The Garden of His desire

January 3, 2016 by Milly·Comments Off on The Garden of His desire

I recently asked the Lord

“What are your dreams?”

He smiled and took my hand. As I took ahold of it we were in a beautiful garden.  I looked around at the vastness and intricacies that I could see and asked Him

“Is this some different area of the garden of my heart?

He replied…”No, this is the garden of MY heart. This is the place of my dreams.”

The garden of HIS heart?!  I was undone.  It was so beautiful.

We walked along pathways hand in hand. But He was a little sad because there were not more people there. He showed me many areas that required attention. These he has kept aside especially for people to enjoy precious moments with him.  There were fountains, rockery’s shrubs, climbing roses on trellis, orchids, hedges, even cacti!

In places, the pathways were not trimmed or the flower beds were bare in places.  I could see they were groaning for attention.  The Lord’s dreams were that these would be filled through close relationship and enjoyment of being with Him.

The specifics of each place of the garden baffled me.  I just wanted to jump in and plant a whole heap of bright blue flowers…everywhere!  but that would have been inappropriate.

For these parts of the garden were assigned to individuals that He has chosen to spend time with, and for those that reciprocate HIs desire by choosing to spend time with Him.  Just for pleasure.  Perhaps that area was supposed to be filled with pink flowers!

Wow I began to see the potential of what can truly manifest through our desire for Him.

The Lord gazed into the distance and I followed the direction of HIs “daydream” if you like.

I saw high rise offices in the distance and people in there.  Engrossed in their duties in a grey tinged atmosphere in tiny cubicles.  It looked horrible.

Are they happy Lord?

“No” He sighed, “no they are not”  I put my hand on the Lords arm to comfort Him and as I did, I saw that these people were distanced from the Lord and yet they believed that they were serving him.  Even though they were entirely distracted and their motives were completely carnal.

The Lord continued “There is no life and no energy there. My breath is not reviving them there. They are suffocating!” He exclaimed

“Well how can they be free? Does It require for everyone to leave their employment?”  I was indignant because I didn’t fully understand.

“No my darling, they just need to welcome me. To desire to access my garden while they are there. Rather than being consumed by what is before them”

“Ok”.. I understood (or so i thought).

Then the Lord showed me his garden spreading as people were coming into it. The garden spread and grew right up and into the high rise..reaching all over it and inside it. Until it was blooming and butterflies were flying around it.

The fragrance of His love filling it from the blooming flowers.

The Lord then turned to me and said something that I wasnt expecting and that totally wrecked me.

“Thankyou” I looked at Him puzzled and waiting explanation…He continued, His words ploughing through my stupidity in a saturation of love that left me sniffling..

“Thankyou,  for showing people to my garden; that it exists;  that it is possible to live from this place.

For blowing my life breath in resurrection power, by releasing hope in their lives. Thankyou for carrying the fragrance of my heart…”

I was weeping because each word was like a missile from His heart and I was humbled by what was important to Him. Humbled that the simplicity of desire, can landscape His heart with beauty. Humbled that He would allow us into the vulnerability of this place to enjoy it with HIm.  But most of all humbled at the gentleness of how He delighted in and saw stuff that I truly didn’t.  I didn’t deserve those kind words, I make so many mistakes and fumble my way through life often not doing justice to the awesomeness of Who He is.

Yet Yeshua is truly the most honouring person i have ever met.  He honours in a greater measure than I have ever experienced with anyone ever.

The reason I share this, is because of this very important point –  Intimacy is not weakness.

Intimacy is not namby pamby, reserved for flakey female expressions of Him…No, Intimacy is a state of being. It is union. It may be childlike love and innocent trust.  But it is not weak. It is strong because it allows the potential of His strength to flow through its expression.

 It has no care for its own expression, the need to be noticed.  Its main concern is His desire and to be the manifestation of HIs joy.  

On a recent trip to Hong Kong, a friend said that we should be speaking in the language of faith and not in the language of unbelief. I realised that as believers we can be pretty multilingual at times, am I right?

But, you know, if we allow His desires to fill our heart, then faith will frame our words and we will see life, we will see promise and most importantly we will see His dreams come into fulfilment.

Some might not speak that language, and when they don’t, believe me, it pierces His heart.  Beloveds, it pierces His heart when we speak the language of unbelief, for it is in those careless words that we neglect HIs garden.

He believes in you, beautiful you!  He has even reserved a place in the garden for you.

It is watered by your worship and beautified by your desire for  Him

So I want to welcome 2016 and close with this blessing

May this be a year where the area assigned to YOU in all your uniqueness, in the garden of His heart truly flourishes.

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