Trauma to transfiguration

We are going to continue following this pathway of engaging God and over the past few weeks we really been looking at how to deal with our gateways and look at how we can use the heavenly court system and how we can keep our gateways open and flowing we’re at part four on this cleansing are gateways and in this we looked at familiar spirits cleansing the gateways and today I want to look at trauma to transformation and we have various teachings over there and sheets that you can pick up if you need a recap

So we are spirit soul and body created in the image of God and our body is world conscious our five physical senses our soul is self-conscious which are our internal senses and then our spirit is God conscious and they’re all supposed to work together but unfortunately through life that’s not been the case.

so we need to see those gateways opened aligned working together so that everything functions so we’re a whole person not fractured but whole .God’s desire is that we would come into peace and peace brings wholeness so nothing is missing nothing is broken everything is working as it should be from God’s perspective not ours. and we might think of how we would like our life to work but it’s actually how God’s perspective that really counts because that’s an eternal perspective that he created for us when he made us before the foundation of the world. So everything needs to flow from the inside out as we engage within our spirit that first love gate. We open our first love gate to God’s presence; we join ourselves to the Lord and surrender the throne of our life. We want to see the river of life flowing outwards as rivers of living water to create an atmosphere of God’s kingdom, God’s rule around our lives that we can manifest that kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Gateways in the Bible are a place where authority and dominion are exercised.  And that is similar to our life. Whoever controls our life gates will exercises authority over us therefore.

If Jesus is in control we can be aligned with his perfect will.

If familiar spirits are in control they will try and align us to their personality. If we’re in control we will try and work out how to do things in our own strength which never results in a good ending.

Our gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out, so that all of us become a gateway of heaven onto the earth. So that heaven and earth will come back into agreement and alignment and frequency.

All of our spirit and soul gates work together. Spirit brings fellowship and revelation that applied to our soul brings choice and choice is where it all comes down to.

 What will we choose to do every single day of our lives? We have the choice because God has given us free will. By choosing to surrender that will to God he can direct us and lead us and all those senses will work together in an integrated flowing way which is great.

1 Corinthians 6:17 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him. This is what God desires that we would become one with him but there’s a process.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 now May God the God of peace himself (because God is one with himself father son spirit) sanctify (optative mood-expresses a wish) you entirely, that means to set us apart completely for the destiny that he has designed for us. May your spirit soul and body be preserved complete without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So there’s a process that needs to be in place so that we can be in the place that God desires us to be. All our spirit, soul and body gates need to be set apart unto God, so that his life can flow in and transform us.

Our gates can be blocked. This can happen through nature- genetic programming, nurture- environmental programming and trauma- experiential programming.

The soul is use to drawing things from outside in. so it’s been affected by the world around us, therefore the soul can block the flow of the spirit. we need to dethrone self, our soul and the old life so that our new life joined to God can come into being .

it’s worth the discipline to gain the delight .now a lot of people struggle at this point with, this seems so hard work, do I have to do all this stuff, surely it will just happen. We’ll try that one and see if it works and I guarantee it won’t. it does not automatically happen.

 It won’t happen unless we proactively engage with it. Jesus is done everything for it to happen, but we have to engage by a choice. So we can view transformation differently depending on our view of God. If our view of God is a loving father then we would in grace embrace transformation as his way of bringing us into wholeness.

 If we see God as a house harsh taskmaster, then we may see transformation as a punishment. Therefore we will try and avoid it. Because we think well God is punishing us because we haven’t got it right. Rather than, God wants to give us opportunities to reward us with transformation.

So the more intimate we are with God the more we will want to receive from the inside and less from the outside, because we will find that God’s love affirmation and acceptance we will know that he loves us, and therefore he loves us too much to keep us as we are.

He doesn’t want us to remain as we are, damaged hurt affected by our life our upbringing everything else. He wants to bring us into wholeness peace healing transformation.

So transformation is an opportunity and a stepping stone to destiny .if you view it that way or something that you want to avoid. Philippians 4:4 rejoice in the Lord always again I will say rejoice. That is the attitude that we need if we are going to embrace change. Rejoicing, James 1:2 consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result that you may be perfect complete lacking in nothing. Now I would assume that everyone would, would like to be perfect complete and lacking in nothing. if you if you don’t want to be perfect and complete and lacking nothing  there is probably something going on in your thinking.

The reality is to get to that place we have to encounter the various trials in our lives that God uses to bring transformation. If were proactive about it we can take a shortcut through those trials. Because we embrace the process proactively rather than reactively and waiting for something to happen.

Hebrews 13:15 through him then let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God. sometimes it’s hard to praise God when things are trials, it is like this is really hard but in praising God that activates something that enables our praise to be turned into the fruit that give thanks to his name and actually the results of that is blessing .an attitude of gratitude brings transformation.

 So how do we see and perceive our own existence is it positive or negative? Because depending on how you view everything will determine how you will interact with it. So if you see everything as negative you carry a negative attitude everything becomes difficult.

if you see it, a positive attitude and see things as a positive thing then everything can become something that we are engaged with God to help bring change and transformation to us. So our belief systems actually can filter information through our minds to reaffirm the reality it holds, so we stay the same. That is what happens; our belief systems try and keep us the same.

Whereas God wants to bring revelation that brings transformation and change so we don’t stay the same. Things get better our belief systems frame our reality from an earthly perspective because they have been brought about by what we what’s happened to us and what we’ve experienced in life. Information we received from birth through our physical senses gives us our frame of reference. Now in reality actually you are always engaged with the spiritual realm in a quantum physics perspective because you’re in and out of that realm but you just don’t realize it because it’s a very fraction of a second. Fact Planck’s constant was the smallest particle of time can exist and you’re in and out so you don’t remember your engagement with that realm but it happens. So that doesn’t often shape us until we learn to engage it and memory and remember what we’re doing in the spiritual realm is whether as well as what’s happened to us in the natural realm. Romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this world the world has shaped us put us in a mold and it says don’t be conformed to that mold don’t be shaped by the world but be transformed changed metamorphosed transfigured by the renewing of your mind so how we think will determine what were conformed to. So the mind subconscious and conscious mind have a powerful effect in our lives. ultimately if we’re going to have our mind renewed to see things from God’s perspective then we will know what God’s will is and his will is always good acceptable and perfect. Our subconscious mind and conscious thinking is key to transformation, we need to deal with both of those things. Proverbs 23 :7 for as he thinks or as a man thinks within himself in his heart so is he. so the way you think about yourself what has been programmed into your heart will determine what goes on in your conscious mind so we need to re-program ourselves or be reprogrammed by the truth which will change the lives. so the natural senses receive 40 million bits of information a second. Which is quite a lot if you try to work out all those ones the rest of your life probably dealing with a few seconds. so the mind processes billions of bits of information so 40 million×864,000 seconds a day. That’s a lot of information. But God is created us capable of dealing with that. Now if all that information was stored, our brain would run out of capacity so most of that information is shredded by an area of the brain called hippocampus which is the area which encodes and stores memory. We store to memory only what’s important, so we determine what’s important by what we focus on. If we focus on things they become important and our memory stores them. That’s why if someone says something to you over and over again you believe it, whether it’s true or not. and as children were program by often what our parents tell us and if you were told that your no good over and over again, you end up having it stored in memory and it triggers you to believe it. So anything we continually repeat get stored as memories. And you know you can find this all time, most people who walk into this room would not have an idea what the pattern is on the carpet. Because if they come in for the first time or second time. but if you’ve laid on that carpet Sunday mornings doing carpet time face down often which I have, I know what that pattern is because I’ve seen it many times and  it is now in my memory. If you were to go into a building for the first time and all the lights went out and it was pitch black you would struggle to get, find a way out. If you have been in that building over and over again, if the lights go out you will be able to find your way out because your mind will lead you where your eyes can’t take you, because it is dark. because that has been stored because your memory thinks that’s important because actually done it over and over again. so those memories become our experiential programming of reality. our reality comes from those things which we received from those physical dimensions .but our brain is capable and our heart is capable of engaging other dimensions so that reality can be shaped by eternity, not time and space. so we become conditioned by the experiences that we have and are stored and we live from them, over and over and over again every day. If we don’t focus on changing it, we will carry on doing what we was done. We live by repeating the cycles of learned behavior. But we can relearn that. That’s why we looked at last week a forty day battle plan to change what you believe by changing what you’re focusing on. So it restores and renews it. So our mind forms neural pathways to the memories which are stored within our subconscious mind or our heart. that’s why the Bible says as a man thinks in his heart not in his mind the mind processes the heart stores some experiences usually highly traumatic or pleasurable get immediately stored so the brain thinks this is so good or so bad that it stores it because it’s been confronted with it environmental triggers load programs into our conscious mind as thoughts that’s where the thoughts come from unless there interjected from another source so God can interject thoughts in our mind and speak to us so can the enemy. the human brain has about 100 billion neurons or nerve cells many more Nero ganglia would serve to support and protect the neurons is an amazing thing that God is created us to have each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons passing signals to each other via as many as one thousand trillion sign naptic connections equivalent by some estimates to computer with a 1 trillion bits per second processor which doesn’t exist so we been made to be able to process information and process it in a way that helps us but because we been disconnected to the creator and the maker we’ve learned to do things in a way which doesn’t help us often, which is why we need to change it so the mind is an amazing thing so look at our brain we’re left brain and right brain and are left brain is the cognitive thinking processes where we learn and engage where we are active where were thinking. When our eyes are open our brain operates on certain wavelengths or patterns which are faster than when our eyes are closed beta waves as opposed to alpha waves. so when you close your eyes your right brain triggers in and you become the creative part which is instinctively engaged spiritually and we learn to do that. I was very left brained through all my life until I started to learn to engage the right side of my brain and meditate in the truth of God’s word which opened up the potential possibilities with creativity in me which i never even though I had. You know and actually a number times when I repented of this, I actually used to say, I haven’t got any creativity because I was logical but actually God created all of us with the power to be like him which is to create and we been taught particular through our educational system to focus on the logical analytical side of our mind which we do need, to problem solve. but the creative side can work together with that to give us creative solutions which are beyond what we already know that’s why our imagination can lead us everywhere as Einstein said rather than our cognitive mind was restricted what we already know so we need to expand our consciousness and embrace the things that God knows rather than the things we just learned so everything natural and spiritual comes through our senses whether our five physical senses see what we see smell hearing taste and touch or are emotional senses where we have our conscience our imagination our reason they engage our mind and they engage the hippocampus so if we do something once and it’s not very memorable the likelihood is it will get shredded in course of time and our hippocampus has the capacity to work 100 billion instructions a second which is a lot so it can shred a lot of information and also can store information should we engage it so when we use repetition and we do something over and over again by choice or subjected to us our hippocampus stores those memories they become part of our memory banks so we can do that deliberately through confession agreement repetition and we can meditate to bring truth or those things can happen to us and we received the lies often. now if you get people speaking truth to you that’s great if you get people speaking lies to you is not a good so we need to discern what is truth and what is lies when we do this what happens is our synapses close and they form neural pathways to links to those memories that’s what happens in the mind.

trauma forms instant neural pathways or sometimes things can be so traumatic that our mind can’t cope with it and it forms a pathway around it to block it out. which is called dissociation in which people can be even multiple personalities because they have to block out the reality of some of the experiences that they have had. And so some people are not thinking like themselves they have blocked it out so what do we need to do.

 We have automatic responses created as a result of these things we just do things instinctively automatically without thinking about them because were programmed. We developed defense mechanisms and coping actions, other things to cope with life. so that we don’t get damaged again so that were protected that’s our mindsets then behavioral patterns which we follow. familiar spirits can attach themselves to any of those things and then turbocharge them if there negative so what do we need to do well we need to apply things to those behaviors and defense mechanisms and automatic  responses .the memories that are stored through a lie bust maybe through courts or through ministry forgiveness repentance renounciation of things that resulted in those things once we do that,

 we then can do something like apply the truth meditate visualize the truth engage the word of God start speaking the truth confessing the truth pray in tongues get our focus on the positive rather than the negative and then through repetition through confession agreement and meditation those neural pathways get broken open and that new or the truth replaces the lies so we got capacity to receive the truth so it will begin to change and transform us. So new neural pathways are formed and faith the truth is stored in our heart and we can respond from that so that’s how the mind was designed to work. So we have to use those facts that truth and apply it to change and transformation in our lives now there is a really good teaching  out there by someone called Dr. Caroline leaf I think she is a south African . on the power of thinking and the affect the thinking has. And I would  encourage youif you can get hold of it, there is some good stuff on the website get hold of it and some of the thoughts about us. I just want to share little bit about we are a try part being spirit soul and body therefore in a holistic way one part affects the other 75% to 90% of all the illnesses that afflict us today are the direct result of our thought life now think about that 75 to 90% of illnesses are as a result how we think not just about by microbes in the air all viruses but actually the things that affect our body the most are how we think about it what we think about affects us physically and emotionally and this is a description there’s an epidemic of toxic emotions because there is an epidemic of toxic thinking the average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day. through an uncontrolled thought life we create the conditions for illness that can make ourselves sick if we don’t deal with it. research shows that fear triggers more than 1400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones just when you get fearful if you start thinking about fearful things and what if’s and create a fearful environment to live in what affect do you think that’s going to have on your physical body and your emotions, negative. This is why the power of the mind is so strong and why we need to deal with it. toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts can cause illnesses like diabetes cancer asthma arthritis skin problems and allergies amongst many others so we need to start consciously controlling our thought life to detox our brain to actually get rid of the negativity  out of it, to change our thinking is essential if we going to change our life you can’t change one without the other so consciously controlling your thought life what it means is you don’t let thoughts just go rampaging through your mind willy-nilly as they want you have to take responsibility to take captive that thought. Learning to engage interactive with every thought. Now 30,000 of them is quite a lot in a day so you have to find a way that actually draws the positive ones and you let them through and deal with the negative ones. Now I wouldn’t try dealing with 15,000 and 20,000 negative thoughts every day. You are going to wear yourself out so choose one or two. The ones that are most important in changing your life and deal with them. take captive the negative thoughts even if you don’t deal with them you don’t have to agree with them you can dismiss them and as we set up defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms for our own life put new ones in place put new strategies in place to filter out those negative things and don’t receive them two Corinthians 10 five we are destroying speculations which are thoughts speculating thoughts every lofty thing another words things that say there truth but actually are not there lies raised up against the knowledge of God and were taking captive every thought to the obedience of Christ. What is the truth about what God says and who we are so what are some of the thoughts that we need to take captive, let us look at a few of them.

 Unforgiveness is a huge one that can play in our mind which includes bitterness resentment anger hatred and violence that can be towards anyone mother-in-law spouse coworker yourself anybody you can start to have those sorts of thoughts towards that very negative.

 Passive aggressive behavior saying one thing and doing another not being able to say how you.  feel fearful of conflict fear of man always analyze what others are thinking of you being critical of others or yourself self-hatred continually saying you’re sorry for things that you haven’t done wrong thinking you don’t measure up comparing yourself to others saying to yourself you idiot what’s wrong with you the inability to love yourself the lack of self-care are indicators that you got wrong thinking guilt feelings of worthlessness shame always feeling like it’s your fault those are negative thoughts that you can deal with.

negative thoughts create negative words saying things like I can’t do it.well why would you say you can’t do it only because you been programmed to think you can’t do it. whereas God says you can do all things in Christ who gives you strength so you can do it even some you think I cant change how I think yes you can but it won’t change unless you deal with the thing that says I can’t do it I always mess up things will never change that’s not fair you always hurt me there are things that we say and think and words that we express that are reflecting what’s going on in the inside. toxic thoughts lead to toxic emotions which leads to toxic words which lead to toxic choices which lead to toxic relationships which lead to toxic health let’s get rid of the toxic from our life and let’s get the truth to replace the lies so I wonder how many could have would have should have statements will we make today what’s going on in your mind how many if only’s will be part of your inner vocabulary today? How many times will you replay in your head a conversation or situation the pained you or one that hasn’t even occurred yet how many scenarios will you create of the unpredictable future what if? Because you can play those scenarios and they become faith and then fear because fear and faith work very similar. and what you start to focus on and believe will produce fear if its negative and then that fear can come upon you because the enemy uses fear to access our lives how much is speculation taken out of your day how much are you wasting on the negative that could be creatively embracing the positive how passive is your mind do you just accept everything or do you actively look to deal with it? How honest are you with yourself? How many times will you say one thing but mean another? How distorted is your thinking? Are you forming a personal identity around, for example and disease or negative mindset? Do you speak about my disease my arthritis my multiplescarosis my heart problem? If you do then you’re owning it and accepting it belongs as part of you. Rather than it doesn’t. do you ever make comments like nothing ever goes right for me everything I touch fails I always mess up, If you have answered yes to one of those things your life needs detoxing now so we need to learn how to detox from those negative patterns of behavior and thinking. toxic thinking is very powerful it is a poison that becomes physically emotionally and spiritually dangerous toxic thinking actually stresses your body it can affect your memory mental health heart digestive system and immune system and a lot of those things are affected by the power of our thoughts toxic thoughts trigger negative and anxious emotions which produce bio chemicals that cause stress there stored in the mind and in the cells of the body thoughts our electrical impulses chemicals and neurons they look like a tree with branches when you actually look and they do scans what happens when you’re thinking it’s like a tree forms in the pathways of your brain and as those thoughts grow they become permanent which are those neural pathways and more and more stronger branches are formed so it may start off as a sampling but it will end up as a full-grown tree which you’ll find it difficult to break unless you deal with the pathways that have created it .so neural pathways and networks connected to the memories those thoughts are activated then they activate an attitude which is the sum of all those thoughts put together. That is what an attitude is. You got a positive attitude then you have a lot of positive thoughts that create that attitude you got a negative attitudes because there is a lot of negative thoughts that’s your state of mind so what is your state of mind right now. The problem is most of us don’t even think about it which is the problem we don’t act proactively we just carry on the way it’s always been and if you are going to carry on the way it’s always been you will always get what you always Got which most of it isn’t good so if you want to get something new you have to begin to change those ways of thinking so that your state of mind is positive and not negative so your state of mind releases chemical secretions positive mind releases the correct amount of those but negative mind disrupts that normal flow therefore you need something else to pep it up which is why we take substances and different things and we use things that spike some of those chemicals the chemicals are cellular signals that translate thoughts to your body and mind to create emotions your thoughts and your body are connected together through those emotions so when triggered the neural network recalls emotions either euphoric or traumatic and then we act according to them. Our thoughts actually create reality right down to genetic levels and they can restructure ourselves that’s how powerful our thoughts are. Epigenetic changes can take place within our DNA through our thoughts and we will look at that next week in specific how we deal with epigenetic changes using communion. positive thoughts release feel good chemicals that promote health healing memory formation increase intelligence they promote a healthy foundation and minds neural networks endorphins and serotonin promote mental and physical health so we want them released into our body and we don’t want to try and stimulate them with the wrong things or get external things which will stimulate them which are not healthy because they form addictions.

 Philippians 4:6 be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension or understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. It is a really good Scripture to meditate on and to engage and enjoy the benefits of Philippians 4:8 finally brother whatever is true whatever is honorable whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is good repute if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise dwell on those things. don’t dwell on the negative things, dwell on the positive things. there are intellectual medical as well as spiritual reasons to forgive if you get stuck in unforgiveness it will create toxicity in your life it helps us mentally emotionally and physically be healthy that is what forgiveness is that’s why forgiveness is the heart of the gospel and we cannot be forgiven and therefore receive the blessing from everything God has for us unless we learn to forgive which is why Jesus in Matthew 18 talked about the parable of the unforgiving servant we need to learn how to forgive and release and let things go so that we don’t hold onto them and they don’t poison us and someone once said unforgiveness it is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. no one else is affected by your unforgiveness other than you, unless those around you have to live in bitterness and resentment Proverbs 22:22 a joyful heart is good medicine and a broken spirit dries up the bones. so be joyful be positive that will actually be medicine to our life bringing health and wholeness. it is like, when were negative it dries up our bones it is not very pleasant thinking Romans 12:2 be transformed by the renewing of your mind now as I was learning and doing this a few years ago God gave me a process to turn trauma into transformation. I want to share that process with you briefly until we finish then we are going to go and try and do it. so we can be proactive to look at the daily things that happen to us and use them to help us grow and change so where we can be reflective and willing to engage our own reactions and use them as stepping stones to change rather than just passing them by or continuing to have the same reactions so everyone has event reactions every day of their life some things happen to us every day, it’s what happens as a result of them that is the problem so you may feel insecure because of a situation. Someone may confront you, you may be criticized you may be rejected, there may be an justice there may be intimidation and there may be lots of sin that is going on around your life you may commit a lot of sin.

Those things create event reactions. now those reactions could be loving highly unlikely for most of us. but some of us we’ve enjoyed to be loving reactions to negative things that happen to us. but sometimes we can be angry we may be defensive aggressive passive disappointed fearful we may have sadness that is operating because of things that happen those are our reactions to the events now most of those just pass us by and were affected by them but don’t realize until we start to take hold of them.

 if you’re replaying any event it is an indication that you need to deal with it quickly because if you continue to replay an event it will become what stored as a memory within your heart now the key there is forgive and release no matter what happens to you whose fault it is forgive and release.

 Deal with the situation immediately then you can then process if there’s something you need to deal with as a result of the situation that has happened.

 Because God may be using that situation as a trial to bring change or the enemy might try and use that situation to reaffirm negative things. so forgive and release that clears away the situation that allows you to analyze it .

 If you continue replaying it using your imagination your emotions reason repetition, it will form within your subconscious mind your heart memories they will become your motives. the Bible in the parable of the sower describes it as hard soil weedy soil or stony soil the soil of our heart so the key is when were replaying and you know that when you replay things you’ll suddenly start thinking about that situation, I wish I had said that and you replay it playing over and over trying to get a better outcome from it in your own head it happened you won’t you’ll just reaffirm the negative feelings you have for it or toward somebody because you can start to get angry with somebody because you see that they hurt you and you replaying the hurt over and over again you are going to feel more and more hurt and then you get more and more angry. if you don’t forgive you get bitter and resentful roots of bitterness fruits of resentment and that will be your life. so it is important to deal with it. familiar spirits will get involved in that process and continue around the loop and eventually that will then feed back into any event that you have to continue going around the same old same old same old cycles.

 So we need to do something different. so we need to take captive that thought or that reaction to a situation and we need to ask for God’s counsel ask him for wisdom to evaluate what’s going on don’t just let it pass by choose to take it captive but do something with it actually ask him what is the motive of my heart why did I react that way why did I respond in anger or defensiveness or with passivity what was going on and as you ask him he’ll give you insight and revelation to it and you’ll find out what was motivating the reactions to the situations that you face. because everyone of us face those things most days of our life. so what can we do well you can go to the court take that reaction to the court and ask if there’s a motivating factor or a familiar behind it. Do a Iie bust.lie bust that, why did I react that way? what were the lies that stimulated me to react that way you can therefore sometimes find it wasn’t my issue it was someone else’s issue they attacked me without provocation and it wasn’t my fault, well then you got a choice what do you do with it if you already forgiven them no problem. if you haven’t make sure you do but you can pray for them if someone is attacking you, they probably have stuff Going on in their own life. intercede for them, because what we do when we go into the court when we take a person into the court we need to forgive them and bless them and if we haven’t blessed or can’t bless then we haven’t forgiven them properly so we need to sometimes confront somebody speak the truth in love if they continually have a go and are negative towards you actually sometimes need to say sorry I am not receiving that anymore will you please stop. Can I help you to understand why you are doing that?


 If you really work through the process you might be able to do that with a clear heart. Often we do that out of frustration and anger because we haven’t taken it captive we reacted or responded. So make sure if it isn’t your issue, deal with in the love everything must be dealt with in love if it’s going to be of God’s kingdom and produce positive fruit. Okay let’s say that is my issue I need to own it to deal with it. If I deflect deny project I am never going to own it and deal with it it always be someone else’s fault. and this is the point where I have to accept it is my issue I need to deal with it but their various things we need to deal with. Is a weakness? is in the sin ?is a character defect? This is what we are going to ask God.

Ask God to show you what is the root of this issue. if it is repent renounce find the truth of the word about it and meditate on it. If you got a negativity, then find the positive and make and actually use that positive to deal with the issue. because it’s only a weakness because it is stronger than you. If you become stronger than it through knowing the truth, it’s no longer a weakness, you have overcome it. and you are designed to be an overcomer and more than a conqueror of these things. God is equipped you to do it, all of us. okay it is a weakness of gift or skill, but God says actually that’s not what you’re supposed to do .so you don’t need to be strong in an area that you’re not supposed to be strong in. so don’t look at someone else and try be like them if you’re not supposed to be like them. so empower somebody else. Sometimes God wants you to empower other people rather than doing everything yourself. Support from them and learn from them. it may be a weakness of gift or skills that you should be stronger at. so get disciple, find someone else who is better at those things and ask them to help you. find the truth in the word of God and learn to be strong. Or it may be a weakness that comes from an unmet need an unhealed hurt or unresolved issue in your life.

If it is again ask God to reveal- is this something in nature, DNA programmed as a genetic trigger or switch. Generational- is it something which is iniquity passed on from my generations to me. Maybe it’s a curse that has been spoken over the generational line that keeps repeating itself. Particularly those who are involved in Freemasonry and those things have many curses over the life because Freemasonry rituals produce curses, which affect how we think.

Is it through nurture, our upbringing? Ask God to show you what the root is.

If it is a trauma experience then we can deal with that. Have those memories expunged so that no longer affecting us .so we can again take it to the court or get lie busting at this point you get something new.

So you can use this whole process if you’re willing to take captive the thought. If you are not or if you don’t you’ll find that you’ll replaying things and things will just get stored more and more negative in your mind.

So God enables us to break free now you can use this not just to deal with reactions you can be proactive to look at what’s in your heart that stirs those reactions before they even occur. If you’re really serious about change and transformation.

Psalm 139:23 search me of God and know my heart. You can ask God to do that every day. try me, put me on trial and know my anxious thoughts see if there’s any hurtful wicked or idolatrous way in me and lead me in the everlasting way, which is God’s eternal destiny for us and the path he has ordained for us to walk.

use this process like our own court busting lie busting session to search and try and purify our own hearts. So you have that already going on. in this you look at the mindsets ask God to show you what the mindsets are, as a result of the weeds the stones so you can identify them both and begin to deal with them. Go through the same process. if there is something which is a mindset which is godly, great. but most of the things we’re dealing with are the negative things. so if there is a court session, deal with the ungodly thing, own it go through the same process find the truth deal with the weakness, each of those things and go through the same thing. And if you do this continually you will find that you will begin to change be transformed be renewed be not conformed to the world but conformed to God’s eternal image of you and therefore things will be different.

So let’s say do it, what do you do? Well forgive and release, it is absolutely a vital foundation of everything. Own it. don’t deflect, confess it as a sin. don’t just pass it off as a little wealkness. if it sin name it as sin. Nail it to the cross renounce it, I don’t need this in my life anymore. I don’t want this, because it may be a very comfortable pattern that you’ve lived for your whole life. and you may find it very comfortable to live there even though it is negative. Renounce it repent turn from it by choice meditate in the truth get the truth and meditate. Hammer those familiars don’t let those familiars continually create these cycles in you. Positive confession make sure you have good truth to defeat any lie. if your problem is fearing failure and feeling you are always going to mess up then get truth like nothing is impossible with God. Or as I quoted earlier I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength. Get a truth like that or another one two Corinthians 9:8 all grace abounds to be in all situations and circumstances so I’ll always have enough for all my needs and an abundance for every good deed. You always have enough grace, divine ability to deal with any situation, if you believe that and its the foundation of your life. deliverance- you may need someone to help you. have a lie busting session . get some ministry if you need someone to stand with you. Healing- we don’t just want to be emptied of the old we want to be restored and made whole so we live in health. Restoration- restored to original condition and purpose that God designed you to have. Communion- and we look at that hold thing  next week and  how communion is used to bring transformation in our lives so do a daily check up and inventory a checkup from the neck up actually check yourself your speech because most of it comes out of your mouth in your ears and out of your eyes and it is all in your head. that’s where most of it goes on programed by what’s in your heart. so take a checkup of that because it will actually begin to show you what’s in your heart. thinking feeling speech reactions responses replays. be proactive about transformation in the renewal of your mind. i want to encourage you are doing exercise. Think about a reaction to a situation and follow the process. Ask God to show you one today and then just look to follow that process and he will enable you. Let me just say we have four orders of angels that are assigned to help us in this season of change. transformation that’s an angel that stands over here you can engage for the revelation that will bring transformation. What so you need transformation from? winds of change- you need a new season in your life that angel is there to help us understand the new seasons. sound of many waters- the voice of God, deep calling to deep, calling you to your destiny which will highlight the areas that you as is in and refiners fire. those four angels are always here because their assigned to us here as an order. use them if you need to. here is this a great Scripture Hebrews 13: 5 for he himself has said I will never leave this is talking about Jesus I will never leave you I will never desert you nor will I ever for sake you so that we confidently say the Lord is my helper I will not be afraid what will man do to me with God on our side so use that Jesus is here he wants to meet with you so encourage you if you need a picture Jesus  there is one there. 48:09

 that you close your eyes and just picture Jesus just kneeling in front of you keys come to help in your time of need just welcome his presence feel his loving arms of acceptance around you right now let him embrace you just picture that feel that sense that when you see it visually with your emotions just sense it will you just perceive he promises to be here where two or three are gathered and we are more than two or three he is in our midst when you focus and fix your attention on him he will draw near draw near to me and I will draw near to you just feel the warmth of his loving presence around and just invite Jesus to bring to mind a reaction or an event that happened to you this week maybe something that hurt you or was negative this asking to show you may been where you’re fearful or disappointed we may been sad dream where you may been angry and as he shows you just begin to follow that process forgive release if you need to follow the process of asking him to help why you reacted will felt the way you if you haven’t had one of those reactions and you want to just be proactive in asking to search your heart and ask Jesus to reveal something in your heart that he wants to do if you need some help with the process that’s up on the screen just take that thought that reaction just follow the process so that you can become free of it or at least understand it today see something is underlined that you feel you need to do with all have not been else do with yourself and make sure you talk to somebody get some help book up an appointment to do with it over the last three weeks given various tools to help you in this process those things are available will print up some of these diagram so you can have what if you want one and that be proactive about it you actually take the ability the have to take To the thoughts and do so so you can be aligned fully with God’s will and purpose so you can fulfill your destiny then

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