The day is coming in which God’s people will acquire knowledge and wisdom by faith. Sciences that have long been forgotten and those not even known will be planted by God in the minds of His people. The wise will understand, and knowledge will be increased (Daniel 12:10, 4).
Years ago the Lord showed me in vision the creative sciences that are coming in the Kingdom. The construction industry today is destroying trees and forests in order to build, but the day is coming in which dirt will be used to make beautiful houses. Men will do this in the Kingdom. By combining water and chemicals with earth, they will produce a durable, soundproof, self-insulating material that they can saw or cut and use in many ways. It will then no longer be necessary to use lumber and destroy trees for construction work, for houses can be made of this material.
Scientists are already working on innovations I saw in vision. Without switches or anything visible, a room will light up when a person walks into it. The ceiling and walls will light without any glare. The room will be filled with light, yet without any visible source. The force of gravity will be harnessed and used for energy. Amazing things will be done with foods also. In one vision of the Kingdom, the most outstanding thing was the number of trees and the amount of water everywhere; it was beautiful! The whole atmosphere had a silver cast to it; everything was silvery, beautiful, and alive.
We have not yet seen the creative sciences; everything now destroys. With our transportation systems, we deplete the petroleum supply and pollute the atmosphere. All the sciences take a negative approach and so do the professions. The doctor tries to heal sickness, but he does not produce longevity. He is not studying and doing research to help people live long and productively. He just helps them recover from their current illnesses. Most of the discoveries in science and in medicine such as sulfa drugs and penicillin have been made in times of war. The great advances in surgery are made during wartime when doctors must develop a method of patching up soldiers. Medical science makes advances while blood is flowing.
What does the dentist do? He knows that gold is not good for anything except tormenting fools and plugging up teeth, so he does the latter because of the former! It is still a negative, stopgap measure.
The present order is coming to an end! The knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). Knowledge will be increased (Daniel 12:4). It is already increasing rapidly; but it will reach a certain peak, and thereafter it will not be possible to break through any further until people come to Him in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3), for God has reserved these things for the righteous.
There are deposits of resources about which the world does not know, and God will lead His people to them. We may seem to have made many false starts, but God is leading His people. For a little while, Babylon may seem to overwhelm us and principalities seem to defeat us, but we will prevail, and many areas will be opened up.
The book of Isaiah says that the wealth of the sea will flow to the remnant (Isaiah 60:5). Scientists are discovering that great untapped wealth is in the ocean. They are even talking about underwater cities. What will we see next?
There will be a great transition with more real breakthroughs in the next ten to twenty years than have occurred in the past hundred years. A hundred years ago people traveled by horse and buggy. Indoor plumbing and conveniences of that nature were being introduced only into the homes of the very wealthy. Within one generation a tremendous transition has taken place: the automobile, the airplane, and finally jets, rockets, and spacecraft to the moon.
What will happen in the next ten years? We will make such fantastic progress that we will look back on this time as we now look on the horse-and-buggy days. We must move into the flow of wisdom God is opening to the world.
I think the venture of the moon visits was a frustrated effort. There was no point in visiting the moon. I do not know whether anyone believes it or not, but billions of dollars were spent for no purpose at all. What did all that effort accomplish besides bringing back a few rocks? I do not believe it was worthwhile. Scientists hit the limit of a frontier and did not realize it. They are not aware of the frustration and futility that is upon the old creation (Romans 8:20).
Where is the new frontier? The frontier is the breakthrough into the realm of spirit, the recapturing, as sons of God, of faculties that have been dormant since the days of Adam. Faculties that have been suppressed must be revived so that we can come into full perception and knowledge and greater capacities and abilities.
Now and then someone breaks through into the lost abilities of man. This is not a breaking through that is evolutionary in nature; it is a return to something that has been dormant and dead, but is now ready to be restored. God is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:28). The limitations man has known will be removed, and the restrictions and limitations upon creation will be removed (Romans 8:21). Even the animal world will change after futility is removed from it. We will be surprised to see what animals will be able to do after futility is removed from them. Changes will occur in every area. Can we believe that we will break through? Let us leave the limitations of this age as fast as we can and begin to really believe God to break through into a new realm.
I am not a liberal. I am very conservative; but I am a conservative progressive, which is completely different from a conservative reactionary. A conservative progressive is one who lays a good solid foundation and stays with it; and because he builds a solid foundation, he believes that he can build very high, even beyond other men’s dreams. The liberal wants to destroy the old foundation and build the tenth story first. That kind of thinking is about as ridiculous as what the radicals are doing. They want to blow up and tear down the existing order of things—riot, burn, kill, shoot, get rid of it! What have they to offer in place of what they destroy? Nothing. A liberal or a reactionary achieves nothing, but this is not true of a conservative who lays a foundation and then is progressive. This is the attitude God has wrought in us!
We believe in the Word of God. We go back to the fundamentals. We not only believe in the foundation of the fundamentalists and the Holiness people, but we go further. We go deeper and deeper until we hit solid rock, because we intend to build on that. We intend to see the great potentials of sons of God coming forth. We believe implicitly in the blood of Jesus Christ and have taught conscientiously the revelation of the Holy Spirit. There has continually been an exaltation of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice and shed blood. Some say we are reactionary. We are not. We may be the most revolutionary people ever to come forth, but we are conservative progressives. Do you like the idea of creative sciences and professions? How about doing some creative dreaming of these things? Make a list of all the creative things you can think of and give them some kind of name. Think of some positive work a dentist could do, instead of just plugging up decay, pulling out rotten teeth, and making a set of dentures to cover up the fact that all the teeth are gone. What are the positive fields of research in the medical profession?
Concerning the people who will live upon the earth during the Kingdom—not the transformed, transfigured saints, but the human beings living out their life span—Isaiah prophesies that a child shall die a hundred years old (Isaiah 65:20). Death at the age of one hundred years will be considered untimely. That gives us an idea of how people’s lives will be prolonged. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord. Isaiah 65:25b.
The prophecy of Micah 4:4 that every man shall sit under his own fig tree is symbolic of the productiveness of every individual on the face of the earth. Creativity will come forth in every area. Often we think that this present day is of some value. Only because it is a time of transition is it of any value; but the old, decaying age will die. We should have our hope and expectancy built upon the Lord. We should be reaching into Him for everything we are able to believe for; and when we reach the limit of our faith, we should repent before God that we have no greater capacity to knock down our horizons and believe for greater things.
Many changes could be made right now. It would be possible for everyone in the western states to cook and to have warm houses in the winter and refrigerated houses in the summer, entirely from the energy of the sun; but that would upset the establishment. The money the United States spent on one war would go far to develop these things. Wars are the result of trying to achieve a balance of power among the nations, but they are all coming down. Who is concerned today about what could be produced in the way of inexpensive homes or of wholesome food that has not been contaminated with insecticides and preservatives?
Think of the junk this age is collecting with all the rubbish, such as plastics, which will not decompose. Man creates, and then he is stuck with it. It would be good if containers could be created that would dissolve and go into a gaseous state after their purpose was served. Think of what could be done about the rubbish problem. Think of all the problems that people have all over the world, and realize they could be solved through the positive creative thinking that God says will come forth. No one even knows the kinds of ministries there could be. It would be a ministry in itself just to tell people the various kinds of ministries there could be. You must begin thinking fantastic thoughts.
Creation was made subject to futility in hope, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God (Romans 8:19–23). It is in their manifestation that creation will be loosed. How will the sons of God turn nature loose? How will they change the carnivorous animals until the lion will eat straw as an ox (Isaiah 65:25)? Who will do this? The Lord will do it, but He will do it through human channels.
It is very necessary for you to have the vision to see that the future is simply unlimited! You are not as limited as you think you are. The greatest deception Satan has ever brought to you is getting you to believe that in your humanness you are really restricted. By the door that God has opened to you as a child of God, you are unlimited! Believe it! “His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness” (II Peter 1:3). That is such a vast area that it includes everything you need.
You may feel your inadequacy, your lack of wisdom. If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not (James 1:5). Wisdom is given by God. The book of Proverbs is filled with one thought: seek wisdom, seek understanding, cry after it. Did you think you had to be born with it? No, it is given to you by God. The first gift of the Holy Spirit is the word of wisdom, the second is the word of knowledge, the third is faith (I Corinthians 12:8, 9). The gifts of the Holy Spirit are God’s endowments, given to you to help you rise out of the illusion of limitation.
Limitation is an illusion. Your limitations may not seem like an illusion, but they can be overcome. I have never seen anything that cannot be changed, and this is an age and a day when God will change things for you. Do you want to learn? Do you want to know? Do you want to become? In fact, it is not what you know and what you can do, but what you are becoming that is essential. You are becoming something different. You are becoming the creation of God that is being loosed into the fullness of the Lord. Many sons are coming to birth! God has limited Himself in His plan and purpose to work through channels that He is raising up and creating for that purpose. It will not be done sovereignly apart from you; it will be done through you if you are an instrument in the hand of the Lord.
Creation is subject to futility and vanity. In the law of the jungle, animals prey upon one another. But we will see the day when the lion and the lamb will lie down together and the lion will eat straw as an ox (Isaiah 11:7). We have not yet seen that; but it will have to be, if the Kingdom is to come. We will have to reach the place of dominance, so that we can control natural instincts. Frequently, we see some animal caring for a different kind of animal that has been orphaned. A cat may adopt a puppy. The dog may grow much larger than the cat who has nursed it, but still dog-and-cat hostility is not present. It is possible for the instinct of hostility and vicious preying upon one another to be removed. We know that it can be controlled by diet, but it can also be controlled completely through the realm of spirit. If that is the case, how can we doubt that God can remove from us the hostility of the old nature, the attitudes of the old flesh, and the old carnal mind that wars against God? We must believe it!
In the third chapter of Philippians Paul speaks of those who are enemies of the cross of Christ, whose god is their belly, whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. He reminds us that our citizenship is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body by the power whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself (Philippians 3:18–21). Christ is able to subdue everything unto Himself, even our carnal appetites and natures. He is able to bring them all under control.
If you have a problem, you should take a step to get rid of it. Face the habit or the thing in your old nature that you abhor and seek God to change you. Determine to be a new creation, absolutely brand new, with nothing of the old nature remaining, not a trace of the old limitations.
Very few people realize they can choose their own heredity. If we want to change, if we want to be like the Lord, we can be. His exceeding great and precious promises are given to us that by them we can become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust (II Peter 1:4). We can leave the old nature and move into a divine nature. We can become completely different.
Can God change us? Do we really want to be changed? We must get down to the cause of our problems. We must not only prune away the leaves, but go a little deeper and get to the root, the insidious spirit of futility which is upon all creation. It is the reason we become depressed and discouraged, rebellious and withdrawn. It overwhelms us, and something in our natures responds to it and seems to absorb it. In our human cycles we respond to creation—to the full moon, to the atmosphere—because something within us is in tune with the futility that is on creation. The eighth chapter of Romans tells us that we shall be delivered, and then we will deliver all creation from that futility.
Let us believe that everything of Babylon and of the flesh—business projects, books, songs, churches, or sermons—shall die and be at an end. Let everything we do be wrought in the Spirit and belong to the Kingdom. It is better to see the smallest project really succeed in God, with correct motivation and dedication, than to build an Empire State Building under the old order that must be brought to an end.
We have come to a new age. Of all men born of women, none was greater than John the Baptist; however, in the new age, he who is least in the Kingdom is greater than he (Matthew 11:11). The end is coming to the day of the giants of industry, business, and religion. The mighty are coming down; the least in the Kingdom will exceed all their glory. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God, where the gospel of the Kingdom is being preached, than to accomplish all the great achievements that belong to the passing age.
We are destined to rule and to reign with Christ. This means that the problems of administration, the basic principles by which the Kingdom will operate, and all the functional order will be in our hands, because we will rule and reign with Him a thousand years. We will be kings and priests of God. As we have been faithful over a few things, God will give us charge over many (Matthew 25:21). Right now that would be a problem; but in those days it will not be a problem, because everything will be creative and alive, and there will be no devil to bother us.
Who will be the one to break the chains? We need prophets, apostles, and ministries who will dedicate at least ninety percent of their activity and labor to the spirit realm, clearing out areas, breaking down principalities and powers. We talk about spiritual warfare, but we are just on the surface of it. We do not know the beginning of the things that will have to be done in the spirit realm. Who will go in and cast out the millions of evil spirits, not only spirits dealing with human beings, but spirits that inhabit trees, rocks, etc.
May God deliver us from the spirit of futility and from the unbelief which does not believe that things can change and will change by the power of God. They will change. God will see to it that they change! An age is dying. Goodbye, old order. Good-bye, futility. Hail to the Kingdom. Hail to the King!