The law of the Spirit of life

We need to understand what causes the seed of God to grow to maturity within us and be fully formed. Paul said I pray for you that Christ might be fully formed within you. We need to understand how that seed comes to its fullness within us in the likeness of Christ.

Now in Adam (the fallen nature) we don’t have to try to be bad we are bad. In Christ (the new nature) we don’t have to try to be good we are good. That new nature is perfect.

The problem is we try to be something we already are. If we do not learn how to walk in the spirit, then we do it in ourselves we are walking after the flesh. The flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independently of the Lord.

 We have to choose who’s going to live through us, the flesh or the spirit, and that is a choice.  When we choose the new nature a power is released through us and that new nature comes to the forefront of our consciousness.

Romans 8:1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. 2- for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Now this is a law, it’s a spiritual law. It is a key.

 If there is a key we need to understand it. If there is a law and it is in the New Testament we need to understand it. The law of the spirit of life in Christ, what is it?

 The spirit of life in the new man puts to death the flesh. That is a law. If you choose the new nature it crucifies the old. Because there is a power released to do that.

Romans 8:13  For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. If you live after the flesh you will die. How many Christians live after the flesh and they don’t even realize it?

But if you through the spirit put to death the flesh you shall live. How do you do that? Paul also says if we live in the spirit, then let us also walk in the spirit. We need to know and learn how to do that.

Ephesians 424 put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness. How do we do that?  Now he is talking about that seed within us. The new man is created in righteousness, our new nature is righteous. When our spirit is joined to the Lord it is righteous. 

We need to understand- what is our new nature, our new man? It is the seed of God within us. When we join our spirit with the Lord, then through that connection-that focus, that abiding, the life within that seed flows into our spirit and clothes us. The life of God flows into our spirit expanding it.

Colossians 3:10 it says put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. When we know what he is like, what the Lord is like, then we know what we’re like in the new nature, because they are one and the same.  What Jesus is like is the same as the seed of that new nature within us. We understand what that new nature is like by understanding what the Lord is like.

When we join our spirit to the lords in intimacy, the life of God flows into the revelation gate in our spirit and we see the reflection of the image and likeness of Christ, and as we see that, as we experience that, we are changed into that same image. We are partaking of the divine nature, we are experiencing Christ and as we learn how to walk in it, we are learning Christ.

We are following on to know the Lord. We are walking in the nature of Christ. It is being formed in our spirit so that it becomes a way of life; it becomes our nature, it becomes who we are. We become the fruit of the spirit. We become love, joy, peace. Jesus is the provision who becomes to us what we need so that we can manifest and reflect him in the earth.

The Bible is talking to us about knowing, in the knowledge of him .Colossians 3:10 put on the new man which is restored in the knowledge after the image of him that created him .So when we have the knowledge and this is revelation knowledge. Epignosis is knowledge that comes out of a spirit contact. Its knowledge which comes from the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit. It is called epignosis in the Greek.

When we have real revelation of what the Lord is like we know what we’re like on the inside. That revelation of knowing what the Lord is really like triggers something in the seed on the inside of us and that growth begins.