Thirst to learn

The Lord must help us to bypass the slow process of assimilating the word of God and help us to learn how to better appropriate His promises. There must be some miraculous way that we can reach into the full appropriation of the life of Jesus Christ as we partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord in the Communion.

We seem unable to digest the truths fast enough; too much eludes us. The Holy Spirit is given to bring to mind whatever Jesus has spoken to us (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit is to access our memory banks and bring to mind from the Word whatever we need to know.

The enemy battles constantly to catch away God’s word. One of Jesus’ parables tells how the birds came to catch away the seed as fast as it was sowed (Matthew 13:4). In that way the seed was lost. It was sowed by the roadside; and the birds came and snatched it away, which represents Satan’s tactics of coming to create distractions to slow us down and keep us from digesting the word. We have a love of the truth. Let us ask the Lord to anoint us so that we can recall and appropriate and live His Word. By some process we must absorb what God is doing.

The process of learning by impartation of the Holy Spirit is our next frontier, the next field we must explore and learn. Imparted knowledge will be conveyed, not just by a laying on of hands, but through a process whereby the knowledge of one person can be conveyed to another. This is a true principle. I can impart anything I know and believe to anyone who is open to the Lord. God will show us how to move into this process of learning in the Spirit. I am convinced of it.

This principle of impartation works negatively also. If it is possible to impart knowledge, it is also possible to take it away or to bring confusion. That is exactly what we must learn to do in the minds of demon-possessed people. When anyone begins to argue or starts a line of thought that I want to cut off, I can lay my hands on him, and he cannot remember what he was talking about.

The Holy Spirit can help us to project our thought and consciousness to know, to understand, and to delve into our memories. People have short-range and long-range memories. Some facts they remember only for a day or two, and then they discard them as they would the daily newspaper, but others they file away. People cannot always recall certain facts; but under hypnosis, they can recall them perfectly. There is evidence that people do not forget; they just cannot remember. There is a distinction. They do know certain facts; they have not forgotten them, but they are unable to recall them. It would be wonderful if every truth, every word that God ever spoke to us could be recalled by the Holy Spirit whenever we wanted it. We do not realize what a treasure house of truth we have buried in our hearts. Often these truths flow out when we begin telling friends or relatives what we believe. If the Holy Spirit can give us the ability of recall in moments when it is needed, then with blessing and encouragement, we can learn to prophesy with a flow of the Word.

Studies dealing with extrasensory perception and other psychic phenomena have been initiated behind the Iron Curtain, largely with a military purpose. The Russians are learning to tune in to the vibrations of people so that they can read the minds of foreign leaders and learn any military secrets they want to know. They do not need to steal any papers or plant hidden microphones, for by tuning in they can know. Usually the false manifestation of a truth or a principle precedes the true manifestation. Why shouldn’t the people of God be far ahead of the Russians? At best they have only demonic powers to help them, and we have the Holy Spirit. Because we believe in revelation and have some revelation, we are criticized and classed as spiritualists or radical by some; but that does not matter. We recognize an urgency to move into these things that God has for us.

Jesus said, “Except you become as a little child you will in no wise enter into the Kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). Would you like to be able to have restored the ability to master, within a matter of weeks, knowledge that now requires a college education? This means the impartation of knowledge, the impartation of wisdom, and the instinctive, intuitive reception of things. How did Jesus learn? People asked, “How does this Man know these things, having never studied letters” (John 7:15)? They wondered at His wisdom, but He was taught of the Father. At the age of twelve, Jesus Christ was baffling wise men in the temple with what He knew, giving the answers of the age (Luke 2:42–47). This was long before the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon Him at the age of thirty. How would you like to see your child, at the age of twelve, able to move into such wisdom and knowledge? Something is wrong with the present system.

The Word tells us that as He is, so are we in this world (I John 4:17). The same means of progressing and growing is laid at our disposal as was available to Him, for as the Son of man He was as limited at the hour of His birth as we are at the hour of our birth. His birth was meaningless if He did not become as poverty stricken as the lowliest one of us when He was born and if He did not take upon Himself the form of a servant (Philippians 2:7). If He had not emptied Himself of divine prerogatives, then His earthly life had no meaning at all; and He was not really taking man’s place in any way. He died on the cross as a Man, as limited as we are. On the day He was resurrected, He resumed His Sonship. He was the Son of God, but He emptied Himself of His deity in order to become the Son of Man and die in our place. Christ puts the Holy Spirit at our disposal as it was at His, and we have the means of moving into all the truth. “You do not need that any man teach you, but the anointing you received from Him is the truth and teacheth you all things” (I John 2:27). It is possible for the teaching anointing to come upon this walk with God until we will be able to master things that we could not master and practice regardless of how we tried. God can impart it to us. There can be ways of breaking through into it. We need the Lord to open up to us a deep thirst to learn, a thirst to become, a thirst to expand everything within us in the will of God. We should be completely intrigued with the wonder of everything that God has brought forth.

There are many subjects that need to be studied. For instance, the science of astronomy is fascinating, especially when we realize that the constellations and their movements reveal the whole plan of salvation in the wisdom of God. In the constellation Virgo, there is also the star of the babe. It was this star that appeared at the time Christ was born, when a babe was born to a virgin. The constellations move in conjunction with this particular star, beginning with Virgo (the virgin) and ending with Leo. Psalm 19 declares that day unto day and night unto night the firmament is declaring the wisdom of God. Who will wade through a study of astronomy and do the research that would result in a fantastic witness of this end-time move? Another fascinating scientific study is that of Bible archaeology. Once a person has learned the science, God could give direction by the Spirit and direct him by prophecy and revelation to know where to find the hidden records. In the Vatican there are thousands of manuscripts of the writings of the early Church fathers and apostles that have never been released to the public. I think this is probably one of the greatest evils perpetrated in the name of Christ, that they have concealed the evidence that would have destroyed the papacy long ago. Where are the people who would be interested in studying this, in doing the research on the knowledge contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls and other records?

Another marvelous venture would be the study of the mathematical structure of the Scriptures in the original language. Using all the different manuscripts available, a person could discover the true reading through mathematics, rather than through higher criticism, which often results in complete unbelief. How marvelous it would be to have restored in our day a perfect New Testament exactly as it was written!

Someone who is interested in nuclear physics should study the prophecies of the great end-time events in the Scriptures. What about the great blast prophesied in Zechariah 14:12, speaking of eyes melting and flesh being burned off the bone as the people are standing. What can that speak of except an atomic war that is to come? That prophecy seems to describe conditions at Hiroshima.

Some of our people should be studying nutrition. We are eating many foods that have no nutritional value. Someone should be concerned that the Church of Jesus Christ eat natural foods that are uncontaminated by sprays and not devitalized of the necessary vitamins and minerals. We are living in an age in which many forces come against us. Is there a relationship between the food we eat and demon power? The importance of blessing food should be emphasized for it is possible to bless food and bring an impartation to it. We do that at the Communion when we bless the cup and the bread, bringing into it the greatest of all blessings, the Body and the Blood of the Lord. These are frontier fields that we are not even teaching yet.

What about the field of law? If there ever was a time when we needed good honest lawyers, it is now. The entire legal structure is a travesty when it should be bringing justice and equity. More and more the godly people who want to worship God will be brought into court on false accusations, and there must be good attorneys to defend them.

Someone who is interested in chemistry should set about to find the formula for the inexpensive construction substance that the Lord showed me in vision many years ago. It consists of water, earth, and certain chemicals. After it is mixed to the consistency of mud, it is spread out to harden. Then it can be cut with saws and used for construction purposes, eliminating the need for wood and other expensive materials used in building. It is extremely durable and can be covered with any kind of paint.

There are still many things to be invented. We have only started. We do not know what will happen in this generation, but we must not let ourselves become old in our thinking. We must keep alive and fresh and continue to study and to learn.

We should have a thirst to learn, a desire to tackle and do new things and to learn new skills and trades. We need to be ready, thoroughly equipped, with the Word of God filling our hearts and with all the ability we can possibly muster so that we can be of service to the Lord.

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