The fruit is the Spirit is a more potent weapon against the enemy than the gifts

We must defeat the enemy personally and then we have power over the enemy in ministry. We cannot take ground from the enemy if he has ground in us. In warfare the enemy uses our own flesh against us. It makes sense therefore that our first line of defense is the nature of God and the fruit of the Spirit.

There is a place in the Spirit set aside for us where the Holy Spirit in us manifests the character of Jesus and releases his own personality into our hearts. It is our willingness to partner with the Holy Spirit that makes the enemy so desperate. The Holy Spirit has never lost a battle to him.

When we move in love, the enemy is overcome. We weary him by our rest. We discourage him by our faith. Our patience is frustrating to him. We intimidate him with our intimacy with the Lord. We demoralize him with our joy. Our peace checkmate’s his anxiety. We depressed him by our endurance. Kindness makes him despondent. Mercy triumphs over judgment; He is dispirited by our favor. We defeat him with our grace. Goodness overwhelms hate. Faithfulness overthrows deceit. Gentleness conquers the harshness of the enemy’s heart. Our self-control thwarts his every purpose. We win by staying fresher longer.

The inner presence of Christ within produces power over the enemy.

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