started to learn to meditate, every thought in my head just kept going round around around because basically my flesh really didn’t want to hear God because it knew God was gonna tell it to change. And the enemy doesn’t want me to hear God, so he can interject a few thoughts now and again. so we have to learn how to quieten our flesh if were not still generally what will be picking up is our own thoughts . now usually your own thoughts, will be things you already know. It is a good idea when you sort of pick it up . if you know things already and then it is usually you thinking about them. when God’s thoughts come in its usually  things that you don’t know. or reinforcements of things in a stronger way. if thoughts come of things that you’ve forgotten or things that you need to do, or your shopping list or next football score, whatever your thinking about, because all sorts of things will come into your mind. Get a tacktic which works so you can dismiss those thoughts till later. sometimes you need to think about things, make decisions about something, but actually write them down. I use to just write down things and then dismiss it. I was training myself not to be disrupted or interfered with by the thoughts that came from an outside source. if thoughts of guilt or unworthiness come which is a big tactic of the enemy. you have to have a solution to that. so it’s something comes and actually it something you haven’t repented of, then repent. because the enemy can remind us of things that we’ve done that we have forgotten. if you have  done that. just repent receive forgiveness and see yourself being clothed in a robe of righteousness. because that is how God sees you. you need to see yourself the way God sees you clothed with the robes of righteousness spotless before God. so actually use that when something comes, use it. no- I have been forgiven I am cleansed get lost. because basically you need to rebuke the enemy. Jesus rebuked the enemy and he fled from him. so take captive the thoughts and deal with them. Don’t just let them flow into your mind.

 Matthew 11:28 if there are things that are going on in your life which make it difficult to hear God it’s important that you know how to get rid of those things Matthew 1120 come to me all you who labour and are heavy laden and are overburdened I will cause you rest I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. so if you got a lot of stuff going on you need to know how to handle those things and hand them over to God one Peter 57 says casting the whole of your cares all your anxieties all your worries all your concerns once and for all on him for he cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.  God is really interested in us, he is waiting for us to hand over things to him, rather than carrying the load and the burdens of trying to work them out ourselves. and do this as part of your daily routine with God .in relationship hand over the stuff that your carring. it’s like don’t carry  the weight of responsibility that he says if you’re yoked to me, it goes on in this passage of being yoked to him ,which means he carries the Bigger load. So it is something that we need to learn to do, is just to pass over and pass on the burdens and the things were carrying so that they don’t get in the way and interfere. so to receive the pure Word of God we need to focus on the source  that comes from. And if that focus is Jesus then the flow will come from Jesus. if were thinking about God the flow will come from God. if were fixing our gaze on something else, then it will flow out of that desire. so fix the desires of our heart on God and things will flow out of it. so when we do that and when we fix our eyes on Jesus then we can begin to share our heart with him.  I would encourage you to do that at the beginning of when you are engaging in relationship. share your heart and what you’re feeling and what is going on in your life. then you can just let that go. if you’re carrying it in your mind it will just hinder you from what your doing. what you’ll find is that spontaneous thoughts will begin to flow from God to you and you will be actually having a conversation with God. and that’s what God wants. he wants a two-way conversation. a lot of times our prayers are one way .we ask him for a lot of things and shopping list of things we would like doing in our lives. but actually he wants a conversation, where we can discuss things. and some of the things I would ask him I wouldn’t bother asking because actually now I know that that’s not the things that he  wants to talk to me about. he is more interested in me, than what I can do for him. or all the things I want to do in my life .he really wants that sort of level of relationship . key 4- journaling- write out your questions and God’s answers. and you practice this and what it does it brings a freedom to hearing the voice of God because you don’t have to try and think about what you’re doing. you just allow your spirit to communicate. so practice, be quiet, fix your eyes on God, hand everything over to him. and then ask him something. and then write down what he says. now I have pages and pages and pages of journals. every day I write down the things he says. Now I have to do that because he says a lot. then I can go back over them and every month I have a journal . I have a notebook which transcribers might handwriting into text, so that I have text and can print them out and read them. I go through them regularly. God told Habakkuk to record the vision and that wasn’t just an isolated command. you read in the Psalms you read in the prophets, in Revelation God told people to record and write down the things he said. The things  God says to us are really important. so we don’t want to miss them or take them lightly. journalling is a two-way thing and it’s a catalyst for discerning those inner thoughts and will help us to go. And  when you practised it you can write for long periods of time. I have written sometimes for an hour. now there are some keys in doing this which are really important .everything we receive from God we need to test. but testing involves doubt. is this God ? or isn’t this God? dought will block communication. so don’t test while you are trying to receive. just receive just write it down without thinking about it. now there are whole lot of things like this, that have been perverted in the new age movement. but that doesn’t mean that they are not right. it just means they been used for the wrong reasons. There are things called automatic handwriting. where you just write. now that is wrong if it’s coming from a wrong source. if it’s a flow of what God is speaking to you is absolutely acceptable because it’s what the word of God says. so don’t try and test things at the time. receiving faith, knowing that when the flows ended, you can go back and you can examine what he said. and then you can make sure that lines up with what we know the word of God says what we know of God’s character. and if he is put in there  go down the road and steal something for your next door neighbour you know is not likely come from him. so  we have a good plumb line to help us in some of these things .l go down the road knock on the door and tell the person I love them, well that might be different. We have to be open for whatever God says. now journalling is a biblical concept don’t let doubt hinder you. Doubt is  always a thing that will try and hinder us. I just made all that up. and that thought will come into your mind. Don’t allow that to hinder you use the journalling process to help God encourage you to listen so that you, as a child are hearing his voice. Hebrews 410 the one who is entered into his rest has himself also rested from his works as God did from his. So  we need to do this not as striving or struggling but in relationship. so relax now when you do it and basically I want to encourage you to practice this in your own time. sit back comfortably take out your pen and paper, smile, god is smiling at you, it is going to be a good day and have that assumption. It  is gonna be a good day. Why go into the day thinking that it is going to be a bad one. It is a good day .turn your attention towards Jesus maybe focusing praise and adoration to begin with seek his face . write down a question you Wanna talk to him about become still and see what he says then don’t doubt just write it down you will find that you been having a conversation with God and you can while he is speaking join in the conversation because if you’re unsure of something stop and say can you explain that better. What are you actually trying to say to me it’s a two-way conversation with God knowing the Bible is a really important foundation . they didn’t have a Bible in the early church. they had the Holy Spirit who will bring them revelation so don’t get so caught up with the written word that you miss the  living spoken word every day. it’s important that if you’re going to use journalling to get God’s thoughts that you have someone you can talk it over with to test it with them to see what their thoughts are with it so have someone you trust that you can share things with. So if God tells you to do something major in your life when you been journaling. don’t just go and do it immediately with out actually submitting it to those that you trust. What do you think about this? will you seek God with me over this. because there’s wisdom in counseling. ,many councilors. so be prepared to share what God is saying and sometimes when were particularly emotionally charged about something sometimes we can also come out of our own emotional desires. so we need to be balanced and have a way of doing that.43:31

 okay well spent five tenets practising this case if you got a piece of a broad journal with you then you can use that you don’t worry just practice hearing and getting the thoughts sometimes a picture can help you engage so without think about Psalm 23 and and so lying down in green pastures is a good one to enter into so if you don’t own a green pasture looks like and lying down then use the picture on the screen is a natural thing can help us into a spiritual experience when Jesus comes and meets of us sometimes what analogies looks like that’s we looked like to me and that was a picture by a an American girl who went into heaven and she painted what she saw that’s exactly Jesus appeared to me and and visible as a film and the book and call heaven is real little boy who basically was very ill and went into heaven and saw all sorts of amazing things and his dad was a pastor in America didn’t really believing but he saw Sony different things sorted grandfather saw different things that it almost became while this is just impossible to be an accident and one day he saw this picture on his dad’s computer screens at that him so sometimes it can help just a tower focus right so encourage you to do just build on summer things we’ve already done close your eyes just begin to pray in tongues allow law within your own spirit and and did a natural while what you do then it’s just begin to think about Psalm 23 lying down in a green pasture with Jesus and as you just begin to think about that then then he just begin to asking the question and just listen to just start displaying tons for a minute service car spirit tuned in and then begin to examples Jesus and you you, you shall you you just begin to fix your thoughts on Jesus’s reliance this picture yourself lying down in green pasture lie down with that green pastures begin to gauge you as you just comfortable presence God around you just talk to him maybe asking a question like we feel about me and then just listen as you just sensing Jesus speak to me since just words made as love safe secure you words

Jesus can also come to us as well as we going to engage with him so just think of Jesus now just coming to just kneeling in front you are right now in the realm of the spirit I want you just in your mind just of flow has all your cares your anxieties and fears need doubt and unbelief struggling with your life just hand them over to ask them all just share your heart with him things going on

as is kneeling in front of you is looking you just senses care for you for you just begin to have you send Jesus listing way burns off your shoulders feel lighter carries a slight him for his love into our minister healing into your heart allow to minister to you you feel his embrace again just begin to our conversation just how your heart just to you bring the reality is experiences things and you have a minimum journal those things sent us great encourage doing your daily times with God is practice engage in real physical relationship may not easy the first time you set persevere easier as you learn to tune in to thoughts you learn to tune into how he communicates with you knowing your spirit grow just practice

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