The creative day of the kingdom

God has told me that the day of acquired knowledge and wisdom is coming, in which His people will acquire it by faith. Bodies of knowledge will be laid in people’s minds. Sciences that have been long forgotten or not even knows, will be planted by God in the minds of His people. The wise are going to understand, and knowledge will be increased. There’s a positive side to that as well as the negative side of destructive things.

There are creative sciences that are coming in the Kingdom. The construction industry today is actually destroying trees and forests in order to build. But the day is coming in which dirt will be used to make the most beautiful houses ever seen. And they will do this in the Kingdom. By combining water and chemicals with earth they will produce a durable, soundproof, self-insulating material that they can saw or cut and use in many ways. It will then no longer be necessary to use lumber and destroy trees for construction work. In the vision I saw them making houses of this material. I saw things that they are now working on, where without switches or anything visible, a room will light up when you walk into it—the ceiling, the walls, everything—without any glare. The room will be filled with light, without any visible source. The force of gravity will be harnessed and used for energy. Amazing things will be done with foods, also. In one vision I had of the Kingdom the most outstanding thing was the number of trees and the amount of water everywhere—how beautiful it was! The whole atmosphere had a silver cast to it—everything was silvery and beautiful—and so alive.

We haven’t seen the creative sciences; everything now destroys. We have transportation, but we’re burning up the petroleum and we’re polluting the atmosphere. Everything is a force of its own negative science, even in the professions. The doctor tries to patch up sickness, but he’s not producing longevity. He’s not saying, “I’m studying so this person will live a thousand years.” He isn’t working on that; he’s just helping them recover from their current illness.

What does the dentist do? He knows that gold isn’t good for anything except tormenting fools and plugging up teeth—so he does the latter because of the former. It’s still a negative thing. It’s a stop-gap measure. Everything is subject to bondage and decay and corruption. But this is all going to be reversed, enabling people to grow new sets of teeth, and do other wonderful things.

Concerning the people that will live upon the face of the earth during the Kingdom, (not the transformed, transfigured saints) but the human beings living out their life span, Isaiah prophesies that a child shall die a hundred years old, (Isaiah 65:20). A death at the age of 100 years will be considered untimely. That gives you an idea of how people’s lives are going to be prolonged. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain.… Isaiah 65:25. The things that will begin to come forth! “Every man shall sit under his own fig tree” (Micah 4:4) is symbolic of the productiveness of every individual on the face of the earth. Creativity will come forth beyond anything that we can imagine—and here we fool around thinking that this present day is of some value. Only because it’s a time of transition is it of any value; but the old, the decaying thing—let it go. We ought to have a hope and expectancy built upon the Lord. We ought to be reaching into Him for everything we’re able to believe for; and then when we reach the limit of our faith, get down and repent before God that we have no greater capacity to knock down our horizons and believe for greater things.

Do you love this idea of creative sciences and professions? How about some creative dreaming of these things? Make a list of all the creative things you can think of and give them some kind of name. What could a dentist do, on the positive side?—not just plugging up decay or pulling out rotten teeth, or making a set of dentures to cover up the loss. What are the positive fields of research in the medical profession? What could we do? How could we change? Think of all the things you do that are expensive and how those things could be done without any expense at all. In fact, it could be done right now. It would be possible for everyone in California to cook, to have warm houses in the winter, refrigerated houses in the summer, entirely from the energy of sunlight—but that would upset the establishment, wouldn’t it? And yet the money that we spend on one war would go far to develop those things. All we are concerned about is to achieve balance of power among the nations—and they’re all coming down. But who’s concerned today about what could be produced in the way of homes? Who’s concerned about what could be produced in our food? They spray the ground with DDT, and it remains in the ground.

This is the age of junk, with all the rubbish that is collected that will never be dissolved, things like plastics, etc. We create—and then we’re stuck with it. Wouldn’t it be marvelous if we could create, for instance, milk cartons which within a week’s time would suddenly dissolve and go into a gaseous state. Think of your rubbish problem and what could be done about it. Think of all the problems that people have all over the world, and realize they could be solved through the positive creative thinking that God says is going to come forth.

You say, “Oh I want a ministry.” You don’t even know the ministries there will be. It would be a ministry in itself to just tell people the various kinds of ministries there could be. Begin thinking fantastic thoughts!

Does this encourage your heart to realize that God says these things will come forth? What are you going to do about it?—for this will come through the channel of the sons of God. How are you going to restore creation made subject to futility in hope waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God? It’s in their manifestation that creation is loosed. How will the sons of God turn nature loose? How are you to change the carnivorous animals until the lion will eat straw like an ox? Who is to do this? Just stop and think. The Lord will do it, but He’s going to do it through human channels, isn’t He?

We are destined to rule with Him and to reign with Him. This means that problems of administration, the basic principles by which the Kingdom is run, and all of the functional order will be in our hands, because we will rule and reign with Him a thousand years. You will be asked, “Are you a king and priest of God to rule a thousand years?” And you’ll say, “Yes sir, I am.” “Then here’s a little problem for you—the kind of problems you’re going to solve. You’ve been faithful over a few things—now here are ten cities.” Right now that would be a problem, but in those days it won’t be a problem, because everything will be so creative, so alive—and no devil to bother you.

Who will be the one to break the chains? We need prophets, apostles and ministries that will dedicate at least ninety percent of their activity and their labor on the spirit realm, clearing out areas, breaking down principalities and powers. We talk about spiritual warfare, but we’re just on the surface of it. We don’t know the beginning of the things that will have to be done in the spirit realm—literally millions of spirits—who’s to go in and take them out? not only spirits dealing with human beings, but what about the spirits that are living in trees, rocks, etc.—or did you know that? Have you ever walked along and felt the spirits of trees? Who is to deal with all of these various things? Who will loose the world from all of this? Who is going to preach the message of deliverance and bring it? We are.

There’s a positive, creative mission that God has given us—and we sit around and moan because we’re in a little bit of battle. What we’re actually doing is breaking loose something that has to be broken loose. We’re battling where people haven’t battled before. We’re entering layers of devil spirits and breaking through them.

Do you think it is actually possible to travel as the mystics have tried to do—by projecting our consciousness and a visible apparition of ourselves? Do you think it would be actually possible, if we knew how to do it, to pass through solid matter without changing our form? Christ did it, and He said… handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye behold me having. Luke 24:39. How did He pass through that door? You know we’re facing the miracle age, we’re facing the time of the fantastic, the glorified body!

What we’ve been talking about is alive. Under great anointing, in ministry to you, the prophecies are living spiritual things that come to you. And if you believe it, you have something to cultivate with your faith that can become tremendous. It’s like planting a seed: the potential of the supernatural is there when you’ve been prophesied over under the anointing. His words are Spirit and they’re life.

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