The Beauty of the Son

I am so excited to introduce a new and very precious voice to Cabin Academy.  These  treasures of wisdom are shared from the dear heart of Ann Wangari who I have been discipling for almost 3 years. 

Her hunger for Him and life of faithfulness to the Lord and His beloveds is amazing.  She lives and breathes Jesus.  Enjoy reading, Enjoy Him! and be blessed!  Go Ann! so proud of you!  Milly 

“…He created everything beautiful in its own time and in Him all things were created”

Colossians 1:16 & Ecclesiastes 3:11

To see beauty in everything is to acknowledge the love of the Master Artist who is the full expression of beauty itself.

~ the invisible becoming visible ~.

In this, the Son becomes the living canvas set in the altar of “before the creation of the world” and through the colours of His Spirit, the Father expresses Himself in this canvas

~to see the Son is to see Father~

To truly know and see this beauty in all things, is to go back to this altar. The foundation of all things.

In this canvas we meet the Lamb. The Son.

He becomes the mirror which we behold and in beholding we see what we already are, IN him.

Only those that understand that the Master Artist has already been in His creation chamber and finished the project has understood grace.

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit”.

~2 Corinthians 3:18~

What happens when we as sons, start to manifest anything below the love portrayed in the cross?

Sadly this is when we start to identify humanity; based on the fall instead of His redemptive love.  Or when we stop to manifest a healing sound to the creation, but instead, add to the pain of its groanings.

Do we allow the veils of false identity to distort the very reflection of the One who we behold?  To become like a man who looks in the mirror and immediately forget how he looks like, is to open a gate for others to define us.

Many voices then become like a shattered mirror with many different identities screaming at you to become what they think you are.

The record of this shattered beauty becomes so engraved in our DNA, hence a fading memory of who we really are in him. As a result, our identity is no longer anchored in him but in a created idol of this age that has enslaved a society in conforming to its demands and insecurity.

To untether a generation who think they need to conform to certain images (be that hair, skin colour, size etc) is to take them back to the ancient altar.

 ~Going back to the Son’s face is the optimum of beauty itself~

To linger in His presence or, like David to set him “always before us”.

 Until all other identities that fall below His love bow their knee to the one inside of us who is altogether lovely.

~as he is so are we~

Only then can we look at the face of another and see him!.

We see wholeness and completion of beauty in a single soul.

Just like we can choose to see the whole ocean in a single drop of water.

Our hearts become the living mirror that display the glory of the Father in the Son.

Gloriously transformed into surrendered, living canvases.

Sons of His glory, to be revealed in all creation.

Which ever way that pleases… the most worthy Master Artist!

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