The redemption of pain

All that we have inherited from Adam through our DNA, that has brought destruction into our life, shall be displaced, as the DNA of God expands within us.

The enemy has lied to us for a long time about our value and worth. He has caused us to believe that our identity is the broken state of pain and pressure and suffering that we may be living in.

The enemy works so hard to take possession of our hearts because each one of us is the inheritance of God, and God wants to take possession of His inheritance.

Out of our hearts flow the issues of life; the beliefs that we have create the choices we make, bringing forth the kind of life we live.

We were created to walk in perfect unity and oneness with our father, to be an expression of His life in the earth.

The enemy knows who we are and that we are made in the image and likeness of God. He knows the authority we have over him when the eyes of our understanding are enlightened and we see who we are in Christ.

So he uses whatever he can to damage our hearts to cause us to come into agreement with lies about God and ourselves. He does not want us to understand our identity, and purpose and value, so he tries to infect how we interpret reality.

His objective in all he does is to separate us from our God, to cause us to operate out of a wrong worldview and to bring destruction into and through every aspect of our lives.

We are the bride of Christ rising out of pain and powerless religion to become a pure reflection of God in the earth. Our destiny is to be fully filled with God himself.

Jesus longs for each of us to experience an energizing living connection with Him, an inner awakening of our spirit, where God’s life flows through our soul and body.

As we learn how to live from the inside out, His Spirit will become a river of life flowing through us displacing everything not like him, where he becomes a very real living experience within us.

As Jesus becomes first place in our life, our first love, He will meet our need for significance and security, our need for love, worth and purpose.

His will is for us to be fully alive in him, to live the abundant life He released to us through the finished work of the cross.  He wants to become the strength of our life, and so fully fill us with His Spirit, so that we are enabled to live as a new creation, our true eternal identity.

He is revealing who we are in heaven so that we can come into alignment with our life hidden in Christ.  Just like Jesus, so will we release the nature of His being, literally becoming a gateway between heaven and earth through which His life flows.

He is displacing all the lies where the enemy has resisted us and defined us by our weaknesses. God shall fill every weakness with himself, as He becomes the word of our testimony.

The truth is that regardless of how we might feel, right now we are the most valuable, powerful being in all of creation. There is a place in God’s heart that only we can fill. We are the bride of Christ.

There are aspects of His nature that we are destined to know that will become the message of our life, as His love heals all of our pain and teaches us his ways; replacing every area of weakness with the strength of who He is inside of us.

As the finished work of Christ becomes an experiential reality in our lives we will change the lives of others as we become his workmanship displayed upon the earth.

In the very areas we have experienced the most brokenness, as his thoughts and ways become ours, it will release hope to others struggling in a similar way.

Through the infilling of His presence, we find ourselves able to forgive the unforgivable, releasing ourselves from every prison that has held us in bondage to our past. We amazingly find that through His love being shed abroad in our heart we can truly love and have concern for those who have hurt us.

We begin to see others as those lost sheep, hurt and broken, deceived and energized by a wrong belief system producing a false identity through which they live a way that was never intended for them to live.

Through intimacy with the heart of God we experience His unconditional love and the purity of who He is begins to flow into us restoring our broken and imprisoned emotions.

As we are filled with His Spirit we find the grace to move in the opposite spirit of the enemy who has tried to conform us to the patterns of the brokenness of this world.

As the eyes of our spirit begin to open we see that absolutely nothing is impossible for God, that He really is good and has a different reality for us, we will then be able to take every word he has spoken literally. We will believe in Him against all the natural evidence that projects the opposite reality.

As we look at the price Jesus paid on the cross we see the value he placed on each one of us. He laid down his own life that we could become His, created anew by the very substance of His being. He chose us to be carriers of His presence!

As we begin to mature in the lord we can then look at each circumstance through the lens of redemption, an opportunity for the love and power of God to be manifested.

We begin to discover our immeasurable worth; it is the redemption of pain into joy unspeakable and full of glory.

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