Testimony of just men made perfect

A young man who was a close friend of our family found himself in legal trouble. He became involved in a fight parenthesis started by the other person) and during the fight, he broke the man’s jaw. The long and short of it was that this young man was found guilty of a misdemeanor assault charge and placed on probation. Instead

 Of being diligent to take care of the things required concerning his probation, he left the state.

About two years later, his wife took a teaching job that required them to live in this state again. The prom was that he had violated the terms of his parole in this state and there was now a warrant out for his arrest. The young man wanted to set things in order. He did not want this hanging over his head as he knew it would be only a matter of time until he was stopped for a traffic violation or some other incident and he would be off to jail.

His lawyer therefore arranged a meeting with the district attorney and they agreed to recommend to the judge that this young man should pay all the fines and penalties and spent 10 days in county jail. The judge could accept the recommendation or he could disregard it and set his own penalty.

On hearing of his situation, I began to tell him about the court of heaven. I explained that he could appeal to the Lord who sits on the throne of grace divine mercy in his time of need. We had a court session on behalf of his situation. I remember leading this young man through the process of answering accusations in the court of heaven that were standing against him. Spirit of the Lord came upon that time of prayer and the young man began to weep and repentance at the choices he had made and even the violence and anger that had been a part of his life. I sense very clearly that a verdict came from the court that justified this young man and forgiveness and redemption flowed out of the courts of heaven.

On the day of the actual court proceedings, the young man and his lawyer stood before a judge who had a reputation for being businesslike and not given to extending mercy. As the lawyer present the facts before the judge and the judge read the DA’s recommendation, his countenance changed. The judge said that this seem like a slap on the wrist for two years of parole violation. It was looking good for the young man.

The judge could sense into two years of jail time if he chose. Then suddenly with no input from anyone in the court, the judge looked at the young man said, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to suspend all jail time. I’m going to let you continue your education. I’m going to reinstitute your drivers license, parenthesis it had been suspended) and I’m going to allow you another chance to get this behind you. The judge granted more than was requested!

The court of heaven had answered the plea of the young man and a verdict of heaven manifested in a natural court. This happened because we went into the court of heaven, silence the accusation to the devil and received a sentence of mercy from God. We can learn to function in the courts of heaven stop yelling at the devil, we’ll see life altered on the planet.

Thrones and the court system

There is a very real court system in heaven. Every time we read about the throne of God in heaven, we must understand that it is not simply referring to a place of worship, but also to the judge’s seat in the court system. The throne of God is where the courts of heaven operate. There is no clear place we see this stand in Daniel chapter 7.

Daniel 7:9 – I watched still thrones were put in place, and ancient of days was seated; his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure will. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels of burning fire; a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. a thousand thousands ministered to him; 10,000×10,000 stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.

What a powerful description of the throne of God. Notice that the throne of God is central to the court of heaven and it is surrounded by many other thrones. The book of Revelation tells us that, apart from God’s throne, there are at least 24 other thrones that also form part of the court system.

Revelation 4:4 – around the throne were 24 thrones, and on the thrones us all 24 elders sitting, flowed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads.

We see here that those who occupy these thrones have a crown on their heads and play a part in the court system of heaven. They are humans that have overcome and won the right to take these thrones. We know this because of the crowns that they wear.

Crowns are for humans who have faithfully served the Lord and gained a place of authority in the Lord. This includes not only those who are presently in heaven, but also those of us who are still live in the earth. You can be alive on earth and still be part of the court system of heaven. In fact if we do not take our place in the courts of heaven, God’s plans for the planet cannot come to fruition. I often say that, in the natural, my feet may be on the floor, but in the spirit, I am standing in the courts of the Lord playing a vital purpose to his kingdom cause.

Second Timothy says that the apostle Paul would wear a crown as well as others who love the coming and appearing of the Lord.

Two Timothy 4:8 – finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only, but also to all who have loved his appearing.

James promises that a crown of life will be given to those who endured temptation and love the Lord.

James 1:12 – Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him.

My point is that those who overcome in this life when for themselves crowns and places in the court system of heaven. Even Jesus what his places high priest and his other functions in the courts by virtue of his obedience to the father.

I think it is clear that 12 of the 24 who are the elders that are wearing crowns in the courts of heaven and occupying thrones are the original apostles. Jesus spoke to them in Luke

Luke 22:28 – but you are those who have continued with me and my trials. Denies the store upon you a kingdom, just as my father bestowed one upon me, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel.

Jesus promised these apostles that they would sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Remember the judging is a judicial act. Notice also that these positions that Jesus refers to, are given as a result of their faithfulness to continue with him in his tribulation. Again, positions within the courts are one not given.

The other 12 thrones that are mentioned in Revelation are probably occupied by representatives of the 12 tribes of Israel. This would be consistent with the order and language of Scripture. These 24 elders that occupied 24 thrones make up some of the thrones that are a part of the courts of heaven.

The great cloud of witnesses

I know that many people believe that heaven is a place where we go to sit on clouds and play Golden harps all day. This is absolutely untrue! Revelation gives us a picture of some of the activity going on in heaven.

Revelation 6:9 – when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood and those who dwell on the earth? That a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.

These martyrs (people who lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel) are still praying in interceding. They are crying out for justice concerning their own blood that was spilled. They are requesting that the reason for their sacrifice would become a reality. There are many in the heavenly realm were still crying and praying for what they spilt their blood for, to be realized on your earth. They are a part of the great cloud of witnesses. Hebrews speaks of this great cloud of witnesses.

Hebrews 12:1 – and all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us. Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set for us.

This great cloud of witnesses has a role in the courts of heaven. The word witness in Hebrews 12:1 speaks of those who give judicial testimony. The cloud of witnesses has a voice in the courts of the Lord concerning the kingdom purposes for which they laid down their lives. Notice that they have a right to speak in the courts because they have one for themselves a good testimony, which is about judicial approval.

We need to understand that the saints of old are still invested in the causes for which they gave their lives. They are not just cheering us on from some celestial grandstand. They are actually in the courts releasing their voice and testimony on behalf of those of us who must now complete the work for which they gave their lives.

This is what the term spirits of just men made perfect refers to.

Hebrews 12:23 – to the Gen. assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect.

The saints of old still have voice and are releasing testimony in the courts of heaven. They have won a place in the courts because of their obedience to the Lord while on earth.

The church in heaven and on earth

As we function in the courts from the earthly realm, we are to come into agreement with the intercession of these witnesses. Our agreement with them produces the legal right for heaven to fulfill the reason for which they lay down their lives. Whatever the reason was – spheres of society being one to the Lord, geographical locations brought under kingdom domain our nations disciplined into a kingdom culture – there must be legal precedents in place before it can be fulfilled. This will only happen when the church that is on earth in the church that is in heaven come into agreement for his kingdom will to be done. Ephesians shows us that there is one church, whether we are and earth or already in heaven.

Ephesians 3:14 – for this reason I bow my knees to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom no family in heaven and earth is named.

Whether we are in heaven or on earth, we are one church. Together we are striving for one purpose and that is, to see heaven invade the earth and God’s ultimate kingdom agenda manifest. This church(in heaven and earth) must take its place in the court system of heaven.

As I was about to teach on the great cloud of witnesses and their function in the courts of the Lord, my wife, Mary, had a dream. I had not told her what I was about to teach. I was actually afraid that she wouldn’t be able to embrace it and, quite honestly, I was a little unsure of what I was about to share. When she had this dream with no knowledge what I was about to teach, it got my attention.

In the dream I natural father (which passed away 16 years before) came to her and communicate that he had not cared for the funeral service that we had held for him. He told Mary, in the dream, that he wanted another service. He explained that since he had been in heaven, he had heard and African children’s choir singing oh happy day. He now wanted another funeral service in which an African children’s choir would sing oh happy day. In the dream, plans were being made to redo his funeral service totter him appropriately.

When she told me this dream, I knew it was the Lord confirming to me what I was about to teach. I taught a lesson on the great cloud of witnesses. I told those who were present at the cloud of witnesses that were functioning in the courts of the Lord were to be honored for the sacrifice they had made for the kingdom of God. I knew this was what was being communicated through Mary’s dream about my dad.

As the service ended, played a clip of an African children’s choir singing oh happy day. I did this in honor of my dad in his life. Without his influence I would not be in the ministry today. I was honoring the legacy of my natural father and his place in the great cloud of witnesses. As we did this, a tremendous presence of the Lord filled the room and I knew it was the Lord bearing witness to the understanding that had been brought.

They cannot be made perfect without us

The great cloud of witnesses stand before the throne of heaven testifying in witnessing concerning God’s kingdom purposes still to be accomplished. The Bible clearly says that they, without us, cannot be made perfect. Hebrews tells us that their ultimate passion cannot be fulfilled without us finishing and joining with their sacrifice to see God’s agenda done.

Hebrews 11:39 – and all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.

The great cloud of witnesses, obtain a good testimony in the right to speak in the courts of heaven. Through their testimony, judgments can now be released from the throne that are instrumental in establishing God’s will on earth. The cloud of witnesses laid down their lives to see the kingdom, and earth and they remain invested in this mission until becomes a reality. They, without us, cannot be made perfect.

Several years ago I had a dream that I was sitting at breakfast with Smith Wigglesworth, the great apostle say to had a tremendous healing ministry. I remember in the dream thinking that this man is dead, but yet here I am speaking with him as if he were alive. The thought I had was that I wanted him to pray for me before the meeting was over. The dream ended before this could happen.

For years this dream intrigued me. What was the significance, if any, of me speaking with Smith Wigglesworth? A man who had already died and gone to heaven? I now believe that Smith Wigglesworth is part of the great cloud of witnesses. My meeting with him concerns something he carried in his ministry that I was to carry in mind. Could it be that he was actually interceding for me to come into the anointing that he carried for healing? Could it be that he was petitioning the courts of heaven for a verdict that would allow me to walk in the same authority that he walked in as the apostle faith?

Many years later when I was in a meeting where seer profits were present who saw in the heaven and the court system, one of them began to declare that Smith Wigglesworth was present and wanted to give me his anointing. I was flabbergasted! First, the dream and now prophetic word. However, I’m very careful with this kind of thing. I know that it is really easy to wander off into the realms of delusion and even witchcraft. Yet I didn’t want to miss anything that the Lord had for me.

This year profits, who is very humble, wanted to take her scarf that she had around her neck in place it as a math on my neck to symbolize the anointing of Smith Wigglesworth coming upon me. I submitted to this and to my amazement when the scarf was placed around my neck and intense heat and fire went into my neck and down my back. I definitely received something from the Lord and have begun to walk in it. The cloud of witnesses is committed to helping us fulfill our assignments in our generations because without us, they will not be made perfect.

There is a final story to illustrate the operation of the great cloud of witnesses in the courts of heaven. A young man was terribly injured in a car accident. The doctor said that he should have died. Instead he was in the, for an extended period of time. When he came out of this, he told a very intriguing story. While in a coma, he found himself in the courtroom of heaven. The issue being debated in the courts of heaven was whether this young man should come onto heaven were Stan earth and fulfill what was written in the books of heaven about him. He said there were several people that were giving their opinions and testimonies in the matter.

Suddenly a man walked into the courtroom. He had a long white beard, was very humble and began to testify as to why this young man should be allowed to Stan earth and fulfill his destiny. On the basis of this man’s testimony the court rendered a verdict and allowed young man to live in finishes course. Now, remember, young man in his, total state is witnessing the whole process.

As the man with a long white beard turned to leave, the young man called him, sir, sir, please stop, sir. The man stopped and looked at this young man whose destiny on earth had just been secured. As the man stopped, and young man said, sir, what is your name. The man responded, my name is Noah. Wow! Somewhat have a real problem with this for various reasons. It does however align with the fact that there are spirits of just men made perfect and function in the courts of heaven.

Even the Lord himself spoke of Noah is one of the three that were extreme intercessors that had won a place in the courts of heaven. Ezekiel listen Noah, Daniel and Job as ones that hold great authority as intercessors.

Ezekiel 14:14 – even if these three men, nor, Daniel, and Job, wherein it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness, says the Lord God.

When God spoke these words, all of them were already dead and in heaven, it God refers to them is still functioning and intercession. Do they still hold a place of function in the courts of heaven is a part of the just men made perfect? I believe so. There are still a part of the activities of the court to help grant God the legal right to fulfill his father’s passion.

There is a very real cloud of witnesses in heaven. They are part of the court system of heaven. They have a strategic function as witnesses in this judicial process. They cannot be made perfect without us. Maybe learn the flow in agreement with them for God’s purposes to manifest on earth.

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