Threshold of Wonder

January 11, 2014 by Milly·Comments Off on Threshold of Wonder

The past 6 months have been rather a whirlwind of Holy Spirit lead travel around the Globe.  Seeing promises released into the heart of nations and seeing creation and weather patterns respond.  My time has been stretched and writing sparse but His faithfulness is to be boasted of and the joy of seeing people encounter His love is a reward to be treasured.  

Just as I was enjoying the journey on the unknown path, the inner groans of desire to step into a new threshold of knowing Him, exploded  in my spirit -knocking frantically on my Fathers door.  The Lord gladly answers those who draw near, with confronting revelation that tends to leave us flabbergasted.  Our response really interests Him, I pray as you read you will receive revelatory downloads and that a response is triggered in your heart to go deeper, lower and further. Worthy is the Lamb.  

I was meditating in wonder at the call of our glorious God.

He sits outside of time, patiently observing; yet so intricately involved in; the goings on of eternity.  

I believe that we are tip toeing into a time that the heroes of the faith set their hopes on.

A time of revelatory expansion, but also an enhancement of our understanding as we learn to walk in the ways of God (Zech 3), judging in His House and participating in His Courts then we will be given places to walk or in another version, we will be given access with those who stand by.

This access is a threshold in the kingdom, that I believe many are entering through, in this hour.  

As straightforward as it may seem to birth and nurture the destiny of our time. His desires are not confined or limited to this planet alone. He is the Lord of all creation.

The reason we tip toe is; because it is a unknown adventure.  In reverent awe, we trust Him with each step. For knowing Him is to know the Way.  We see in part and our dependency in Him is what qualifies us. 

We tread carefully but confidently into the revelatory threshold as we embrace the Fear of the Lord and lean into Wisdom.  We are stepping into the days of His revealing and of the sons of glory.

When we glimpse more of His greatness, it unravels us yet, just as powerfully invites us in deeper.

Sometimes a story says it best.  Several years ago I travelled up the coast to the far North of Vietnam.  It had taken many hours in a overnight train and a (near death experience) bus journey to a small mountain town called Sapa, 1500m above sea level and the most easterly part of the Himalayas.

I was intrigued by the shear beauty of the place.  So high up, nestled in the sky almost.  The clouds swamped the streets and drizzle gently kissed my cheeks as I stepped out of the bus.  It was a mystically peaceful place, hidden in the clouds.  It was so quiet, as if each sound particle was absorbed into the haze.

Smile He loves you

The welcoming smiles of the Red Dao and Black Hmong minorities stole my heart.

The following morning, I was enjoying wandering the sleepy mist draped town, discovering the market and alleyways.  I could not stop taking pictures, everything was new and capturing my attention.

Later I and some friends decided to go trekking. I was a little reluctant to leave the peaceful town. But adventure got the better of me!  A few hours later we were slowly making our way up mountain paths. We climbed a awkward and slippery mud track accompanied by some chatty local hill-tribe children keen to practice their english. To us it was treacherous, with the lack of visibility and unfamiliar surroundings, yet the children were perfectly at home.  This was the route to the village where they lived.

We stumbled out of the undergrowth the sunshine greeted us.  I squinted as my eyes readjusted to the light then gasped as my eyesight leapt across the magnificent vista to scan the opposite mountains and valleys.

Now I could not even reach for my camera, for astonishment had paralyzed me.  This was a panoramic moment that only my memory could retain.

The morning cloud had moved on its way revealing in that “Ta Daaa” moment a rich and glorious landscape of terraced rice-paddy’s in multiple shades of green cascading beneath us.  The air was so crisp it dazzled me. A village of huts, was peeking out of the valley with wisps of smoke, a stream and water buffalo.

Everything I had ever seen before this moment seemed irrelevant. For this vast view, was beyond anything I had expected. 

My eyes were required to enlarge.

I believe as we courageously step outside of mediocrity and our ministerial comfort zones, we will be found similarly awestruck and paralyzed having tip toed into a new threshold of wonder.

It is our Spirit lead desire, that draws us through the door of hope. His radical plans are hard to describe for we have nothing to compare them to.

But it is our simple desire to know the One who stands at the threshold and trusting in His goodness that releases us into involvement in our Fathers plans.

He ploughs through our expectations and sometimes where we have limited understanding, the journey can look a little chaotic.  This does not mean that He is not with us.  Often this is just the effect of a power struggle.  Of our flesh colliding with His Spirit.  As we engage understanding and continue to trust Him, we begin to see His divine order is in so much of what we would have previously dismissed as chaotic.

Our greatest power lies in vulnerability before Him and each other. His vulnerability in giving what was most precious to Him, then trusting us to rule.  

He was serving us in humility before we were even conceived.


Our vulnerability lies in heart connections. Trusting and journeying, knowing that our brother or sister, however different they may be to us in appearance or mindsets, still carry our own (spiritual) flesh and blood and therefore shared inheritance.

Let honor flow.

There is no such thing as an expert when you stand beside Him.  

The sign on the threshold, reads simply – “mind your head”  

How low can you go? 

We can not earn this inheritance, we may only receive it through hearts postured in humility and confidence in the Divine Expert, Creative Director and Life Breath Inspiration of our times.  

Our Father God, Majestic Son and Holy Spirit.

In Him, on the journey 


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