The intuition gate

One of the senses of our spirit is the intuition. The life of God flows into the intuition of our spirit and this becomes a source of guidance, an inner witness of the Holy Spirit.

As we practice becoming aware of our intuition, it will become a gateway of the life of God. We will intuitively know how to deal with situations that use to baffle us.

All of the gateways of our spirit increase or get bigger through exercise. Our intuition is the discerning organ of our spirit. The Holy Spirit will check us through it, or give us peace through it.

This sense of the spirit is called the intuition because it comes without any cause or reason. It comes intuitively from the inside out. Our soul or body senses are aroused by specific means, which may be people, places, situations, things, or events. These things give rise to certain feelings. The sense of the spirit does not come from any outside source.

The soul and the spirit are quite similar. We should not follow our soul, our thoughts, feelings, or preferences. Our soul must come under submission to our spirit. Our soul is part of the old creation, which has been crucified with Christ.

As we experience the separation of soul and spirit in our experience, then our soul will become a servant of our spirit and not fight against it. Until our soul and spirit are separated and reintegrated our soul will desire one thing and our spirit another. We have to lose our soul to keep it into eternal life. Our soul becomes transformed so that it lives by the life of the flow of God in our spirit.

The intuition of the spirit expresses the thought of the Holy Spirit, it is an inner knowing. You know that you know that you know. In God there is no wondering. If you are wondering, then you need to quite the soul, and be at peace.

The intuition does not work well if we are not at rest. It is an inner knowing.  The revelation gate works differently; it is an inspired flow of thoughts from the Holy Spirit, where we see in His light.

Many times we intend to do certain things, and we may have plenty of reasons for doing them. Our heart may desire certain things, and these desires may be very good. Yet deep down inside we know something is not right, this is our intuition speaking.

Other things may seem unreasonable, yet the Holy Spirit through our intuition is telling us to do it.

Our soul will drive us to do something; this is why we have to learn how to wait upon God. Our conscience is part of our soul and has to be influenced by the intuition and revelation gates of our spirit.

Our conscience will get us doing all kinds of dead works until it is renewed.

A living work is a flow of the Holy Spirit in us. We are moved with the compassion of the lord.

Unless we learn how to practice the fruit of the Spirit, we will be doing things out of duty and we can miss the will of God. The will of God is first of all a state of spirit, and then the Holy Spirit will flow through it.

We have to learn how to serve people on God’s terms, not their terms.

As we learn how to develop and follow our intuition it will get stronger. We always start to learn by retrospection. The Holy Spirit shows us where we have missed it. Eventually we learn how to walk with God in the moment. We begin to see what the father is doing and saying and we yield to the Holy Spirit within.

As we wait on the Lord we can see what we will be doing in the future and then walk in it when the time comes.