Press in, press in with all your heart into the things that the Lord has for you; for it’s an hour of battle and the Lord draws all of our hearts into the battle. This is the time of victory made manifest that the Lord has spoken, and of the worship of the Lord flowing out of your hearts. Behold, this is the day that the Lord would meet your hearts graciously. He’s the God of battles and He leadeth thee into the battles, but He hath already given thee the victory.
Thou art not going to fight, but thou art going to possess. Thy fight is not a struggle against the enemy but it’s the appropriation of victory. Yea, the battle is not so much against Satan as it is against thine own heart. Does it not say in the Word, “Fight the good fight of faith”? Yea, it is the struggle against unbelief with which you have to deal, for God hath given thee the victory over the enemy to believe and stand fast. Yea, be not dismayed at the conflict that cometh against thee, to prove thee to know what is in thy spirit; but rejoice that the Lord has given thee faith to possess these things. Now exercise it.
What doth the Lord require of thee but to believe? Wouldst thou also say as they did of old, “What shall we do that we may work the works of God?” This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He has sent. Believe, believe on Him with all your heart. Waver not. Look not at the thing that seems to be, for God calleth things that are not as though they were—and they come to pass. Stand in the Word. Be not moved by illusion; yea, be not turned aside by deceit. Let not the distraction of the enemy stumble you. Be not occupied with many things. But one thing is needful, that ye shall have faith in the Lord with all your heart. Believe, believe the word. “I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Amen.