The worship service

We are entering into revelation worship, where the manifest presence of God opens up our understanding of His word as our spirit comes into contact with Him. The leaders carry the service, but the people also need to be aware of what is taking place.

The worship service is effective to the extent that the leader is able to bring everybody into focus. The miracle services happens because everyone is focused on the Lord. The percentage of members who are focused on the Lord determines the effectiveness of the service.

The first thing the leader must do with the congregation is to change it from a congregation of individuals into one body focused on the Lord. After the people are one body, focused on the Lord, then we go into worship.

When the people come into the church, and do not see themselves as one body focused on the Lord, they will be standing as individuals who have come into the service with different thought patterns going around in their mind, and the service will not reach a very high level.

I have as an individual been so focused on the Lord, that the Spirit of God would come upon me so mightily that His manifest presence would touch everyone else whose spirit was open to Him around me so that it would spread throughout the congregation into a miracle service which that particular body of people had not experienced before.

As an individual I have access to the Lord where I can enter into His manifest presence, through the intensity of my spirit reaching out to God and have Him meet me. But the day of the individual is over, we are entering into body-ministry where His Spirit flows and we all tune into what His Spirit is saying and doing and we participate in what He is doing together!

When we worship together we are to worship the Lord as one body, so each member needs to realize that we are not worshiping the Lord individually, we are to all to have the same focus, one mind, one accord loving the Lord as His bride, we are delighting His heart, but we want to flow together and not distract another’s focus on the Lord.

When we worship the Lord, He responds to us and we can feel His Spirit-if our focus is not distracted-by becoming self-conscious or conscious of another member’s worship. We have to see ourselves as one body collectively being led by the Holy Spirit in worshiping.

We are thankful for the songs that the Lord has gave us but we believe for the Lord to raise up song writers and worship leaders that are so in tune with the Holy Spirit that they can write songs the Lord can use to focus the key word He is speaking to that particular body. We desire to be led in prophetic worship.

When we are led by the Spirit we are led in prophetic worship, the Spirit of God gives us what to say and what the key word is. The Holy Spirit leads us to magnify an aspect of God the Father or an aspect of God our husband. We worship the beauty of His holiness, but there are different aspects of His divine nature, that the Holy Spirit will focus in on. The Lord has thousands of faces-what He is to us. He has come as the commander of His army and we shall sing about that.

In prophetic worship the Lord also loves us back, so there are times when the worship leader may speak on behalf of our Lord to His bride-the lord may want to sing back to us through the worship leader.

We grow and develop in this; the Lord is just giving me this now as a pattern of how He wants to lead us in worship. The key is that we are one body; the Lord speaks to us as a collective body of people. And each member of that local body is to participate by faith; we are never a spectator but a participator. Our faith is supporting the leader, and drawing the Spirit of God out of Him or her.

Just like when we listen to the word we draw from the speaker- we believe to hear a word from the Lord. So also in our worship we are also listening to the Spirit and as we develop in this we can all tune into what the Spirit is saying.

The Spirit of God is to lead us as one body in our worship, so the leader is going to have to hear from the Lord, just like in time we will all hear the same voice.

God sets certain ones in leadership until we all can come into the fullness of the Spirit. As the bride of Christ we are going to rule the Kingdom, under the leadership of our husband or head.

We are still just in the infant form of the kingdom, we are still babies is a spiritual sense but we are learning how to hear God’s voice and be led by His Spirit. The kingdom is the government of God established in His family, we are a little flock, but as God perfects our spirit through its growth in God He uses our mouth to speak the word that will judge the nations.

It is through our worship, the surrender of our spirit, soul and body (all we are and own) to the Lord in intimacy that we enter into an oneness with the Lord where we are in position to hear His voice. Then the one the Lord uses to speak His word becomes effective, because the whole body is believing and bringing it forth. We draw the word out of the one speaking. We are hearing it and bringing it forth by faith, while another is speaking it and bringing it forth by faith. As the word is written upon our heart, we no longer forget what we have heard, it becomes a personal word from God to us, and we become that word-the fruit of the Spirit of that word- in manifestation in our life.

Without this unity of the Spirit in our lives the effectiveness is gone, because then we are listening and evaluating the word on a human level. When we hear the word in the Spirit- is when it becomes effective. To hear the word in the Spirit, our spirit must be communing with the Lord.

When the word is coming forth we must all be participating in it. When we enter into one body, then the ears as well as the mouth are anointed. There must be an anointing on those who hear, as well as those who speak it. The most anointed word does no good if there is no anointed ear to hear it.

When the ear becomes anointed to hear-through loving the Lord with all the heart-then shall we enter into the miracle service-Where God shall speak through the vessel-and we will know it is God speaking. The more anointed the body is to hear-the stronger the anointing will be on the one who speaks it.

It is in the atmosphere of God’s love, where the enemy has no power to bring division, because we get off of the individual level. We become one body focused on the Lord. And God’s love in our heart is flowing out to each member of the body, and we are no longer focused on ourselves. We are focused on the Lord, who is focused on bringing forth the unity of the spirit where we have all things in common. When one member of the body suffers; the whole body suffers until the need is met. The perfection God is bringing forth comes forth on a collective level.

Before we come into a worship service, we need to prepare our hearts before the Lord. We are coming to worship the Lord together, as one body focused on the Lord. We are coming to worship the Lord; we are coming into the Holy of Holies as a body of believers.

In the holy of Holies is the altar of incense and the Ark of the Covenant according to the book of Hebrews. The veil has been removed so that we worship is spirit and truth in His Presence.

We offer our bodies living sacrifices, at the brazen alter. We move to the laver where we judge ourselves according to our revelation of the Word. These articles are in the outer court-our preparation to partake of the table of showbread and the lamp stand to move directly into the presence of God where we receive revelation to worship in spirit and truth.

As our hearts our prepared before our assembling as one body focused on the Lord, we will be filled with the Spirit before we enter the doors. A body of people filled with the Spirit in a building, sanctifies the building. Every time we enter the building the anointing on it should still be there. Every service the anointing on the building itself should increase, so that people who are not filled with the Spirit, but whose spirits are open to it, should be able to sense God’s presence as they enter it.

Every worship service the anointing should be increasing. The moving of the Spirit in the past was not contained, because people’s souls were not brought into restoration. This moving of the Spirit will not be stopped because of the restoration of the soul. Our soul is like a garment-it is what is going on inside our minds. When our soul is filled with God we are God-conscious. Because our soul is our self-awareness, and our awareness of the people and things around us, the garment we have been wearing has not always been filled with God. But we are entering into the day of spirit, the spirits of just men made perfect.

The perfecting of our spirit-(its development or growth in the divine nature) brings our soul into restoration. When our spirit is broken-weeping before God-our soul immediately feels the presence of God. Our spirit is crying but these are tears of joy because it is awakened to God. As everything of our soul life that is not in conformity to the Spirit is transformed- then our soul has been restored. Our spirit is like a generator and our soul is like a container. As our soul is restored it is able to hold on to the anointing. Then the garment we are wearing radiates the glory of the Lord-we are the light of the world.

The reason our worship services, have not ushered in the presence of the Lord, is because the percentage of the people are not one-body focused on the Lord.

       We are the move of God in the earth-when we love God with all our heart- He shows up-this is what he has been looking for. When He has found whole-hearted lovers He has found a home-a basis from which He shall be able to move.

Every move of God has started with a few people whose spirits were crying out for more of God. The last day moving of God’s Spirit is already here, but until now we have not been aware of it. This move of God is in our spirit and it begins with brokenness before the Lord. 

As we learn how to maintain a right spirit, our soul will express it. The kingdom does not come with observation-if we are looking for a move of God outside of us we will miss it.

The Spirit of God is looking for someone who will be a true worshiper. Once He has found one, he will reveal the principles of the Kingdom. The kingdom is a person. When the kingdom has been established in our heart, Jesus has been formed in us. Now God has a last day Sheppard, now He calls these Sheppard’s together-that have no personal ambition. No image to maintain, they have one focus-thy Kingdom come! The Kingdom is a family, and then the Lord brings in the greatest move of the Spirit we have ever seen.

When we love God with all our heart we will lay down our life for His family. We no longer mourn for the areas of self that are not dead, those areas in our own individual life that have hindered His Kingdom-the moving of His Spirit in the earth. We now mourn for His body-the least in the kingdom that has not come into the fullness of the Spirit.

We can only impart to others what we have received. The seed-word of the Kingdom produces the kingdom. The moving of the Spirit has been hindered because the kingdom has not been formed in us.

The first out-pouring of the Spirit came on the day of Pentecost-120 were of one mind and accord waiting upon the Lord.

As we learn how to become one body-focused on the Lord-we release the presence of the Lord. We are not looking for an outpouring of the Spirit. We are the outpouring of the Spirit, out of our belly shall flow the Spirit of God; we are a fountain of living water to cleanse all those who come into our presence with the presence of the lord.

It is when we are filled with the Spirit to overflowing that the manifest presence comes down, we literally bring it down. God inhabits the praises of His people; we create the atmosphere He inhabits. We have not yet learned how to worship the Lord with all our heart. It takes a focused intensity-when we love God with all our heart He shows up.

Worshiping the Lord with all our heart requires a focus that breaks through the natural realm into the Spirit realm and the Spirit comes down into the natural realm and touches those around us. Every time the Spirit of God would come upon me mightily (to a great extent or degree) it has always touched those around me and swept through the congregation, how much more when we can all do this as a body.

As we become aware that the moving of the Spirit is in us, we will no longer look for something to come outside of us. It is as God is released in us in whole-hearted worship that the Spirit comes upon us. The out-pouring of the Spirit comes from inside of us and then touches others.

When we realize that we are the move of God in the earth, we are going to look at ourselves differently. We are not looking for the kingdom to come; we are looking for the release of the Spirit of God in us. We are the body of Christ in the earth, we are His hands, His feet, His eyes, His ears and His mouth. Just as our natural body has many members-so also is Christ!

Jesus is sitting on the right hand of the Father, waiting on us. We are not the 120 waiting on the Lord to send His Spirit. We are not praying for the Spirit of God to come. He has already come, what we believe for is an awareness of His Presence, that we can hear His voice in order to speak His word, which He will conform with signs and wonders following. Once we hear the voice of the Spirit, His Spirit is released in the words we speak.

We are the voice of God in the earth. Once we hear in the Spirit, then the word we speak releases the Spirit-otherwise we are speaking from our selves (-soul) and we doubt the moment we speak. Once we hear the Spirit, then we can release the Spirit. Faith comes by hearing the Spirit, once faith has come then we can speak in faith and believe the word we speak, because we are only an oracle. When we become an oracle of God by separating the precious from the vile, then none of our words fall to the ground but accomplish what has been spoken. 

A body of people can come together and worship along for an hour or so and not much will be accomplished. It is in the focus of our spirit that we really dial into the Lord. We are vessels that house the Spirit of God, when we worship with all our heart, we are filled with the Spirit, and it is in the overflow of the Spirit that the will of God is accomplished. When the Spirit is overflowing in us, then the Spirit touches others-this is the moving of the Spirit, that those who don’t know the Lord intimately become aware of the Spirit. The things of the Spirit are contagious, but we must be filled with the Spirit in order for it to overflow to those who are not conscious of His presence.

Intensely we focus upon the Lord until the Spirit speaks. We are not waiting on the Lord to have a meeting with Him like on the day of Pentecost. The Lord is waiting on us to have a meeting with Him. He is waiting on us to take the initiative to have a meeting with Him. The initiative is on us to focus on the Lord and believe Him to meet us.

It is this aggressive initiative that creates the atmosphere in which miracles are produced. It is in the atmosphere of whole- hearted worship that the Spirit of God moves. The will of God is a state of spirit in us that brings down the Spirit of God into the atmosphere around us. We have to learn how to press into God, move into God so that God can move through us.

It is in the focus of our spirit that we make contact with the Spirit of the Lord. We learn how to tune into Him so that we are not tuned into everything else around us.

When we are able to come together as one body focused on the Lord, like a fine tuned radio that is tuned in just right, then we will be able to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the body. Discernment comes as we are able to tune in to the mind of the Lord and His focus on the body, or an individual member of it. We tune into the Lord and hear what He is saying.

One worship service, in which we are able to totally focus on the Lord, brings such a blessing that we don’t need any personal ministry. When we are coming to church to have God meet a certain problem or need we do not have the right focus. When we get our focus off of ourselves and our needs and come to worship the Lord as one body focused on the Lord, then the Lord is able to meet us Himself. When we break through into His presence, our thinking is on a different level.

Our focus must be on the Lord from the minute we come into the house of the Lord. We are not to be individuals with a scattered focus. We are to be focused on the Lord, and flow with our brothers and sisters in a unity of spirit.

The carnal mind tends toward individuality, But the Spirit tends towards unity and we can feel His love for others. We come into a unity of spirit; we have the same mind concerning a matter. It is in this oneness of spirit with God, that our understanding comes into line with the mind of the Spirit. The unity comes first in our spirit and then in our soul. 

We have to take down our walls to one another and open our spirit to the Lord; The Lord speaks to the body on one level and to us individually on another. If we are going to minister in the prophetic, we need to get the word for the sheep. God always has a key word, and when we hear it we can tune into it. This is where the miracle flow comes in, because the Lord is bringing the body up to a certain level.

When we find out what the Lord is saying- then we prophesy it, encouraging and exhorting the people to get into the flow of it, and before long everyone is moving in it. This is the key- in moving as a body.

In a growing and functioning body, we will grow out of our problems, because if we walk in the Spirit, we don’t fulfill the flesh. But we have to be moving and flowing in the objective will of God for our lives. Faith is an activity and as we hear a word from the Lord, as we begin to act on it we appropriate the truth of it.