The redemption of pain

We are of matchless worth.

As the angel entered into the room accompanied by the heavy presence of God he handed me what looked like tiny red glass perfume bottles. Each one I understood contained our tears mingled with the tears of God, representing the compassion of Christ.

The angel then gave me the title of a message I was to release to God’s people. He spoke the phrase – the redemption of pain. As he spoke, revelation came into my spirit that heaven was telling us what time it is. That the full force of the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus is moving on us and it is now the time of the restoration of all things, the time of heavens justice activating.

Every hit we have taken, every curse we have received throughout our life, all that has been handed down to us through our ancestral lineage, everything that has transferred through the DNA, through our Adamic inheritance that has brought destruction into our life, heaven is totally focused on making sure that redemption is experienced in full by each of us because of the finished work of the cross.

The angel impressed into my spirit that it is the heart of our father for us to live now in revival, renewal, awakening; to know ourselves cleansed and washed. That this is our birthright and glorifies Jesus. That the more freedom we taste and enter into, the more Jesus is proven to be the truth and his testimony increases through us in the earth.

As is now clear, the enemy has lied to us for so long about our value. I pray that as I share this next encounter all the truths contained within the pages of this book will Lodge deeply within your heart, convicting you of your own incredible value and matchless worth. The whole of heaven’s attention is upon us. We are the reward of Jesus’ sufferings. We are the joy that was set before him as he endured the agony of the cross and brought forth his new creation. The enemy has defined us for a long time. He has caused us to believe that our identity is the broken state of pain and pressure that we live in, it is not! We are children of light, carriers of God. We are the most valuable, powerful thing in all creation.

Jesus came and knelt in front of me and he gently kissed my right foot. As he did I felt the tender compassion of our servant King surge through me and pierced my heart. All insecurity, timidity, lack of self-worth, and low self-esteem left as his love was released through me in waves.

Jesus then clothed me in the sandals and robe he had worn when he walked on earth. As he did this, he bestowed on me honor and released into my spirit the understanding that his ministry is to continue to flow through us now at an unprecedented level. His life giving Spirit is going to flow through his yielded vessels restoring us and all we touch.

I was then suddenly propelled up in the spirit and found myself standing in the throne room. I could see a great multitude of the elect. Thousands and thousands, literally countless numbers of people surrounding the throne. In one accord they spoke a resounding decree. Over and over they cried out – it is finished, it is finished, it is finished. The sound began to cascade through my spirit into the earth realm, into the body of Christ.

In that moment I was aware of the unity we have with one another, through his Spirit present in each of us. I knew that the revelation of the finished work of the cross is now going to be added to the body. We are going to understand what the blood has done for us and the level of power we will operate in because of this truth being restored, as we surrender our lives fully, it’ll birth revival.

Everywhere we go, we will understand how to release his power. It is not chanting the blood that brings power, it is the faith ignited inside of us; the understanding of what has been made available to us through the cross. It is what is behind are words whether they are flowing from an authentic connection and faith in our king.

It is not a form of godliness that changes the world, it is encounter and intimacy, drawing on and releasing the life of God within us. The moment we have faith igniting in our heart, the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen, we step out in authentic conviction with heavens perspective undergirding us. This is what changes things.

Satan is afraid of the blood. He is afraid of the message of the blood. He fears God’s people understanding what the blood has done. Revelation 12:11 provides us with insight as to why – and they overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.

So Satan knows that when we understand the power of the blood, we understand the authority we have over him. We have total power over him in Jesus Christ and the weight of what I have just said is going to ignite in the next season. We’re going to see clearly from heavens perspective and begin to walk in all the freedom that Jesus gave to us through his finished work. Where going to live and move and have our being in Christ, where evil has no power or future.

Another significant reason why the enemy hates and fears the blood of Jesus and our capacity to really understand it, is because through it God becomes resident again in the earth. The enemy wanted ownership of this planet. He wanted to have a body of people, who broken, deceived and therefore easily manipulated, were brought into agreement with his lies in order that he could express his evil nature through them.

That is what we have been delivered from!

Satan counterfeited the plan of God and infected the human race through the deception of Eve. Our father’s original intent was to indwell each of us, bringing his presence through the gateway of our lives. Satan usurped this wisdom and through the infecting of individuals brought forth his own destructive presence.

I was taken into an experience that I believe is a taste of where we are headed as the Lord brings us into the completion of what the blood has done for us as the transfigured bride. I do not believe this is something we will attain only when we die. I believe that in our generation we are going to start to see the manifestation of the glory of the bride of Christ emerging as many of us are fully filled with the manifest presence of God. The day of us living encased in a prison of darkness, experiencing despair, hopelessness, besetting sin, poverty and powerless living is over.

Many of us are getting glimpses of what is coming now, as the virtuous bride begins to emerge, stepping out of the ashes transfigured, moving in power and agape love; representing Christ with a purity and authority sufficient to change things. Making heaven assessable and understood by a world crying out for leadership.

The presence of the Holy Spirit came filling me with the conviction that I was to apply the blood of Jesus to the root of the defilement of the human race and specifically to my own Adamic lineage. I saw the blood of Jesus touching the point where Satan fathered the human race through deception. I saw how his lies became like a seed impregnating Eve. Then as she and Adam fell, what consequently came forth was a contaminated version of God’s original design. This is the nature we inherit through our natural bloodlines. In Christ we therefore literally received the nature of our father’s royal lineage. We are redeemed by the blood of the lamb. We become a new creation, part of the new order of things and this extraordinary reality is going to become our predominant experience in this next season.

As the blood of Jesus touched the point of the fall, who we are inside, the true us, began to explode out of me. My soul and physical body felt like a restrictive casket containing the brilliant glory light of God now emanating out of the centre of my being. As the power of the Holy Spirit continued blasting through me, He spoke saying, I’m bringing you forth in my likeness. I’m the light of the world, and you are made of my spirit. I touched the power of who we are becoming.

We have to understand where we have come from and what this life is about; who we are and whose we are, the authority we have. It is about redeeming planet earth, as we see explained in Romans 8. We are to break everything free from its bondage to decay, as we come forth as the sons of the kingdom. This is the time we are in and the invitation we have right now. This is not for a future generation, it is for us now, for those of us who will press into the secret place and become authentic in our intimacy with God. Peter shadow healed the sick because of who was overshadowing him. Likewise those submitted to God will see his power displayed in extraordinary ways, as his present increases within us.

We are created to be impregnated with the word of God and like Jesus to bring the things of the kingdom here. If we get filled up with lies and a false worldview we are quickly made impotent in this regard. My life is to serve the body, to be laid down before Jesus, to receive the truth and then by his grace to release it to us; to hold up a big mirror and say, remember who you are. You are not this weak, cowering, insignificant person with no value. You are honored; highly esteemed as a citizen of heaven.

You have the capacity to move the heart of God with every tiny attempt to please him. We are the passion and focus of his love. That is what held the nails in place. It was not the soldiers instruments of torture, it was his love for us. He is our father and he rescued us from eternal separation from him. We now belong to him and are a doorway between heaven and earth; we are a spiritual womb bringing forth the things of the kingdom. As the angel Gabriel told Mary at the time of her conceiving Jesus by the Holy Spirit, no word from God will ever fail. So as we carry every precious promise, in their do time each one will be birth through our lives.

As the angel continued to speak to me he said, heaven wants to release the compassion of Christ to redeem every area of brokenness and compromise.

If we are struggling with sin, we have been extended a fresh opportunity to come and receive grace, the power to be released from its viselike grip. As we say yes and open our hearts to his love again, his compassion will heal us and right understanding will enter our hearts. Jesus does the transformation work as we spend time with him; it is his kindness that leads to repentance. Jesus has changed my heart as he has shown me who he is. So the fruit of my nature has become different in him. Not because of what I do, but by his grace. The natural response to his presence is righteousness. We love because he first loved us.

The message of the blood is coming back to centre stage. It is what Satan fears the most. He thought he had it all wrapped up; he did not! He failed at the cross and now we will begin to comprehensively understand the power that was made available to us. Satan in his rage and delusion thought he was killing God, but it cost him the human race. Human history wraps up with the nations being presented to Jesus!

All of heaven is mobilized behind Christ authority to invade every person’s life we come into contact with. It can be as simple as a smile, but it is God smile and his presence flows unhindered through us, that person’s life will be radically changed forever. We must not underestimate who we are as carriers of glory. We were made by love, for love. What transforms us is love. What will heal and save the world is love.

There is going to be a reformation of society. There is going to be a systematic world shift. People are going to understand the ways of God through the sons of the kingdom as we mature now and are able to present truth in a way that the world can hear and see. There is going to be a shift across every sphere of life as we release the spirit of wisdom and brings solutions to individual, local, national and international problems. A shift as we release hope and begin to introduce people to a worldview that has its source in the creators mind.

The key is an intimate, authentic relationship; it is a surrender and stepping into Christ, allowing the blood of Jesus to do in us what it is designed to do – to birth a new creation in fullness. His Word will not return void, it will accomplish that for which it was sent forth to the earth to do. There is no failure in God. We truly are a body of people rising in the earth, destined to be the counterpart of Jesus himself, made in his very image and likeness.

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