The coming inheritance

This war between the two kingdoms, Babylon and the Kingdom of God, is not just spiritual, it is also economic. Violent tremors caused by earthquakes can create huge tidal waves that can destroy great structures.

There is coming a shaking to the modern-day church that will soon begin and increase, causing much of the present structure to be removed as God begins to set up His kingdom.

If we as Christians would cease to build our own kingdoms, the economic scales will be tipped in our favor.

PROVERBS 13:22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

In His Kingdom upon the earth, the Good Man, our Lord, has an inheritance for His children in these last days that will be released to them in order to build the Kingdom of God in this earth.

This inheritance is for those who have pure hearts and motives.

But in these end times we need to appropriate this by faith and persistence.

This inheritance is both natural and spiritual.

The first inheritances will be natural, such as finances and property. We must carefully guard what the Lord is giving us and become a channel, directing these funds into the Kingdom of God.

The second inheritance will be spiritual. There is coming a generation of young people who do not want what wealth can bring them. They want the power and gifting of the Lord in order to reach this present generation for Jesus.

Yes, finance will be released as the Kingdom of God begins to gain the ascendancy over the kingdom of Babylon, but this wealth will only be released to do the will of God — to build His kingdom.

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