The Contents of the Blood

God’s Life is found in the Blood

Blood is the element in which life is found. And it is the origin of this life that determines its value. The Bible establishes: For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement. Leviticus 17:11

When we look at the lives of animals, we find that the larger they are, the more valuable their lives are as a sacrifice. A turtledove has a certain value while an ox has a greater value. It is the same way among men. For pagans who sacrifice human beings, a maiden has a certain value while a firstborn son has a greater value. But without a doubt, the most valuable blood is that of the only begotten Son of God.

 The life in the blood is described by the Greek word zoe. Everything that breathes and is alive possesses the zoe of God. This is the essential energy that characterizes every living being. Nevertheless, zoe is not the nature of the Most High. Jesus was conceived of the very life of the Father, possessing everything that God is. But He also had His mother’s zoe , and this is the life that made him a mortal being. Who (Jesus) although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant, and being made in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:6-7

The life of Jesus with perishable substance was transformed into resurrection life, when He conquered death and was raised from the dead.

The life that now flows in His blood is life that cannot die. When Jesus descended into hell, the life in His blood was full of the glorious power of the Spirit of God. The mortal, corruptible substance of His human body was transformed at its deepest biological levels. From this moment on, the blood and the Spirit of God united to bring about the greatest miracle in history: the resurrection of Christ. Now the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant… Hebrews 13:20 The union of that glorious blood with the Spirit of God produced the power that pulled Jesus out of the grave, defeating death and hell.

The invincible power of the resurrection penetrated the redeemed body of Jesus. The life in His blood became the most powerful inheritance that He could leave us. Paul lived this reality in his own flesh and in the fullness of his spirit. This is what he was trying to transmit to us. He knew that drinking from the blood of the covenant was not a ritual or a tiny sip of liquid that disappeared within ten minutes. He knew that his entire being was impregnated with this vital fluid.

The blood of Jesus penetrates our spirit and invades our whole body, transforming our soul and flooding every cell of our body. The strength of His might is at work in us through His resurrection. Paul prayed for our eyes to be opened to this reality and for us to truly understand the inheritance that Jesus left us. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places. Ephesians 1:18-20

We just read that, thanks to His blood, the power of the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. This dynamic power now operates within us. Jesus wanted us to drink of His blood in order to give us this wonderful inheritance. One day I had a glorious experience that transformed my whole concept of that life in Jesus’ blood that is now part of me. I had just taken Communion, and I was enjoying deep meditation on my Lord, when my spirit was carried to the Holy of Holies in Heaven. The Ark of the Covenant glowed. It was full of a shining energy that is difficult to describe. It was like an incredibly dense, churning fire. Rays of light beamed out of it. Then I saw Jesus enter in. I could only see His white, glistening clothing. His face was hidden behind the shining glory that surrounded Him. A formless mass, like a wafting, floating liquid was in front of Him, moving towards the Ark. It was His Blood. Suddenly, He puts it upon the mercy seat, between the two cherubims that guard the cover. A magnificent power was produced in that instant. It was like seeing the explosion of an atomic bomb. Everything shook fiercely in heaven and on earth. An endless thunder filled the entire place. The power that came forth from the Blood in the Arc reached me at that moment. I felt as if thousands of volts of electricity were going through me. My entire body turned red. His blood was in every atom of my being. The power of the Arc was now upon me. I saw it circulate as if there were hundreds of lightning bolts running through my body. I thought I was literally going to die. It was much too powerful for a mortal, ordinary being like me. His voice resounded strongly, saying, “My Father has received My Blood and now, it has united with His spirit. Receive the life in My blood.” Something that I did not understand was happening that would change everything I knew about His blood. I came back from the experience and found myself again in my bedroom, but everything within me was different. I would never again think of the blood of Jesus as a ritual, or a verbal proclamation, as I had learned. It was something that would lead me to a deeper understanding and knowledge of God. Peter’s writings about the divine life began to make much more sense. It was like finding a vein of gold in a mine that I just had to follow.

Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature…2 Peter 1:3-4a Partaking of His blood and His flesh were leading me to a deeper knowledge of God. His life was invading my spirit each day. The rivers of the water of life flowing from my inner being began to be real. The first thing they filled up was my soul and then my body. This began to positively affect my health, strength and energy levels. I had a new vitality, and many times, even the youth could not keep up with my rhythm of life. Being in contact with His life and united with His nature were also filling me with light, which again opened a new horizon to me. The Light of God Is Found in His Blood All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:3-5

The life of God is liquid light that runs through the veins of Jesus. This light is visible in the spiritual world and is greatly feared by darkness.

The light in Jesus’ blood is what transforms the spiritual realm and strips the devil of his strength. Darkness, the arena in which satan and his hosts operate, lacks substance. Its best definition is the absence of light. When we turn on a light, darkness is automatically dispelled. Just as a fish needs water to live, the devil needs darkness to survive. Exposing the devil to the light of God is the same thing as taking a fish out of the water. It loses its strength until it dies, or in the case of the devil, he falls defeated. I began to understand that by drinking the blood of Jesus, His light ran through my veins, and I became a fearful adversary for the devil. The kingdom of darkness realized that I was aware that the light within my spirit was intensifying as I took Communion. This filled the devil with terror. I would no longer be a prey for him, nor would I fall into his deceivers’ traps so easily. After taking the Lord’s Supper, I frequently spend long periods of time meditating in my spirit, basking in that marvelous light that emanates from His life. At times, I am in such unison with God that I have seen the glow of my own spirit. God allowed me to climb Mount Everest in order to consecrate it for Him and to tear down strongholds of the devil that were holding many nations captive from that location. During the expedition, we had a very unique experience with the light of His presence. We had to hike for nine days through the Himalayas in order to arrive at our headquarters at base camp. Some days the journey took us 12 hours. On one of those days, we climbed a peak that seemed to be endless, 5,000 feet without stopping. Some of the intercessors, who would remain halfway up the mountain in order to cover the expedition in prayer, were inexperienced climbers. They began to slow our progress tremendously. Night fell upon us, and we had no flashlights, since we were supposed to have arrived at our planned destination by mid afternoon. We could not see anything at all. There were cliffs everywhere, and it began to rain. The situation was critical because there was no one whom we could ask for help. We began to pray for a miracle, which was the only thing that would save us. Suddenly, something wonderful happened. Light began to emit from our own bodies, illuminating our way. It was a dim, bluish light, but it permitted us to see where to take our next step. It was an awesome experience. At the beginning of the 20 th century, the Lord raised up John G. Lake, one of the most powerful men in the history of the kingdom of God. He was an American missionary in Africa. He was known for the extraordinary gift of healing that moved in his ministry. His holiness and knowledge of God have inspired great ministries of today. John G. Lake practiced Communion daily and this greatly affected his physical and spiritual life. Many missionaries went to Africa in those days and died of different diseases that were rampant on the black continent. Nevertheless, John never got sick. This attracted the attention of some investigators, who requested a sample of his blood for analysis. They wanted to discover what it was that kept the missionary in such good health. They took the sample and added all kinds of germs of the most dreadful sicknesses. His biographers say that his blood emitted light that burned up the germs. The life of God had become one with the missionary’s blood. Light has another characteristic, it enlightens our understanding. His light shines in our inner being and leads us to glorious revelations of the hidden mysteries of God. In my book Seated in Heavenly Places, I talk about how to become beacons of light in great detail. Life, light and the love of God are intimately tied to His blood. The Love of God is found and manifests in The Blood of Jesus. God is Love. That love was contained in the Father’s blood that entered into Mary’s womb at His Son’s conception. Jesus was born carrying the mark of the love that surpasses all understanding. This love gives all without reservation. This is the Father’s nature, giving of Himself and giving without measure. God’s love is the door to everything that He is and to everything He possesses. God created man due to love. He needed a being like Himself into whom He could pour His essence of love. This is how we were created; to be the most beloved thing that He had. Love is fullness. Where love is there is peace, joy and complete satisfaction. There is no desire, achievement or goal that contains all that love provides to the spirit and soul of man. Even the body receives benefits, filling it with a health and vitality that only love brings to life. Love is not a feeling. Man cannot create it because it is of divine origin. Love is a person. It is Jesus incarnate. He wants to live through us and fill the earth with love. He is the Teacher and the Provider of perfect love. That is why He said: By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35

His blood contains this wonderful love, and as we drink it, we become more and more filled with it. We begin to understand Him and desire Him more than anything else in the world. Love lives and beats through the blood of Jesus. It helps us to love where it is difficult to do so. It leads us to hate all separation because this is what Jesus did: He loved those who had trespassed against Him, closing the breach between God and man and reconciling us again with the Father. The Scripture says that the blood of Jesus speaks. It cries out to God for having been shed. But it is the love contained within that blood that gathers us up and brings us to Jesus. His love groans for us because He cannot tolerate being separated from the object of His love, placing His very life on the line. And to Jesus, the Mediator (Go-between-Agent) of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood which speaks (of mercy,) a better and nobler and more gracious message than the blood of Abel (which cried out for vengeance). Hebrews 12:24 (Amplified)

The maximum manifestation of the Father’s love is that He gave His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for our sins. His love for us was greater than the pain He felt when He saw Jesus brutalized and put to death on the cross. Since love requires its beloved, love does not reject; love redeems. Love has good will towards men. It focuses, not on defects, but on virtues. It doesn’t consider our deeds as important, but rather who we are to Him. He suffers and exposes Himself to reproach every day, so that He can be the unchanging banner of love over us. Love doesn’t close its heart in the face of our betrayal, indifference and contempt. It appears each morning, sweet and tender, always trying to make up. It is kind. It’s always looking for ways to do good, to please, to woo a pleasant moment. With tenderness it tries to file off the rough places. Love has long-lasting endurance. It is patient and kind. It never demonstrates envy and never boils over with jealousy. It doesn’t brag or show off. It doesn’t have displays of haughtiness. It isn’t proud or arrogant. It is not rude and is never unmannerly. Love is not selfish. It doesn’t demand its rights or its manner of doing things because love doesn’t seek its own way. Love is not irritable. It doesn’t feel threatened or hold grudges. It doesn’t rejoice in injustice or desire to do evil. It rejoices when truth and right prevail. It is not offended. It takes no account of a wrong. Love endures everything. It is always ready to believe the best of every person. It is full of hope and faith at all times. It always remains strong in any situation. It is infinitely sacrificial and is a giver without limits. It is brave, a fighter, and is not intimidated in the face of any enemy. It does not give up; it wins. In it there is no fear. It can do anything, and nothing can stop it. Love shreds to pieces fierce foes, and conquers tempestuous rivers in its desire to save one who is drowning. Love is courageous. It demolishes insurmountable walls. It changes hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. It has thousands of unreachable paths, and where there is no way, it creates one. Love never fails. It never decays, never becomes obsolete, never abandons the cause, and never ceases to exist. Love cannot be overcome by anything or anyone. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the purest manifestation of His Being. It is what makes God visible and tangible on earth. This is what we drink when we partake of His blood. This is what we are converted into, and what we appropriate for ourselves when we make that love ours every day. The blood of Jesus fuses with our own, as we allow Him to live and to express His love to a lost world. His love is liquid fire, running through our veins. It makes us do things that we would never do under other circumstances. It’s a zeal that burns for lost souls. It is like a giant magnet, pulling us toward those in need and those who want to feel that they matter to someone else. It is God’s greatest force. His love compels us to make any sacrifice. In Him, we can accomplish exploits, giving no thought to the price that we must pay. Natural man can only aspire to a cheap imitation of the true love found in Christ, which has the power to conquer all. Man’s love is conditional. It’s incapable of the level of sacrifice and inner death required in order to love with one’s whole heart. Within the blood of Jesus runs this incorruptible form of the Father’s love. From the time Jesus was a boy, His blood continually spoke to him about sacrifice. Every time Jesus saw the lambs being offered upon the altar of the temple, His blood spoke to him about the love sacrifice into which He would be converted. He was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. This was like a seal within his own bloodstream. Drinking His blood makes us a pleasing sacrifice upon the altar. It gives us the strength and conviction of loving as He loved, of giving as He gave, of sacrificing as He sacrificed. When we feel that it is impossible to love someone, drinking His blood will change our feelings and transform our heart. Drinking His blood leads us to forgive the unforgivable. When we take Communion, and we have not been able to reach the freedom of true forgiveness, the sacrifice of the cross comes between us and that person who has hurt us. Jesus, forgiving from the cross, will become flesh within our being. We will not only forgive, but we will want to do something beautiful for that person. That is how He loved and forgave us. Drinking His blood leads us to see as He sees, always seeing possibilities where natural man has lost all hope.

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