The personality of the Word

Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick (living) and powerful (energy in the word), and sharper (fine edge-to cut in one stroke) than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder (divide into parts) of soul (self) and spirit (movement of God), and of the joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.13Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight:

The word of God is quick and powerful, and then it says nothing is hid from his sight, whose sight? – The word of God. The living word of God and God are synonymous. 

This elevates the Bible way above all of other books. The Bible is not just an ordinary book, it is a personality, but more than that it is God.

Every time you pick up the Bible and read it in the original language, it is God speaking to you. It’s just as if the Lord was standing in front of you in person speaking to you. That makes it different to any other book. 

We need to understand the authority of God’s word and what our attitude is to be, to that word of God. Attitudes are important and so it’s not just an ordinary book. It is God speaking. And as we meditate on it so that it becomes engrafted into our heart, it becomes life and power in us. The written word becomes the living word on the inside of us; it literally has the power to transform us into another person, and not just another person, but a son of God, with the same D.N.A.

When the word of God is engrafted into our heart, so that we become the word of God, then when we speak the word of God, it has the same authority and power as if God has spoken it himself.

The reason our words have no power, is because we have not become the word, and this is a process. The word has to be written on our heart, the word has to be abiding in us, and then we can ask what we will, we can speak the word of God and because we have become love, the creation, the natural realm will be formed by the words we speak.