The pure Ministry of judgment

As the Love of God is perfected in us, and we come into maturity, where we have the mind of Christ, God will entrust to us the ministry of Judgment. We are the Body of Christ, as we grow up into Him, we shall think like Him, feel the same way He feels, and none of the words we speak shall fall to the ground-1 Samuel 3:19, we will become the oracles of God in the earth.

Praying to get something out of your way is not the right motivation in praying for judgment. It is not enough to pray that God will kill Pharaoh because he is holding you back from everything that the Lord has for you. Your motivation must be deeper. Now is the time when judgment is being given to the saints of the Most High, as prophesied in Daniel 7:22.

Judgment can come about only because of your love of righteousness, not because of any vindictive feeling. Judgment must come because you love God and you love righteousness, because you love His Word and you love His house, and because you love His Kingdom and you seek it first. Judgment is involved with your love for God, not with your hatred of the devil.

God’s people will move into end-time judgments when their motivation is pure. Psalm 137:9 speaks a blessing to the one who will take Babylon’s children and dash them against the rocks. This sounds very vindictive and bloodthirsty, but it symbolizes the fact that everything to which Babylon gives birth must die; it must not be allowed to grow and become a living; mature enemy, strong to rage against the people of the Lord.

We must be sure that God has no rivals. We must partake of His jealousy. We must proclaim that He is the only Lord, the only One who is worthy of honor, the only One who is worthy of praise. Isaiah 26:13 says that many lords have had dominion over us, but the Lord alone shall be exalted.

There are thousands of areas in which the enemy has assaulted the people of the Lord. Oh, how audacious Satan has been in coming against us, how arrogantly he has resisted our lives. Therefore, we must pray for judgment. We must hate the devil with a perfect hatred; yet the intensity of our hatred for Satan must not equal the intensity of our love for the Lord. We must delight in His law and love His judgments.

The Old Testament must be understood as being a part of one dispensation. The New Testament opens up to us the love and the grace of God, and it is the only way to approach the Old Testament with a Kingdom understanding. On that basis, we can build again, saying as the psalmist said in Psalm 119:97, “Oh, how I love Thy law!” The principles of the Kingdom, the law of the King, and every Word that He speaks must be our command.

Our reverence for the living Word that God is speaking today should be many times greater than the reverence that was shown for the Law in the Old Testament. In a Jewish synagogue, when the Torah is brought in, the people come and kiss the ribbons on it or just touch it, as a form of obeisance, not realizing that what they are worshiping is the letter that kills. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (II Corinthians 3:6).

We are coming into the days of the Kingdom; and the Spirit makes us alive to look in the Old Testament, not to be bound to a law or a principle that is death, but to appropriate the fulfillment of His Word in our lives.

You can love His law and His judgments if your motivation is pure. Out of your love of righteousness, the desire for holiness, and the yearning to be clean, which are all developing in your heart, you can plead for God to judge you, knowing that it will not be destructive, but corrective.

 By the blood of Jesus Christ you are loosed from every inner impurity. His blood will cleanse you again and again; it cleanses you and cleanses you of all unrighteousness (I John 1:7–9). There will be a growing abhorrence of anything that is not made righteous or conformed to His holiness. Without that, you will not see God (Hebrews 12:14). The veils will remain, the blocks will remain, and the hindrances of the devil will remain until you love holiness and walk in it. A love of righteousness will bring you to this fulfillment: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8. Veils will be lifted: blocks and hindrances will be gone.

Let us cry out to walk with God in a way that is so pure and so real that our awareness of the Lord will be greater than any awareness of devils, circumstances, or hindrances. Instead of walking on a low level where we encounter mountains, rivers, and seas to be passed over, let us yearn to mount up above those things and to soar, reaching into the purity that God has for us.

With the love of holiness and of righteousness, our motivation for judgment can be so pure in the Lord that it reaches out in God without any vindictiveness. May there be nothing punitive, no voicing of frustration; instead, may there be a pure love for the Kingdom, a pure love for the perfect will of God.

Judgment is a very serious matter. We need to learn more about it. We will come to love judgment, and the force of love will be greater than anything else.

1 peter 4: 17For the time is come for judgment to  begin at( from) the house of God: and if it begin first at us, what shall be the end of them that obey not the gospel of God?

The word (at) is apo and is translated (from) 393 times and (at) nine times in the King James Bible. The translators did not understand that Judgment would be entrusted to the sons of God.

 Judgment begins from the House of God, when we come into perfect love, so we can judge that which hinders perfec from filling the earth. The glory filling the earth is directly related to the perfecting of love.

If judgment begins from the House of God what shall be of the termination of them that obey not the Gospel of God?

Judgment will be intrusted to the house of God, not because we turn from love to hate, but because in the love of God the vessels have been purified to minister His judgments.

 When we speak our judgments, we must be sure that they are His judgments. If they are our personal judgments and they come forth from a vindictiveness, it may be that there are wrong things in our spirits.

For example, a young person may be angry and frustrated because his parents are opposing him, and so he prays for God to judge them. Or a parent may pray that God will deal with his children, yet behind it are frustrations and feelings that are not really faith. Many times people feel ineffective and do not know what to do about a certain situation, and so they pray that the Lord will deal severely with the person involved.

The ministering of judgment should never be an expression of unbelief, of vindictiveness, or of personal judgment in your own spirit. The ministry of judgment should come forth because you have a pure heart before God in your desire to see it done. If you do not have that purity, and it is a judgment born of a wrong attitude in your spirit, then you bear the responsibility.

 In Luke 6:37–42, the Word says, “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. The same judgment that you mete shall be measured to you again.” Jesus condemned the Pharisees, saying, “You hypocrites! You try to get a splinter out of your brother’s eye, but there is a plank in your own.” This brought the judgment back upon them. The Pharisees were quick to curse the Romans and others, but look at their own hearts! They went behind closed doors to plot the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Oh, what blood guiltiness was upon them!

As you intensely call for God to deal with certain situations, there must not be an expression of immaturity, of carnality, or of vindictiveness reaching out from the flesh to try to break the impasses that you feel are in your life.

You must realize that for many years Satan has battled those who are striving to walk in the restored truths of the Word. These dedicated believers have grown in spite of that, not because of it. It is also true that God has laid difficulties in their way by which they have grown. These are the chastenings and the dealings that glorify God. Romans 8:28 says that all things work together for good to those who love God. You rise up in faith and overcome them. But when Satan brings delays to prophecies and commissions that God has given, and actually destroys the program of God in many areas, we realize that this is not of God and therefore it must be judged.

If anyone could be bitter and angry at delays, it would be the few who years ago experienced dreams and visions of a deep walk with God in the end time. Some of the truths they proclaimed made them appear to be far out of step in those days. Young people today do not realize how spiritually different the world has become through today’s steps of the restoration of the Church. This is the result of all nights of prayer and tarry meetings. Believers labored in prayer to receive just a little portion, just a thimbleful of blessing. You might not know how much some Christians struggled and battled for just small measures of restoration. Instead of praising the Lord for how far the restoration has come, we should protest, “There should have been more!”

We could have had a greater ministry, we could have avoided some of the pitfalls, we could have been more successful in attempting the things that were in the will of God. Many times we had half-victories. Often we lived in a state of partial defeat and did not know how to get out of it. Even though all of that was extremely frustrating, we realize that behind our drives must be a motivation that is pure. It must be that we love judgments, that we embrace judgments, that we bring them into the earth, that we cry for them, pray for them, and earnestly insist upon them because we love the Lord.

It is time for God to be exalted. It is time for Him to prevail over all of His enemies. It is time for the Lord to be magnified in His house, for the glory of the Lord to return to the house of God. It is time for believers to become the people that God said would glorify His name and bring forth His Kingdom. It is time for the Kingdom.

Genesis 3:15 (AMP)  And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring; He will bruise and tread your head underfoot, and you will lie in wait and bruise His heel.

Throughout the bible, Satan has sought to destroy the seed line of the woman, but has failed. Jesus is the first born of a new creation. This new creation is the army of the Lord. Jesus has not only redeemed us, but has redeemed planet earth, and has given us the authority to govern it. We are entering into the battle of the ages, and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of the Lord and His Christ( that is us, we are the body of Christ in the earth, we are in Him and He is in us, we are one spirit) Inheriting the kingdom includes not only heaven, but earth.

Revelation 11:15 (YLT)    And the seventh messenger did sound, and there came great voices in the heaven, saying, `The kingdoms of the world did become those of our Lord and of His Christ, and he shall reign to the ages of the ages!’

Could you live with the responsibility of praying judgment on some individual who was creating an impasse in your life? Not unless your heart was pure before the Lord. A dedication to the Kingdom, not personal feelings, will bring judgment. Even then, it could be difficult. David wept and grieved over Absalom, crying, “Oh my son, my son. Would God that I had died in your place.”

Yet Absalom had been motivated, directed, and counseled by the Nephilim spirit of Hebron. Even so, it was difficult for David. He continued to mourn until the people felt that they had been defeated. Even though they had saved the king and his kingdom had been restored, they did not feel victorious. Finally, one of David’s servants came to him and said, “You cannot do this. These people gave their lives to see Absalom turned away from rebellion and to see you back on the throne” (II Samuel 18:33–19:7).

In the long-suffering of Jesus for Judas, He probably remembered many times that Judas had healed the sick, cast out devils, and walked with a purity; but there was something that came and went in Judas’ life until finally it came to possess him totally at that last supper. Satan entered his heart and he went out, and it was night. Jesus said that it would have been better for that man if he had never been born.

This points out the seriousness of judgment. This is not asking you to defer from it, but it is asking you to be dedicated to it on the highest plane. If your dedication to judgment is faulty, then correct it right now and ask the Lord to bring you to a pure desire for the judgments of the Lord, judgments that are so precious that they are more valuable than fine gold. If you feel that this is putting out your fire, then you have the wrong kind of fire. But if you feel all the more encouraged, then your motivation is good. Let the purity of the Lord be in all that you do. Let the Holy Spirit search your heart. Put away the leaven. Keep the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness (I Corinthians 5:8). Walk with God in purity.

Would you like to possess your heritage as the Israelites possessed Canaan? The conquest of Canaan was largely a war against Nephilim spirits who had entrenched themselves in the land. These giants had ministered so much fear to the ten spies that they felt like grasshoppers in their own sight (Numbers 13:33). They were no longer convinced that they were God’s people. They were no longer convinced that they had promises. Fear dominated them because they had to go into Canaan and conquer the Nephilim. What God did in Canaan was not a bloodthirsty war of extinction and annihilation; it was the judgment of God.

Approximately four hundred years before, when Abraham was walking through that land, God had said, “I will give this land to you, but it is not yet the time. I will let your seed go down into another land for four hundred years, and after that I will bring them back, for the iniquity of the Amorites has not yet come to the full” (Genesis 15:7, 13–16).

The possession of Canaan had to involve an entering in to the blessings that God had for His people, but it also had to involve the total judgment of the people who lived there—the devil-possessed Anakim.

God would be justified in His righteous judgments in the earth to see that they were totally annihilated. No covenants were to be made; no one was to be spared. As they went into Jericho, only Rahab and her relatives were spared because of the scarlet cord. Everyone else was utterly slain, and every possession was defiled (Joshua 2:18). The fact that the Israelites could not take the gold or the silver was not simply a discipline upon them; the Lord did not want them to keep anything that would actually convey a curse upon Israel.

In Joshua 7:19–26 we read that Achan had to die because he went into the battle with a covetous heart. He had to die, just as the people of Jericho had to die. He had to be buried under a pile of rocks, just as Jericho was buried under a pile of rubbish. Do you understand why? Before the Israelites came over the Jordan, Joshua said, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you” (Joshua 3:5). Then they circumcised those who were yet uncircumcised.

This illustrates what could happen to you. If you are only praying for judgment because that is all you are burdened for, then you will receive judgment. If you are an uncircumcised hand in judgment when you start fighting, then you will die too. This is a principle which can bring casualties as judgment returns to the house of God. In your zeal, be sure that you have entered into sanctification yourself. Then, with the love of righteousness, you can become a pure agent by the love of God to see the judgments return to the house of the Lord.

There were no bad feelings when Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead, but the fear of the Lord came upon the people. The people in the world realized that they could not lightly adhere to those believers. There was great honor and respect. No man dared to join himself to them (Acts 5:13).

 Do you see why they could not? Some people might have said, “This is a religion with power! I want to get into it.” But they knew that in their hearts they had the same motive that Ananias and Sapphira had. They did not dare to be a part of that pure Body that could so effectively minister judgment until they were sanctified, preserved, and delivered from the corruptions that were in their hearts. Then the Lord added to the Church day by day such as were being saved (Acts 2:47).

Those who were being saved really had to want the judgments. You must also seek the experience of judgment in your own heart. Do not ask the Lord to judge you. Get busy and do it yourself. You have the light of the Holy Spirit to help you. In the Old Testament, people prayed the prayer of David: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me… Psalm 139:23–24.

 You do not have to pray that way. You do not have to ask God to put the flashlight on your problems. You know them. Judge them in the Lord when you come to the Communion Table, which is the extension of the Passover. What does I Corinthians 11:28 say of the Lord’s Supper? But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. It is examination time. Throw out anything that is false or wrong. Refuse it utterly. In order to be pure, partake of the Passover Lamb for cleansing. It is not a time for the passing over of your faults so that you can carry them in your heart into the wilderness, as the Israelites did. This is the time to be purified. In order to be pure to walk in the judgments in the earth and to loose yourself from every hindrance, apply the blood of Christ and receive the cleansing.

When your gun is aimed and you are shooting hard but missing the mark, this will focus it on the principalities, the powers, and the Nephilim spirits. This is the way that the judgments will have to be done. When you become intense in prayer over a period of several weeks or months or perhaps years, you can reach a certain point where something within your nature suddenly emerges and defeats you. It may seem that every time you become persistent and come up to a certain level, the enemy knows how to stop you. But it is not just the enemy that causes that. God wants you to see that before you pull the trigger, you had better be sure that the muzzle of your gun is not packed with something that will cause it to blow up in your own face. You can easily hurt or destroy yourself.

Pray for a total submission to the Lord’s righteousness, a total submission to His Kingdom. Lay before His precious blood any human feelings of wrath, anger, malice, wickedness, or any personal motive within you. Perhaps you feel that you do not want to suffer any longer. That, too, could be wrong.

Pray that the impasses to the will of God being done in the earth will be broken. Nothing will be personal, but if you fit into that category, then it will include you too. Pray very objectively, loving righteousness so much that you say, “Lord, if You cannot have Your will and bring forth the Kingdom in the earth because of me, then take me out of the way.” If you love His righteousness and His Kingdom enough to submit to that requirement, this will be your protection. This is what He is looking for. If you love righteousness that much, you will be hungry for it; and those who hunger and thirst after righteousness are the blessed ones who will be filled (Matthew 5:6).

In spiritual warfare, you will be able to prevail persistently in every area where you are objective. You can be impersonal and pray for people and bless them, but when you yourself are personally affected, and you allow your own emotions or vindictiveness to enter in, you will be hindered. When you see that others are receiving answers, you may demand of the Lord that something be done for you too. If the Lord would release the action that you are demanding, it would react in you.

The Israelites had to be circumcised before they could go out to kill giants and Canaanites. When they brought out their flint knives, the men suffered; but no knife, no victory. Likewise, no one in the army of the Lord today can be without the circumcision of heart. If you have anything wrong in your spirit that will hinder the ministry of judgment, you can be absolutely cleansed by the blood of Jesus. You can be loosed from it. Lay it upon the altar and you will be delivered from it. You will be made right. Your motivation will become pure and holy.

Have you ever experienced a little feeling that perhaps you should not be entering into the things of the Lord so intensely because you are not exactly where you ought to be? If so, bring it out in the open and deal with it so that you can go on to do the will of the Lord. Even though you may pray for the right things, your motivation has to be tested and made sure. The inner channel has to be loosed. Then you will sharpen up your focus. While God works His will in your life, He prepares you for drastic changes to come. There is a time when you learn to run with lead weights in your shoes: but when you run the race to win, you get rid of those weights.

Some of the trials which you experience are a tremendous schooling. You grow under them, but their purpose is only to bring you to the place where you will speak the creative, living Word of God that will sweep over the earth like a tidal wave. Now is the time to lay aside every weight as well as the sin, because a race is before the people of God, and they must win (Hebrews 12:1). You have to shake loose the vipers, for they will not burn until you shake them off into the fire (Acts 28:3–5).

When the Lord Jesus celebrated the Passover and then went on into the Lord’s Supper, these were two completely different observances. The old covenant and the old Passover were one thing, but what Christ did was quite another. In the Old Testament there was a law against the drinking of blood or the eating of animals that had been strangled. There was a penalty against it because the life of the flesh is in the blood. The law of blood, recorded in Leviticus 17, is very detailed and interesting. Because the drinking of blood had been prohibited, people left Jesus after He said, “Unless you eat of My flesh and drink of My blood, you will have no life in you” (John 6:53–66).

In I Corinthians 10:16–17 we have another picture, that we are one bread and we come to partake together. The American Standard Bible says, The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a communion of the body of Christ? Verse 16. But the margin reads, a participation in the body of Christ, a participation in the blood of Christ.

Our judgment begins to purify us in our spiritual observance of our Passover in Christ. We are to feed upon His blood, we are to feed upon His body, and we are to partake together. If you partake of your brother or your sister, it is forbidden that you should partake of them on the human plane. You are to know no one after the flesh (II Corinthians 5:16). You can only partake of what Christ is bringing forth in your brother or sister in the Spirit.

You drink of the spiritual blood that Christ brings forth in your brother or sister. You can eat of the Christ, the Body, that is coming forth in your brother, but you cannot eat your brother. Paul spoke of those who did not discern the Lord’s Body in this. He said that for this reason many were weak and sickly and some slept (I Corinthians 11:30). Have you ever realized that this happened to the Corinthians because of their unawareness of the provision of the Communion? The Corinthians gathered together and fed themselves, and some were actually drunken, while others did not have much; everyone went about it in a selfish way. When you come into the Body of Christ and are concerned only about feeding yourself, and you begin to prey cannibalistically on your brother instead of drawing from the Christ in him and ministering to your brother by what Christ brings forth in you, then you are not ministering health to yourself, but you are ministering spiritual sickness. Have you ever wondered why many people who demand the most help are also the most miserable spiritually? Other people enter into the life flow of the Body of Christ, and they also draw; but they are not like vultures and vampires who fasten onto the Body to suck away its life. This does not do the blood-suckers any good; they only become weak and sickly.

People who demand the most help often abandon their walk with God. This type of person can cause his pastor to feel depleted, worn out, and tired. Such people can take his very life, and that is why they are sickly. That is why they die. They may blame a certain problem, but others with the same kind of problem still thrive. You cannot blame your problems or your past conditionings for your failures. If you are feeding on Christ and upon His precious blood, you can overcome almost any difficulty. It is only in the purity of your partaking that you will stand.

Do not come to church to prey selfishly upon someone else. It is the Body of Christ. That is the difference between the old Passover and the new. You come to drink His blood and to eat His flesh by His Spirit, so that you can minister the life that comes forth in you to others. You are not self-depleted or self-destroyed by giving; you find that it is life to the Body. Paul said, But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. Galatians 5:15. The judgments of the Lord have returned to the house of God, and today’s concepts of Body ministry will purify the flow of life in the Body and the flow of judgment as it comes.

Would you like to be commissioned to a special walk with the Lord? Then believe God to work a cleansing in your heart. Accept, by faith, that a total purification in attitude is pleasing to the Lord. Accept also that this can be done in a moment. The Word says that the iniquity of the land will be cleansed in one day (Zechariah 3:9). Therefore you can believe that the iniquity of the earth of your flesh also will be cleansed in one day. Believe in the commission which tells you that judgment has been committed to the saints of the Most High (Daniel 7:22). Believe to walk in that now. The commission will be for strength, for a love of righteousness, for a love of His Word, for a love of prayer, and for a love of intercession. Intercession is a labor to some people because it is still a fleshly effort. Believe for a sustained flow of intercession and prayer, and for a closeness and a communion with the Lord, loving Him, loving righteousness, and loving judgments.

Test your attitude. Have you ever found in your intercession that you almost wanted to throw rocks at God because there was a belligerence in your heart against Him? This is important for you to evaluate, because any such problem is in you, not in Him. Let God be justified. There must be no slander on His character in this matter. There cannot be any reflection on God. Through His Spirit, He is the one who teaches you how to understand His ways and how to get into prayer. Therefore, wait before Him and love Him and pray for immediate action. Cry to Him day and night, and He will hear you speedily. Sometimes you will be violent in prayer, but not in rebellion. Let it be because your will has been set and determined by a revelation from God and it is on course, and you know that it is time for the answer.

Let your violent intensity before God be with purity. Believe that you are commissioned to intercession through an apostolic Word by the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Body. Believe that you are blessed with a pure violence in intercession to pray for immediate answers. Believe that you are anointed by the Lord God to become a part of the warring priesthood—kings and priests—of the holy God and the holy Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:6). Stand not only to judge, but also to intercede. In all purity, be a representative of the Kingdom of God, standing before the face of the Father saying, “Let it be done. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done, Thy will be done, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven!” Insist, “Thine is the Kingdom, Thine is the Kingdom! Thine is the power, Thine is the power! Thine is the glory forever!” Loose yourself into the flow of God’s Spirit. As you stand before His throne with a pure heart, the Lord shall be entreated. His will shall come forth. He shall be glorified. Declare the purity of your motivation. Submit every contrary thing to the blood of Jesus Christ.

Be cleansed and pure in what God is doing in this hour. Put the plumb line to your heart and test yourself. If you were given a whip and told to do as Jesus did, to go through the church building and whip out of it everything which you could discern as an offense or a wrong, would you have the dedication to do it? And if you had the dedication, would you have the right motivation? If you were the one to go through with the whip, to drive people and things out of the house of God, could you do it with a pure spirit? If it would purify the house of God, do you love righteousness enough that you would do it and not care what happened to you or what anyone thought of you? Would you do it with a right spirit, without vindictiveness, with only the righteous anger of God? Would your anger be as pure as His? Claim that it would.

For judgment to be committed to the saints of the Most High, they must walk in nothing less than He walked in. They must walk in the same love. They must walk in the same wrath. They must walk in the same holiness and in the same purity of action. If they do anything less, they will be found guilty themselves. In all purity and in all understanding, become a person who prays and seeks God. The judgments of God will roar like fire in the earth, but they will come purely. They will be holy in the sight of God and man. They will not draw attention to men, but they will bring glory to God.


The Word speaks about the ransomed of the Lord and the everlasting joy, that will crown their heads (Isaiah 51:11). This is good to know when we are in spiritual warfare. Galatians 6:9 reminds us that we could easily become weary with well-doing, but in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Let us not faint, but instead believe that the Lord will show us exactly the principalities and powers we are to judge. It is through the Church that the Lord is going to manifest His wisdom and triumph over all the powers and principalities (Ephesians 3:10). This will happen in our time; it has already started. While we are praying for this, it would be very good for us to realize that we must not usurp the prerogatives of God and judge people.

When you are praying for the Lord to deal with certain situations, remember the instructions of the Lord in the days of Joshua when Canaan was possessed by the Anakim (the Nephilim). They were to be totally destroyed. Many may not understand that. It may seem quite inhuman that even the little children were to be destroyed. If you think that was inhuman, then you must also accept the fact that the flood was inhuman. God dealt with the Nephilim in Noah’s time by drowning them. The Nephilim saw the daughters of men and went in to them and bore children by them (Genesis 6:4). Those were the giants, the men of renown in ancient times. In Joshua’s day, again it was the giants that came forth from this type of union. Those giants were not just naturally tall men; today we would call them sons of Satan. Today the Nephilim again are endeavoring to make an invasion against the people of God. They are trying to position themselves in the Church and bring corruption, so that God will turn away from His people and destroy them. That must not be. Therefore we must vigorously oppose any invasion of the Nephilim spirit.

When God saw the corruption from the Nephilim in the antediluvian world, He was grieved that He had made man. He said that man had corrupted his ways, and there was such corruption that He was going to destroy all flesh. He preserved only Noah and his household to start all over again (Genesis 6:6–8). There is no question that this is the history of what happened. In fact, it is interesting to note that various cultures of the world have legends about a Noah and a great flood that destroyed all life.

In the days of Joshua, the giants again had to be utterly annihilated. They were the ones who came on so strong that they made the Israelites feel like grasshoppers (Numbers 13:33). Their hearts melted and they did not go in to take the land which was their possession. Satan had positioned his people there so that God’s people would draw back. Today the dragon stands before the woman who is bringing forth the manchild, ready to destroy whatever is born. Therefore, as sons come to the birth, this is their most vulnerable moment. This is the time when God’s people are most susceptible to the assault of the enemy, when they can really lose out. We must pray, because we want to be caught up in authority to rule and to judge and to take dominion. If we do not, then we can easily become the prey of the dragon that is ready to consume the manchild as soon as it is born (Revelation 12:4). This is not a fairy tale; Satan is ready to destroy you. Therefore, set your heart to pray.

Some people say that we can hate the devil, but we should not hate any human individual. However, there is a point that is irrevocable. When Satan brings forth a Nephilim, it is the closest approach he can make to bringing forth a son. God can bring forth many sons in whom His very presence comes forth, because God has the quality of omnipresence. Satan, however, does not. He is perhaps cunning and wise beyond anything we can understand, but he is not omnipresent. Satan cannot possess five, ten, or a thousand people at one time. But God can fill everyone through the mystery of omnipresence, a faculty and an attribute which God has, but which Satan lacks. Satan has been trying to attain it for centuries, but he does not have that quality. He comes and goes in people who are so open to him, through withdrawal or rebellion, that he can come at a strategic moment to accomplish his purpose.

Satan can come and go. This occurred in the story of Judas Iscariot. Sitting with Christ at that last Passover, after Christ had spoken to him, Satan entered his heart. Even though he had healed the sick, ministered to cast out devils, and walked as an apostle of the Lord, he went out that night to betray the Lord. Satan could have done that many times, and he probably did, in previous years. In John 6:70, Christ said, “Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” Jesus said, concerning those that the Father had given Him, “I lost none but the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled” (John 17:12).

This does not mean that Judas Iscariot knew what was going to happen or that he understood what he was doing. In his mind he may have rationalized and thought he was pressuring Christ into a position where He would have to manifest His authority and kill all the Romans and set up His Kingdom. After he took the money and saw what was happening to Jesus, he cried out in full realization, “I have betrayed innocent blood,” and he threw the money down in the Temple. Then he went out and committed suicide (Matthew 27:4–5). What probably happened was that Satan left him after he had betrayed Jesus, and Judas came back to the full realization of what he had done. Satan no longer cared about Judas after he had accomplished his purpose through his life.

This is the way it is with Nephilim. Satan can come and go, but he cannot possess a person totally because Satan has other things to do. However, at strategic moments Satan himself can enter into an individual who is dedicated to be his child. That individual may not even be consciously dedicated. I do not believe Judas was, because after he betrayed Jesus, he was overcome with deep remorse when he realized what he had done. Hebrews 10:38 says that if a man shrinks back, the Lord shall have no pleasure in him. The spirit of the antichrist, the son of perdition, the Nephilim spirit, the false Christ, the false prophet—all are part of one picture: Satan’s effort to try to destroy what God is bringing forth in this end time. What should we do? We must stand against it and pray against it. Unless we prevail, we will not fulfill the first phase of what God wants to do in redemption.

Let me illustrate this for you. Christ came to minister for three and one-half years, and it was fitting and proper in the mind of the Father that at the end of that time He should be delivered up for us all. He should pay the price on the cross by the shedding of His blood for every one of our sins. Now Christ is coming forth again, not in the flesh of one individual, but in a many-membered Body. Among all those who walk with God, the Nephilim spirit will try again to bring forth the Judas spirit in order to hinder, to betray, and to destroy. Nevertheless, another picture is ordained by God. Christ is coming forth in His people, to be glorified and to be admired in all them that believe. We are to prevail over the Nephilim spirit, not submit to it. Christ is not coming forth in us to be crucified a second time; He is coming to be glorified in us. He is coming to be admired in the believer. He is coming as the Lion of the tribe of Judah to rule, not as the Lamb to suffer. It would be folly to believe that Christ is coming forth to be crucified again. If that were true, it would mean that every one of us would have to be crucified.

Christ has reached the state of omnipresence. However, He did not have this quality when He laid aside His divine attributes to be born as a man. He was born in the form of a servant and He died as one individual. However, He told His disciples, “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” John 16:7.

Jesus also said that He and the Father will make their abode in us (John 14:23). He was saying that after His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension to the Father, His spirit would once again be universalized. Then He would dwell in each one of us as perfectly and completely as He was dwelling in the body of the Nazarene. This means that Christ is coming forth in us now. We see Christ in each other. Maybe He is in prison and we have to set Him free, so that He can take over. Maybe He is naked and we have to clothe Him. Maybe He is hungry and we have to feed Him. We minister to the Christ that is coming forth in one another; and, of course, Satan hates that.

The Nephilim spirits today dominate and control. They control political and governmental situations, areas of finances, of the arts, and of the sciences. They control the occult world. They control areas in every realm. Should they? No! Think of the futility and the anguish of war.

How wonderful it will be to live in the generation that will see war no more, an age where every sword will be beaten into a plowshare. It will be wonderful to go on with the presence of Christ until, as He comes forth in us, He slays the antichrist, the son of perdition, with the breath of His mouth and the brightness of His coming (II Thessalonians 2:8).

When you intercede about this, remember that it is not a human work you are doing. You are but a channel for the Lord to come forth to destroy the work of the enemy. It is not for your sake as a human being, but it is for the glory of Jesus Christ, so that all that He died for can come forth in reality until the kingdom of this world becomes the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (Revelation 11:15). It is the Christ within us that is crying for the Kingdom to come forth in this earth. This gives rhyme and reason, full meaning and purpose, and the right motivation to your intercession and worship.

Be realistic in your values. At any cost, the people of God must break through to the fulness of Christ’s authority. Do not make a league with the Nephilim spirits. Destroy them! If you leave them in control, they will continue to plague you. Joshua was so filled with faith that at one time he faced five kings. Never forget that he destroyed thirty-two nations, each of them mightier than the Israelites. When five nations conspired against him, he destroyed them all. During his battle with the Amorites, he made the sun stand still so that his army would have a longer day and more daylight (Joshua 10:13).

Like Joshua, we too must see the impasses in our time broken. There will be millions saved in this generation, and yet multitudes will be slain at the feet of God’s remnant. It seems bloodthirsty, but you must be realistic about it. If the people of God do not go in and take the land, millions will be lost and only a few thousand saved. The Nephilim must be brought down or the casualties in the Kingdom of God will be great. The quicker this is done, the better. The slain of the Lord will be many (Isaiah 66:16), but those who will be preserved will be many, many more. This is a type of conservation. In other words, to destroy the enemy is the most economical step you can take. It seems bloodthirsty, and it is. But the source of a disease must be stopped before an epidemic destroys everyone.

We are in a day of grim spiritual warfare. Paul wrote in I Corinthians 5:6 that if someone with a destructive spirit remains in the Body of Christ, he will contaminate it like a little leaven that leavens the whole lump. If he is set outside, God will deal with him. If he stays inside and the church does not deal with him, the church will bear complete contamination. Such a spirit will run rampant through the church. Let us not allow the Nephilim spirit to harass us. It is a day of victory. It is a day of release. It is a time to deal with the things that harass the people of God. Satan is raging because he knows his time is short. But by the grace of God, it is going to be shorter than even he realizes.

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