Testimony- Seeing

Hearing God’s voice, visions etc, seeing in the spirit, Spirit travel, and heavenly encounters. All seem easy as I describe them but… it is a Long Journey of discovery. Forerunner open the door for others Persevere & press in.

I had a Methodist & Brethren background. Strong Fear of public speaking or even reading out loud. No baptism in water. No baptism in Spirit. No real heritage or Destiny from God calling me.

I Always believed in God and went to Sunday School. Aged 12 September 1970 I made a personal commitment but didn’t feel anything- Fire insurance – no doubts, believed, had a Inquisitive interest in the bible, No experience or real emotions.

A Journey of increasing intimacy. A Journey of increasing experiential encounters. Journey from the left to the right side of the brain. A Journey from earth to heaven. A journey of many steppingstones.

Books – where God’s way to get through to me. Normal Christian life – sin, victory, soul The Cross & Sanctification – Holy Spirit 9 o’clock in the morning. 1983 gifts 3-year pursuit – Baptism Holy Spirit 1986. Experience – love and revival, Tongues, key emotions – worship.

I am free and love to praise God, lift my hands, dance, kneel, lie. Not always the case, I have had to get over myself, realize it is not about me but God. Fear of man, embarrassment, God had to Knock the British stuffing out of me.

Revival pursuit- Privileged to be involved in 6 distinct outpourings of the Holy Spirit. 1993- Cornwall. 1994- Devon – Toronto. 1995- Brazil – gold fillings teeth. 1996- Brownsville- Pensacola Florida.

2008 Devon – Lakeland. 2011- Devon Kingdom Explosion.

18 years biochemistry background. Logical analytical Left brained noncreative, Word-based. Hunger and desire for biblical reality. I still hadn’t found what I was looking for. 1990 egg sandwich vision – power. 1993-5 visionary experiences and encounters- mountain. 2002 Living word – filling cabinet – meditation – thoughts of God – Journal 2006- Faith works conference – visual meditation ROC 2008 – Healing anointing, addictions increase in signs & wonders. Catch the Fire September 2008 first heavenly encounter.

River of fire with a throne above it 9 steps – fire stones. I saw at sub-atomic level.  Risers were swirling with grace & faith.  Stepped on it, I became one – love, joy, peace etc.  I saw the throne & the feet of God.  I saw thrones going off into the distance. Looking for my throne, saw only a few occupied. Found my name & sat down next to God.

Saw an oval screen vision of our dimension. High definition 3D multi colored. Reverse image in dull grey.  I saw a portal open & God’s glory poured out. I was taken down to see 3 demonic creatures I saw that they blocked off the flow of glory and the portal closed. I had an experience but I could not repeat it. Continue to meditate – became hungry more.

June 2010 prophesy Mike Bryant. A change is coming, and you cannot stop it, so be strong in My Spirit and the things I have shown you.  Prepare for the future and know that the harvest you long for is near.  Ascend to where I am, where you are seated. A door will open for you.  Prepare for the future, ask of Me and I will show you.  Envelope – read every day for 7 weeks.

June 2010 Torquay conference heart August 2010. 40 day fast – revelation word – 21 nights burning fire Day 19 trance – Come up here!! Ian Clayton. 87 heavenly encounters & visions Mostly first person, face to face encounters Visions – Visitations – Habitation 

Quantum physics lesson – Heb 11:3  I saw how the spiritual & physical dimensions interact & are connected through a quantum realm. 

Zero-point energy, Light creative & created God revealed string theory – grace as the vibrating power of the voice of creation that remains in everything – Eph 4:6 over all, through all & in all 

Different dimensions – heavens, earth & under the earth, kingdom within me God revealed the importance of frequency, resonance, harmony. I saw creation spoken into existence. I visited another solar system. I saw the first creation before Satan’s fall. I saw when there was no absence of light. I experienced the harmony of the senses of heaven. Everything has color, frequency, sound, fragrance, emotions, mathematics formula. 

I saw Jesus kneeling before me. Childlike faith – angel book of life Face to face encounters with Jesus & Holy Spirit. Asked me what I wanted to know & then answered my questions.  Showed me miracles & how He did them. Jesus taught me about the seat of rest & government of kingdom – Matt 11:28-30. Met Jesus – friend, brother, lion, lamb, King, bible Jesus, Jesus on the cross. Met Holy Spirit – always moving, creative, fun, almost mischievous. Father wound. Betrayal wounds. Met Father – in many forms & places Intimacy at a new level.

Father wound healing – 100 to 0 but +++ 100 Sonship +++ How does God Father Me? Relationship intimacy – talks reveals His heart – Love languages liberty to be me. 

Rivers – life, grace, fire, glory Waterfalls, pools, gardens God dwells on a mountain – Ezek 28 Throne room, Mantle room, Book room, Treasury room, War room, Judgment seat, Wine room, Record room, Mountains Thrones – for individuals & churches corresponding to destiny & authority Tabernacle – altar of incense, mercy seat arc 

On earth as it is in heaven – spiritual came first Heaven is the pattern for our Lives & church  Garden – overlap heaven earth where the river of life flowed out of Eden to man’s garden & then flowed out to the world  Eden is in heaven with the river of life flowing into man’s spirit  River of life is in us needs to flow to the garden in our heartsOur heart needs cultivating by intimate relationship to then flow out to the world I encountered Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit in my garden in my heart. Real encounters I had revelation of being a habitation of God, Gen 28, John 14 – Jacob Rev 3:20 ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. 

Gateways of spirit, soul, body – me Gate first love Invite God daily into my spirit & heart Flow life from inside out – fragmented parts, – wholeness Transformed from the inside out. Open up my life by allowing God access to all of me. Process of change from intimacy love.   

I saw my scroll of destiny – eternity. I encountered the Judgment Seat where I saw my life scroll, front & back. I met the Father in His garden. To be at total rest, peace & unity. I heard the sound of creation calling me into harmony. Black hole b-flat – calling to sons of God.

Met angels. my 2 personal & many others Met 2 church angels know their names Gathering angels Seraphim – burning ones Cashmalim – shining ones Breakthrough angel.

See angelic portals, hear angelic sounds, smell angelic fragrances. Met the 7 spirits of God, Met men in white linen – cloud witnesses – Melchizedek, Adam, Jacob, Enoch. Met my grandchildren in the children’s play ground, trained by angels. 

Taught to present myself daily as a living sacrifice at the altar in heavenly tabernacle. Taught to daily engage the Arc – to resonate with the will of God, come into harmony with the heart of God & to take up rod of authority. YHVH Revelation of the structure of heavens. Discovered where I had been.

Taught how to engage the heavenly courts, been in 10 different courts.  Wisdom’s height Proverbs 8 doors, gates, paths. Taught how to establish a law as a king. Taught how to access court of upright, chancellors, angels, war. Taught how to engage kingdom protocol – heavens & atmosphere of the earth. Taught how to get daily mandates authorizations.  Administer from mountain throne– open the everlasting doors. 

I have had daily encounters with God both within & in the heavenly realms. Write – Review – Revisit Word & my written Testimony becomes a doorway & anchor. Some encounters are totally involuntary. Most encounters are now deliberate. I can engage heaven by faith based on past Testimony. 

Psa 18:11 He made darkness His hiding place, His canopy around Him, Darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.12 From the brightness before Him passed His thick clouds, 

Psa 97:2 Clouds and thick darkness surround Him; Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. 

4 months Be still, wait, rest, wait Expectantly.   

Anyone can learn how to engage God within & in the heavenlies. It takes desire – discipline – delight. Relationship deepens to experience personal intimacy with God’s presence- Practice.

Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. Train our senses to see from the inside outside. Glory of God can flow from inside Out. Trained my senses.  Meditate in word, flow of God’s thoughts.  Meditate opening the eyes of my heart – – Imagination.  Open the eyes of my spirit.  Flow- thoughts, pictures, words, impressions, visions – Discern Perceive. 

My spirit can communicate to me what it sees – sonar. More like discern or perceive the spiritual realm. Not interested in the demonic side. Just what God is doing.

Journey Books Word – thoughts Visions – imagination Impression – Spiritual eyes, discerning to see with my spirit.

I have discovered that there are 2 main pathways of entrance into heavenlies.

Relationship – Intimacy with the presence and person of God. Garden heart & garden of God via the river of life – gate first love.

Rulership – yielding as living sacrifices to the kingdom purposes of God, thrones, courts, mountain of God.

Can’t rule in righteousness without coming from a place of rest and relationship – knowing Him as Father – So we can know Him as Lord & King. Priest before we are a king. Love before service. Serve from a relationship not for one.

Encountering God is not just an end in itself but it leads on to worshipping or serving Him.  John 5:19 Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. 

John 14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. Many small steps of obedience. 

Trust His guidance and direction. Struggle resist Last year proactive reach out Now Mentoring groups around world.

God said He would open doors, I had to choose to step through. Where are you on your journey? Not started yet – follow him. Do you desire more, are you hungry & thirsty for more? It will take discipline, perseverance. Delight of intimacy is waiting for each of us. 

Will you pursue God & your destiny? Jesus is here in this room.   


Close your eyes, relax. Think about Jesus standing in front of you. Picture that with your imagination – REAL. What do you want to say to Him? What is He saying to You? Surrender your life to Him at a deeper level. Open your heart and your deepest emotions hurts, fears, desires, anxieties Let Him touch you heal.

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