Spiritual workshop 2-1

There is basic foundational teaching that we need to get a hold of. We need to learn how to build our spirit. Without our spirit being built and grown and developed we will not find it very easy to connect up with the spirit of God and with heavenly things.

If we want to get our muscles bigger we need to exercise them. When we exercise then we have to push against something which is bigger than we can really manage.

 In building our spirit we have to actually exercise. The difference between a white belt and a black belt is one person is trained in the other hasn’t been. We have to train our spirit it doesn’t just naturally occur where were able to use all the things that our spirit has to flow from we have to train ourselves to do it, we have to train our senses. And there are some processes in order to do this.

We have to know how to position ourselves to encounter God. We need to be developed in order to see into the spiritual realm. To be able to hear and the spiritual realm to have vision streams and encounters with God.

We want to encounter God and encounter heaven on the inside. Heavenly encounters sound awesome but actually we can’t live in heaven. We can access heaven in a dual sense but we can’t live during our spirit.

Our spirit is in our body and we can’t be in heaven at the same time although we can be connected. We are going to learn how to connect. But it is really important that we learn how to connect on the inside. When we pray where are we praying to? Are we praying hoping that our prayers will connect up with God who is in heaven somewhere? And maybe that we feel our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling.

The reality is that we are praying to God who is actually on the inside of us. So he is with us all the time he is never further than we are away. Wherever we go he is there. So we can talk to him and engage with him and learn how to do that and this is part of activating our senses.

The first heaven is this created universe in which we live. We are spirit but we have a body that enables us to access his physical realm so that we can engage with it physically. Spiritual things can also operate in this realm Angels can come into this realm, demons can come into this realm and they wander around the earth. They are dispossessed so they can access this realm as well. But the whole created universe that we physically see is very much encompassed within the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm is the eternal realm this is where we will live eternally. Even in the new heavens and the new earth it will still be in the spiritual realm which is a different place.

The second heaven is a real created dimension it is again created by God is a place where Angels and fallen Angels principalities powers and forces of wickedness are there. There is a structure there of worship that they look to engage and get people to worship them, idols. Idolatry is one of the major things that demons like because scene fell because he want to worship. He went to raise himself up and be worshiped like God. In all the fallen angels also do likewise.

We can access that realm we can access the second heaven we have thrones that we should be occupying there. The influence that goes on down here actually comes from that realm. And most Christians don’t have any idea how to get there; most Christians do not know how to influence down here properly, from a place of authority. God is actually releasing this revelation in these days. The second heaven courts operate there.

Third heaven, kingdom of heaven is where God reigns. It is the presence of God, it is a real place it is a spiritual place but it is real. When you go there you can touch things you can feel things you can taste smell, in a much more enhanced way.

There is also other dimension’s, sheol – which is where people are right now who died without Jesus. Tartarus is a place mentioned where there are certain watcher Angels which are bound up, they have left their estate and they are now found in that place. And there is also hell and hell is a place that people have yet to go. When people have said they have seen hell the actual place they are talking about it sheol. Because hell is a place where all the devil and his angels will go at the end of time. And everything gets tossed in there. So she’ll is a bad enough place.

Now the purpose of heavenly encounters – John 5:19 Jesus only did what he saw the father doing he had a relationship with the father which enabled him to do the works of the kingdom manifest in the kingdom of heaven on earth. The father then and relationship with him, he was in the father and the father was in him. We know the father was in heaven so the father was also in Jesus. This is one of those mysterious things. God can be in heaven and it can be in every one of us. The Holy Spirit can be in every one of us and everywhere else. Jesus can be in us and in heaven and everywhere else. It is just one of those things you can do in the spiritual realm.

John 14:10 – says the father abiding in me does his works that relationship with the father which was spiritual and connected with the spiritual realm was – that God was doing the works through Jesus.

If we want that same relationship we need to be able to engage the way that Jesus did. John 3:13 no one has ascended to heaven but he who came down from heaven he was talking about Jesus he was talking about himself but he ascended down from heaven but he could also ascend to heaven. He actually says this to Son of Man who is in heaven present tense. He was basically saying I’m in heaven right now and talking to you. Connected and flowing and revelation. And this is what God intends for us. Jesus in John 12:26 says about anyone who serves me must follow me and where I am in that relationship with the father and son there my servant will also be. If anyone serves me the father will honor him 8.38


if anyone serves me my father will honor him. so if we engage in the same relationship and the same access that jesus had we can expect to do the same things that Jesus did if we don’t and we can’t because that is how jesus did it. We can’t do it in a Different Way, Jesus was the model for us to be able to do all the miracles and all works of the kingdom and he did them in a supernatural relationship with the father and we have access to the heavenly realms to be able to do it.now it is absolutely key that we understand that we need to hear the voice of God in everything we need to hear God’s voice and we need to know God and John 1014 I am the good shepherd and I know my own and my own know me and last week we saw that the word know wasn’t how we interpret know in an intellectual Western way the Hebrew meaning of know know was personal experience and encounter both in the Old Testament and the New Testament it means personal experience and encounter we need to know him and that means not just read the book about him but actually personally encounter him as a living relationship Psalm 103 verse seven talking about God he made his way know his ways to moses Moses went up on the mountaintop into the glory cloud with fire smoke thunderbolts and lightning all sorts of stuff going on he went in there and engaged with God face-to-face in relationship all the other children of Israel were also invited to go but they actually said we were frightened you go instead now that’s not what we want to do today there is no point you saying well mike you go to heaven and tell us what you saw because i am only going to tell you what i saw for me and I might do it in a prophetic sense or some other things all of us need to engage with God and know his ways know his character know his heart know him not just know about him you see the children of Israel says they knew his acts they saw what he did they saw the miracles they saw the cloud cloud by day and the pillar of fire-by-night it is awsome isn’t it  the desert was a really hot place so they had a cloud which enabled them to walk without getting sun burnt at night it is a cold place  so they had a pillar of fire to warm them you know God knew what he was doing it was’t  just a haphazard he was actually blessing them you know they walked through the whole four years and their clothes didn’t wear out they didn’t have to go to Primark or Marks & Spencer’s or anywhere else basically God enabled them supernaturally to do what he needed to do and he will for us but we need to know him not just know about him John 1027 my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me so all of us classed as his sheep can hear the voice of God he is always speaking always he never stops speaking it is whether we’re hearing and listening and we can tune in just like in this room right now there are radio waves satellite signals there is all sorts of signals flowing in this room that we can’t see  we can’t physically see them with our eyes if you have a tuner you can turn it on and turn it in to the right frequency you will pick up radio while are you will pick it up if you tune into it it is in this room you just can’t see it God is speaking in this room we have to tune into  him and he will speak in lots of different ways we have to learn to recognize his voice and tune into it but all of us can hear the voice of God that’s not no one as a Christian can not hear the voice of god  but we can all hear  but we have to learn how so you can’t separate hearing God’s voice from knowing him who is speaking otherwise how do you know what you’re hearing is from God that’s why we need to know God’s character his nature so when he says something to us if he suddenly said well go down to the town and rob the bank you know it’s not God it is an extreme way of thinking  but actually you know it’s not God because you know God says do not steal

o in other ways you know sometimes we have to be careful what we hear that we need to know the heart character of God what we hear we can be assured we got the word of God always is our plan to give us that we need to know by experience not intellectual reason knowing and hearing must meet the following is no point hearing God if you don’t follow that disobedience disobedience bring not good stuff so when we hear him have to do recess and that’s the challenge all renewing our minds transforming our lives and becoming more like Jesus is the word of God in Jesus learned obedience to know what that really means the learn to say yes quicker than I be says he learned obedience you have to learn and were in the garden physical struggle with I am I going to go to the cross I can go through with God many take this away from to the soul was human in that sense was that informed is a man so we had to outwork all the stuff with us in the same way we must become like him do we follow therefore doing what he did that’s the whole intention God’s intention from the beginning of the world in Romans eight says that we would be conformed to the image of his son out of any would is still have to being conformed to the image of his son they were they weren’t sinless when they will they still work perfectly still have to be transformed into the image of Jesus just light we will need to James 315 says this wisdom is not that which comes down so is wisdom is the voice of God coming from above the heavenly realms presence of God is also earthly natural and demonic was though there were also other voices that the voice of our own self and it says in Jeremiah the our heart is deceitful with the above all else talking about our soul our spirit soul that are sold been used to being in charge as soon as you start challenge in your soul what we need to do it would can be connected with God it kicks off and like it does not like to be challenge is not just challenge to put there and that’s that’s a process so there’s the world the wisdom the stuff you can get when listening to people this into the TV the media is your own natural wisdom that comes from yourself and the demonic was the best the demonic forces can speak may be that battles in your head over life anything things to you that the morning wisdom want to lie and deceive you and not to believe the truth but the believe or things that are true about you so we have to be careful who we listening to his voice is it we listen to and for all on this probably is a mixture stuff that goes on in but we have to purify that down the more and more listening and discerning and understanding of voices God so we can actually flow in the revelation on the understand can we recognize the voice of God yes you can if we know him much harder to recognize the voice of God if you don’t know what it’s like you don’t know the real is the case we the whole purpose is a destiny for us from blessing will be blessing to others when we know him in that way much easier to know recognize how disgusting loads way you there’s hundred and was a few basic one you can get hold where is God speaking the speaking heaven and the megaphone hoping we might here are actually seeking to us on the inside and with want to discern that small still voice but to discern a still small still voice when our whole lives the chaos it will be the other voices competing his time is really hard so we got to find a place where we can be still and know he’s God’s voice and looked out over the last on we need to find that place where we got time to be able to give priority to God so we can listen and quiet all our stuff the only people to try and get in the presence of God and then also sorts come in and will go to rest of the day what appointment the God shopping in the to buy all sorts of stuff things that you have read all about before we start thinking about God and all the sudden will. We have to learn to be open to overcome that so we find a place of stillness feel to hear the voice of God is also the ways that God speaks portable voice inner and outer Ephesians revelation of Jesus spiritual perception where we just just does not have a perception we understand tool visions snapshots with pictures to rational minds panoramic visions where we see the film moving overnight visions where we can see things politically with our physical life also I open I spiritual live which is where the spiritual things get superimpose tabernacle the verse is only see colors on people and is a mixture of the spirit and the natural close by the plagiarize you can actually see things that God is actually shown dreams and so many encounters in the pilot to drink we need to learn how to dream to have anywhere drink drink this cup that we can ask (we can actually when we get three we can actually get interpreted and we can understand what it is think about us and more when you go to bed was a lasting you doing you that when you see the last night and pray comes the shop I’ll just go to sleep when I expecting 12 revelation wirelessly I thought about of what our expectations are we go to bed thinking no more is like you were lighting anything positive to go to bed with expectation of when we get up in the more revelation God was spoken to us in the night regardless of stuff you know sometimes Jesus appeared to people we still is appeared people sometimes it didn’t dream sometimes is actually see physically will appearances the trancelike state you can go into in an open that revelation be translated your spirit is actually in heaven when your physical body fear the a few times when actually not wholly unaware of anything. Be transport some people seem to go there physically on that some people the angelic visitation God can actually visit us with Angels and if you can give because the messengers are there to help us understand sows all sorts of ways not just a few you can speak for creation to other people think the word of God we can speak through loads and loads of way we have to be able to listen to discern his voice that’s a king at this subject be a habitation of God is absolutely vital if we can connect up in the supernatural realm because we need to know where God is how we operate in us and I want to do this over a few weeks are monitored superiority Mongo but I was praying the other morning and I was to live this in the presence of God most of the Scriptures came meditate ownership very well the Scriptures from Genesis 2812 Jacob says he had a dream and the whole there was a ladder set on the earth with its college in heaven and the whole the angels of God were ascending and descending the whole little bit above it and said I am the Lord God of your father Abraham the God of Isaac hold I am with you and will keep you whatever you go is a pretty great to that she that should be normal for us that Old Testament so you know of God in him again so that hold have to all be able to discern the heavens are open that there’s access for us and the weather revelation of who he is that we need to know our Lord you is not just for these the Lord of God of Abraham and Isaac are on a personalize this for yourself is your will is your father is your friend is my I/O I only you a want to possess that knowledge and that revelation and experience that very very real unit in a very real way and you then in verse 16 so Jacob awoke resequence that surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know how many of that is our experience that God is in us and actually don’t really know it is like God is in us and we need to know him in us in intimacy and in reality and not just in theory been real practical terms we need to know that we are now the holy place easy and therefore we now know that in in verse 17 says he was afraid he said Wilson is this place this is none other than the house of God and this is gate of heaven your life is the house of God God dwells in you and your gate of heaven because God dwells in you and the kingdom of heaven is in you in that place you become a gateway for heaven to come to work you become a place where the supernatural come from heaven and flow through you because we are the people who are supposed to bring the kingdom of heaven from that place to earth as it is in heaven on earth so we need to know that we are a gateway of heaven heaven is a flowing and the connection is through God within us that’s where the connection it is like the river of his flow in the river of life is flowing in heaven actually blows and the comes the river of life in us as we got a fountain and we got rivers of living water flowing from our spirit our innermost being will need to know to be connected to understand and have revelation of the cells and then it would like in Genesis 32 one so Jacob went on his way and the angels of God letting it wasn’t just in one place for the Angels were for the house of God actually where because he had that encounter where he went the Angels when the same is true for us where we go the Angels go we have garden Angels have Mr. and Angels but we need to learn to connect and know that that’s that’s our inheritance if you like and in verse 35 1 to 35 one then God said to Jacob arising go up to Bethel and live there so where he encounters that supernatural encounter with God the house of God God now told the only and for us when we live in the presence of God in the supernatural way there are some implications water telling to do will make and all God alters a place of sacrifice what people on the sacrifice for us to just put away the idols which are among you purify yourselves and changing garments can expect to come into the presence of God and stay the same we have to place ourselves on the altar essentially says become a living sacrifice for our lives as surrendered completely to God the we carry around if you like that place of sacrifice is daily was posted ourselves the cross and follow him and so this these Old Testament things are types and shadows and pictures of the reality of what we got day we have this is a reality we can live in Bethel and we can live as best you like we are the house of God to wherever we go go go test will go also we need to be careful how we live part of growing and understand your habitation God we need to know a can be no sharing God is like he does not want to share us with his you want all of us and therefore, sharing the gospel people actually said competing for the intention of our heart is not one our heart given to three different places love the Lord God with all your heart you in one us to be in fuel one us to have our old lifestyle garments having a change of garments with the covenant thing of exchange exchange garments when they made a covenant we get his righteousness you get our sin so we now got a new identity as sons of God we got a new identity and the new garments really go around living like this is the old so the whole thing that being a habitation God is part of the process of change and growth this is what with Jesus is like John 151 Jesus saying truly truly I say to you you will see the heavens opened and the Angels ascending on the Son of Man this was Jesus is lifestyle he was the house of God within him was it open heaven said earlier he was in heaven that was connected all the time the father and we are expected also to be that way as well that how do we develop our spirit well last week we I showed this want to look at first couple things and I give God first place priority and love and that absolutely key to developing our spirit praying and singing tongues is a is another really key value practice the why give God first place and Mark 1237 you shall love the Lord you go we are you soul your mind and we are strength believe in that night God is a jealous God is generous for us he loves us and hence any don’t want us sharing our intimacy with anybody else spiritual way so is important we know we need to love God with everything and in doing that positions us in the place where God can start moving us Jeremiah 2930 seek me and find me to search me with all your heart we want to encounter God supernaturally we are doing where half take discipline time for putting God first is a priority like God yes he wants us to give in the firstfruits of our life so we honor them with with our financial ties the first 10% of everything we are actually do we honor them with our time and many of us give him the first 10% of our day I can say yes I do the minority. But it’s a the challenge is are we willing to give God the best if we really want to encounter him really want to build our spirit and grow in our relationship with him encounter God we have to position ourselves to do it that means discipline our soul getting up earlier spending more time quality time in his presence as a challenge to our flesh know very comfortable in bed very warm cozy will wake up in the morning some people know great morning people to know the people with like to learn with when God starts way to the office within us they go away or you can actually and is get up and get some time together so there’s down to choice are we going to God first place we can given the priority if we don’t is very difficult to get everything we want from our relationship to love them the best of the 35 trust in the Lord with all your heart don’t lean on your own understand and will not lead you to hit this is a relationship we can have if were willing to trust him and surrender to him and actually do the things is calling us to a workout Psalm nine verse one the will are like God done one of bit of our thanks you want to be of us you want tour of this get some fun a member see about have your fruit basket is important in your friend and got sent to the Skyway enough you can in my in want to the ends up winning you indeed without caravan but want us to know what the and and in the end is not well to by God to actually on you and all these other things I just given you as a steward want you to God wants us wants are really once a relationship with us which is very very intimate and the only place to have it in his presence now if we returned him return to Joel 12 to 12 all our us. Everything that will be out of it tonight if you train a little bit in a become a white belt will help you of your black belt to train every day is like not doing through our son always used to be it: lots of the tumor else in the train every day for hours you with disciplining wanted to become good at something that he was willing to put in the effort you are we willing to put in your to develop a supernatural life? Will ask yourself but you anyway we can do it if we did giving God first place first priority 923 he was saying to them if anyone wishes to come after me the must deny himself take up his cross daily and follow whoever wishes to save his life will lose it where he loses his life for my sake he is the one who will save it but the more we give to God the more God gives to us are we willing to deny the flesh our sleep things we like doing instead got off will sweeten you like we want to have fun want to enjoy life we can enjoy it so much better with an apartment is everything is more alive and vibrant when we living with it

       31.07 Galatians 220 I have been crucified with Christ is no longer I what we know that you actually really true is it was the life that spiritually and the position of soul what is saying is I’m giving up the right to my life I’m giving up the right to free will God given us free will every times of we chosen free well apart from God and ended up in a mess Loza time that bridge every time we chosen to do our own thing can work out well God wants us to surrender our choices our life so he can fill us empower us to live through us Christ lives in me the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith son of God who love me and gave himself up if he love me and gave himself up for me what would I need to do if I say I love give myself up to him that the last the model Jesus is the same I love you I gave my life for you he will send you love me we can give me what our lives was all praying and singing a little bit about this on last Friday night one Corinthians 41 pursue love yet desire earnestly spiritual and verse five and I wish you all spoke in tongues call the church in court or shall I thank God I speaking to more than will Paul had a relationship with God way above most normal Christians in the heavenly pattern encounters spoke in tongues more than more is significant because speaking in tongues is a key element to growing a relationship with God and go be lost in because it says in in verse four was a speaking account edifies himself dopamine edify our body or build our self absorbed crowd talking about building up spirit: spiritual growth our mind is unfruitful when we pray in tongues might have been unfruitful hate not knowing things that exactly what we need to pray comes need to put in its place it revelation from the spirit not just trying to work it out and we head you 120 you beloved building your self up edifying on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit praying in the Holy Spirit is a key and I told myself and trained myself to be of praying the spirit much as I possibly can pray on the spirit now on the inside while I’m talking to you be great in the spirit on the inside went on this and people when I meditated on the word of God refrain comes on the outside and reading word of God and meditate on the inside you can train yourself to pray without ceasing and it’s really important were able to do so because that is the constant connection with heaven that we need the flow of the Holy Spirit in our spirit flowing together enabling us to June in and connect up with God in a supernatural way come to the spiritual language the language of Angels but can also be earth the languages was directed for God when they heard them pray praying in their own languages in the day of Pentecost they heard the giving praise to God tongues isn’t prophecy comes in God speaking to us is a speaking God prophecy comes off as a result of a speaking to God and God respond always are speaking to God the language in which we are calling a prank God you can the English tongue strange think some loving pray in tongues printers also accept on the so plain English with no bull it just came out number sometime God just as different tongues that on Friday different purposes spirit prayers love tongues all positive thing about tongues into session ministry tongues lots of different ways the devil cannot interpret are to and that’s a good thing soon as the devil knows your prayers in English the heaters demons the around our lives here will line his bacon and try to for the answer coming when Daniel prayed to God to 21 days the answer to come through because demons in the second heaven realm: Angels try to stop the Angels there warfare now in is not like their wrestling is more than that some of that some of the right out the look at the one day am one Corinthians 617 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit need to become one spirit join our spirit Holy Spirit is flowing together with the Holy Spirit in 1 to 10 searches all things even the depth of God we want to know the very depths of God want to know the very the things of God and everything he has for us the else is the Holy Spirit this to bring that revelation and therefore praying in tongues is heart all speakingbring those things into revelatory places the Holy Spirit start praying calling it God we need we we know what we pray for what I pray for when it comes to know praying right things so you and I will pray in tongues 99% of the time is also point training my spirit notebook to pray and I will do by faith in my mind and like it now but actually my spirit of the inside of God the Holy Spirit our spirit flow together and harm through comes is a key understanding that so when were meditate in meditation is the key to getting revelation and to having heavenly encounters learning how to meditate on will will do a whole session all meditation will be practicing you go praying come while were meditate in either on the inside walking pray time that I’m just our thinking and our thoughts and our heart of God on the word of God use the word to open up things for us and Bible reading just pray in tongues is reading word expect the word become a light become a rain the word of now word was started for the revelation of ministry in revelation direct you just come disciple is the key connected and keep things flowing river of living water is one of the river flows from the spirit and Isaiah you like our spirit is like a well watered garden I can ever flowing spring that is talking about comes life from so we can pray without ceasing we have to learn we have to practice you the first time I prayed in tongues like five minutes that like in our was that are we ready keep going and I know the other we pray in tongues to six hours nonstop is just your because my spirit is now choose to be able to do it have to train myself first time acquaintance were in our eye it was like really are his life is that you want to give our be looking at the clock but actually it was my spirit to grow the more more sensitive and it will be for all that for God’s intention is for us to grow and develop are spiritual senses understand the voice of God to understand revelation to understand dreams and visions all those type of things all come from our spirit growing stronger been exercised you when you’re praying it comes to exercising your spirit getting stronger being built up gain muscles you can get spiritual muscle by exercising and doing the things that the word of God says the focus when we position ourselves and to encounter God spiritually to encounter heaven to meet with God face-to-face talk to them have a conversation there with you always say to us we need to focus initially on the garden dwells within us we are habitation of God is like the iniquity and all seeing all-powerful God is on the inside of us one who knows everything is on the inside with that close to getting answers we need revelation we need is on the inside the that God is an awesome God and is actually chosen to come and live in us juvenile something we need to focus on meeting him there are within our spirit is like the secret place but the garden when this water is in the Holy Spirit there seen as a wellspring of life river of life flowing he is a place intellectual spiritual place is asked if you like actually is where God dwells where we can engage with God we can connect need to learn how to do it so there is a dwelling place of God’s glory as a dual talked about last week that we are open to let God in and that is where daily discipline comes in my gave you can open that door and Jesus is knocking you want to come in the want to want to fill your spirit on my glory to fill you in through it everything us to go from the inside out spirit flows through the cell through our body to the world around us so when we pray for someone to heal less withdrawing from the anointing is on the inside of us in our spirit need to come through under our imagination come through our feelings or emotions sometimes to pray to somebody and then in our physical body there is a manifestation of the anointing we get sometimes in a handwheel people had flowing on their hands sometimes vibration and shaking comes in I had is our physical body is connecting with faith and produces in the and anointed charge and I’ll explain how to actually worked one take of God showed me literally how that works and I we can actually do it take over it will take a are Tenebrae you just picture legs things know more about do they can go look at the resort diagram that you got there okay and this this diagram your black-and-white color and that it was like the original was black-and-white the most boastful Piccola is a turnoff they are basically and God gave this diagram to to Ian Clayton Ian Clayton with asking God in front of the tree of life with asking God what do I need give me something I can actually teach people how to engage heavenly realms judge open up their lives to the supernatural flow the spirit and God gave him a scroll the tree of life and basically that was what was on it effectively and also what look like that color was that they see so we reproduced it as he sort and therefore God given in this picture to explain it now why did is I cut out like I photocopied for come out looking for the middle so I can actually rotate the more because this 280 different combinations of the gates because you can have the first love gate flowing through reverence conscience and site and then it can I can if you want so I can I can give you color was and but literally this the combinations of how are spiritual senses engage with our soul senses and then engage our body so on here you got the first love gate to open up to allow God into your spirit then that can flow out through the city reverence gate and then flow out through our conscience and then flow of Christ side so in other words our conscience can protect us from what we should and should see through reverence because reverence operates in the sense of honoring and respecting and do nothing to us on the God charge our conscience to direct us now why did I when I first had this I was than in the middle of my 40 day fast and so I basically went to every one of the 280 combinations and asked God the revelation that he will okay will what the fear the Lord gate was reverence gate was the faith gate is okay I understand will be in my head will pay for what I want to know what God wanted to teach me about it so I basically meditated on the gates rest or spiritual gates and meditate on him asked God to open my understanding show me what they were how they work and this would be very personal to you they your gates your spirit and God will give you revelation that you can relate to you how I how he speaks to me he speaks to me in a way that I will understand that he uses all sorts of ways probably would necessary you do in many different women and world different in some of the things that we like you are mindsets so God speaks to us in a way that we understand he went speak to us in a way that we can always this point with and speak and they really wants us to understand so he will relate so as you meditate on these things go to say okay God I want to know what my fear the Lord gate what is that spiritual sense of having my spirit how does it help me what we know the spirit fear the Lord is begin with them so you can you can look up the word of God fear the Lord finds and scriptures meditate on the what the Bible say that the Lord if you got LotusScript authority in the head of the spirit they can start flowing to you now fear of the Lord and it was not what I was expecting you when I can reverence okay will soar know what reverence is how does it work was you do for me in my spirit how is having a sense of reverence and respect how I live how I can connect with God how I how my life lives so I went through all those gates of the spirit first first one the first love gate was the first love gate was is the gate that we Jesus is there that’s his glory his presence the kingdom of God in us we have to open our that gate said I love you there for you got my spirit I surrender and let you in the first love that is a thing that when we all know what the first love, we first got Satan that’s a relationship with God Jesus at this thing against the church in Ephesus they left their first so they would doing all the stuff but actually they lost and left their first love the reason for doing it was love not duty you how much of us have a visible interrupt in our Christian lives we do stuff out duty we lost that passion and zeal and enthusiasm God just and loving head doing things because we love him you when you first fall in love with somebody you do things for them just because you like will you know that you will heart but in a that the stuff goes on in your spirit when you when you when you first fall in love with me tell that God all the time should be like we’re in love with God all the time like wanting to please him want to just be do the best thing even in the best time giving up stuff because actually more time with him that’s really the first day on that and then really it so there’s the whole whole load of individual ones that you can actually look at the they were and those what they are fear of God prayer reverence hope faith revelation intuition worship in red and I’ve added another one is on my picture on to another gate the heavenly one I know when I open my spirit will open that heaven so I can access it and as I’ve seen step to walk step together worship is in red is actually only other senses mean nothing unless we are willing to worship God and worshiping in the coming down and bowing down and acknowledging is not seen souls worship and you when the worship actually likes and not worship is nothing to do with singing you can worship in a sense through some something really single word meaning it but actually worship is an attitude of obedience which means I bow down and acknowledge God is my king who is got every right to tell me what to do where to go in every way so as come then comes obedience that we can worship God unless we obey and is not again our fear of duty love wants us to worship in spirit and in truth and worshiping the spirit which is a wonderful thing and in our soul go conscience imagination reason mind both conscious unconscious subconscious emotions will and choice and again choices in red because everything that flows through my spirit comes to worship need to go to my soul so I say yes I can so I worship you Lord yell do every say anything going to that that we’ve done we been there had done that’s the honest actually all comes down to my conscious choice and I can have my conscience so St. don’t do that don’t do that by go then decide to do it I’ve chosen the one thing that God wants our choice to be surrender to his will for our lives that’s how the flow comes in our local body we got I gates the gateswhich enables us to see smell those we can see all the things in the natural realm but as the spirit start to flow through our soul and body that’s when our eyes can start seeing things in the spiritual realm when we get our bandwidth back when we’s can start seeing a higher wavelength we can see Angels and we can see demons and we can see fragrances and we can see colors swirling you can see fragrances and that all mixed up in the heavenly realm the can feel the experience and smell and taste and touch them and in this realm sometimes I see swirling glory cloud rainbow in the room and the of God presence and you can your eyes can start to see sometimes you need somebody close your eyes that she sometimes more you get the flow of God the more you can start to see just as in a Elisha said to God to open the servant size so he can see what I blaming chariots in around the city protection against the attacking army that they were that Elisha could see them with his naturalized and the gave his servant that ability as well as servant for the so we need to be out see into here to smell we have been smelling fragrances no those are spiritual fragrances the our natural nouns of been able to smell no one to have all the perfumed and that came from the spirit realm we smell the know I have those perfume fragrances on the house load I know they didn’t come to anything I put on myself vibrational myself so relationally stuff actually I could smell the incredible fragrance of God presence so our senses of been to the more it flows the easier it is like our touch you there there people on sometimes I can feel the presence of God the heat the spirit my hands sometimes it’s like when I lay hands on people I get discernment from when I lay hands on people something connect and I know something about something that those things will start to come as our physical senses start to be filled with what place in the inside out and that the intention everything comes from the inside out and changes us on the outside we start to manifest the presence of the glory of God and what we do how we live what are they water that he did love so just broken them down on this will give you a little basic the you need to find out yourself the meditate is up this is just the basic idea the fear of God reverence and prayer are really the Fellowship height senses where we fellowship sent the presence of God have communion with him in relationship so they work together to enable us to have relationship the others hope faith revelation intuition and had a more revelation than more God revealing things to us revealing his will to us showing us things so that we understand things spiritually couldn’t know natural all those things start to flow and so the fear of God really is this all struck all-knowing all seeing all-powerful Almighty consuming fire is like the actually I should when God revealed himself in that way my physical body shook I actually found a friend and will like a nice terrible fear but it was just like the world of God suddenly became so real you to fall into the hands of an angry God suddenly became something which was possible now when I actually that it to where the beginning of the line I met the live in and I met him in in the judgment seat place where God revealed my past life and I was shaking and quaking in that victory physically my holes everything you know work out our salvation with fear and trembling this is that sense and is not a bad thing is that it is an investment very emotional they and it’s supposed to be can actually God is God is not to be messed with nothing something weekly taking for granted what is lovely in the one meal discipline the boys he will do the last day of God disciplines those he loves because he loves you don’t want us to stay the same that is this real sense of the or awesomeness of God which is where that sense comes from and you when you experience it you’ll no one me reverence really is about honor and respect I would do nothing to bring the name of God disrepute I will do everything to the people on they would see my good works and bring honor and glory to is in heaven I the attitudes and site is just that same way is really working change my whole thinking that meant the things I’ve been doing things I think anymore things are doing what’s anymore because it worked on my conscience my conscience became really shop prayer prayer in this sense as you sent is two-way communication is not like all this is where I get my praying from actually this is where I hear God where I speak to him when he answered me what I just got two-way continual fellowship in relationship hearing his voice weather is a continual flow of his revelation to me all the time you have to grow that don’t just happen to live that way you enter comes in that training come all the time you train myself to do it and I still have to train ourselves to Graham this morning you talk about comes to us in a good way to practice this is your brother and my brother Lawrence wrote a book practice in the presence of God what he did every few minutes to the day refocusing to back home God’s presence they with God he worked in the kitchen in the monastery of and victory of use. Details whatever is mine as it does and every few minutes you bring itself back praising God and thanking him focusing giving God the attention is unencoded do the same thing you can do in planning comes to planning terms of the inside would just pray in tongues yourself we do something else often you just to get you might gets distracted you do other things whenever you do something different we focus how the room go to another room referred start playing come again start thinking about God again whatever you do something whenever the change train your cell to refocus your situation you go somewhere different okay on you know what go with me conscious of his presence is anything once you know on what to walk down the road go to that shop they wanted to talk to you can open up an opportunity were dividing character from the on more like him to see it and perceive it if one pokers and open and listening we can drift through our days and not give got a call while I’m working on busy you can work in and still conscious of God that she God wants you to be working for him know as you we are working been it says in Colossians everything we do we do God the matter were working borders a job in our job for my knees we can be doing it for him and focus is a is a little way of just bring yourself back to the whatever you do something different we focus give got an opportunity to give you any revelation in the that next five minutes or our whatever time you and that will start to build your spirit so this two-way communications flow and I don’t do it all the time it’s like I’m I teaching myself and I do a lot your particular unseen listing people is hard when you’re talking to people you can really train yourself to be a frame from dental center is not as easy but you can certainly do in your listing when you’re doing other things they make your brains out your spirit can be praying the two-way communication hope really is where get visions and dreams and opportunities God shows us things basically faith is the all the substance of things hoped for the we go to see some things up our faith into action that will Christ to that faith really about coming into harmony in Concorde in agreement with God is where we can understand the heart and the purpose of God and just say yes soon as I say yes to God even though I can’t see it necessary physically by my spirit I know then something activate something start to connect revelation no one our spirit to be flowing in revelation and inspiration light revelation of the truth of the word revelation of God’s purpose is the Council of God knowing that the wonderful in every situation you face every day yet the Council of God got cancel giving you wise counsel wisdom and direction we can you just have to learn to hear it receiving flowing it will be process intuition having a got in things you gut instinct to save my life now when God is moving to do something will not be something on occasion actually save my life physically responded that got the most all that God wants us to operate regarding thing intuition is a sense of our spirit and we can develop it and grow it by asking God to flow through it we have to ask you to open the gates will that second that heavenly sense really is that spiritual consciousness heavenly access discerning and understanding the heavenly realms that are the salt things work well worship is the key really focus on what obedience or obedience surrender submission what everyone actually surrendering to God and acknowledging who he is and that’s a king the first one for you to work on our conscience sharpen our conscience often prayer works with our reason center and reason is not lost want to figure it out is the thoughts of God coming into online the we understand things from him how often work in our imagination start to see things and see things the beyond where we are right now they faith works there with our imagination is like we have to see something in the spirit to our faith and will start to work that revelation works in various areas imagination conscience reason and that is gut instinct we can get emotional gut instinct also we can get things that come into our mind just not also you just know something start the flow of place our imagination and they said he will life then flow to make us choose to say yes that’s the purpose of it to say yes to God only to do I see you doing God not my will your will be done you just use this things that Jesus said about cell they will help us to focus daily deny himself take up the cross and follow him all part that at least the soul gates were what they do conscience will conscience is not just a negative thing conscience is like the years of our heart here in God and it’s our protector it protects us from doing long dishonor God but also is our director is yes don’t just say no is yes helps us and direct us to God the and it guide to reason the voice of reason they say the phrase voice of God the voice of our heart is like it translates God’s heart so we can understand it interprets the heart of God the we can explain that to others and is not reason as in I was it then transfigured is that this is a flow of revelation to our reason we understandably translate the things of God to bring understanding to us imagination the eyes of our heart Ephesians talks about the eyes of our heart begins one is our imagination imagination is just one of things that church is not focused on resource of will be don’t go there is always order if we start visualizing the will of God bit it all the time that the Bible is full of it Jesus spoke in parables so we can a visual picture that every give us an anchor for something to see and you know that’s where we went to operate that is like is the receiver and is a transmitter we can receive things from God our imagination and we can transmit things we can use our imagination to take the word of God and picture it now when we actually picture sitting with Jesus and listening to him now the reader Bible story was talking to his disciples picture yourself there and pitching yourself there God can then speak you individually not done that this thing that they listening to you talk disciples also returned to me by speaking to me but I positioned myself in a place to hear and we can all do that always imagination all of us of God imagination been given to us by God most of us have exercised it and caused it to grow we can and therefore it’s like the screen which God project images and things to us can also be like our projected project word of God now often in this stuff is like being claims is often the first the natural in the spiritual if you struggle with imagination K going find something pictures it brings that were talking about opening doors opening gate if you can imagine opening a door going find what you find a door and don’t open it this is what it’s like to open the door you can picture that in your imagination actually do it physically was it like to stand on the threshold of the know what’s it like to invite Jesus to stand on the threshold of balloon come in that the door just like this door the handle is on our side with no handle on the other side we have to let him in the what this does like in a natural physical thing you can get a picture you can actually then you see a door you see open it using close and it standing in it you can picture okay on Jesus come into the store then when you go and actually look to open the door in your own heart every day you got something to eat Clayton operate deliverance so he was a picture what this does a garden got a big house the rack change friend it to this is what people’s lives are there and changing a big ask me/the change in the face of it help them visualize this is what I’m doing will and pray deliverance breaking people free and I got good imagination on it be that I’ve been playing it may seem wanted to experience what it be like in the rivers of heaven and so you basic God wetsuit and the snorkel he went stood in the river under the war the first the natural than the spiritually said once I did that I knew it is like the flowing red in heaven flows through you also we did that you want to know what it be like to be a cloud of glory to go shower shut the door turned on full blast the whole this and eternal light on this world listening to my God to give that he has he saw and experienced it in in the spiritual realm is not wrong to actually use some things to help us the way. Our heart subconscious mind is where everything is stored for our members are stored there are belief systems of values all the small holes the school there with allies that we believe are stored early hence we need to every purify and refine is like the hard drive of the computer all programs are stored on it for you have to them bring the program into your random-access memory load them and run the and it’s like how many times things happen in our life that triggers something inside the sudden our mind is filled with something anxiety fear worry is our memory of the past has been triggered that’s what our subconscious mind it really is the soil of the so the power of the source and our heart is like soil can have we and stones and it can be hard need to get soil to get rid of the weeds of the stones and make sure the turned up nice and ready for good things to that’s how that works because we need the spirit of God to come through our heart purify and refine it fire of God to get rid of those stone were not always work. Our emotions are feelings our responses got Jesus was moved with compassion says that she moved in his gut notes nothing wrong with our emotions there a very good servant and a very bad master not driven by our emotions and our emotions and the spirit moves us not as of the stuff us a good things that have not been leading us and driving us all will that we need to be persistent and patient courage that’s a sense with this works so when God starts to speak to us give us revelation of faith what you do this is that because we need are will energize now naturally are will been extremely stubborn the the negative things in our world we have to deal with God on the other side of it that can be boldness and insurance and perseverance overcoming and that spirit flowing through that sense with us is not to give up to all starts the blood together that to make basic sense well what you were encourage you to deal with to go for yourself to meditate in those areas get the revelation each of those areas what does it mean for revelation to flow to my reason center or to flow through imagination was it means for intuition to come into my emotions I need to see how they work and everlasting God to flow through them then I can expect them to be open but I will open the best the key all coming down to choice am I going to choose to do my own thing on what she’s God every day I think on our choice today only want to do Odyssey doing is my free will give it back. Back to you I surrender it get into nothing but trouble you to do what Jesus with that will will want to bury Sellersville grace is the use of what would Jesus did actually know what is will do the Holy Spirit will tell us give us the revelation so we can do what Jesus would do in any situation we face the together you to is really helpful I think that the express that’s what our spirit life like that garden present God is fellowship and relate to him in that place build that our spirit nothing that relationship got basically fellowship with us and we learned to engage most of most of my having can start to actually start from that place every day going sitting resting talking to God and then from that place surrender myself so lives encourage you to just throw the place yourself some of you might find it hard if you find it hard to download that play this what you can just over and over again system spirit starting to activate in the whole realms of seeing and feeling experience flow of the light God the inside flowing at

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