The pathway of intimacy

Those who desire to walk with God are on a journey. It is a journey of discovery.  We are discovering the God that is within us, the God that is around us, and the God that is in heaven.

By one sacrifice Jesus has already perfected us in the realm of spirit and the Holy Spirit reveals who we are in the future, so we can put on that identify, to clothe ourselves with that attribute of God, so that our soul becomes aware of it.

Whatever God calls us to do, He becomes that within us, but none of this will happen unless we come to know Him intimately.

We will find God on the inside of us as we learn about the different gateways of our spirit. We open up our spirit in order for God to fill it and flow into it. The flow of God’s life in our spirit opens up the pathway of intimacy that we are to walk in.

The first gateway of our spirit is called first love, if we have ever been in love with someone, we will find ourselves thinking about them all of the time.

Anyone, whose spirit has been saved, has already experienced this. Believing in God is not the same as experiencing Him.

Salvation is totally of God start to finish. The salvation of our spirit is an instantaneous, climatic experience. The salvation of our soul is a process, and once our soul is saved we can enter into resurrection life for the body.

There are many believers who believe in God with their mind but their spirit has never been saved, their spirit is not alive to God so they cannot experience God on the inside of them.

In order for our spirit to be saved God has to draw us to Himself, then He has to convict us of sin, then He has to put willingness in us to surrender the whole of our life to Him to govern.

The Holy Spirit is involved in this process, and we have to count the cost. Then when we say an unconditional yes to the lordship of Jesus Christ, God commands light to shine in our heart, and quickens our spirit so that it becomes alive unto Him.

God then joins Himself to our spirit and we experience first love. He becomes real inside us in such a way that we tell everybody about Him. His love flows into us and we love everybody. We experience a joy we never experienced before as His presence becomes real to us.

But most of us have left our first love because we did not know how to abide in this place of intimacy.

Inside our spirit is a doorway, it is the doorway of first love. We have to open up our spirit and learn how to worship God with all our heart so that we can get this love flowing again. We love God with the love that He imparts to our spirit when it is born again.

Our journey is a pathway, a pathway of relationship and a pathway of responsibility. The pathway of relationship is one of intimacy that we need to develop first; the pathway of responsibility is one of actually bringing the kingdom of God into the world, advancing the Kingdom of God upon the earth.

The pathway of relationship flows from the inside out. The Spirit of God penetrates into our spirit and then our soul and then our body.  

We need to understand how our spirit, soul and body work.  We are to become God’s tabernacle. The tabernacle of Moses gives us a type and shadow of how it works. The tabernacle of Moses had gates between various parts, an outer court, an inner court and a holy place. We have an outer court which is our body, then the inner court is our soul, and the holy place is our spirit. The Holy of Holies is where the glory of God, the throne of God resides.

Our spirit, soul and body are designed to be connected and inner active. They are not supposed to be separate.

 But we start off from a separated position because we are separated from God in our thinking. Our spirit is separated from God’s Spirit in its awareness, until it is born again.

When we respond with a yes, yes, yes to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit quickens our spirit and we experience first love, but we have to learn how to abide in this love.

Everyday we need to open up our first love gate; what we are doing is we are inviting the Spirit of God to establish His government inside of us.

This is a decision we make every day whether we realize it or not. We have to make a choice, do we come into agreement with our Father, for His Spirit to rule in our life today? If we do this it opens up a doorway, a portal, so that we can become a gate of heaven upon the earth of His government. 

We open our first love gate and invite the presence of God and His rule into our spirit; we are coming into agreement with His rule so that His life can flow through our spirit, into our soul and body to the world around us and change it.

Beyond the first love gate we have the very presence of God, His glory. God is asking for us to connect to Him, to let His presence come into us

When our spirit becomes alive to God through the new birth of our spirit, our spirit becomes God conscious, we become conscious of the eternal life of God or the presence of God, and we become conscious of our own spirit. We begin to realize that our spirit is different than our soul.

Our soul is the part of us that is self-conscious and world conscious or conscious of our surroundings in the natural realm, through the sense of our body. The body enables us to engage the world with its different senses of taste, touch and smell, and sight which is interpreted by our mind. It is important that we understand how our spirit, soul and body function.

 Having the life of God flowing through the gateways of spirit, soul and body is the key to coming into wholeness, a oneness of spirit, soul and body, where we are continually filled the Spirit of the Lord, where we become a gateway of heaven to invade the earth.

When we learn how to open the different gateways of our spirit to God where the life of God is flowing into them, our spirit becomes conscious of the life and attributes of God flowing into them.

Then we can tune into God by will so that the love of God flows into our spirit, the revelation of God flows into our spirit, and the fear of God flows into our spirit.

Then we learn the different gateways of our soul, in which we have self-consciousness. Our soul has been conditioned from the outside in. Our soul becomes aware of different things that flow into it from the outside, and as our soul is focused on these thing, the life of God is not flowing into it, and we discover that there are things in our soul that are blocking the life of God from flowing into it. Our soul is not aware of the life of God, but the cares of this world, desires for other things and the pride of life.