Two Adams

In order to experience the life Jesus came to give us we need to understand the new nature we receive from Jesus and the old nature we received from Adam.

If we don’t know what happened to Adam when he fell, then we are not going to know what we can experience in Christ.

We have to understand the past in order to begin to live victorious in the present. We are either living in Adam or we are living in Christ.

In Adam all die in Christ all are made alive.

Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. Not just a living spirit. He became a living soul.

Every time I teach about soul and spirit, someone is going to say I am a spirit, I have a soul and I live in a body, because they really don’t know who they are, they are just repeating what they heard someone say.

So I am going to expand on this teaching and you have the power to disagree with me. But as your spirit grows in the divine nature you are going to experience some of this and then you will understand.

Our spirits came out of heaven; we preexisted before we came into the earth and became a living soul (human being).

To become a son of God is so much more than just being a spirit. We really have no idea of what it means to be a son of God, and the potential of growth of the seed of God that was conceived in our spirit when God joined himself to it.

We were a spirit being, we became a living being (soul) and we are called to become a god-like being (conformed to the image of Jesus Christ).

 God created Adam with a perfect body physically; it had a perfect brain and all the physical organs.  When he breathed into the body that he had formed, he breathed into him his spirit, because Adam’s spirit was in God before he put it into the body he formed.

When Adams spirit entered that body, it powered up the whole of his soul life, it powered up the physical body and he became a living soul.

Adams soul did not exist, and his body was not alive until Adams spirit entered into it. It is important to understand this principle and the Bible tells us in James 2:26 for as the body without the spirit is dead.

Our body without our spirit in it is dead. Death is the exit of our spirit from our physical body. That’s when death takes place when our spirit leaves. Why? Because the spirit is the life force of the physical body. 

 If our spirit is healthy our body is going to be healthy. Our spirit is the power source, the light source. If the D.N.A of God deposited in our spirit through the new birth grows and develops to the point it did in Jesus when he was on the earth, the body will not age or die.

When Jesus died he exited his body. He had complete control over his death, but his will was submitted totally to the Father, he never acted independently of the Father, but he had authority on the earth, and could have regenerated his body and came off the cross. Jesus did amazing things on the earth, he has able to disappear, walk on water, but he walked with God and was led by the Holy Spirit he never acted independently of the Father.

No one I know really understands the cross, at least I haven’t heard teaching on it from someone else but it is not what we have been taught it is. It was a trading platform, a place of substitution, exchange, replacement; it has nothing to do with punishment, as the Romans used it.

Adam was a new creation in the world around him, He was a new species. All that existed on the earth was a plant creation and an animal creation and he was a new species in the earth, he was different from the animal creation because he had a spirit.

What happened in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ was a new creation, that was different from the first Adam, but this has to do with the D.N.A of God which is another subject, we are looking at the past, what we inherited from the first Adam.

Adam was a new species in the earth and he had a perfect body, he had a perfect soul because he hadn’t been around long enough to be hurt in his soul yet. So his soul life was in perfect order, his physical body was in perfect order and his spirit was strong and free in God.

His soul and his body didn’t hinder his spirit communication with God because his soul was pure; his body was perfect, there was a complete flow of communication of his spirit with God’s Spirit.

His will was free. He had the right to choose to obey and serve God or go his own way and this is symbolized by the two trees in the garden. The tree of life which represented the life of God containing his D.N.A, which was different from the life of his spirit, it was the life of the Spirit of God and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represented the soul life of man, independent of God.

To simplify this Adam was given the choice whether he was going to live from his spirit in union with God or whether he was going to live from his soul, his own intellect his own feelings his own emotions his own physical body. That was the choice that he was making in the Garden of Eden.

The way of the tree of life represented a life of mystic union with God, which is a pathway in which we grow into a mature son of God.

Adam went the way of independence; you can be as God, independence. That was the temptation; you can be your own God. You can be like God independent from him. But if he choice that path something was going to happen. God said if you make this choice Adam you will die. Something happened in his physical body, something happened in his soul and his spirit communication with the Lord was blocked out. He lost that spirit communication with God.

Satan was behind the temptation and when Adam and Eve bowed to Satan’s word and his suggestion they chose to serve him. Adam and Eve were neutral; who they would open their lives to they would be possessed by. God made the human being in such a way that we could open our life to spirit influence and that spirit influence would inhabit us.

When Adam partook of the wrong tree (which is a symbol), His spirit fell from the place that it inhabited in its communication with God. This experience must have been incredible, Satan was enabled to come right into him and he experienced what is inside the enemy. When God came walking into the garden he had to use a physical voice to call him. That spirit communication between them had gone.

We don’t know what Adam lost, in his spirit. It is what we had in our spirit before we became a human being. Now Adam had to live on a different level. He had to live from his soul and his physical body.

When he was in the Garden of Eden he lived out of his spirit, his soul (his mind, emotions and will and the other senses his soul consists of) were the servant of his spirit. His body was the servant of his spirit. Now there came a fundamental change when he fell. All of that changed. His spirit relationship with God he lost. He lost that communication. He could only now live from his own intellect, his own mind and emotions and physical body.

Our spirit came from heaven the unseen realm. Our body came from the natural creation and our soul came into existence when we were born into this world.

When our spirit grows in the divine nature we will become aware of its senses and be able to live in the dimension of the spirit, the unseen world.

And when our soul is transformed which is a process it will enable us to be a channel to bring the government of the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit into the natural creation.

Our soul is a unique creation, the medium of two dimensions. The fall of Adam was a fall into the soul or into himself where he was subjected to a natural creation.

As we become aware of the difference between our spirit and soul and how to join our spirit with the Lord’s Spirit so that it becomes one spirit, we will be able to live in two realms-heaven and earth.

The mystic union of our spirit with God’s Spirit is what causes our spirit to grow in the attributes of God. When our spirit grows up and is strong then we will be able to experience the transformation of our soul, where it is purified so that it no longer blocks us from experiencing the unseen dimension of the kingdom of God. It is being unplugged from the matrix, and a whole new world opens up to us and we are enabled to bring that world, heaven into the earth.

It is the unredeemed soul that tethers us to the earth, to the natural creation.