The rights of an overcomer

Come up higher. Occupy a higher place in my affection. A higher place of sensitivity in the Spirit is awaiting you. This is my promise to you; the place in your life where you have been struggling in will become the place of your greatest encounter with me.

These difficulties will now tell you a different story. It is the story of your present and future overcoming. Behold, I grant you the rights of an overcome in all your current areas of difficulty. A higher place with me guarantees a broader scope of victory. 

The enemy will now see the hand of God upon you. Watch closely from your high place. For this purpose, the enemy has come against you, that I may demonstrate my power over him, in you. All warriors know this and participate in my purpose.

There is always revelation in the battle – a higher purpose than the fight itself. When the enemy comes in like a flood, I am always lifting up a standard against him.

That standard is my name and my nature in you. On the battlefield there is fresh revelation of who you are becoming – an identity for you to step into. I have placed both an increase and an upgrade on the battlefield.

David knew that. It was why he ran towards Goliath. It was that attitude that made him a man after my own heart.

The current difficulties will define for you a new place of identity. Rise up and occupy a new persona in my presence. This is the year of your rising. I’m calling you up to a high place in my loving-kindness and favor. Be sheltered by my grace over you. Be protected in my love. Be cloaked in my power. Stand above the enemy. Rise up above the difficulty.

Always plan to win. For you to overcome, you must face the battle in the same way that I do. You fight from victory, not towards it. Therefore, every battle is not yours to win. It has already been won, but it is for you to demonstrate to the principalities and powers my victory over them. As you abide in me, winning is your only option.

Because of these truths, you must understand that I sent you out as a lamb against wolves. In the natural, it will always look like you are overwhelmed. But you stand in the shadow of the Almighty. You must have something big to overcome so that you may grow bigger by what you defeat.

Recognize the giant that is against you. Expect to be lifted up above the head of your enemy. The enemy exists to make you bigger!

When I lift you above him you are looking down at him as though you were an eagle looking down on her prey. You have a divine advantage. I will teach you to use it well. You have favor with me because I am biased towards you.

You are in a new season, a new beginning. I’m raising up the modern-day equivalent of David’s mighty men – people who are after my own heart. Men and women of a different spirit… A people greatly beloved, who understand their favor, and have confidence in their own identity in me.

There is, therefore, beloved, a season of preparation and training that you must go through on this next phase of your journey. All the circumstances of your life I will use to train and equip you for this next dimension of the Spirit that I wish to lead you into.

Once you say yes to this development, there is no turning back; the training will begin. I want you to live an ascendant lifestyle, where you process your life from heaven to earth. That is, you live by every word that proceeds from my mouth. You take your perceptions of reality from the Holy Spirit and not from your own logic and reason.

I will teach you a higher level of perception and thinking – one that will lead you into greater faith, and a more overtly outrageous, supernatural lifestyle.

Assessment – you are granted the rights of an overcomer in all your current areas of difficulty. What encounters with God are now possible? What revelations are being bestowed upon you as the father releases your warrior spirit? Name the identity that the father is revealing to you at this time. Give it a title and describe its qualities!

Commission – what does it mean to fight from victory not towards it? Explain. What is your divine advantage, and how will you use it? What does it mean to be a man or woman of a different spirit? Imagine living your life as the beloved. What would it look and feel like?

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