Three steps to our perfection

One of the greatest revelations to come in this walk (and the least understood; consequently, we do not often refer to it) is given in Lesson 50 of the First Principles, “The Three Great Steps in the Perfection of the Church.” This lesson is a very simple outline on the steps to our perfection in God and has to do with three different experiences that come to the individual.

Many people have taught that this has already happened, but God gave it prophetically for what is to come. In John 14 Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit coming to abide within an individual. He says He would come and manifest Himself to us. Then He goes on, “My Father and I will take up Our abode in you.”

Ephesians 3 talks about much more than just being filled with the Spirit; it also says to be filled with all the fullness of God. As Christ was in this world and in Him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9), so it is the design for everyone who comes into Christ to go through the successive experiences until the fullness of God dwells in him. This experience is clearly outlined in the Scriptures. It is a beautiful thing.

There are those times when the Scriptures say, “The Spirit spake,” but we know it was coming through human channels. Paul speaks about the anointing that was upon him and the challenge of the Corinthian church in seeking proof of Christ’s speaking in him. He speaks of Christ living in him. Oh, how glibly the fundamentalists have mouthed those words. If they only knew the truth!

Of course, … if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. Romans 8:9b. I understand that, but Paul also says in Galatians 2:20–21a, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God. He is talking about a fantastic thing—not some theory, but an actual living experience.

When we speak about a Spirit-filled life, we mean it. When we talk about Christ coming forth in an individual, we mean it. And when we talk about the fullness of the Father, we mean that too.

It is a promise that belongs to the obedient ones. “If you obey Me, if you keep My commandments, if you keep My word, My Father will love you, and We will take up Our abode in you” (John 14).

The urgency of the Spirit is to talk about the perfection of the human spirit is to lead us into this third great plane of experience. I do not think anyone has yet touched it.

It is called the feast of tabernacles, a face-to-face relationship with the Father, it is coming into mature sonship.

Some have looked at it, approached it, and received foreshadows of it; but now it is coming. Are you open to the things to come in the Word? Do you believe that in the Bible there are more truths hidden right in plain sight than anyone has walked in? Many truths are hidden there, waiting for the Spirit to reveal them to those blessed ones who have ears to hear.

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