Thinks in his heart

I have been seeking the Lord concerning my health issues, and have had hundreds of people praying for me. I have seen people get healed and miracles with my natural eyes, and have been healed myself in the past. So I have been talking to the Lord and told him, you have called me to preach and teach your word, but my life is a lousy testimony.

And He said I sent you supernaturally to Cleveland Tennessee to learn how to cast out Devils and heal the sick, but you have not been living it. You are a hearer of the Word and not a doer of the Word. So I have had to repent.

Proverbs 23:7      For as he thinketh in his heart, so (the root of the word means to establish or become) is he.

As a man thinketh in his heart so he becomes.

The problem is that we are so use to living in the natural world that our brain has been programmed to think according to what we are experiencing in the natural realm. But the natural realm is governed by the Spiritual realm.

We have to learn how to think according to the reality of the Spiritual realm and speak only the Word of God and nothing else. We are transformed by the renewing of our mind, which means we think like heaven thinks.

If you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord and believe in your heart (our mind is a part of our heart) that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved. Romans 10:9

Two things concerning our salvation, how we think, and how we talk.

You overcome by the blood of the Lamb to forgive your sin and the word of your testimony.

I went to Norvel Hayes bible school and His church for a year and studied under his ministry. I can still hear the Holy Spirit speak to me bringing to my remembrance the words that came out of Norvel’s mouth.

Norvel Hayes used to work side by side with Kathryn Kuhlman, he knew her ministry as well as anybody.  She had more of God’s power in her services in manifestation than any five ministries Norvel has ever seen.

 She was just a simple Methodist girl, She couldn’t even teach the Bible, she didn’t even know what faith was, she would say in the Pulpit, I don’t even think I know what faith is, because some cripples get healed and some don’t. 

Norvel would say, I wish she would stop saying that,  the Devil is going to kill her, and he did.

 She paid the price back when she was a young girl, sleeping in chicken coups and stuff to preach the gospel, and a woman preacher at that time wasn’t very popular at all.

But God gave her two gifts of the Spirit, the gifts of healings and the gifts of the word of knowledge. And God also assigned a healing angle to work with her and she wouldn’t even go on stage unless the angle showed up. Her whole ministry was based upon that, but she had a real sweet spirit, but she didn’t know how to talk (speak the Word only).

Charles and Francis hunter had a mighty healing ministry and one time they asked Norvel why does God heal others through our ministry and not ourselves? And Norvel said because of the words that come out of your mouth.

We still do not realize the power of the spoken word. Our life is a result of the way we think and the words that come out of our mouths.

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