The devil’s trophy room

I want to share some of my life experiences from a particular realm that Yahweh has enabled me to uncover. This has been a result of times when I know that I should have receive something in the spirit that was blocked. There have been times when I have done a 40 day fast and I have received nothing. By then I’m worse off than I was when I started, because not only am I hungry and tired, but I am frustrated because I’m sitting there with no answer out of heaven about the issues in question. I can remember once about 3 weeks later, a flow of the glory started that I should have received when I was in the middle of my fast and it continued for 40 days after that. I use to get really frustrated when things like that happened and I did not understand as I do now, which is a real shame because I realize that I missed out on so much. Nevertheless, out of some experiences the Lord began to give me, I started to realize that there was something more about what is happening in the spirit world. It was not just that I was not receiving something, but actually that’s something that I should have received was going somewhere else – somewhere it should have never gone to.

A brothers lost mantle

I can remember one day being very grieved hearing about a man a God who had stood for many years and had been an inspiration, a lighthouse and a pillar in the house of the Lord worldwide, because I found out that he had fallen – things had occurred that should not have done. I can remember being grieved in one day just praying in the spirit and thinking, Lord you know that what this man carried should of been passed on to someone else. Meditating around this whole thing, I probably spent 8 hours just interceding and praying for this man and holding him in the spirit thinking, father, what happened? I began to feel this tremendous loss for the body of Christ and I thought, Lord, this should not be. This grief and loss should not have been allowed against the body of Christ, because the mantle this man had should have been passed on to the body. I can remember feeling such a sense of loss. Then the Lord graciously shifted me and realm of the spirit, although I could not comprehend what I was seeing because I had no grid for it. I drew back and I thought, Lord, I do not understand this, I need you to teach me.

The Lord began to teach me about the devil’s trophy room, and I want to teach about it from my own experiences in this chapter. This is because it is important that we realize there are things that were purposed by Yahweh to be released onto the face of the earth, around our lives and even some of our destinies that have been waylaid and of gone into a trophy room. Gifts and callings of Yahweh never get the race, they always exist, but they can just be hidden.

I’m going to share some of my visions on that journey with you because the greatest thing I know about visions we have is that they are doorways, windows of opportunity for us to go back into an experience in the timeline. Yesterday is as today and tomorrow is as today and heavenly realms, so it does not really matter where you are in the spirit, because you are outside of time and space, and so you can still go in and experience the fullness of what happened yesterday as well as taking back what was lost.

I had an amazing vision that started me on a journey trying to figure out what the Lord had showed me. I began to look at historical documents and papers associated with the word of God and how some of the kings behaved with one another when they conquered a nation.

The defeated King as a trophy

In ancient history, in some savage cultures, when a king conquered a nation he would take the other King captive. The conquering King soldiers would then pluck out the defeated King’s eyes so he could never see again and then stripped him naked and cut off his private parts so that he was emasculated. They would take out his tongue, and sometimes they would cut off his thumbs or his hands so that he could never hold anything, or cut off his big toes or his feet so that he can never walk again properly or be any kind of threat to them. After that they would put him in a caged wooden cart and parade him around the city or nation, showing him off as their trophy of defeat, like a chained animal. They would parade him through the streets of their nation as a victory prize, with all that belong to that King now in the cart behind him, showing off all the spoils that they had one in war and giving the people a chance to throw rotten fruit and rubbish at this defeated King, who was now blind, but who used to run a nation.

It is amazing how the natural world takes on the timbre of the spirit world. I can remember hearing this noise one day as I was praying, and I was pursuing what the Lord was revealing to me and feeling, ARGH! No way. The devil is not going to do that. I can remember hearing this noise in the spirit world, and I became quite dismayed and concerned because it was a rejoicing in the kingdom in darkness. And I know there is no rejoicing down there because it is not a nice place to be. But I heard a kind of rah! Yes! I was wondering what on earth it was when Yahweh shifted me in the spirit and put me on a viewing platform over this arena. I saw mantle being carried on a trophy cart in the spirit world. As I realize this, righteous anger began to grow inside of me and unfortunately, when I get mad I look for a fight. By this stage I was undone and I thought, Lord, this has to change. The Lord then began to give me a Scripture.

Luke 11:21 – 1 a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. But when a stronger then he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.

In this scriptural account there is a house with lots of goodies in it with a strong man who guards that house full of goodies. The strongman can be defeated and then all that has been in that house becomes your possession. The word overcome in this passage in the book of Luke means to conquer, to prevail, to get victory over and to subdue, but its implication is to smother. So, I decided, okay, well if I’m a spirit being, then what I saw was in the spirit realm. The realm of the spirit is outside of time and space; that means yesterday is as today, which means I can go back into the spirit, into the door that was given to me to see what was going on, step in through that door, and begin to participate. The plan sounded pretty logical, so I spent a few days praying and fasting to get my heart focused in holiness before the Lord. This is because I did not understand it that stage that I could go there and then become holy, which means I could instantly go there anyway. But it is a good thing to fast anyway. So I spent a few days fasting and beginning to build an engagement and desire to begin to take back what had been stolen.

After spending some time praying I began to draw on the root call of the memory of the fullness of what I saw in the spirit when I was taken by the Lord into that vision. I began to desire to go after it because I had seen this beautiful mantle, sitting inside a caged room, being spat at by demons. This mantle had been taken down through a passageway into the earth, into the kingdom in darkness with great glee, gusto and rejoicing. I become really mad because I recognize the mantle that they were carried off was from this man who had fallen. I thought, no way – you are not going to have this; you are not going to rob this from the body of Christ. At this stage I did not know what I know now. So I thought, well God, whatever it takes I’m going after this thing, and I am going to take it and stored in my chamber until this brother either comes back restored, or somebody else comes into the kingdom and says, father, where is this mantle?

I drew on the recall of the vision and entered back into the door. This time I stepped into the vision because a vision is a doorway of opportunity for your participation. If you do not going participate in your vision, then actually all you do is have it as a wonderful looking experience and you never engage the kingdom realms and the reality of the vision that Yahweh wants to bring you into.

The devil’s trophy room

I stepped back into the vision and I found myself standing on this pathway and I was now beneath or inside the earth. I saw this cart disappear around the corner so I went after it. When I got round the corner I found myself in an amphitheater that would house probably 4 to 500,000 demons, sitting around celebrating, mocking and delighting in the failure of a son who had fallen. They were now hitting his mantle and they were taking it off into a trophy room. I can remember coming around that corner and turning up in this trophy room but inside of me and all around me I was not what I’m used to looking at in the mirror, I was this cocoon of glory walking on lightning. Everything inside of me rolls with righteous anger as I started through that amphitheater with determination. After all, when a line turns up among the herd animals, who is afraid in that situation – the animals are the lion? Even though that line is amongst a herd of animals that have the chance to destroy him, who has the fear?

I can remember as I walk through this arena it became amazingly silent. There was a terror that began to happen in that amphitheater as the demons new anyone of them could be dead at any time, because the judgment a Yahweh that you and I are able to wreak in that arena is tremendous. All you have to do is envelop yourself and who you are in the kingdom, magnify that light and darkness and the darkness is dispersed as light destroys the darkness. At that moment I was a lamp burning in the amphitheater, so they made a very wise choice to leave me alone. I can remember walking through that place with one objective: that mantle that was being carried down the passageway – I was going to have it. I set my heart and followed the cart.

The Dragon

The Bible says, or how can one enter a strong man’s house and carry off his property, and lessee first ties up the strongman? Then he will thoroughly plunder his house – Matthew 12:29 – 30. I remember coming around this corner down to a doorway and in front of the doorway was a hulking great big Dragon as tall as a two-story building in my eyes. The amazing thing was I was on its level. That seemed hard understand when I am only a human body that is seemingly small, born you are in the spirit you are not who you are in the natural world; and it was amazing to be eye to eye with this thing. It was probably one of the first times I had encountered a dragon in its arena in the earth in my hackles started rising is I was thinking, I am a lion! Looking at this thing looking back at me, with a big head, it had ominous looking teeth, but I knew that I have teeth as well and in Christ my teeth are bigger, my glory is bigger, the dominion I have is better, the power I have is stronger in the dominion and authority I have carries far more weight than that Dragon. The Bible says, when a man of power with his full array of weapons guards his own palace, everything inside is secure. But when a new man who is stronger and better armed attacks the palace, the old ruler will be overcome, his weapons and trusted defenses will be removed, and his treasures will be plundered – Luke 11:21 – 22. Who is stronger, near the Dragon?

We live in fear of the things we do not understand. We think the demonic is stronger because they have been portrayed in the media as stronger, faster, better and more equipped. As I came around the corner the Dragon challenged me, hissing through its teeth. Scriptures flickered through my mind like billiard balls bouncing around in my head. I started thinking, Lord you have put me here. I am here with one objective – to get the mantle that was taken into that room. The Bible says when one stronger then he shall arrive return up, he shall overcome him. The word overcome means to smother; and for me there is only one way to smother darkness and that is with light. Just as Moses through his rod down and it became a serpent I fired a challenge back at the Dragon. As I did, a fine shaft of white golden thread shot out of my mouth that smothered its face, when around it and covered the whole things being, and it was crushed in this canopy of light. No big confrontation, just a victory cry out of my being – a representation of who I am

I know understand the word which says, I pursued my enemies and destroyed them, and I did not turn back until they were consumed – eliminated – second Samuel 22:18 – and God… Will soon defeat Satan and give you power over him – crushed – Satan under your feet – Romans 16:20.

Suddenly, not only did I smother him but the door was open to me and I walked into a chamber of about 1000 m long by 5 or 600 m wide and a half mile hike, layered with crowns, scepters, battle equipment, gold, silver, documents, scrolls, mantles and destinies. Dole thing was full of everything that should have been given to the sons of God; all these trophies, displayed in locked up, but coming inaccessible to the Saints a Yahweh until this day. But I had gone there with one objective – to get hold of this man’s mantle, so that is what I went after. The spiritual realm is amazing: when you set your eye on something, it will begin to somehow call to you are manifest its presence. His mantle was there glowing so I picked it up and walked out of that trophy room and up into the realm of the normal arena that we live in here. I put his mantle onto my mountain where I now have it hidden. I know there is going to come a day when that brother will call me and say, ian, you have got my mantle, can I have it back please? That is going to be a good day!

On my way out of the trophy room the thought went through my head, I wonder what is in there that belongs to me? I wonder what it has taken of mine? When you have been to a place in the spirit realm you can go again because what you see you can inherit.

My personal trophy room

So again I set my heart, but this time I was going after my inheritance. I did not know how much was down there. I just did not want the demonic realm to have my life. So I went back into the trophy room, but this time I did not have to go down the passage because I already had the anchor aware it sat in which room it was in, so I transitioned straight into the room. That is the greatest thing about the kingdom: you do not have to walk the same path once you have gone somewhere; you can choose where you enter. I remember re-– entering the arena, back into the room, and somehow, I knew there was a room, as I went in there, on the left-hand side. It was like a vault that had these special things put inside it and I knew my things were stuck in there for some reason. When I got down inside this room I want to the left down inside the vault and there were my families lives all written down. All my family tree and everything that was ever stolen from my family were shunted in these rows and rows of things. I said, I will have some of that, thank you. A box that was stuck in this little hole contain drawers and drawers of things. I pulled this box out and there were papers inside their that should have been delivered to the earth, for me. There were destiny things that I should have inherited, that had been locked away in stone by the enemy. There were testimonies of the glory in the manifestation of the glory in my generation that had been lied about 2 conceal who I was supposed to be here, so that Satan could have me trained to be a sorcerer. Now, we see these things, but it is amazing, when you take something back you cannot carry it. There is one place it goes – into your belly. I thought, I will fill my belly with the things of the kingdom – things that belong to me that I should have had and I do not have because somebody in my family line gave them up. And so I started receiving them in the spirit and I felt pretty full by the time I left that place.

We are a nation called the sons of God, that have been given a mandated, equipped right as hairs to the government of Yahweh to see and Robin take back all that has been stolen from our lives and our families lives. Our problem is, we have never known where it has gone, so we have never known where to go to get it back. I began regular trips going down there. It is amazing, when a son of light turns up in darkness, darkness disappears and dissipates. The more you trespass and go in there, the more residue remains of the nature of what you carry in that atmosphere. And gradually becomes lighter and lighter in there. The most amazing thing is I got inside there one day and found I was not the only person inside there, there were other people going in and out of that room and I was saying, yeah, yeah – and then I thought oi! That is mine! But hey, you’ve got to share amongst the brethren. I do not mind sharing those kinds of spoils. Just because I went in their first does not mean to say that I had the sovereignty and right to it all – it is for everybody.

The thing that fascinated me more than anything is that we have been told that darkness will remain in those places. But the only reason it stays there is because light has not been brought in there yet. We have been given a mandated opportunity by Yahweh to take away darkness and replace it with light. We are children of light. Darkness cannot penetrate light. You can take the blackest of rooms, the light a match in the whole room will light up with the glory from just one match.

This is what happens in the kingdom that is in darkness. When you turn up and you reveal who you are to the supernatural world, the glory that is in you lights up the whole arena and there is terror in the ranks of the kingdom in darkness, because a son of light has turned up to take back what is rightfully his.

I do not go from this arena into that one. I go from here into the realm of heaven. From the realm of heaven I then walk into that arena that is in darkness, because it is all part of one kingdom. The kingdom is connected – 2 layers in darkness, the rest is light. So I walked from what I have seen in what I carry in the glory, into the darkness. I do not go from the darkness and the vulnerability of this world into the darkness of the demonic arena. I go from the glory light of my father in heaven into the darkness. And makes it so much easier. We wonder why people have been hurt in the church in spiritual warfare – because we have taught them to go and hammer into darkness from this arena, and because we have never taught them to go into the kingdom of God.

The motive of the enemy in displaying what he has stolen is to intimidate, to demoralize, to demotivate and to bring fear into the minds and hearts: that if we do anything against this arena or this kingdom in darkness then we will be in trouble. He tried to do that with Jesus at the cross – to display him before the world as a broken, destitute man hanging on the cross with no power. But Jesus said to his disciples, or do you think that I cannot now pray to my father, and he will provide me with more than 12 legions of angels – Matthew 26:53. 12 legions of battle ready, warring, prepared angels at his bidding; that is a good army.

I have often wondered what happened to the revivals of the past. I have often wondered what happened to believers who started off well and ended up in a mess – industries in the glory that has been poured out onto the earth. Even in our day we have seen moves of Yahweh start and then it is like a tap is turned off and they just finished. Often wondered what had happened to all that has been poured out. Guess where it all goes? It goes into the devil’s trophy room. There have only been a few times where I have seen in the spirit that the glory has been stopped by Holy Spirit because people have grieved him.

The crowns that we have lost from our lives are often stored in trophy rooms, with the glory that we once had. Have you ever been ministering in a certain way and it is like one day something goes, snap and you cannot get back to what it was like before. A lot of believers have experienced that. That happens because a crown has been removed from your head, and it is locked away in the spirit world somewhere.

The King, the president or the ruler of a kingdom always had a special place for the best gifts, the best trophies and the most valuable things. The demonic world has only tried to copy what is in heaven. They cannot create anything of their own. What they do is invade what is there and create an environment so that they can try and duplicate and use what is not theirs as their own. The demonic world has no right to the supernatural world. It has no right to manifest and do the things that it wants to do. The reason it does it is because we do not stop it. The demonic world will always take the supernatural, polluted, fill it with darkness, presented to the church and say, you cannot do this!

Before I got saved I was trained up by demonic spirits how to become something that would be the church’s worst nightmare. But Yahweh had another plan and he has turn that around the so I am now the devil’s worst nightmare, and it is a pledge. I have this amazing relationship with the devil: I hate his guts, he hates mine, and I win! It is a very good understanding we exist by. So, I can remember going into my own trophy room and there were all these things in a drawer, so I took my drawer out and I walked out with it. When I came out I was able to see what I had lost and I actually grieved over those losses.

Our trophy rooms

In the body of Christ, many of us, not only in our own lives, but in our generations past, have lost many things to the enemy that have been taken into his trophy room. In that trophy room he has displayed spoils from our lives in victory to other demons to show them how we can vulnerable you are. One thing I know about Yahweh is the more we go into his presence, the more he makes a new stuff. Now, not only did I have what I’d lost but I had my new stuff, and the Bible says that the glory of this letter temple shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts – Hague EI 2:9. Yahweh has made what the devil took better, stronger, faster and more powerful than I could have had here, and the devil made a mistake in taking it away because not only did I get my inheritance back, but I have got interest back now as well.

One of the key things that unlocks the realm of the kingdom of God for you and me is our entry into heaven, because whatever you have lost will come back out of heaven into your life. Not only that but it will be released around you, in a greater measure than you had before. The issue is you and I need to go there and get it.

I began to realize that Yahweh not only wants us to have our inheritance back, but he also wants us to have back everything the enemy has stolen from us. The Bible says, for when Satan, strong and fully armed, guards his palace, it is safe – till someone stronger and better armed attacks and overcomes him and strips him of his weapons and carries off his belongings – Luke 11:21 – 22. We can go and take back all his good; everything he has becomes ours because we have overcome the strong man at the door.

You and I can go on fill that trophy room with glory and no demon can go back in there again – Isaiah 14:2. Now that is one trophy room out of an uncountable number. Each nation and each country has a trophy room, each family has a trophy room in each individual has a trophy room. Record of your family line has a trophy room with the same structure, the same demonic bondage in the same system of government of control. You know, for every family there is an angel, for every individual there is an angel, for every church there is an angel, for every city there is an angel, for every nation there is an angel, for every tectonic plate there is an angel, but no one ever talks about them. It is the same system of government. There are prints warning Angel’s that are sitting over this nation, and over each city, waiting for the sons of Yahweh to stand up and say, we loose you to do your work, to fight for us and bring the kingdom of God on the earth as it is in heaven.

The reason there is rarely a move of the glory of God is because people have allowed the Angels to be chain, never taking the time to ask Yahweh about the angelic assignments in each place and release them. There have been angels over many, many churches that have never been loosed and released because we have never honored them. John does exactly that, to the angel of the church of Ephesus write… To the angel of the church of Smyrna write… And to the angel of the church entire right – Revelation 2:1, 8, 18. John writes the 7 angels of these different churches in Revelation; this is in the Bible.

You have the capacity to speak to an angel and to begin to mandate it to deal with issues in church life. Some months ago I realized I had let an angel in my own church become bound, so I went and spoke to it, commanded it to be loosed and begin to manifest what it needs to do to bring the church into divine order. Yahweh turned the church upside down because I mandated the angel to do its job. Angels are waiting for the sons of God to say, good to have you, welcome, I receive and honor your ministry, do what you have to do, manifest yourself and fulfill the destiny and mandate Yahweh put on you in this place. The same is true in a family; you have an angel assigned your family. You can mandate it, you can release it to do what it needs to do around and in your family life. You also have an individual angel assigned your life. It is a warning Angel that follows you everywhere. You can release and mandated to fulfill its call in your life and help you fight. Yahweh has given us all these things, but no one teaches about it, we are too busy naming demons and we miss out on the whole angelic arena.

The first time I ever spoke to an angel that governs the tectonic plate, it stood 7 or 800 feet high. These are not little babies. These are major warning Angel’s that are waiting for the sons of God to release them to do the assignment that Yahweh has commanded them to do. They have just been waiting there for years and years, waiting for someone who will rise up and say, I am a son of God. I’ve been into heaven. I have the scroll out of heaven. Here is your fulfillment, go and do your work. Now that would start to change a lot of things that the church did that in Jesus name.

God, in his kingdom has a vision of… A bride in all her beauty – in splendor: glorious –, with no evil or sin – stain or wrinkle… But pure – holy – and without fault – Ephesians 5:27, a bride victorious in the provision of his kingdom for their lives. It is time that you and I pursued, overtook and recovered all that has been stolen from the house of God. Why do you think the world has the gold? I’m not saying go and chased the gold, but we need to overtake the spirit world that hides the gold from the house of God. No and take it back, first in the spirit, then in the natural world. Yahweh wants us to actually engage his kingdom; and I believe the command of Yahweh is coming in the realm of the spirit for each of us individually to pursue, to overtake, and to recover all, as David did:

First Samuel 30:8 – David inquired of the Lord, saying, shall I pursue this true? Shy overtake them? And he answered him, pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all. So David went, he in the 600 men who were with him… And there they were, spread out over all the land, eating and drinking and dancing, because of all the great spoil which they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah. Then David attacked them from twilight into the evening of the next day. Not a man of them escape, except 400 young man who wrote on camels and fled. So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his 2 wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all. Then David took all the flocks and herds they had driven before those other livestock, and said, this is David spoil.

The father’s desire is that you would go after your inheritance, that you would track it down, that you would overtake everything taken from you, and recover all. That means every blessing in every call that is ever been in your family line all the way back to Adam. That means every mandate that Yahweh has ever had and released your family line that goes all the way back to Adam. It means every ministering angel, every mantel, every throne, a receptor, every crown, every piece of armor, everything that is ever been mandated for your family and released out of heaven for your family line and you should have had today, that is now sitting in the spirit. I believe Yahweh is saying to us individually and as a global community, pursue, overtake, and recover all.

David did some very significant things before he did this; simple little things like inquired of the Lord, shall I go and do this? Jesus and the father said to him, yes, not only will you overtake and recover, but you’ll recover all. That means David and his men went in there and everything else that the enemy had taken from every other nation became theirs as well; because an invading army did not just attack David. David just happened to be in their way as they were alluding other places. He pursued, overtook and recovered everything.

The heavens belong to the highest bidder

Many of the ecclesia should be fully manifested as sons and earth today. The reason some of us are not is because of the capturing of our destiny in the realm of the spirit by demons that know the power of whoever has the highest place causes the fulfillment of their desire, so God raised – exalted – him to the highest place – Philippians 2:9, God is put Christ over – far above – all rulers, authorities, powers – Ephesians 1:21. The heavens belong to the highest bidder. Our problem is we are not trading in heaven enough.

We are going to trade on the sea of glass and trade into the kingdom realm, not only with our finances in our time but also with our desire and with the blood of Jesus; the highest form of trading is blood. That is why devils go after human blood or sacrificial blood, because they know that blood is the highest form of trading. The Bible says that Jesus… This arm the rulers and authorities – those supernatural forces of evil operating against us, he made a public example of them – exhibiting them as captives in his triumphal procession, having triumphed over them through the cross – Colossians 2:15. Jesus has taken the whole of the kingdom that is in darkness, triumphed over it, put them into the arena of his own cart of victory, showing us the power of victory we have. Jesus has already done what is needful for you and me to have total victory over the things around our life; he has spoiled them. The enemy’s motive is to display, to intimidate, to demoralize and to demotivate us and to bring fear into our minds and hearts to make us think that we will be defeated and destroyed. His motive is also to make us fear that we do anything against the demonic realm that they will come after us and kill us or take us as a spoil themselves. So the church has been standing back, not doing what it is supposed to be doing, because the realm of the kingdom of God does not manifest around them, as they have not been into the kingdom. The only way to come into the reality of having everything spoiled around you is to going to heaven. Father let the world wins of Yahweh burn. Hallelujah father!

The deception that many of us live under is that Satan still has dominion; he does not, he only has power where you give him power. The devil has power where you are sitting. There are many believers in ministry today where fallen in the whole purpose of their life everything they have had has been taken into a trophy room.

Keys that unlock the trophy room

There are 4 things that would be helpful for you and your spirit man before even going into some of these arenas:

1 – spending time praying in the spirit – 16 hours of praying in tongues. If you do that it changes your life. It will change who you are and display what you are to the kingdom realms. Praying in tongues is vital for your life. The average believer around the world today praise in tongues for 2 and a half minutes a day. And then we say, let us go in the warfare, and the devil sees we have not become who we are supposed to be before going there. We have not trained ourselves in the armor that we are supposed to be caring and identifying with who we are called to be.

2 – spending time praying and decreeing the word over your destiny, your generational line and everything that is risen up against your family, that Jesus has spoiled those principalities and powers and made an open show them totally and absolutely triumphing over them all.

We are so worried about the kingdom that is in darkness that we move our focus from the glory into darkness. Whatever the eye hooks into multiplies. You wonder why you are in such a mesh? Shift your focus and come into agreement with what the word says. We must agree with what the word says is true. Without it, there is no foundation to stand. Take the word of God and the potential that is in it and begin to release it around your life. Do that by praying in tongues first and encountering the kingdom of God inside you. When you pray the word of God, you do not just pray it, you decree it out of your spirit man, into the spirit world, into an environment around your life, into your body, and command what is there to begin to manifest the word that you are speaking over it.

Mix it with thongs and also English so you can pray with your understanding as well as with your spirit. And even better way is to pray in the spirit in English so you can understand it while you are praying in the spirit. The Bible says we pray in the languages of men and of angels – a first Corinthians 13:1. His English a language of men? Yes. It means I can pray in tongues in English. Same way as you speak in tongues, father thank you for your blood in your glory in your greats, you do not think about the words that are coming out of your mouth. You let your mouth speak the words the same way as you speak in tongues. It is easy, but we need to practice. Father, today I think you that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses my life.

3 – start to dream about what it is going to be like to be totally liberated and in possession of all your goods. You’ve got to dream about coming into an inheritance that is powerful, full of dominion, might in glory and full of majesty. Dream about it. Remember, whatever captivate your mind is going to captivate your heart; and whatever captivate your heart is going to come out of your mouth. Have you ever wondered what it is going to be like to be in possession of every single thing that should have been yours from your family line from the glory of the presence of God? You can begin to dream about having back in your possession everything that has been lost to you as the sons of God in the hairs of salvation. Find out what it is going to be like to have the fullness of the glory, of all the glory that Yahweh has poured out all the way down your generational line. Oh, I wonder what it is going to be like to have all that back in my possession – everything. Then be able to take that, go into the realm in the kingdom of God and take that as an offering unto the sea of glass and laid before the Lord as a covenant offering, praying, father, here is my inheritance, Lord trade with it in the kingdom for nations.

4 – repossess what you have lost; going get it back. No one else can get it back for you and less Yahweh has specifically spoken to them to go and do that. I find there is nothing like practice. You need to practice to get the stuff back that you’ve lost. You’ve got to go in there from the glory realm and engage it; get it out, pull it out, come whatever is needed to restore it around your life. You need to dream about it and go in and get hold of it.

In the realms of the kingdom volume 1 I have taught about recovering our crowns, which is another specific thing that we need to do is believers. It is the same process in the same defeated demons trying to steal from our lives what belongs to us. There war to strip us of all the dominion that Yahweh has given us, so we cannot stand under the government of his kingdom and then releases government into this arena here. You and I can manifest the kingdom of God; we have a right to manifest the kingdom of God and to stand in the realm of the spirit and deal with the demonic arena and shut down their activity. You and I have a mandated authority to actually shut down their cry and their decrees against our lives.

When I went after my inheritance, there were what seem like for people that look like me who came into the court. I commanded everything in my DNA in my family line that had ever been procreated or taken into the atmosphere are taken into the realm of the spirit, everything connected to my family line to come into the courtroom. These 4 thing showed up in the courtroom that look like me because demons know that the higher you go, whatever comes out of heaven is going to sit in the highest place. So they waylay our destiny and purpose. I went after the whole lot of them and Yahweh burnt them in front of me. So I am now the soul hair of everything that comes out of heaven for me which sits on my life because I now go higher than any demon has ever been, and I trade. Hallelujah father!

When something has been plundered and spoiled and it has become the possession of another, it is about time you begin to plunder his kingdom and take back what belongs to you. It is about time the church got enough grunt to believe that it can take back everything that has been lost to it through Jesus’s victory. It is about time church began to believe that they have a greater kingdom in them that can destroy another kingdom that has a absorber in it. You are of God and you belong to him and have – already – overcome them – the agents of the antichrist; because he who is in you is greater than he – Satan – who is in the world – first John 4:4; he already knows he is ended. When he shows up and he tries to intimidate you, just showing Ms. future; he is going to burn and he is going to be a nothing. Take him right to the point of that lake and the galaxies beyond what was, at the end of time, where the fire burns and show them, the devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and… Will be tormented day and night forever and ever – Revelation 20:10. I can live out of the future; the future is that I went totally, absolutely and positively in the devil is finished. So no matter what happens here, I win, I have this wonderful understanding: I hate him, he hates me and I went! Hallelujah!


Father, I want to thank you for these people that have listened and tried to get everything that I’m saying. Father, what I’ve shared has been years of my life, the inheritance in an earthen vessel, the treasurer in an earthen vessel. Lord I want to give you thanks for my life. Father, thank you that you are enabling your church in your body to spoil principalities, because if you have done it, you are going to do it. Then we too will make an open show of triumphing over them in it.

Jesus, I want to thank you for these men and women. I asked for the truth of the reality of what it means they have the treasurer restored to them: all that has been lost to them in their generational line. Father, acid you would again open the door for these men and women, that in that place they would see your kingdom come.

Father, I think you that this only comes out of ascending into your presence, that out of your presence flows the fullness of life. Father, your cry to pursue, to overtake and to recover all – we receive all from you: all the kingdom, all the promise, all the purpose, all the destiny, all the dominion, all the power, all the authority, all the holiness, all the righteousness, all the purity, all the sanctification, all the mandate, everything. We receive it from you, Jesus, of the scroll that you have given us to have eternal life on the face of the earth. Jesus, we receive it all from you today. We receive it out of heaven because we are sons of heaven. Father, we have the seed of heaven in us. Lord, we receive all out of heaven.

Father, we receive all out of heaven that we too would make an open show of Satan, triumphing over him, a triumphant victory, with our inheritance. Father, today I asked that every record of every individual reading this book, of their DNA, where the enemy has ever use that record to waylay the purpose of Yahweh, that this record would be brought into court and burnt. Father, today I decree judgment into everything that has been waylaid in the realm of the spirit by another being like them would be burnt in the courts of heaven, that out of judgment, the justice would come to recover everything, all in the name of Jesus Christ.

Father I asked that, in the kingdom, the Angels that have been assigned to us would be loose to do their work, to do the bidding of the father; every angel that has been assigned to the family, the family line, the city, the church, the tectonic plate, the nation that we live in, that they will be loosed and unleashed to do their work and unleashed the mandate and fight for us on our behalf. Father we receive their ministry today, and the name of Jesus.

Father, I asked that you will bless these people with their treasure in earthen vessels, that you would fill their storehouse overflowing, pressed down, shaken together and running over, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah.

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