The testimony of the general assembly

When a judge enters a courtroom, it is customary that all rise and honor the judge. There is to be an atmosphere of honor in the courtroom towards the judge and all the happenings in the court. The court holds within its power the ability to pass judgment sick and alter lives with its decisions. So it is in the court of heaven. If a natural, earthly court, has this power, how much more the heavenly court where the judge of all is presiding. In the court of heaven, there is to be an atmosphere of worship and reverence in which all proceedings and verdicts occur.

This is why Scripture says that in this court of heaven we have come to the general assembly.

Hebrews 12:23 – to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, the God the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect.

The term general assembly means universal companionship or a mass meeting. This speaks of the multitude that is worshiping around the throne of heaven from every tribe, tongue, nation and people. Revelation 7 gives us a glimpse of this mass meeting of worship about the throne.

Revelation 7:9 – after these things are looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,” white robes, with palm branches in your hands, crying out with a loud voice, saying, salvation belongs to our God and sits on the throne, and to the Lamb! All the Angel stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worship God, saying: amen! Blessing and glory in wisdom, Thanksgiving and honor and power and might, we do our God forever and ever.

In the court system of heaven around the throne there is worship. Worship is a part of the proceedings of the court. Worship at its core is governmental in nature. Worship, in fact, creates the atmosphere that the court of heaven operates from. When we worship we take our place in the general assembly that is in the court system of heaven. Even though our feeder on the planet, in the spirit we ascended become part of this worshiping multitude in the courts of heaven. We often say that God’s presence came, as we worship. I like to present another concept. Perhaps the present of the Lord didn’t so much come as we ascended or wet into the atmosphere the throne in the courts of heaven. When we worship, we step into the governmental process of the throne room of heaven. We take our place in the throne room and from there become a part of the process of heaven in rendering verdicts that touch and changed the earth. From our worship we should just get goosebumps and a little teary-eyed. When our worship is joined to heaven, we will exercise governmental authority out of the courts of heaven. We can see the somewhat in Revelation 5. These verses show us that worship starts around the throne and moves atmosphere to sphere into all creation is worshiping. Revelation 5:8 – now when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a heart, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying: you are worthy to take the scroll, and open its seals; for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and it made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and a number them was 10,000×10,000, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice:  where the is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, strength and honor and glory and blessing! And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever! Then the four living creatures said, amen! In the 24 elders fell down and worshiped him lives forever and ever.

Worship begins about the throne with the four living creatures and the multitude of Angels and elders – thousands times 10,000s of them. Then it invades every creature in heaven, on earth and under the earth. It impacts those who are in the sea. They were all heard to be worshiping the Lord who sits on the throne. The worship that had its origin with the four living creatures about throne touches and involves all the creation of God before it is finished.

This tells me a couple of things. Worship doesn’t originate on earth, it originates in heaven. The worship to God desires and is necessary to heavenly judicial activity has, as its source, heaven itself. The second thing this tells me is we are to become a part of the worship about the throne and not be separate in our worship here in the earth.

As we worship we are to enter and stand in the courts of heaven helping to create the atmosphere from which judicial activity takes place. When we experience his presence in the earth realm, it is because we have stepped into the realm of heaven and have become a part of the process. This is why we see in Hebrews 12:22 – 24 that we have come to certain things. These things heaven come to us, we have come to them. We have moved into the spiritual dimension in heaven. Though we may be in the natural realm in the earth, simultaneously we can be in the spirit about the throne of God in heaven. This occurs throughout interacting with the worship of heaven in becoming a functional part of the general assembly or a mass meeting about the throne.

The tabernacle of David

We see this in the life of David and his establishment of Zion. One of the first things David did when he came to the full rulership of Israel was to establish the place called Zion. He retrieved the Ark of the covenant from where it had resided and brought it to Jerusalem. He set up what became known as the tabernacle of David on Mount Zion. He established 24 hour worship there so he could effectively govern a nation from the presence of the Lord. The worship of David’s Tabernacle connected to the worship of heaven allowing a flow of judicial activity from heaven to earth. David did not rule from natural abilities but from supernatural abilities out of heaven.

If we are to function in the courts of heaven effectively we must become worshipers. I worship must be connected and joined to what is happening around the throne of God. This is why Jesus said God is seeking worshipers. John 4:23 – 24 shows us the passion of the father for worshipers to take their place.

John 4:23 – but dollars coming, now is, when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth; for the father is seeking such to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Notice that the Lord is not seeking worship but worshipers. When we worship in spirit and in truth, we qualified to function as God’s governmental people. True worship enables us to step into the judicial process of heaven with great reverence, fear, all and honor. When we cultivate the heart of the worshiper, we will create an atmosphere in the earth that can join with heaven and see verdicts rendered out of the court system.

A story that helps relate this principle concerning worship happened to me after Lord gave me a dream. In the dream I was shown that 9/11 occurred because of judicial activity in the courts of heaven. The principalities and powers are granted the legal right to attack America because there was no act ecclesia or governmental people recognized in heaven at that time to stop it.

As I will from the dream I had a distinct sense that if we didn’t take our place in the courts of heaven that another significant attack on American soil was coming. I called together the church if the starkly led in shared that, for whatever reason, we had been assigned to stop any potential attack. We met as God’s governmental people on 11 – 11 – 11. As we began to enter the courts of heaven, I clearly sense that we were in for a struggle. In fact, as we began to seek to deal with any legal issue that would allow another attack, I was aware of very strong daemonic resistance. I actually wanted to back away and not pursue it any further. But I knew I was in too deep. I was past the point of no return.

As this year profits gifts for telling me what they were seeing in sensing, I was doing my best to get it in place in the courts. As the apostle in the matter, I was responsible for administrating what this year profits were seeing an understanding. We were repenting of everything that was empowering the demonic hierarchy in its efforts to bring more destruction to America. Yes we are doing this, nothing seemed to be changing. It appeared that the principalities had a case and we weren’t getting things arranged for God’s will to be done.

After quite a long period of time, I suddenly felt very strongly that we were to worship as we were in the courts, with a particular song. I began to lead the song acappella. As we worship with this song, I suddenly felt the atmosphere change. The Sears/profits confirm that we had in fact got a rendering from the courts and stopped another attack from occurring. I knew it because of the shift in that atmosphere that took place in the seer/profits confirmed it by what they were seeing.

We had silence the accuser in Ghana judgment of mercy from the throne of heaven over America. Mercy for America had been secured and whatever the issue was that heaven needed us to intervene in. This happened because of our worship. Somehow our worship created an atmosphere and released testimony in the courts the granted God the judge legal right to fulfill his father’s passion.

Our worship creates atmospheres for the court to operate in, but also releases testimony into the courts that allows Lord legal right to implement his passion into the earth. Worship is a very powerful tool in the courts of heaven. We must be worshipers who declare his glory, kindness, passion, worthiness and holiness. When we do, our voice as the ecclesia begins to agree with the other voices in the courts of heaven. Together we grant the Lord legal rights to impact the earth with his will and desire.

It is interesting that after this operation in the courts, the arrested three terrorist suspects happen. A man named Jose pimrntal was arrested on November 20, 2011, or plans to bomb different places in New York City. On January 7, 2012, sami osmakac was arrested for his terrorist plot. In February 2012, aminie el khalifi was arrested for the plan he had devised to attack America as well. Whether these were directly related to our operation in the courts of heaven cannot be proved beyond doubt. But I know that what was done through our operation and worship in the courts in heaven but some legal things in place for God’s will to be done. Our operation in the courts of heaven are not only necessary for personal and family lives, but also for nations. The Holy Spirit will guide us through this function to get the necessary legal things in place for the father’s will to be done.

There is no way that any of us would dare to enter a natural court earth and not honor the judge on the seat was seeking a favorable verdict from him. We intuitively know that honor is demanded and expected. As we seek to enter the courts of heaven and see decisions and verdicts rendered on our behalf, may we increasingly become worshipers it pleased the heart of the father. May we be a part of the worship of the one who sits on the throne of crates atmospheres for judicial activity. In this atmosphere we are allowing God as judge of all legally to be able to fulfill his fatherly passion. When this happens heaven legally invades the earth in his will is done here as it is in heaven. What a privilege we have been granted. They all glory, honor, praise and thanksgiving be granted to him who sits on the throne.

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