Spiritual awareness

We have three sets of eyes, the eyes of our spirit, the eyes of our soul, and the eyes of our body.

The senses of the soul interpret what our body senses and what our spirit senses. Our soul becomes kind of a switchboard to interpret what the physical senses receive, as well as what our spirit senses receive.

What our body sees in the natural our soul interprets in our mind. We see everything in our mind, whether it is in the natural realm or the spiritual realm. But our soul also has eyes. The eyes of our soul are our imagination.

With the eyes of our body, we see the natural world. What we see in the natural world through the eyes of our body can then be seen in the screen of our mind or our imagination, the eyes of our soul.

We can look at a door in the natural world and then close our eyes and see that door in our minds eye. We are to use our mind to assist our spirit, to help develop our spiritual sight.

What we can see with our imagination in the natural realm gives us a platform or an anchor upon which our spirit can lay hold upon the truth of God’s word. Because the natural world is patterned after the spiritual world, we can meditate on Psalm 23 using natural things until our spiritual sight is developed.

Our imagination was given to us by God so that we can perceive what our spirit senses in the spiritual realm or heavenly realms of God’s kingdom. Our soul begins to interpret what our spirit senses once we get the gateways of our soul cleansed and submitted to the Lordship of Jesus over our spirit.

When our spirit comes alive to God it connects to Gods Spirit, and is enabled to be where He is, in the heavenly realms, and to experience what it means to be in Christ. To be in Christ has to do with the heavenly realm; Christ in us has to do with the natural realm.

The living Word, which is Jesus Christ, the word made flesh, the incarnate word manifested in the natural realm; if you have seen me you have seen the Father. The word is the D.N.A. or seed of God, which is conceived in our spirit, so that our spirit is born of God’s Spirit.

Through the word being conceived in our spirit, we experience Christ in us, the hope of our glorification. And we can also begin to experience being in Christ, where our spirit is seated with him in the heavenly places, when our soul is enabled to see, hear or understand what our spirit is sensing in the heavenly places, because our spirit is dimensional. It is in heaven, but also inside of us.

The eyes of our body can see the natural world because they have been developed from the time, we were a baby, at first we could only see a couple inches, but as we grew we could see farther and farther and the mind of our soul would then begin to interpret to us what we were seeing. The mind of our soul has been developed to interpret what the eyes of our body see.

The same works with the eyes of our spirit, our spirit can see in the heavenly realm, but our soul is not able to interpret what our spirit is seeing because it has not been developed.

God communicates with us Spirit to spirit, and then our soul begins to develop through practice by interpreting what our spirit is receiving from God. The mind of our soul begins to discern the spontaneous thoughts that come into our mind from God. We begin to hear Gods voice in our mind that comes as spontaneous thought.

Then we have to begin to develop the imagination of our soul, and we do this first by using what our body sees in the natural realm. We look at an object in the natural realm and close our eyes and see it on the screen of our imagination.

We must develop the senses of our soul from the inside out. The senses of our soul have been developed from the outside in, through the gateways of our body to the natural world.

The gateways of our body are the eye, nose, ear, mouth and touch. Our soul has been developed from the outside in. Everything that we have experienced in the natural realm has programmed our soul, especially the things that we have heard from people around us.

The senses or functions of our soul are conscience, reason, imagination, mind, emotions, choice and will. Each one must be developed through the inflowing of God’s life from the inside out.

Our mind is a poor master but a good servant. We can no longer lean upon our own understanding but must become like a little child and let the Holy Spirit teach us Himself.

We ask the Holy Spirit questions and the answers come in various ways, but they will come into our mind, and the intuition of our spirit will bear witness. We must learn how to develop our intuition by sensing in our spirit the truth.

We have to develop our imagination so that we can receive not only what our body sees, but what our spirit sees and we can do this through meditation.

When we read the word, we can then meditate upon it by picturing it with the eyes of our soul.

When the word talks about our heart, most of the time it is talking about the soul. The eyes of our heart are the eyes of our soul. The word of God has to be engrafted into our heart. The word saves our soul.

When our spirit is generated, when it is made alive to God, it must grow and develop. Our spirit has to grow, and our soul has to be transformed. Our soul has been programmed from the outside in, it has been conformed to the world, now it must be transformed through the inflowing of the life of God from our spirit into our soul. Our soul is transformed by the life of God in our spirit flowing into it, so that it no longer acts independently from our spirit.

When our spirit is born again, it has within it the ability to perceive the things of God. Our spirit knows and our soul eventually understands the things that our spirit perceives.

When our spirit is born again the eyes of our spirit are opened. Our spirit perceives the truth, and it starts out by knowing. When our spirit is born again it is a baby spirit. We are born again with spiritual sight, but this sight must be developed.

Our spiritual sight starts out with an inward knowing and then develops as our spirit grows until we can begin to see in the spiritual realm.

Seeing in the spiritual realm is called vision. To have a vision is not the same as seeing something with the imagination of our soul, because our natural eyes are open, but if we close our natural eyes, we can still see it. We are seeing the unseen realm with our spiritual eyes but also seeing with our natural eyes, the eyes of our body.

When a person goes into a trance, then they can no longer see in the natural realm. They are now in the Spirit with their soul fully conscious of what their spirit is seeing and are no longer aware of the natural world, and this is what they do not know if their body is there or not. In or out of the body I do not know? They are no longer aware of their body or the natural realm.

Some people, when they are baptized in the Holy Spirit, start out having visions right away. But for most of us this comes later as our spirit grows and develops. But the important thing is that we “know that we know”, that we know, the spiritual reality the Holy Spirit reveals to us in our spirit.

Once we know something in our spirit, then our spirit can participate in it. We do not have to have a vision, to experience the reality of the spiritual realm.

There is an unseen world all around us. This is something that we know in our spirit. So, we are already aware of it, even if the eyes of our soul are not fully aware of it, like Elisha was.

In 2kings 6:17 Elisha prayed that God would open the eyes of his servant to see in the spiritual realm, this is vision. Most likely he was seeing the natural world and the spiritual world at the same time.

We desire to live in dual realms and there is a process of spiritual growth that will lead us into it.