The lordship of Jesus over our spirit

 1 corn 6: 17But he that is (continuous repeated action) joined (to make cohere, join together with, cleave to) unto the Lord is one (to indicate the singularity of something) spirit.  

There is a place in our spirit in which God desires to rule in us. It is called the seat of rest, the throne of God in our spirit. It is from this place that God is able to bring the rest of our being into subjection to Him.

 We partner in the government of God over our life. We have to continually cleave to (to penetrate into) an awareness of our spirit being one with the Lord. 

Our spirit has to embrace God; we have to lay hold of God with our spirit. Our spirit has to penetrate into God’s Spirit, so that God’s Spirit can penetrate into ours. 

How do we do this? Everything having to do with spirituality is a matter of awareness. Our spirit is God conscious and our soul is self-consciousness.

Our soul is the center of our conscious awareness, and our soul has to be aware of our spirit, or else it will move independently of it.  When we pray in tongues our spirit prays and our soul is aware of our spirit praying.  We have to be able to locate our spirit. So we can pray in tongues silently so that we are not aware of our voice but the vibration of our spirit. Our spirit vibrates, it has a frequency, and it has a sound and a song in it.

 Our spirit has a cry in it; we have to feel our spirit crying out to God, hungering after God. Our spirit is creative light.

When we receive revelation from God our spirit lights up. Our spirit senses God, it is always aware of God, but our soul has to be aware of our spirit being aware of God.

As we become aware of our spirit reaching out to God, wanting to embrace him, wanting to hold him, wanting intimacy with him, we can begin to sense the Spirit of God filling it. We begin to become more aware of the Presence of God, that we are one spirit with the Lord; Because He is flowing into us.

When we learn how to drink of the Spirit, we can sense what we are drinking. You cannot drink of the Spirit without getting intoxicated, coming under the influence of the Spirit.

This all take place in the first love Gate of our spirit, the place of intimacy, where we connect with the Lord. We have to learn how to drink of the fruit of the Spirit. We have to be aware of that fruit coming into our spirit, Becoming aware of His love flowing into our spirit. As our soul becomes aware of the flow of the fruit of the Spirit into our spirit, then our soul becomes filled with it. Then we can become aware of the atmosphere becoming filled with it.

Once we learn how to embrace God with our spirit, to stir up our spirit to lay hold of God, we can then begin to sense the inflowing of His Spirit and then we just yield, yield and yield.

The out pouring of the Spirit can flow through us where it touches others so that they experience God.

Once the Spirit of God starts flowing in our life, then we are more able to sense His leading.

As we learn how to commune with the Lord, spirit to Spirit, as we learn how to join our spirit with the Lord so that it is one spirit, then everything we do can be done in the Spirit.

 We can put the Spirit of God into the words that we speak; we can look at people with faith and compassion. We become a vessel for God to move through. We become a host of the presence of God.