The law of the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ

What is the law of the Spirit of life? It is not the letter of the law-Old Testament- that letter kills, it is the Spirit that gives life.

There are probably more laws or commandments in the New Testament than the Old Testament, they are called imperatives in the Greek, which are commandments.

There is the law of love, the law of faith and so on, they are spiritual principles that work, just like in the natural the law of gravity works.

If we learn how to walk in the Spirit, it is impossible to fulfill the desire of the flesh. The word is not, we will not fulfill the desire of the flesh. There are three words for not in the Greek, a conditional negative, a full negative and a double negative which I translate No, Never- which means it is impossible, that is the word used here in Galatians 5:16,

Because just as the law of lift in the natural supersedes the law of gravity so that an airplane can fly. So, the law of the Spirit of life supersedes the law of sin and death.

The law of the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ. The word in means intimate union, the same purpose of mind, emotion, and will in Jesus Christ. So, you must be in the airplane, you must be in Jesus Christ for it to work, it does not work outside of Jesus Christ.

So, what is the law of the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ? It is first awareness. You have to be aware of God living inside of you, you must be conscience of His presence.

Secondly you must be filled with the Spirit. This is a commandment to be continuously moment by moment filled with the Spirit.

I am not continuously filled with the Spirit moment by moment, because I have health issues and financial issues that can break that focus, but I am working on it. I must recenter myself and turn my focus to the Lord again and receive the refreshing and renewing that comes through His Presence.

There are so many things in this life that can break our focus on the Lord, and some of those things are good things, but we forget to bring the presence of God into them at times.

When we are filled with the Spirit, His Spirit interpenetrates us. It fills our mind, our emotions, our will and can work into our body if it becomes strong enough.

His Spirit coming upon us which is being filled with Him actually transforms us into another person. We can see it in Sampson where he could kill a thousand philistines, Elijah where he could outrun a chariot, David where he could leap a wall, even Saul when he was trying to kill David and came into that atmosphere where he laid down his armor and started prophesying.

This is what it means to be filled with the Spirit, you have a consciousness of God that supersedes the natural world, Where the world of His spirit becomes more real than the natural world we live in. So we need some teaching on how to be filled with the Spirit so that we can experience it.

Once we are filled with the Spirit, then we have to walk in the Spirit, which means every area of our life occupied with Him, so that we allow Him to live through us.

Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give it to the poor and to follow him, he could not do it, the disciples then said who can be saved, Jesus said with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible.

It is impossible to live the Christian life. The Christian life is another spirit, another person, Jesus Christ living though us.

So, we have to learn how to be continually filled with His Spirit and then walk in the Spirit. And this is what I will be teaching you.

Categorized as Fullness

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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