Spirit gates

We are on a journey and an adventure to discover God and to engage the spiritual realms both within us and around us and in heaven. That journey follows a pathway of relationship and responsibility. It is a relationship of intimacy with God and also a responsibility of actually bringing the kingdom of God into the world. So, we have been looking at the pathway of relationship which flows from the inside out.

Our spirit has senses or sensations, functions and abilities that we need to be aware of and experience the Life of God flowing through them. We can call them doors or gates in our spirit, because we can open them at will and sense the life of God flowing through them. We can learn how to tune into all the divine attributes of God with our spirit.

We can sense revelation flowing into our spirit. We can sense love, worship, reverence, the fear of God, faith and hope flowing into our spirit. When we pray, we are to pray from our spirit. We do not want to allow or mind to take the lead, but our spirit. Our mind is to assist our spirit, to be a servant to our spirit and not the master of our prayer life. The mind is a poor master, but a great servant.

When our spirit is born again it is connected to heaven. Our first love gate in our spirit gives us access into the heavenly realms. We are going to look at our spirit gates and that’s a picture of the glory of God, God’s presence within us.

The first love gate gives us access to God and access to heaven. We can go back into the heavenly realms into the garden of God and engage the ancient pathway of relationship. We can engage Eden, God’s garden on his mountain in the realm of heaven. We can engage the river of life there, waterfalls, pools of revelation, the father’s garden, the tree of life, the throne of grace, the judgment seat of Christ and many other things we may not have yet encountered. This is all available for us to bring a restoration of where we were in the beginning and to go beyond that into an eternal relationship with God.

We have a diagram of the gateways of our body soul and spirit which enable us to be world conscious self-conscious and God conscious. These gateways are connected, and we need to understand how our spirit, soul body works so that we can engage the world and release the kingdom around us.

We are a temple of the Holy Spirit, and we can see this in the tabernacle of Moses. The tabernacle had veils or gates between the various parts. It had an outer court and an inner court, and a holy of holies, and we have the same pattern. We have an outer court the body, an inner court the soul, and the holy place of the spirit.

Our spirit, soul and body are designed to be connected and interacting. They are not supposed to be separate. We start off from a separated position because in a sense we were separated from God and our spirit was separated from our soul.

Our spirit, soul and body all have functions we are designed to flow together. We were designed to be a gateway for heaven to flow into the earth so the only way that’s possible is if were connected and everything is flowing.

All of us are a gateway of the kingdom and when Jesus was on the earth he said the kingdom is at hand, which meant that it was being manifested through him. For the kingdom to be near to others the place of God’s rule must be established in us. The place where God rules is from heaven into our spirit, soul and body and then around us.

John 14:12 says he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do and also greater works than these he will do.

So, the kingdom has works, demonstrations of the kingdom’s power, a higher government or law that can bring miracles and changes in this physical realm because of its connection to the spiritual realm which is the higher realm.

John 10:9 talks about going in and out of the gate or the door and finding pasture (food). Jesus said I am the door. Jesus, the door is like a torn veil between heaven and earth we can go through that veil and engage in the realms of heaven and we can live under that torn veil, that open heaven every day on this earth.

John 151 Jesus again was talking truly, truly I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.

This should be our natural state. An open heaven over us, the kingdom of God around us and our engagement with the spiritual realm and the heavenly realm of the angels so that we can actually see heaven transform the earth. But first we have to have our lives transformed to come into alignment with God’s purpose for us.

1 Corinthians 6:17 says the one who joins himself to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. We join ourselves to the Lord in first love, opening our first love gate and becoming one with him. We have father, son and Spirit dwelling within us, and this is what God’s kingdom is.

God’s kingdom is that area within our spirit and when we open our first love gate it is like were inviting the kingdom of God, the government of God to be established in us. This requires a choice. Do we come into agreement with father, son and Spirit and make four which is a doorway, a portal so that we can become a gate of heaven on the earth for God’s government. Every one of us has this decision to make every day, am I going to open my first love gate and invite the presence of God and his rule into my spirit and then am I going to come into agreement with his rule so that his life can flow through our spirit, soul, and body to the world around us and change it.

So, we have first love and beyond that first love gate we have the very presence of God, God’s glory. The Lord is asking for us to open that gate. Our spirit enables us to be God conscious and spirit conscious. Our soul is the part of us that engages world consciousness and self-consciousness. Our body enables us to engage the world through the different senses of taste, touch, smell, and sight.

Within our spirit we have the presence of God, within our soul we need to have our spirit functioning, within our body we need our soul and spirit functioning to engage the world.

We need to engage the world so that the kingdom of God can engage people and things around us to bring God’s will and his purpose to transform where we live, what we do.

So, we have all these different gateways which are all different abilities within us, different functions that need to work together.

It all starts with first love. everything starts with the gateway of first love and that gateway is the key and without that we are never going to function.

Genesis 28: 17 Jacob said how awesome is this place this is none other than the house of God and the gate of heaven. That was Jacob talking about Bethel.

According to John 14 we have now become a house of God and we are also a gate of heaven. All of us have the ability to have God’s presence live within us if we invite him to come in. We have the ability to see that flow, so there’s a huge potential for God to manifest the kingdom and heaven way beyond what we can imagine or think in our natural abilities. We have supernatural abilities that are supposed to flow and to function with us.

This flows from the inside out with the river of life flowing from one gateway to the other. The gateways are the key factor in bringing oneness  and wholeness because we start off separated and fractured. God wants our gateways to come together to be whole.

We need to work every day on our gateways to understand them, to activate them, to open them, to cleanse and purify them and to unify them. We can’t take a shortcut because it’s important that this begins to flow .

We need to take a look at how we are made by God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We were created to be his son, but we start out blocked, damaged, fractured and independent, because our soul has been in charge.  We may have had a lot of deliverance and inner healing, but it was from the outside in, and it isn’t as effective. We need to learn to understand how we are wired and how spirit, soul and body function together in relationship. We have a relationship with God. We have a relationship between our spirit, soul and body that is designed by God for who we are uniquely. Your wired particularly for who you are and I may be wired differently and flow differently. The different senses of your soul and spirit and body are supposed to work together in an integrated way. We need to learn how to begin to integrate (to join together and make whole) our spirit, soul and body to bring that unity in our self. Most the time we feel separate and fragmented because of all that has happened to us in our lives. All the damage that’s been done to us God wants to bring healing and wholeness to restore us. So, that we really understand who we are and how were supposed to be, our true identity and our true destiny.

We need to discover how each spirit gate worked, how each soul gate worked and how they work together and how they flow from the inside out.

We practice drawing on the inside through the various combinations of the gates. There are sort of eight spirit gates and seven soul gates and five body gates and that makes up quite a combination.

We practice going from each combination to make sure we understood how they work together. We engage our faith gate with the word of God concerning healing, then we lay hands on the sick and see them recover. We engage that with our reason gate so that we begin to get the thoughts of God around that and meditate on it and then through our touch gate we can release that healing anointing. So, we practice drawing on the different gateways and how they work together so that faith and the grace of God (the divine enabling power of God) combine to produce anointing and power, so that when you lay hands on people, people often feel heat or vibration because literally something is vibrating.

The grace of God is vibrating when you engage faith with it. After years of daily engaging and flowing in this way, it just functions where we don’t think about it anymore, it just happens. So, we will find these things working together as they were supposed to work because we practice opening them and letting it flow,

As our gateways begin working together there is a unison, now I am sure there is plenty more to discover and plenty more to get activated but it so different, and I feel so different as a result of going through this process. I feel one and whole and flowing.

As we begin engaging with people we are connected to heaven and heaven begins flowing and enables us to bring wisdom into situations to answer questions that we don’t know the answer to. Because your connected to God, that wisdom can flow. So every day I choose to come and join myself to the Lord by surrendering first of all my spirit to him, and through the power that flows into my spirit, I bring my soul and body under the Lordship of Jesus over my spirit. So my spirit can be joined to the Lord in oneness, which causes the awareness of my spirit to grow. Because I have exercised my spirit, and strengthened my spirit, it is no longer weak. My spirit now has the capacity to go and encompass (to surround, envelop or encircle) my soul and my body and create a kingdom atmosphere around me. Now it took a while to do that you you don’t get strong muscles without actually exercising them so you have to practice but in practicing now my spirit has grown and can do this automatically or instantly as I engage it but it took four or five years now I believe if you activate the revelation that we have, then you can do that a lot quicker but you still have to practice it doesn’t come automatically you have to actually engage and it is like I use the example of a balloon when you blow a balloon particularly , you know I remember as a kid trying to blow up a balloon it was so hard to just get it moving and because this is an inertia in the rubber that doesn’t want to stretch, so you have to put a lot of lung capacity into getting it first to expand. but once you then continued to blow into it it continues to go bigger and bigger and when you let all the air out next time you come to blow it up actually it is so much easier. so we have the capacity to strengthen our spirit but we have to exercise it so that it’s easier to grow and to flow so this whole process I think is really key so we were created to be somebody God’s son and if we are wanting to be that person then we have to stop being a has been. Now a has been is someone who is controlled by their past God wants us to be controlled by eternity and to engage our future to bring change to it. and if we keep hacking on about the past and the past keeps affecting us and we keep being under the control of our past what’s been happen to us the damage the abuse the different things that have happened to us the things that are done to us the things that we’ve done and were controlled by that we will never be the person that God wants us to be. So we need to be changed and transformed don’t try and take a shortcut. You know everyone wants a shortcut microwave dinner it does not taste as nice as a dinner cooked from scratch but it takes a lot longer to cook a dinner from scratch so it’s putting something into it to get something out of it. and if you want to become who God created you to be don’t try and take a shortcut I mean the charismatic churches sort of adopted I will will lay hands on everyone and impart this to everyone there forever will be different while I believe in impartation but I don’t believe you can actually impart character or fruit or growth. You have to grow and engage that I encourage everyone not to believe the deception that it is already done. There is a whole teaching out there among the Christian community; well Jesus did it on the cross so we don’t have to do anything. Now I totally believe Jesus did everything on the cross but we have to appropriate it. we have to engage it and we have to apply it and it has to change us and transform us just because Jesus did it doesn’t automatically make it so in our lives otherwise as soon as we became a Christian everything would’ve been perfect there would have been no sin sickness or anything else in our life, but we know that hasn’t been true. Because it’s a journey and a process of becoming like him and growing. now gateways are very important and there different things in the Bible which I am not going to go into but I will give you some examples that happened in gateways, business transactions one Kings 2210 legal transactions Ruth 4:1 to 11 criminal cases Deuteronomy 25: 7 to 9.disputes judgments Deuteronomy 25:7 to 9 again proclamations Jeremiah 1719 to 20 festivities Psalm 24 seven protection 2 Samuel 8, 24,33 our gateways of our spirit are also designed for various functions they have various things that go on and it is important to understand how to open them and activate them and operate them because if you don’t the enemy will .so our gates are like our senses or abilities so our spirit has different senses or abilities our soul has different senses and abilities and so does our body our spirit has eight gateways our soul seven our body 5.

1 Thessalonians 523 says make your whole spirit soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ so there’s a design there to bring our spirit soul and body into wholeness to be blameless to be holy. God’s desire is that we become unified and whole reconciled and restored, now that is not going to happen overnight so what are the gateways? My spirit has fear of god, prayer, reverence hope, faith, revelation ,intuition and worship and of course the first love gate which takes us back into heaven. my soul has conscience, imagination, reason,( mind which is our heart, subconscious, conscious and unconscious), emotions, will and choice and the reason worship and choice are in red is because they are the key gates, because you can have all the senses and functioning of the gates in our spirit but if we don’t come and worship which means to bow down in obedience and honor God as king then it won’t come to anything. And we can have all our soul gates in agreement but if we don’t choose consciously to do what our worship gate is guiding us and directing us to do then we will get stuck.

And then we have our body gates are eye, ear nose mouth hands site hearing smell taste touch those are our physical senses, but our physical senses are engaged with the other senses so we’re a whole being. So, a gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised whoever controls your life’s different gateways exercises authority dominion and control over you. And that’s really the key, who is controlling your life, you, someone other than you, your past, maybe demonic things or is God Lord of our life? Our gates are designed to be open and to be flowing from the inside out so, that we can become that gateway of heaven everything that we have learned has come from the outside in.  Now we have to re-learn to see things flowing from the inside out. so that we can have the glory of God engage our spirit gates then activate those gates and then flow through those gates and then those gateways activated and the senses of our spirit functioning will direct our soul and our body and engage the world. So, everything is supposed to just go from the inside flowing outwards, so we have the gates of our spirit. now remember that we also have some outside help seven spirits of God, spirit of fear of God, fear of the Lord, spirit of council, spirit of knowledge spirit of wisdom, spirit of understanding and spirit of might, are created by God to help us come into understanding of our spirit and how we function. So we can draw on the revelation and invite the seven spirits of God to be part of this process. We engage them here often in worship but you can actively engage them within your own spirit, to help in this process.

Now (the fear of God, reverence, worship and prayer) are like fellowship gates, they are relational gates they help us fellowship with God experience him engage him and come into deeper intimacy with him.

The faith, hope, revelation, intuition and the heavenly gate are about revelation they are revelatory they give us insight wisdom and knowledge they help us to understand and to function.

So our fear of God gate what is it? well it is not being afraid of God, but it’s having this awestruck this being in awe, the awesomeness of God his all knowing, all seeing, all powerful Almighty God the consuming fire who God is, and he lives in us and it’s having that sense of who he is and who we are as his children and it’s not being frightened of him but it’s having this amazing respect.

And then reverence is how honor and respect get out worked because reverence helps us to keep our life in alignment with who he is, so that we please him and serve him and bless him rather than bring dishonor and disrepute, so functioning that will help us to make decisions in our life based on what will please God rather than what will please ourselves.

 Then we have worship which is obedience or obedience and surrender and submission.

Our prayer gate is constant two-way communication. it’s not get down on my knees put my hands together and pray the Lord’s prayer .prayer has become something of a ritual rather than a relationship. it is not something we do it , it is who we are we are in communication with God we can fellowship with him and relate to him and continually have a flow of communication. praying in tongues helps activate that so when we pray in tongues out loud or in our mind or when our spirit is continually bubbling away in tongues literally we are communicating with God all the time it’s just we’ve not learned to be cognitive of what the process was going on. so as we engage these gates with our soul gates then we can actually become more aware of what’s going on in our relationship with God and in our spirit.

 Faith gate is where we come into agreement and harmony understanding and knowing God’s purpose and when we believe then that can be activated and things can flow through it.

 Hope gate where visions dreams those seeing opportunities that come from God.

The revelation gate where inspiration light council wisdom.

 Intuition gate knowledge gut feelings and instinct.

And then you have the heavenly gate which gives us access into the heavenly realms now that’s how I engage these things and learned to understand what they are in my relationship with God that’s just my interpretation of what happens in me it may well be different in you which is why you have to find out for yourself you can’t just look at that and think well that’s what is for me yes there will be principles there but find it for yourself find your own relationship , build that relationship let that relationship grow and develop in intimacy as you understand who you are and how all these things can then begin to function and flow.

Now it is important that we see that those gates interact with our soul gates conscience reason imagination, our mind subconscious mind but also our conscious choice and our emotions and our will and they work together and we will look at more of that when we look at the soul. But they need to flow out all of our soul gates have been influenced by what has come from the outside. Now they need to be re-influenced and transformed by what comes from the inside. So in our relationship with God in our fellowship with God in knowing him then that can impact how we know ourselves and we become self-conscious only in in connection with God. Adam was never self-conscious or world conscious outside of being spiritually aware and in relationship. Because we were separated from God we learned a whole load of things from the world that we now need to reengage. So my soul mediates who I am as my spirit is engaging in heaven. so who I really am created to be in my spirit, my soul mediates that, it enables that to come into being so my soul takes on the reflection of my spirit because my spirit is being revealed in heaven so when you step into heaven you are a spiritual light being and who you are there and the more time you spend there in connection with that realm enables your soul to take that and begin to transform itself into that heavenly pattern. so it’s literally, I am a resonant frequency, I am a frequency, I’m vibrating and I carry a wavelength in my spirit, it is who I am and then as I begin to vibrate, literally that causes my soul to resonate with that frequency and I change and align myself with the major frequency. When my soul has been the major frequency it has actually determined who I am, and shaped how I think, how I feel, how I act.

But when my spirit is vibrating and carries the truth of who I really am created by God, and then it changes the minor frequency into alignment, so my soul aligns with my spirit.

But if my soul is competing with my spirit, because that is what it does, the flesh wars against the spirit, then who’s in control, who is the major frequency? The more time I spend in the presence of God and the more time I spend as a light being in heaven, the stronger my spirit and that vibrational frequency becomes, therefore the more of a major frequency it is and a vibration and therefore the soul surrenders to it and aligns itself to it. So I have to do that to see that flow so I’m transformed from the inside out and then I can become a reflection of my eternal image.

And ultimately, we will be transfigured to radiate the glory of God like Jesus was so that we actually reflect that we are a light being because Adam had his spirit on the outside of his body not on the inside therefore he engage the world with his spirit first, rather than his body and soul. So is up to us to get our spirit in a place where it can encompass our soul and our body and engage with the world and therefore we get first-hand what’s going on in the spiritual realm. So all these things begin to work together.

So for me in my engagement with this and learning, I’ve saw that my fear of God and reverence gates work together to touch my conscience. They direct my conscience and they direct me and guide me.

My worship gates work with my choice, so when I surrender in obedience then I can choose to say yes to God. When I’m not in surrender and obedience it is very hard to say yes to God and very easy to say yes to me.  Now I want me and God to be so joined that I always want to do what God wants to do but that’s not always the case because we’re on a journey.

So my  prayer gate in my spirit for me works in my reason gate in my soul, I always have thoughts in my mind that’s how I engage with God other people engage much more in feelings and impressions, but for me it works that way.

My Faith gate in my spirit works in my reason gate in my soul because it operates in thoughts in my mind.

But my hope gate in my spirit works in my imagination gate in my soul because I start to see and experience things as visions and pictures and expressions like that.

The revelation gate in my spirit works in my conscience imagination and reason gates of my soul, because revelation comes to me in different ways, now usually it is in my mind because that’s what I’ve trained it to be, because I want to be conscious of what I’m doing on a daily basis so I can’t always close my eyes to picture something in my imagination, so I have learned to tune my mind into my spiritual thoughts so I can understand by perception what’s going on. But we may all be different.

My intuition gate in my spirit works in my imagination gate in my soul mostly and also in my emotion gate in my soul, particularly emotions when it comes to those gut feelings. I used to be very, very logical and work things out and make decisions based on what was the best thing to do. I’m now much more instinctive and will make decisions on what I feel instinctively that comes from my intuition gate in my spirit. Now I had to develop that, because I was very non- intuition orientated, I was not intuitive, that was how I was in the past. so I’ve had to change that to become more intuitive and because I’ve engage in heaven and my imagination has been very active there to see and to experience, now all these things begin to function so I can engage in any of the realms just because I’m me. I have learned to be me more Galatians 522 says but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness and goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control. Now fruit grows, it doesn’t just appear.

Now as the river of life flows in me, then the fruit of the spirit grows. As the river flows the fruit grows, because it’s feed continually with life, it sustains life and therefore it makes me more like him, because that’s the fruit of his character, So that I can operate in love joy and peace. There is a long way to go for most of us and its like were on a journey for this fruit to be growing so that we live this way. But the more the river of life flows the easier it is for that fruit to grow. So that love joy peace operate within the context of my spirit and then in my soul. So not just my spirit is aware of those wonderful spiritual things but my soul becomes out working those truths. 1 Corinthians 12: 8 for one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit another the word knowledge to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by one spirit to another the effecting of miracles to another prophecy to another distinguishing of spirits and to another various kind of tongues to another interpretation of tongues, there all the gifts of the spirit.  Now as the river of life flows those gifts are activated through different gates, they become functioning.  It is not just then that the Spirit operates with those gifts joined to me, but I learned to operate those gifts myself. So that the Holy Spirit is teaching me how to operate in wisdom and knowledge faith healing miracles discernment particularly engaging the gift of tongues. so then I learn how to do those things by activating my spirit rather than just when the Holy Spirit wills, because those gifts are given so that I can be an out working of them and I function and often people function in several of those gifts more than others but we can learn how to do that. So it is really important to align our spirit gates so that the presence of God is going through my fear of God gate, the presence of God is going through my worship gate. When I was practicing this four or five years ago I made a little diagram and then photocopied it and cut it out and I made a wheel that will all interact l, so that i could turn the gateways to function and flow. But that really helped me to align. So I was thinking how does the reverence gate in my spirit work with my conscience gate in my soul? How does it work with other aspects? So sometimes is just good to have a visual thing to help. So as the river of life flows according to Ezekiel 47 it flows deeper and deeper and so as our gates are open there is more capacity for the Spirit and the life of God to flow . So literally then the living water flows to activate, energize and cleanse. Ephesians 5:26 so that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of the water of the word so that he might present to himself the church in all her glory having no spot wrinkle or any such thing that she should be holy blameless. That is talking about us collectively as the body of Christ, but we are all individually members. So the water of life in the washing of that truth and the word of God can change us to bring us into holiness and blamelessness before him. So engaging the living water activates and energizes our spirit gates but that living water can cleanse and sanctify and set apart our soul gates. Living water then can be the source of life and blessing to others because in Ezekiel 47 it says that river eventually produces life wherever it goes. So is there any life around us? Are people engaging in any of that life? Is that life bringing healing and wholeness and change and transformation to the world? well we got to practice and learn how to do it Daniel 710 says a river of fire was flowing and coming out before him so we need to see that there’s more than that river flowing. so that river of fire can flow through our gates just like the river of water to bring purification and refinement to the gates of our spirit soul and body one Peter 1:7 says so that the proof of your faith be more precious than gold which is perishable even though tested by fire. The fire God will test the purity of those gates and will activate them and refine them and purify them. So as we become one spirit with the Lord we become more like him the gifts of the spirit the equipping flow the fruit of the spirit forms character and everything flows from the inside out. We can literally become like God like his sons and daughters to the world because God is not physically seen in the world so he wants people to represent him on the earth to be like him. To carry his character and his ability and his power to bring love joy peace into the world to bring healing wholeness and miracles into the world to show that God’s power is greater than that in the world so this can all begin to flow outwards. So how do we go getting about getting our spirit soul and body back into original condition but also how do we grow and mature from that original condition to our intended eternal condition. Because Adam and Eve were sinless but they weren’t yet perfected they would still have to been conformed to the image of Jesus therefore there would’ve been a process of transformation for them we need to go beyond where they were into what our eternal purpose in God is you have to do it by practice you have to train ourselves to flow from the inside out. there is no other way of doing it it takes time discipline diligence vigilance and all those words patience perseverance that cause us to struggle, because we want things to be done now. This is a process of change and growth. So how do you do it? Well you engage Jesus in your gates what they look like what do they feel like? What they do? Find out by going there with him and engaging it. Open the gates and invite Jesus to walk through as Lord. Surrender the gates, each gateway to him. Let Jesus activate them sense the activity what is it like when things flow through it. Engage outside your spirit gates because there is engagement where the soul and the spirit are connected. What is there? See what’s there. When you look at your gates you will tend to find that there not all wonderfully pristine an open and flowing. There may well be things when you see them they look like they are locked or blocked or bared or full of brambles or Barb wire you’ll have all sorts of potential visions or images that will show you what is there. if you see something outside of your gates of your spirit and it’s dark and foreboding and it  is usually a familiar spirit there because it is wanting to block the flow so what’s there, identify if there are any very familiar things there and then lie bust it go to the courts deal with why they are there so you can be free from the influence that’s gonna stop the blockage and the flow so then activate the flow and engage to the soul let the river of life flow through it, let the fire and glory of God come through it so that your spirit will begin to engage your soul and to bring that transformation to it, so that your soul will just want spiritual activity, not worldly activity. but it’s a ongoing process so when I looked at this I looked at my spirit gates when I first started I just wanted to get in there open it and move. but as I’ve gone back over this time and time again I took more time to look at it, and my spirit gates all looked different. Now yours will probably look different, they won’t look like mine but here is an example of what mine looked like. my fear of God gate was a strong gate with an arch shape, and it was wood and iron and stone.  That is how it appeared. My reverence gate was like a blue pure dimon, shimmering with light and there was an arch, and there was a doorway which almost like carried something of the very essence of God. prayer gate was just pulsating with light electricity like neurons pulsing around it , just real vibrant energy. hope gate was like a mirror it was like a mirror that reflected something of the dimensions of God, the possibilities. revelation gate had 12 stones making up an arch and those 12 colors lit up, and when they did different things would happen like the gate would be like a screen, like a light board. intuition gate was just swirling colors flowing together constantly changing in shapes. some of this is just symbolic but actually I know what that means to me when you find what you’re gates look you will know what they mean to you. My faith gate was just like  an amazing rainbow and it was just filled with potential possibilities and the archway was like a framing reality because I can bring from faith heaven through me so it is full of creative potential worship gate was just pure white light but there was just a sense of peace just perfect peace knowing the mind of God and the will of God and being in agreement with oneness just felt amazing when I stood in that gate. now what do we do step one open the first love gate that’s the first step give God first place first priority open that gate if it’s appears locked, nailed shut cover with thorns all the center you got a problem, but it’s a projection of the souls fear for intimacy the hurt the pain the rejection that the soul feels protects us .so it may not want us to come into intimacy with a authority figure like God as father because we have our problems with our own parents or other things so it’s just a projection you can open your spirit gate because there is no enemy activity in there but it can cloud your mind so when you look at it can appear that you can’t open it, most of us have been damaged by  other relationships so they can have an effect the first love who was your first love and did it damage you because that has an effect on the soul when it comes to engaging with intimacy. so if you have a problem there renounce any inner vows you have made. repent of fear forgiving any hurts that people have done. rebuke all the projections it is a lie because it is a lie. It is your first love gate and you can open it so don’t be lied too. choose to deliberately open that door by choice invite God into your spirit and then choose to be a channel for God’s glory to flow through you , your soul and body to the world choose to do that step two engage in your spirit gates by acting in faith and meditating on the gate the word you whether it be reverence fear of God just meditate on the word and begin to think about it and begin to activate it and then begin to surrender my spirit to God, I want to surrender that gate I want to know the fullness of who I am who I made to be so activate your imagination and ask Jesus to walk with you to each of the gates and have a look what do they look like? engage them , invite the river of life to flow to that gateway and look at the symbolism engage all your senses you may feel impressions perception , thoughts pictures you may be a video that is going on if you’re active in your imagination but you can begin to see what the gates look like ask Jesus to give you revelation of the meaning and function and purpose in your spirit and how your wired up to be.

See I have certain gateways that are very strong and some that aren’t so strong. and I’ve developed some of the other ones but actually most of the time I focus on the ones that I’m wired up to be. if the gates appear blocks your spirit gates again it’s a projection. they aren’t blocked but they may appear to be if so, ask Jesus why? your soul can project those negative images it helps to understand the dynamic actually what’s going on so don’t think oh no there blocked, just say why is this in place and get the revelation? Because if there is fear or doubt or apprehension about going through those gates there must be a reason usually because of what’s outside them, creating that don’t come through here this is my domain. because the enemies have had access to our soul. our soul itself has been in control therefore it doesn’t really want to let go, so it may well fight so be prepared for that. lie buster, engage the court to find out what the accusations are that give power to those images, and we have these tools will go into that in a whole session, how to do that. so is you see something dark or a figure of something spiritually blocking the gate on the outside. find out why it’s there and deal with it and we are going to see that this isa easy way of opening our gates. then open them you ,if you dealt with that and some may not have any blockages just open the gate activate your imagination open the gate , I am not sure whether your find the handle  to the door ,  or you just have to push it whatever but open it and then let your spirit stand in the gate with Jesus and ask him about it talk to him about it sense it welcome the river of life and the glory God to flow through it and then make Jesus or the father or God the Lord of that gate, surrender, I want that gate not to be independent of my relationship with him so I need to see it flow, I need to see that activated and operating so engage all your senses you may feel something meditate in the gate, this helped me so much to stand in the gate and understand by being there what was going on and it took me a while but I became more sensitive to those things what are you feeling what are you sensing what are you experiencing, what does it feel like when something goes through your revelation gate what fires off in your mind what fires off in your imagination just sense it so here is a couple of sample prayers and we are just  going to go and activate this.

For reverence gate ,father I choose to engage the gate of reverence in my spirit I open it and surrender it to the flow of your glory and the river of life I declare that you are Lord of my reverence gate I receive and release the power of God through this gate so that reverence will be the motivation that enables me to honor you in all my decisions choices and behavior I release reverence to engage my conscience and protect and direct what I see here smell taste touch do and say that is just the starting point find your own words but engage it.


Revelation gate- father I choose to engage the gate of revelation in my spirit. I open it, I surrender it to the flow of the glory of the river of life I declare that you are Lord of my revelation gate I receive and release your power through this gate with the flow of the revelation of your kingdom so it will change my soul into the image of the son of God who abides in me. whatever works for you find something that you can begin to engage in so that it flows Hebrews 514 solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil, soul and spirit. pray and persistent until you start to see results and keep going, until it becomes a lifestyle. it does not happen overnight, but it will become a lifestyle of oneness and unity if you keep at it you can work on all the gates. You can work on one at a time or in groups whatever works just find something that works for you and be persistent and diligent patience and persistence will bear fruit, if you practice to train your senses. now we have within our spirit this gateway of first love and we have a door and the handle is on our side so we have a choice whether we are going to open it or not. So i encourage you right now just to again close your eyes begin to engage that first love gate if you’ve never met Jesus personally or invited God to come into your spirit you can make a choice right now to open that your life to him and invite him in just turn from the way you been living your life and turn to follow him and those of you who have done that. some of you have done that this week, begin just to sense his presence within you, it is a real place within you that his presence is so just begin to think about that door within your spirit just picture it in your mind just begin to activate your imagination around that gate just reach out and open turn the handle open the gateway and welcome his presence into your spirit just sense his flow , the warmth, the energy the life the light that comes just see the river of life flowing. just see the glory of God and that river of fire flowing as your standing with Jesus or the father or the spirit just asked one to come and walk with them to the gate you may want to think of a particular gate whatever your spirit draws you to maybe reverence or revelation or faith just ask Jesus just to walk with you to that gate just look at it engage it you may want to stay at one gate you may want to go and look at all the gates right now we are just going to spend time just engaging there. You may want to ask Jesus or the Holy Spirit or the father just what that gate means what its purpose is, how it functions in you just get a sense that how you been created how fearfully and wonderfully you have been made just listen to his words as thoughts in your mind. if your gates do appear blocked then just ask Jesus to give you revelation of why? What is going on? if you are used to lie busting or in gauging heavens courts then you can deal with that blockage right here and now, if not just make a note of it and then you can deal with it later. I encourage you just to find a gateway which isn’t blocked just go and stand in that gateway and open it. just invite the river of life to flow through it, the fire of God, that river of fire his glory to flow through it just stand in that gate with Jesus, just sensing the flow of that gateway the activity of it, the emotions the feelings just spend some time in that gate or in various gates. if you feel you can activate more than one just brings life, just to come alive and sensitive and active. Again, this is just a short exercise it is something you can do every day, you can spend time there. There is a huge expectation of when you engage these gates what’s behind it. how’s that expectation of learning and understanding and growing as you develop and practice opening the gates understand yourself becomes a lifetime of flowing from heaven flowing on the inside out engaging the realms of the spirit and understanding who you were created to be your identity destiny purpose.

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