The pierced hearts

Among the 120 gathered for the day of Pentecost was Mary, the mother of the Lord. She was typical of many today who have followed the Lord saying as Mary, “Be it done unto me according to Thy Word.” The prophet said, “A sword shall pierce your own heart,” and so we experience the devastation of the cross before the fullness of the Spirit.

The sword of the Spirit is of two natures: One, it pierces our own heart, cuts us to ribbons, lays open the thoughts and intents of our heart; but in the lives of those that have submitted to that devastation work of that Word, it in turn becomes a sword in their mouth.

The sword that devastates you eventually will be a Word that will devastate others and bring them to face the truth, face God, and meet Him.

Your life either is conforming and being directed into the perfect will of God by the devastation His Word brings to you, or if you reject that Word, you are drifting further and further from the area where there can be any reception in your own heart to hear a Word.

You have heard His Word, and now how you respond to that Word is the most important issue in your whole life.

Where the Living Word is there’s a sword that is personal and piercing. Where the Living Word has been spoken, God will have a people of pierced hearts, and that’s the Pentecost of the Kingdom.

“To be or not to be–have you heard the Word?”

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