Standing in the forefront of the battle

Spiritual warriors, however, play a different role than Christian soldier; they are a completely different breed. They are on special assignment, charged with specific God–led initiatives against the enemy. Spiritual warriors are the special forces of the kingdom, going out against the enemy in advance of the church. Out there, they battle and hold ground until Christian soldiers (reinforcements) arrive to help them. They are out in front of that broader force.

Like David’s mighty men they are raised up to restore a nation. They fight for higher stakes than the local community. They have a zeal to take a city, a state, a region, a nation. A fight within the political sphere, the judicial system, the world of commerce and social justice to change laws, create legislation that is fair and equal to all.

David’s men were identified by their strengths as much as their name: the incredible swordplay of joshebbassebeth who killed 800 men at one time; the indomitable courage of the Eleazar who, after everyone had retreated, stayed and fought the enemy alone and won against the odds – a great victory; shammah who defended a piece of ground alone and unaided against the whole troop of Philistines(what a stand!); abishai could not be overcome by 300 men and won an amazing battle with just a spear; benaiah killed two lion – like(ferocious) heroes of kabzeel – then for fun dropped into a pit on a snowy day to kill a lion! Another time he killed a giant from each of using just a club against his spear – 2nd Samuel 23.

Great leaders produce mighty warriors. These men were not around in the time of Saul, but appeared during the rise and rule of David – a man after God’s own heart.

The apostles and Hebrew 11 heroes were the foremost spiritual warriors of their time. They have given us a template for the greatness to which we are called. They took and held ground until God’s soldiers of their day could reinforce them. When the teenaged David stepped forward and killed Goliath, his victory inspired the previously paralyzed Israelite soldiers to charge into the fight. When Gideon accepted God’s call to lead the fight against the Midianites, others fell in behind – so many, in fact, they god had to whittle down the number. Noah was obedient to God in the days before the flood and saved humanity from extinction, but it was his children that fell in behind and repopulated the earth. Moses and Aaron faced pharaoh alone, but all of Israel walked across the Red Sea to freedom. Joshua and Caleb spied out the Promised Land, but the entire nation had to take it. Joshua went alone into Egypt, but forged a place for his entire family. Spiritual warriors take the first and most courageous step – but soldiers are needed to come behind them and back them up.

Assignment – what is the current battle in your church? What is the next step your spiritual community needs to take in alignment with the Holy Spirit? What, by your attitude, faith and vision, can you do to enable that step to be taken?

Commission – align yourself with the Holy Spirit. Listen to his heart and affection for the local company of God’s people. Step into the breach and become his hands and voice to affect true transformation.

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