The spirit realm

The spirit realm is the superior realm that we live in. The scene realm was created from the unseen realm.

By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which are visible – Hebrews 11:3.

It is a little strange to think of something solid and seen, being created out of something unseen. But unseen does not mean unreal. Before you experienced the unseen realm, it’s hard to get a good grasp on that reality. After you have seen, or experienced the unseen realm you get it completely.

Also, we need to be or become aware that we do live in both realms. Whether we are cognizant of it or not, it is a reality. The Bible says that… We are seated in heavenly places in Christ – Ephesians 2:6 we have to understand the Scriptures in a different way. We need to understand them in a way that acknowledges supernatural things as being supernatural.

The spirit realm is more solid than the physical realm because the physical realm is temporal, fleeting, and in decay.

Engaging the spirit realm

You and I engage the spirit realm continually all throughout our days and nights. Every time you pray, every time you worship, and every time you even think or meditate. That is why we are taught in the word to guard our thought life.

Casting down imaginations – 2nd Corinthians 10:5 and gird up the loins of your mind – 1st Peter 1:13

Thought is the communication mode of the spirit realm. That is how angels can minister to us and devils contact us. When you are tempted with an ungodly thought, it is not a random thing. Demons will speak to your mind to make you believe the thought is your own. They will speak to you in 1st person.

For example, you may suddenly think, I sure don’t like so-and-so. Now, if you could see the spirit saying that to you, you would rebuke him and tell him to go away. But, since we don’t see them for the most part, except the thought is being our own and either reject the thought if we are submitted to Christ, or except that if we are being carnal.

Every time we pray we make ripples in the spirit realm. We can move heaven and earth through the authority of Christ by speaking and declaring his word.

To more fully engage the spirit realm, and see in the spirit realm, we have to be continually aware that there are unseen things going on all around us at any given time.

We train our senses. We make a decision to be aware, to notice things that most people don’t. As we do that, the things that appear so fragile and fleeting, open up more fully. Then we begin to see just how substantial those things really are.

Beings in the spirit realm

There are all kinds of beings in the spirit realm that you may encounter. Of course there are many types and classes of angels, there are living creatures, Saints, men in white linen, prophets, and members of the cloud of witnesses.

There are things that I’ve seen, that are objects in the physical realm, but in the spirit they are alive and have personalities. Everything is alive in heavenly realms. Everything in heaven sings praises to God! Even things like rocks.

It all seems very weird at 1st, but it is a different reality. It is a heavenly reality.

Dark things

There are also demons and ungodly creatures in the spirit realm. I honestly do not have enough understanding and revelation to know exactly what they are. I just know that they are not good. The great thing about having the Holy Spirit is that you have a knowing of what is of God and what is not.

There are demons that look as we would expect them to look and others that look beautiful. There are beings that I would describe as having the appearance of tormented souls.

There are people, such as witches and others, who travel into the spirit realm without the blessing of heaven.

Spiritual places

I’ve also seen and experienced demonic places, such as regions of captivity, like jail cells or prisons. In the Psalms, David talks about such places. Until you have actually seen these places, you may think that he is just using his vivid imagination to be descriptive about a low time in his life.

Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me – Psalm 142:7.

I experienced these regions of captivity long before I knew what they were or anything about them. After almost a year, the Lord led me to a book by Anna Mendez Ferrell called regions of captivity, and she described and explained in great detail the things that I had experienced firsthand. I highly recommend the book, especially for anyone involved in the deliverance ministry.

Out of the dungeon

The very 1st experience I had with the regions of captivity was a great revelation and deliverance that the Lord gave to me.

Here is a little black story to this encounter.

For some time, perhaps a year or more, I had been feeling a distance emotionally between me and my wife and daughter. I cannot come up with a logical reason why.

I love them both dearly and wanted a close relationship with them. But there was something, a coldness of some kind. There was something that kept me from feeling that closeness.

One night I woke up in the middle of the night to find myself in a small enclosure like a prison cell. I want to stress to you that this was not a bad dream. I was wide-awake with all my faculties. The bars of the cell and the door of the cell were on fire. Iron bars on fire. As freaked out as I was by this, the Lord gave me the presence of mind to use the name of Jesus.

I stood close to the flaming door and struck at the door twice, as if I had a sword. I shouted fall in the name of Jesus! Twice also. The door fell and I walked out of the cell, up a long stairway out of a deep place, through a doorway and into the light. I immediately saw my wife and daughter, and they had a beautiful glowing countenance.

The next day my relationship with them was completely restored. I felt warm and loving toward them and I had no trouble showing them love and affection. Complete deliverance from whatever bondage had been under. It was amazing!

Heavenly places

I know that there are many beautiful and wonderful heavenly places as well, but I have personally only experienced a few of the heavenly places, and very briefly.

Also in the spirit, the heavens and the stars and solar systems are places you may see.

The spirit realm is so vast that I could not really do justice to describing it. Your adventure into the realm of the spirit and spiritual sight in general will be a continuous unfolding, seemingly without end.

Movement in the spirit realm

There are no constraints in the spirit like we have in the natural realm. Time and distance are not laws there. Time exists in God, and is not unusual to move forward or backward in time as the Lord sees fit.

Also, distance likewise does not present any obstacle for us. We can move at the speed of thought and the spirit. We can go anywhere in the moment. We go to the stars and galaxies, the other planets, the places across the face of the earth. And of course we go to heavenly places as well.

I have heard numerous testimonies of people moving through time and across vast distances to preach the gospel, or for other purposes the Lord has.

I have personally experienced this on numerous occasions, as have some of my friends and at least one of my family members. I believe God is doing these type of things to train us for the days to come. The following account shows me that God is moving us ahead a little bit at a time.

The movement for ministry

I received a call not too long ago from one of my family. Her 1st words were something like you are not going to believe what just happened!

I was excited already! She proceeded to tell me of how while driving home from work, taking the route she always takes, turning left here and then right there and then down the main road. She went down a slight hill that she had been down many, many times on her way home, when suddenly she found herself on a different road, one that was 10 miles away. It was impossible. Yet God had moved her in a moment to another location, car and all!

On top of that, the Lord also gave her supernatural vision for the rest of the new route home. Where you can see close and far away at the same time. She wasn’t all to say the least, and I was too! God was teaching her something. Be teachable!

Lessons in the spirit

This was not the 1st time she had experienced supernatural things. Previously, she had seen in the spirit, an evil spirit. Then, she had traveled in the spirit to another person’s home, where she encountered and rebuked and drove out an evil spirit. Then, there were a few other lessons the Lord took her through. And then, of course, there was the supernatural transportation episode.

I believe the Lord is taking her, as well as many, many others through a series of learning experiences the move in the spirit, and move in the power of God.

When your spiritual eyes are open, you can expect for the Lord to use you in many unusual ways, if you are willing.

What does all this have to do with seeing in the spirit? Well, seeing in the spirit is not a static thing. It is not an event unto itself, but a doorway if you will, to the spirit realm itself.

That is why all the knowledge in preparation is so important as you move into the spirit. You will need to have some understanding so that you are not completely thrown by what you see and experience. You will have presence of mind to interact with the Angels or receive the message they are trying to deliver, instead of staring at them with your mouth open for the 1st couple of years. Yes, I was guilty.

Is this really for us?

I have heard some ass, where those things in the Bible? Good question. All throughout the Bible is my answer. From Genesis forward, there are astounding spiritual experiences all the way to Revelation.

Just remember, we have ample precedent to experience being in the spirit or experiencing spiritual site. Just like John for example.

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a great voice – Revelation 1:10

You however, are not in the realm of the flesh but in the realm of the spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ – Romans 8:9

I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago was caught up to the 3rd heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body, I do not know – God knows. And I know that this man – whether in the body or apart from the body, I do not know but God knows – was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell – 2nd Corinthians 12:2 – 4

And Elijah prayed, oh Lord, open his eyes so we may see – 2nd Kings 6:17

There is ample precedent to pursue spiritual gifts and spiritual things. All through Scripture, God’s people have been doing radical things for God, interacting with angels, going into the heavens, doing the miraculous, etc.

Makes no sense that we would be the only ones exempt. It is plain wrong to believe that we would be the only generations were not required to fulfill the mandate that Matthew 10 talks about, and the greater works.

Just depend on the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you into all the truth. Stay close to the Lord and he will direct your path. He will protect you and amaze you and bless you! It really is a grand adventure that has to be experienced to be believed.

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