The voice of feeling

To be led by the Spirit, we need to be able to hear the voice of God. The first thing that comes to our mind when we hear the word voice is the spoken word.

When God speaks to us, He imparts himself to us, he fills us with Himself. This is how he communicates to us, we partake of his nature, we encounter the Presence of His Spirit, and through that encounter God communicates to us.

The language of heaven is far more than the spoken word. The spoken word is not adequate enough to convey everything that God wants say to us.

If we want to hear the voice of God, we have to enter into his realm, the realm of the Spirit, we have to be filled with His Spirit, and through that infilling, he will communicate himself to us.

There are many things that God cannot convey to us in words; he has to convey them to us in feelings. When our spirit became alive to God in the natural realm, we experienced His presence, we felt him. We experienced his love and joy, the fruit of His Spirit and it opened up a whole new realm to us. God became real to us in a tangible way; he touched our emotions through the flow of his life that penetrated our soul, through our spirit becoming alive to him.

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit awakening it, into our soul where the thoughts of God enter our mind, and the feelings of God enter our emotions.

We know that God’s word and the Scriptures are the final authority on doctrine and truth. But we are not talking about doctrine here; we are talking about a relationship, and developing a relationship with the Lord. So it’s important to understand how God communicates with us. The written word of God is not the only way that God communicates with us. He fills us with Himself, and through the infilling of His Spirit, we experience what he is conveying to us, it is far beyond the written word and the spoken word of God.

We need to study the written word, but we have to go to the original languages. We need to know the root meanings of the Greek words, because we lost the original meanings in the English translations.  And we have to learn the living letters of the Hebrew AlephaBet. 22 letters, each letter, is a living voice. There is no language like it on earth, and it becomes a door way into the spirit realm.

The way that God feels cannot be adequately expressed in the spoken word. When our spirit becomes alive unto God, it senses the communication of God to us, and as we become aware of the senses of our spirit we become aware of His communication to us. We perceive many things in our spirit; it is called the intuition of our spirit.

In Romans chapter 8 and verse 16 it tells us that the Spirit itself bearers witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. What does that mean? To bear witness in the original Greek language literally means to feel the same as. So we are talking about feeling, we are talking about a feel, a communication of a feeling.

We have to learn to walk in the Spirit, with the sensations, and feelings of our spirit, in communion with God. When God is concerned about something, how does he convey that to us? Does he speak to us and say you know I’m concerned about this and I am concerned about that? He conveys how he is feeling to us by imparting the same feeling, another words we feel how he feels. We are not talking about a voice; we are talking about spirit activated sensations.

He releases that burden into our spirit and so we feel how he feels. This is a powerful form of communication; it is even more powerful than the spoken word, because it conveys God’s heart to us. We understand how he feels, he is not just telling us how he feels- we feel how he feels.

It feels like an inner concern, but it originates within our spirit, it is conveyed through our soul and sometimes to our physical body as a sigh and we have this concern.

In Romans chapter 8 and verse 26 it says likewise the Spirit also helpeth our weaknesses ,for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groaning’s which cannot be uttered.

Sometimes it is so strong, a burden of His Spirit can be so strong that it flows into the pit of our stomach and we are giving birth to the will of God through the emanation of our spirit and it changes things in the spirit realm.

It first begins within our spirit and then secondly from there we pick up the feeling in our soul or in our emotions and thirdly it can flow over into our physical bodies where we feel it physically. If we faithfully respond to these things when God gives them to us, God will entrust us with more. But we have to learn to respond to it. Intercessors have experienced this and if they know how to pray through and see the results in the natural realm of their prayers.

When we receive pray burdens in the spirit, we need to be aware of these feelings. When we are praying a face may come before us in our imagination or a certain situation.

When we pray for people we need to learn how to pray for that person with feeling, then we will be praying with great Power. Once we discern a need in the spirit, then we pray for that person with feeling.

In Matthew chapter 9 and verse 36 it says but when he saw the multitudes, Jesus was moved with compassion. That feeling of compassion triggered an incredible miracle. He looked at the multitude and something arose within him, there was a feeling. It wasn’t that God the father said anything to him specifically about that; he felt the heart of the Father. That feeling triggered the miracle and it opened the way for the power of God to flow.

If we want to begin moving in the power of God we need to understand that spiritual power flows in a channel and if the channel is not open the power cannot flow.  So what opens the channel? What is it that opens that door for the power of God to flow? It is the love of God and there is a feeling behind it. Compassion can open the door, love opens the door. Strong feeling will open the channel when we pray. Once that channel is open then God’s ability will flow through it.

When we learn how to be filled with the Spirit, so that we are moved with compassion it opens a channel for the power of God to flow. This moving of the love of God in us, can trigger the gifts of the Spirit, quite often the gift of faith. We are talking about the whole person being involved here.

We are not talking about the logical mind praying. We are talking about praying with feeling. The Spirit of God moving in us and praying through us.

God cannot communicate to us fully with just the spoken word. It’s not adequate enough, it needs to be accompanied by feeling, and these are sensations of the spirit which overflow into our soul. The life of God has to so strengthen our spirit so that our soul picks it up and we feel those things, then the whole of our heart is involved and the kingdom of God comes into manifestation through us.

There is another important feeling, which we need to be aware of and that is the feeling of grief. Because God lives inside of us we can grieve His Spirit and we will feel it. But more commonly we will feel his Spirit being grieved by others and the things that happen in the world which are not God’s will.

Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 30 it says and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption.

If we grieve the Spirit of God he does not say to us, you hurt my feelings. This is not the spoken word to us, it is not a communication by word- it’s a feeling.

When we are grieved it’s a feeling and we know exactly what that means. It doesn’t require a spoken word, we feel it.

What grieves the Holy Spirit? The next verse tells us in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 31 let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor. That word clamor in the original means violent passion. And evil speaking be put away from you with all malice.

In other words anything that is contrary to the nature of Jesus will grieve the Holy Spirit. Anything that is contrary to His Spirit causes pain.

We have to learn how to wait upon the Lord, so that we become aware of the sensations of our spirit, the senses of our spirit, in communion with God.

We can sense when the Spirit of God is being grieved because it flows into our spirit and our soul picks it up. There is an inner witness the Bible talks about in first John chapter 2 and verse 27 it says but the anointing which you have received of him abides in you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you all things and is a truth and is no lie .

Before you learn to recognize the voice of the Lord we must learn to recognize this witness of the Spirit. Behind every communication there is a personality. We have to learn how to test the spirits to see if they proceed from God.  We have to learn to feel, to have a witness if it’s God or not. We have to be able to check what we are hearing with this witness of the spirit. It’s a feeling we have to recognize.

We have to learn to walk in the spirit. There are sensations of our spirit that we have to become aware of because this is how the Spirit of God communicates with us.