The law of sin and death

Romans 8: 2For (a reason) the law (the word law means principle, or power. It also-means something that is parceled out) of the Spirit of life (the vital principle of His eternal life, the Spirit of God indwelling us, our spirit and soul filled with His Spirit releasing life and power) in (intimate union with) Christ Jesus hath made me free (liberate from the power of) from the law of sin (definite article referring to the sin of Adam, sin is a noun 1-not 2-having a share in) and death.

Sin is the loss of our shared identify will God, our heart not reflecting his image, but being filled with that which is not like His Spirit, which produces death.

Romans 8: 10And if Christ be in (union with, primary ideas of rest) you, the body (human body-soma)is dead because (cause, by means of) of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.11But (on the contrary) if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken (to make alive, to give life to) your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth (continuous action 1-intimate union with 2-to dwell, to live in communion with, perpetual expression) in you.

Our body is dead because of sin, it is dying. But the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has the power to reverse the death process in us.

The river of life that flows out of heaven contains the love of God and it flows into our spirit, but must flow out of our spirit into our soul and into our mortal bodies quickening it.

When we learn how to be filled with the Love of God, where it is perpetually flowing through us, it will transform our bodies, but it is a process. We have to come into wholeness, spirit, soul and body. The life of God expands our spirit causing it to grow; it restores and transforms our soul, and will transfigure our body. It is the will of God that our soul prospers and we are in health.

As we learn how to minister healing to people it is important that we can see what is emanating from their lives. The condition of a person’s spirit and soul affects their body.

The love of God flowing though us clothes us and is seen in the spirit realm as a white light. When we are filled with the fruit of the Spirit which is the nature of God it clothes us and is seen in the spirit realm.

We need to realize our attitudes clothe us in either light or darkness (dark light), which is very discernible in the realm of the spirit. Every attitude, whether it’s the fruit of the Spirit or is negative, selfish,  anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealous, fear, is discernible in the spirit realm as a color, as a force, as a power, as light.

When we manifest these negative attitudes we clothe ourselves in that light and in that power and as we manifest these negative attitudes, that power will draw us even further into it, and we will be clothed by it, it is the law of sin and death at work in us.

If the thoughts and attitudes of our heart are negative it is going to affect our physical body negatively. We will get weaker, we will begin to get older quicker, and we will begin to degenerate at a much faster rate because it is a power that works in our flesh- our physical body.

However if the reverse is true and we walk in love and light and forgiveness that power will clothes us also, and minister health to our body.  There is going to be a generation on this earth that will overcome the last enemy which is death.

The fruit of the Spirit, love, joy ,peace, long-suffering, gentleness are not just attitudes they are much more than that, they are a power, they are a form of light  and when we manifest the fruit of the Spirit it release a power, light from our life. Each of the attitudes radiates out from us as a power, a frequency.

Every characteristic that is manifest in us good or evil is manifested in this way. There is a light and a power associated with it. Every evil carries its own depressing color and disintegrating vibration. Jesus said in Luke 11:35 Be careful that the light in you doesn’t become dark light. When our attitudes are negative, the light becomes a different color, it is a dark light. If our eye is good our body will be full of life, if it is bad it will be full of darkness or death.

When we learn how to worship and praise God we are putting on a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. The word garment means to wrap or clothe yourself with.  The word praise is from a Hebrew root word halal which means to shine with color.

When we are praising God we begin to emanate something which is discernible in the spirit realm, by Demons, by Angels, the cloud of witnesses. If it’s negative, if it is dark light and it draws the powers of darkness into it. If it is the light of God then it draws and attracts the kingdom of God to us.

1 John 2:5  whosoever keepeth his word, in him verily the love of God is perfected. That love will minister life to our mortal bodies as we come into the perfection of it.

Jesus made it simple, just love everything, love your friends, love your neighbors, love your enemies, love the natural creation, love the world. And it will begin to emanate a pure love which will begin to transform us and begin to change us, and can reverse the death process in us.

Love will transform us, it will touch every atom of our being, every atom will be affected, healing, restoration, purification will begin to take place, we’ll be anointed with light .

We have to come to the place where our mind and our mouth lose the power to hurt us and hurt others. The more you love the more we will be drawn into it, and the more it will restore us.

The word forgive -means to send the force and the power of- away from us. All the negative thoughts and feelings in our heart is what is killing us physically.

When we have negative thoughts towards people, or the world we live in, then the law of sin and death is at work in us.

When someone hurts us or betrays us, it is not enough that we don’t hate them. It is not enough that we don’t dislike them; it’s not enough that we don’t retaliate, that is all passive. We have to learn how to love them.

It starts in the mind, and that seems to be the hard part, the way we think about them. We have to love them in our mind, and then we have to love them with feeling, in our emotions.

When we learn how to love with God’s love and forgive others, it is health to our bodies. Everybody is going to do the wrong thing at some time. Everybody makes mistakes. We are going to be betrayed by someone most likely in this life. Everybody is not going to like us. We are going to face rejection. Those things can hurt us, and destroy us, and make us bitter, they can leave scares on our life which really never get healed and cause us to die physically, because our heart never gets free from it.

We have to learn how to love the people who have hurt us, so that it does not affect our physical health.  Not just by choice but in our mind and in our feelings from the heart.

We have to by an act of the will, think love towards them. We must send out love with power and strength of mind, emotion and will towards that person. We learn how to love them in our mind and develop it. If we begin to develop love in every situation, everyone we meet, everywhere and in all circumstances, then we will begin to come into divine life and health.

We need to learn how to love, not just people but nature and life so that it becomes a river of life flowing through us.

God’s love will begin to clothe us and change us. Love is the strongest power in the universe and overcomes death. If we learn how to love with God’s love we will be made whole. We have to learn how to develop and perfect the love of God in us. That love can stop the ageing process in us, because the love that flows through our life will touch every atom of our being.

Love reverses the death process. Love overcomes the death process, when we don’t walk in God’ love we die. Hate kills, love ministers life. Enoch knew this, and he walked with God in a time that is more wicked than it is in the earth today and he never died. He walked in the presence and the life and the light of God.

Unless we understand the power of forgiveness and walk in it, God will not be able to take us where He intends to take us; this is the beginning stage, this is the 101 of the Christian life. God is love and we are becoming love. We have to learn how to love people.

God views things very differently than we do. He looks at the circumstances behind the people and why they do the things that they do. He knows why they are behaving the way they are, we tend to see only our side of the picture. God sees the overall picture. We don’t know the reasons, the background, the circumstances, the upbringing, the heredity problems; we don’t know all of those things.

We do not yet have the wisdom to judge a person. But we should have enough common sense to love them, if we don’t we will not come into divine health.  If we don’t, it is to our own detriment.

How do you do it? We do it by choice, we forgive by choice.  Then we get our mind in harmony with our choice. And we begin to think loving thoughts about that person, so that it is not just a choice but we are loving them with our mind and then we begin to love them with our heart and there is an outflow of love.

We want the very best for that person. We pray for the very best for that person. We are happy when good things happen to them because we love them. When we do that then the hurt that was caused by those circumstances, whether it was their fault, our fault or a bit of both then the wound in our heart will be healed.

Love makes us whole, and as we learn how to dwell in love, we dwell in God. When we become a whole person, we no longer have all the negative thoughts in our mind and feeling and then we are no longer hurt and we no longer hurt other people. We are going to be clothed with light and it will penetrate every area of our being.

This is not some hard thing; there is no mystical formula or religious thing we have to do. We have to open our heart to God and receive his love and then that love will heal and restore our life, it is called being filled with His Spirit. We have to focus on the Lord and connect with him so that we are filled with his love so that it begins to clothe us; the power of that love will begin touching every cell of our body making us whole. And then we can become a river of life that will bring healing to the people in the world and creation itself.