The 4 chambers of the heart

The 4 chambers of the heart are: the garden of the heart, the dance floor, the soaking room of preparation and the bridal chamber. I would like to teach on these subjects from my own personal experience.

First chamber – personal garden

The first chamber of the heart is the personal garden. When the Lord began to speak to me about the 4 chambers of the heart, I spent 2 and a half years cultivating the garden of my heart, so that the presence of God could come out of the realm of Eden and walk into my garden and I could have fellowship with him in my garden as well as in his garden.

Genesis 3:8 – and they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool (afternoon breeze) of the day.

Song of Solomon 4:16 – awake, old Northwind, and come, Southwind – blow softly upon the garden; make my garden breathe out fragrance, for the one in whom my soul delights, let it spices flow forth. Let my beloved come into his garden and eat its choices fruits.

When I used to go through things with the Lord, I wanted a living record of the testimony, so I learned to plant a seed of each victory in my garden praying, father this is a seed that will grow into a cedar of Lebanon inside my garden as a testimony to what we have done together here today.

The first time ever planted something, my heart was a desert. Unless we have cultivated our gardens, they are deserts. So I planted a seed, and when I turned around there was a tree. Remember that light and power equals mass: E = MC 2. Out of the desire of Yahweh, things are created .RNA can be described as revealed nature achieved. Out of the RNA of the testimony of Yahweh, he creates things – Yahweh is into creating. I grew my garden and did all these wonderful things, so I have a lovely garden where I go and spend time with the father. Of course, my garden gives me access to his garden, so I can go and walk in Eden ( see chapter entitled Eden in the realms of the kingdom volume 1). We look at the process of cultivating the personal garden of the heart more deeply in the next chapter.

Second chamber – the dance floor

The other 3 chambers of the heart are also very important. I went through the process of getting an understanding of them.

The first chamber the heart is a garden.

The second chamber of the heart is the dance floor, since everything to do with Yahweh and the river of God always stems out of intimacy. When the Lord began to speak to me about dancing with his presence, springing along the mountain tops, engaging his presence, whirling in the glory, dancing among the candlesticks of the presence of God, all these things were exhilarating to me. I got lost in the love experience and euphoria of Yahweh’s desire for me to just be with him. Yahweh wants each of us to be with him even more than you and I want him to be with us.

This is why Yahweh called to Adam in the garden, where are you – Genesis 3:9. It was not just because Adam had sinned, but it was the loss of relationship, friendship and intimacy. When I was in the dark cloud and the Lord was weeping, he said that it had been a long time since anyone had been there and I was undone ( see chapter entitled the dark cloud and realms of the kingdom volume 1). So, this realm of the dance floor became a very important thing for me.

I did not know what to do – I’m a male; I think like a man. But when Yahweh told me to wear an earring I had to forget that and be obedient because I am a bondservant. I do not have to wear it anymore, because I’m a son, but I choose to wear it to challenge the religious spirit.

Exodus 21:5 – but if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go free, then his master’s shall bring him to God ( the judges as his agents); he shall bring him to the door or doorpost and he shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him for life.

I began to think about this dance floor and what it would be like. I thought about some of the places I’ve been to in the realm of the kingdom and some of the experiences I have encountered. I realized that this had actually been different from the way I imagined it would be.

One of my first encounters as I was beginning to love on Yahweh, I was just worshiping in the spirit, beginning to engage and the atmosphere got heavier and heavier. My spirit man began to engage the presence of Yahweh and seemed to come out of me and melt into him. As that transference happened, I found myself walking into a massively big hallway with great big pillars. I could not see the top because it was all smoke, mist and clouds. I knew I was in the spirit when I walked onto the floor, and I was barefoot yet my feet made the sounds of stilettos on marble, click, click, click, click. I did not know what to do, but because I had been engaging the presence of God I thought, well Lord, I can do nothing better than to go back to where I was. So I started to engage and began to worship again. When you are in the kingdom and start to worship, your words echo into the spirit kingdom world, and I heard them beginning to bounce from wall to wall. The first word never stops bouncing, it just carries on and then you add more to it and it starts to make a cacophonous sound. Then gradually a canopy is built and the whole angelic world turns up because a son is singing to the father, and they respond, let’s go join in! Heavens desire, as Yahweh’s desire is to sing over us with joy.

 Zephaniah 3:17-The Lord your God in your midst, the mighty one, will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.

So I was in this room with a lot of chaotic atmospheric intensity going on, and I thought, so I’m just going to…? I mean, I’m a guy who is going to what – boogie-woogie? I did not know what to do. I just said in my spirit man that I would start to move my body and by faith I began to give myself in an expressive way to the presence of God – to dance before his presence.

I was not expecting him to come and engage me and dance with me. I’m a man, how do you dance with another man? That is how we think when we are in the flesh. But as a spirit being there is neither male nor female – Galatians 3:28. It is union, spirit to spirit. I began to give my spirit man to the presence of God, to actually begin to move with his glory and anointing inside that room.

There was a lot a noise, and I got lost. I got totally and absolutely lost in what was going on in this interaction for maybe an hour. I had no reference for time, because when we are in the kingdom, time just does not exist in the same way. We are out of time and space there, and what can be 5 minutes here can be 5 hours there and what can be 5 hours there can be 3 seconds here. There is no common frame of reference for time. I dance with the presence of God and then began to become aware that there were other people inside the room on the dance floor. At first I had my eyes closed. I do not know why I had my eyes closed except that I’d given myself over and shut everything else out to focus on what was happening in my relationship with the presence of the father.

I realized that there were others inside the dance floor and my mind started saying, oh my gosh, I wonder what they are going to think about me when they know that I have danced here with Yahweh. I am dancing with Yahweh, wow…! While I was going through all these thoughts, I open my eyes to see who they were and when I did, I found the embrace of the Godhead around me. I had the father, son and Holy Spirit dancing a pirouette around me on the dance floor. Now I really started to fall in love and get lost. I do not care what anyone thought because I was in the best place I could ever be.

On the outside of me, a whirlwind began to form. I know what whirlwinds do because I have been on them in the spirit and have traveled on them to galaxies. So when this whirl wind began to form around me I started to wonder where Yahweh was taking me, but nothing happened. When I open my eyes again, a reverse tornado had formed over the top of me, with a big base at the bottom that went to a fine point up in the midst somewhere. I found myself outside of this canopy watching my body start to dissolve. It was kind of falling to bits, dissolving into this mist that was the father, son and Holy Spirit inside this swirling cloud. I was dissolving into nothing and watching this, and I was amazed. It is amazing what we can do in the kingdom world.

I saw myself dissolve and I was in the mist again, still me, fully aware of every single particle of what I was, still correlated together yet it was all separate, because it was in total unity with the father. I went up into this mist, and as I got higher and higher up I could see a light at the top of the tunnel I was in. The closer I got to it, the more reality I began to see. It was not actually a hole, but a 3 stranded cord of DNA that was in the top of this tunnel. I found myself going up into the top of the tunnel and swirling around the DNA. I knew what was going on and what was going to happen, because I’ve been studying it all.

Suddenly there was a click; the DNA strand had disappeared but I could feel it in me. It was in the fiber of the record of what I had been pushing to engage for many years – it was now in my being. I came down out of the cloud and I watched myself reform into Ian, but I was different. Something had gone on inside of me that it brought me into an accord with the father’s testimony in his record in heaven. We all need to have encounters with the records of the testimonies that Yahweh designed for us to walk in before we were on the earth, not just the testimonies of our parents records that we now walk in.

Ephesians 2:10-For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them .

Jesus gave us the record and the testimony of his body and blood which carries the DNA of our heavenly father in communion (see the chapter entitled the DNA of God in the realms of the kingdom volume 1).

I had come back down out of the cloud and was reformed, but I was still lost in the experience of it all, and I was also trying to look inside myself to figure out what had happened. Then I found myself back on earth in my room, still worshiping in the spirit. We have to learn our spirit pathways in and out. We should never close our spiritual experiences abruptly and walk away. We have to learn how to back out. We should never turn our backs on the presence of God, but back away slowly and sensitively, so we can remember the way back in.

Third chamber – the soaking room of preparation

The third chamber of the heart is known as the soaking room of preparation. This room is described well in the book of Esther. When Queen Esther was being prepared to become the bride of the King, she spent a year soaking in spices and incense that purified her body – Esther 2:12. With my experiences of the garden and the dance floor, I have learned that everything is about intimacy.

I Always find that worship is a key that can unlock the boundaries set around me, to bring me through desire and intimacy, into an encounter with Yahweh, which takes me into deeper levels of relationship. I am not chasing the experience. I just want Yahweh, but I am aware of a platform that can form a stepping stone to engage a deeper relationship with Yahweh, so I will hold to that platform, but I do not look to the platform to be my experience, it is just a platform. The soaking room of preparation of the bride for the bridegroom is another platform. I began to engage the presence of God while holding the platform of the knowledge of what Yahweh needed me to do here, and I began to turn my heart towards him there, to purposefully engage out of my desire to know him.

I do not stay in this physical realm and engage from here to experience revelation of him. I go into his presence to engage him to bring revelation back into this realm. This is a major issue because our tendency is to be here and try to engage from here, thinking that we want the spiritual experiences which will unify us with Yahweh, but we have to engage Yahweh first with the understanding that the experiences will come out of our engagement with Yahweh.

I began to engage this platform, knowing that it has to do with herbs, spices, incense, frequencies, and all the wave patterns of the whole of the realm of heaven. I also knew that it has to do with the whole realm of worship and abandonment, the expression of the sound of my DNA, the expression of the frequency of what I carry, the electromagnetic energy that flows from cell to cell in my body, with light, the colors of light and what it means to live in the light. It has to do with all these things because they are really all one in the kingdom.

While engaging the realm of intimacy I began to look towards the presence of the Lord with this platform in mind praying, father, I need you to bring revelation of this, but Lord, even if you do not do that I am just going to love you. I’m going to purposefully chase you until you get so sick of me chasing you that you are going to show me what this is all about. We have to do these kinds of things – I set my heart to engage in the presence of the Lord like this.

Again, I found myself at a doorway – there are 4 doors of the heart which need to be open. With any door, the function is for us to open it and go through. Many of us stand at the door but do not go in because we are afraid of what is going to happen when we go in. But mostly we are afraid that these encounters with Yahweh will make us have to deal with our junk.

I opened the door and went into fire, mist, sound, color and fragrance – it was like walking into a warm bath.… Christ loved the church and gave himself for her to make her holy – sanctify her, cleansing her in the washing of water by the word – Ephesians 5:25 – 26.

I walked into it and thought, oh this is amazing and I just fell into it. How long I stayed there I do not know. This is where the love kisses of Yahweh come in, let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth – for your love is better than wine – song of Solomon 1:2.

 He goes into the very fiber of our beings and prepares tables in us for the father to come and meet with us in our DNA – Psalm 23:5. He soaks the records of who we are in the testimony of what he is to change the sounds and fragrances of who we are, as the Bible says, we are the sweet fragrance of Christ… unto God… Among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing – second Corinthians 2:15.

I began have this encounter of soaking in this lightning, fire, vibrating sound, awesome smelling, wonderful, amazing experience. I was there for hours. I would drag myself out, go to work, come home, find a nobody was home, go back into the room and spend the whole night time in the soaking room. Then I would drag myself out again, go to work, come home to, hi honey, how are you going? Glad to see you today; you are wonderful. Then at around 9:30 or 10 o’clock to would say, see you, I’m going to bed. I would go into my room and whoosh. I spent weeks soaking in the preparation bath of the glory of God to prepare me as a son in union with him.

Fourth chamber – the bridal chamber

The last chamber of the heart is the bridal chamber. This is where we are joined and become one with the presence of God. The Bible says, the person who is United to the Lord becomes one spirit with him – first Corinthians 6:17.

The bridal chamber has nothing to do with sexual union. There are some weird people who twist what I say and come out with accusations of that nature. It is a deception to try to take something that is on earth and put it into heaven. The Bible says,… On earth as it is in heaven – Matthew 6:10, not in heaven as it is on earth. We must not take an earthly thing that keeps you tied in chaos and try to put it into heaven. But instead we need to take authority over earthly things using heavens memories in heaven’s engagement to bring them into alignment as it is in heaven.

In the natural world we have sexual union between a husband and wife where their spirits are knit together. Our father designed sex for marriage because of the established biblical covenant that happens between a man and woman. What they do not talk about in the media, in school presentations, or in any of the things that are taught today is what happens spiritually when a man releases his seed into a woman’s body.

They used the think that the seed would be washed away. What they realized after doing tests was that the woman actually assimilates the seed into her body and her body begins to take on the sound of the man through the DNA.

So people who go sleeping around, end up with the sound of however many different partners inside their bodies. When they go on to get married and a woman then tries to have unity with her husband, she has the sound of many other men embedded inside her body; and the same thing happens with men when they have united with lots of different women.

Not only does transference happen, but if people have sexual partners who are involved in the occult, they create soul ties that keep them connected to each other and those people involved in your occult can then draw on the lives of the people that they are soul tied to, for their own personal benefit. When they are feeling down for example, they can engage the hook of the sound that is in the people they are soul tied to, and pull on them, drawing energy from those people’s bodies and life’s.

Then there is the fact that demons can be connected with the seed. When the seed gets released, there can be a spirit attached, particularly when attitudes are based in lust. When the seed gets transferred, the demon gets hold of that body and that person may then struggle with the spirit of lust.

This does not often get taught or talked about, but it literally fractures life’s. We wonder why we cannot get engaged properly and have good godly marriages, then come to find out it is because we are soul tied and connected in sound frequencies inside our DNA with demons and other people around the face of the earth.

I hate what the enemy is doing amongst our young people with the promiscuity and the spirit that is behind that thing trying to destroy people. It is not okay to sleep around. The Bible says,… Do not be misled. A lot of people stand to inherit nothing of God’s coming kingdom, including those whose lives are defined by sexual immorality – first Corinthians 6:9 – 10. We say that we want signs and wonders. Well I’m sorry it is not going to happen through people who are doing this.

We think this is okay because the media presents it to us from Hollywood, which very often acts as a doorway of hell which should be a doorway to the kingdom, and needs to change. We think that it is okay because we get so blinded and bombarded by information that forms a platform in the frequency and in the water in our bodies, caring the message that tells us it is all okay, that it does not really matter and that it is okay to have homosexual relationships and that no one really knows because it is all done in secret. But actually, we are never alone.

Yahweh made Adam and Eve. I do not care what the schoolbooks are teaching, or what propaganda is getting put into the preschools today. Yahweh made them male and female; everything else is outside the boundaries of the presence of God and will not inherit the kingdom. The reason I’m saying this is because some believers are involved in this and they need to deal with it. I know this because I can see it.

The bridal chamber is very important for us with regard to our unity with the presence of God. It is where we become intertwined with the record of his DNA. This mystery – of 2 becoming one – is great; but I’m speaking with reference to – the relationship of – Christ and his church – Ephesians 5:32.

When we take communion, there are many depths and layers of the kingdom realms connected to this process, with secrets to be uncovered that Yahweh has for us as his sons. God’s glory is shown when he conceals things; I Kings glory is shown in his ability to explore the facts of the matter – Proverbs 25:2, and Jesus has for us as our bridegroom, I am jealous over you with a jealousy that comes from God… I promise to give you to Christ, as your only husband. I want to give you as his pure bride – second Corinthians 11:2.

I began to realize that I need to build a bridal chamber inside my heart. I was trying to deal with this from a spiritual perspective, whilst thinking about the natural perspective. To repeat, this is not sexual interaction with Yahweh. The only human who has united with Yahweh was mary, but that was not sexual. The Bible says Holy Spirit overshadowed her – Luke 1:35. To overshadow means to brood, to cause vibration or frequency, to cause interruption in this world, to plant a record of a testimony inside her womb. Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary to wipe out every other overshadowing that had gone before him.  

Genesis 6:1 – 2, 4When people began being numerous on earth, and daughters had been born to them, the sons of God, looking at the women, saw how beautiful they were and married as many of them as they chose… The nephilim were on the earth in those days – and even afterwards – when the sons of God resorted to the women, and had children by them. These were the heroes of days gone by, men of renown.

These were wrongful overshadowings. Where did they get that idea from? They got it from the garden.

Holy Spirit overshadowing is God’s presence cleansing the generational seed line. It was about Holy Spirit and the glory of God overshadowing us. I began to do a study on overshadowing, the huppah, the cloud of the glory of God that came over Mount zion when the children of Israel went up to the mountain and followed them in the wilderness, the fire, and the overshadowing of the presence of God over the people’s lives.

Exodus 19 – 24 – on the morning of the third day, there was thunder and lightning with thick cloud on the mountain. There was a very loud blast from a trumpet… All the people in the camp trembled. Then Moses led… The people out of the camp to meet God… Mount sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord came down on it in fire… And the whole mountain… Trembled… Then Moses spoke… And… God answered him… Moses took the blood… And sprinkled… It on the people, saying, this is the blood that begins… The… Covenant… Which the Lord has made… With you.…

Moses… And 70 of the elders of Israel went up the mountain saw the God of Israel. Under his feet was a surface… That looked as if it were paved with blue sapphire stones, and it was as clear as the sky – heavens! These leaders… Saw God. The glory of the Lord… Came down – settled – a Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for 6 days. On the seventh data Lord called to Moses from inside the cloud. To the Israelites… The glory of the Lord looked like a fire burning on top of the mountain. Then Moses went into the cloud.

This cloud became a major focus for my life. I realize that Yahweh wanted to bring me into the cloud of his presence, so that I could become one with him and so that the cloud could brood over me – Genesis 1:2 – and overshadow my life. I want the cloud of God’s presence or my life, with the provision and protection he brings.

I do not want to hear people say, oh I got slimed today. We need to get into the bridal chamber. Yahweh has given us ways of escape, but we do not understand these ways yet. The ways of Yahweh are all about intimacy. Because we do not understand this particular way of God, we do not yet understand the provision that Yahweh has given us in this way. The Lord and his word says, walk in my ways – Zachariah 3:7. To be in the cloud is a way of escape.

Out of my desire to engage the kingdom and have the father come and manifest himself in me, I prepared a room that I felt would be welcoming to the cloud of the glory of God inside my heart. I used my imagination to build this room and the atmosphere in the room to be God centered not self focused.

In the mornings I’d get up out of bed and begin to pray in the spirit and worship as I began to build this room and build a place of worship there as the Bible says, my house shall be called a house of prayer – Isaiah 56:7. I wanted to build a house of prayer for the glory of God to manifest inside this place that I was building. This little canopy was where my God was going to come to meet me. So I began to turn my desire to meet with him. And the spirit and the bride say, come! – Revelation 22:17. I wanted to meet with the presence of the glory of God so that in that meeting place I could become one with his spirit, because I want him to brood over me.

Mary said, be it unto me according to your word – Luke 1:38. So I prayed, father, do unto me as you will. I did not know what he was going to do, because I did not have a grid for any of this. How many other people teach this?

I went through this process of praying, father, how does this all work? What does it mean to become one with your presence? How do I do this thing? I drew on the record of becoming one in the cloud and on the dancefloor. I have a record of being soaked in the glory, and of God’s presence coming into my garden in the cool of the day inside my being, I’ve come into my garden, my sister, my promised bride – song of Solomon 5:1. I have a record and I have already established a testimony, so that this is a meeting place where I’m going to engage Yahweh and Yahweh is going to engage me. I was there praying, father, I thank you that I can stand in this place and worship you and I make a conscious choice to say to you today, be it unto me as you will, father. I totally and absolutely surrender to your desire for my life. Then I heard the sound of a rushing wind come into my physical room. I started to freak out because I could feel this wind blowing around me. It Seemed like I was in the room, but it actually was not, because my spirit man was in this other room, and what was manifesting in the kingdom world was being revealed in the natural world.

I suddenly felt myself shift, and I was in the bridal chamber with the wind of God blowing all around me. I could feel the canopy of the mist. I felt this mist come around me and realized that the cloud of God had come into my room – first Kings 8:11. I started to allow my desire to turn. I wanted to dissolve, I wanted to have the type of encounter I had when I was entwined with the DNA of God. I wanted to dissolve into the mist. I just wanted to become one with the atmosphere of the glory of God’s presence that was inside the room.

As I gave myself to that desire, I did not dissolve into it. It began to dissolve into me and melt into my being. I felt it through the outside into the center of my spirit man. I felt the unity and again there was a click sound as everything came into alignment to the purpose of Yahweh inside of me… And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you – Isaiah 62:5. I was there for probably 3 and half hours just saying, wow…! I was as drunk as a skunk. I came out of it and I was sitting on the edge of my bed saying, wow! All I could say was, wow! For about 3 hours. I was wide-awake, but in a different world.

What I have found with Yahweh is that once I have been somewhere with him and know the way in, then I have to go and visit again. So I went through the process of going in repeatedly until the whole world of the kingdom began to open up.

When I’m one with the father and I am where the father is. That they all may be one; just as you, father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be one in us – John 17:21.

If my father is omnipresent, then I can be where my father is. There is one God and father of everything. He rules everything and is everywhere and is in everything – who is over all and through all and in all – Ephesians 4:6.

If my father is omnipotent and I’m one with the father, then I will be what my father is. And – so that you will begin to know – what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of his – active, spiritual – power in us who believe – Ephesians 1:19.

If my father is omniscient and I am one with the father, then I will be what my father is displaying. Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you – and even show you – great and mighty things, things which have been confined and hidden –, which you do not know – Jeremiah 33:3.

It all comes out of intimacy and out of the desire to build a realm of intimacy for the father to engage us so we can engage the world and bring the kingdom into this world to change it.

It Comes out of the realm of intimacy and flows out of us like a river into the world, bringing divine order into everything that is around our lives. We want to be an extension of the father’s realm flowing through us to the world that is around us. The world wants to know about love. The Bible says, everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love – first John 4:7 – 8. If Yahweh is love then we need to learn how to love. We cannot love out of the stuff of physical life around us; we have to love out of that which Yahweh made to flow from inside of us that becomes a river.

If we want to know about the life of a person we are talking with, then we can go and walk in the garden and go into the bridal chamber. sitting in the bridal chamber and getting imbibed in the cloud of the mist of God, we can go and see what is in the life of a person, because whatever is in them is disposed and exposed to the presence of God.

Everything begins to open up in that place of intimacy. The whole kingdom world begins to open up when we are in the presence of God, because we are seeing not from us into it but from him into it, and so everything is made naked and plain to be seen. When we are engaged with the presence of God we have all the empowerment to deal with this, and we have all the glory of God to be revealed in the bring others into.

This was 3 years of my life. Do not expect to go into the bridal chamber and have this type of experience in one day and come out one day later with everything changed. The reality is that it takes work. Marriage is work; it takes work learning how to communicate. It takes work learning how to talk to one another about the difficult things, especially when the other one knows all the difficult things anyway, so how do we talk about the difficult things?

This is why the Bible says, let your requests be made known to God – Philippians 4:6. But we do not make our needs known yet – we go in first and become one with him, and in the expression of that oneness, then we say, father, this is my need. That is why the Bible says, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need – Hebrews 4:16. The need is always at the end. In the encounter, Yahweh gives the provision for the sustenance of what is necessary to meet our needs. It is in the encounter, but we do not chase the encounter, we chase our father, who releases us into encounter.

This is kingdom work; this is good stuff and it really works. Everything that anyone of us struggles with, we all struggle with. We all have the same DNA, the same fall in nature. But with it Yahweh has made a way of escape. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it – first Corinthians 10:13. Yahweh is giving us ways of escape, and this is one of my ways of escape, to go in and engage him in these areas of my life. When I’m feeling alone, I go into my garden. When I’m feeling desperate and in need of the touch of Yahweh, I go into the bridal chamber. When I’m feeling desperate and in need of changing, I go into the soaking room of preparation. I going to these places because I have gone in and out of them so many times that it is normal to be able to stand here and just step into the reality of that until it becomes a reality down here.

It should be normal for us to have access to our father’s kingdom. This is just one little part of the provision that Yahweh has given us, provision to meet our needs. It is all found in the realm of intimacy with his presence.


Father, I want to thank you that you have bought us as a bride.

You paid the price; you have supplied all that is needed out of heaven and in heaven, and in us, father, to bring the fullness of your kingdom to bear on the earth.

Father, today we want to acknowledge that everything we do must stem out of a desire for intimacy with your presence; not to chase experiences, but father to chase you, the provider of the experiences.

Out of the platform of this relationship with you father, show us your kingdom. It is your pleasure father, to show us your kingdom. Father I ask that the atmosphere of the cloud of your presence would rest over these men and women reading this book, that the Shekinah glory of the omniscience of your power would overshadow us in the night watch.

Father that you would change us, you would transform us, that in the nighttime we would engage your presence and we would be found morning by morning Lord more in unity with your presence.

Father, I thank you that you lead us and you guide us, and father it is line upon line, precept upon precept, glory to glory, and that you are leading us into glory father, to be revealed as sons on the earth in glory, in heaven, fully manifesting the potential of what you have given to us here on the earth to live in.

Father, I thank you for grace. I think you for great grace assigned to us, Lord, to engage the kingdom world to see your presence manifested and terraform the face of the universe, in Yeshua’s mighty name. Amen.

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