It is good to give thy praise unto the Lord and to magnify Him together. Let thy heart be lifted in faith to contemplate the things that thy God hath declared. It will be even in advance that thou shalt behold the footprints that the Lord shall order for thee, the path in which thy feet shall be directed.
Let thy soul rejoice, even though for a little while the enemy shall besiege thee. Shall the enemy hinder thee from that which the Lord shall set before thee? The Lord shall lead thee on; let thy spirit rejoice. Arise ye, and by the name of the Lord do battle against the enemy, for Satan would cast thee out of the things that the Lord would give to thee. Let not thy spirit within thee be discouraged, but trust in the Lord with all thy heart. Let there be joy and expectancy in the house of the Lord, for these are the troubled times in which the Lord shall show His glory. These are the perilous hours when the Lord doth show His might. These are the hours of trouble upon the whole earth, when the glory of the Lord shall be revealed in His remnant.
For this cause wert thou brought forth; therefore, rejoice thou in the Lord. Let thy soul magnify the Lord, for though the days be evil in the judgment of men, they shall be blessed to those that trust in the Lord with all their heart. The Lord shall use you. He shall fill thy mouth with the Word that shall be a light in a dark place. He shall cause you to publish the good tidings of what He bringeth forth in the earth. Yea, it shall be given unto thee to magnify the Lord and to make Him great before the eyes of those who are oppressed and crushed down, that they may come out of the paths of obscurity and walk with thee.
We are not to face these days with fear and dread in our heart. But because thy trust is in the Lord, ye shall face these days with faith, believing that the Lord thy God that hath called thee shall take thee through. Yea, as thou dost come to the waters, shall not the Lord thy God part them, and thou shalt walk across on dry land? Yea, when thou dost pass through the furnace of fire, shall the Lord thy God not be with thee? The fire shall not touch thee or hurt thee. Why dost thou dread the days that lie ahead of thee? They shall be dreadful for the children of men, but they shall be great days for the children of God. Look to the Lord thy God, and He shall take fear and dread out of thy heart because thou lovest the Lord and trusteth Him, because thou hast placed thy hand in His, and thou hast said, “Yes, Lord, I shall go with Thee wherever Thou dost lead me.” Then the Lord thy God shall take the fear out of thine heart, and thou shalt have nothing but perfect trust in thy heart.
The Lord thy God doeth a great and marvelous thing on the earth. Behold, shall He not reveal it unto thee step by step? Look ye, and remember the promises that the Lord thy God hath given thee; remember the things that the Lord thy God hath told thee. Did He not declare that this should be a time of change: “Behold how things shall be upset”? And hath it not been so? The Lord shall reveal many things unto thee in this hour. Thou shalt see many spirits come against the world. Thou shalt see the spirit of jealousy that shall rage. Thou shalt see the spirit of pride that shall rage. And fear—shall it not be a great spirit that shall come upon the earth in this hour? Men’s hearts shall fail them for fear. Behold, it shall not be so unto thee. The Lord thy God shall reveal things unto thee step by step.
Thou shalt not walk in darkness. When Satan would cause a trap to be set before thee, behold, the Lord by His Spirit shall spring every trap. Behold, before thou shouldst set thy foot in the trap, the Lord thy God shall spring the trap, and it shall not come upon thee. Look ye unto the Lord, that fear shall not fill thine heart. The Lord shall do these things unto thee in order that thou shalt look unto Him in faith. Thy heart shall not be moved by fear in this hour, but thou shalt look unto the Lord. The Lord thy God will give thee dominion over these spirits that shall come upon the earth, and thine heart shall not be moved.
Look ye unto the Lord in this hour. Thou shalt look unto Him with an open heart and with an open ear. The Lord thy God hath spoken unto thee that He would reveal many things unto thee, and so it shall be. Look ye unto the Lord with a humble heart. Great shall be the revelation, and a spirit of pride would enter in unto thee unless thou shalt look unto the Lord. Thou shalt in humbleness of spirit look unto the Lord. Behold the things that the Lord thy God shall reveal unto thee—the things that shall come upon thee which thou shalt not know beforehand. The Lord thy God shall reveal these things unto thee, and shall cause thy heart to rejoice as thine eyes shall see them.
The Lord thy God gives further instructions unto the members of this house to know how to war. Satan shall come against thee, and he shall lay many things in thy pathway, but thou shalt cry unto the Lord, and thou shalt cry unto the house of the Lord; thou shalt call for thy brothers, and they shall pray. For thou hast not yet realized the weapon that the Lord thy God has placed within thy hands in this house of the Lord. For since the day that this house did open, the Lord thy God did declare that it would be a house of prayer—and it shall be so. When Satan shall come against thee, thou shalt flee unto the house of the Lord; and thou shalt call for thy brothers and thy sisters, and they shall unite. And together thou shalt see the work of Satan stamped out. It shall be scattered.
Thus thou shalt war in this day that is ahead of thee, for Satan would set many things ahead of thee. He would set many cares before thee that thou shalt get thy eyes upon them. But the Lord thy God has set a time of fruitfulness before this house. It shall be a time of fruitfulness in this land. But remember the lands that the Lord thy God has set before thee; first of all thou shalt war and thou shalt look unto the Lord in prayer and thou shalt by faith take those lands. Then the Lord thy God shall open the doors and thou shalt go—by the ones and twos thou shalt go unto this land—and thou shalt see that a foundation shall be laid and Satan shall not prevail against it.
O house of the Lord, thus thou shalt war in this hour, and shall pray; and thou shalt look unto the Lord, and glorious things shall He set before this house. Behold, look ye unto the harvest, for is it not white unto harvest? The Lord thy God shall bless thee in this hour if thou shalt learn to war in this manner.
When the battle shall rage against thee and thou shalt understand the battle is too great for thee alone, then thou shalt remember how the saints of God in the times of old did flee unto the house of God; and though the enemy did pursue them, did they not lay hold on the horns of the altar and there they did find a refuge? Dost thou remember how that the Word did say that even the sparrow shall find a refuge at the altar? Shall not the poor and the oppressed of the flock find the protection that they need when they flee unto the house of prayer? There shall the strong bear the infirmities of the weak, and there they shall battle against the enemy lest the enemy of thy soul should take the little lambs and destroy them. Thou art to pray; thou art not to give away one of the little ones of the flock unto the enemy. Thou art to hold them up before the Lord. Thou art to build a wall about them to protect them in the day that the enemy would assail their soul. Let thy spirit be lifted up this day to include thy brother and thy sister in thy prayers.
Know that it is the Lord who has chosen that ye shall pray together; He has chosen thee to be a house of deliverance. Marvel at the warrior-priests that God has chosen. These are ones that do battle in the spirit, yet shall not the worship of the Lord continue to be in their hearts and in their mouths? The world shall not understand this way of warfare, for is it not a policy that the chaplain must not be a man of war and that he can bear no arms? But you who are chosen in the army of the Lord to walk as priests before the Lord—ye are chosen also as warriors, that thou shalt not only bear the precious incense of worship unto the Lord, as the priesthood of old, but thou shalt also be girded about with many weapons of warfare. The authority of the name of the Lord shall be in thy mouth. Thou shalt pray against the powers of darkness and take dominion over the enemy in order that thou shalt loose those in His name.
The Lord shall be pleased with thee that thou shalt be a holy priesthood unto the Lord, and thou shalt be soldiers chosen in the army of the Lord. For the army of the Lord shall go forth and they shall not break rank; they shall lift up their voices together and sing the songs of Zion. Men shall marvel that here are men who shall fight unto death; there shall be singing and rejoicing in their hearts, loving not their own lives unto death. They shall war for the King who has chosen them to be a soldier. They shall look unto Him who is both King of kings and Lord of lords, and shall magnify Him together with one voice; with one accord shall they give consent to do the will of the Lord. They shall not seek their own place; they shall not thrust one another through. As the army of the Lord, they shall gird one another with strength and they shall defend the weak ones in the day of battle.