
Right now, the church is divided. But God is raising up an Apostolic and prophetic community, which I believe the Lord will use to bring the Body of Christ into the unity that is necessary to bring in the finial harvest at the end of the Church age and the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the second coming of Jesus Christ physically upon the earth.

I have had one all consuming, driving desire of my life, and that is to understand the whole council of God. In my journey I have studied under all the different moves of God, which were only actually streams of God in the earth.

The Lord would reveal A TRUTH, and this revelation became a stream of God in the earth, establishing a community of people who believe a certain way, causing them to reject what the other streams of the Body of Christ taught causing a divided church.

The one thing all these streams have in common is that the revelation they received was correct. But it was A TRUTH, NOT “THE TRUTH”, “WHICH IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, WHO IS THE EMBODIMENT OF LOVE”, the mystery which is hidden away in the written word of God.

The Written word of God is like a puzzle, it is a mystery, until the puzzle is put together, one peace at a time.

So the Body of Christ is like all these individual divided pieces of a puzzle that has not yet been fitted and joined together, scattered upon a table for the world to see.

And the world wants nothing to do with it, because it is just another religion when they look at all these thousands of different denominations.

The word of God says that the world will know that we are Christians by our love for one another.

Unfortunately when we meet someone who believes and preaches differently from us, we dishonor the Christ in them. When we see what is wrong with a certain stream in the body of Christ we judge it as not being of God, because we do not have enough of the divine Love of God, which is the nature of God, in our heart. We all need more Love, more of God to penetrate our entire being.

But you know what the neat thing about this puzzle is? When all these individual pieces of the puzzle are put together, and you flip that puzzle over, on the back side of that puzzle, which has been hidden to us, is a picture of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the embodiment of love, the Word made flesh.

Which is our primary destiny on planet earth, to be conformed to that Image of Jesus Christ, to become the Love of God personified, a full grown male and female son of God in manifestation.

There are two parts to unity, the unity of spirit and the unity of faith. We first come into a unity of spirit, which is the Spirit of divine love. Then we come into the unity of Faith which speaks of the whole council of God.

I think that is what makes the Ministry that the Lord has entrusted me with (because He has counted me faithful) different, is that I teach the whole council of God, which parts of, you have never heard and that will be contrary to your current belief system.

That is why I believe the most important virtue a Christian can have is the first words that came out of Jesus’ mouth, as he SAT DOWN on the Mountain, teaching the principles of the gospel of the Kingdom of God, in that famous sermon on the Mount saying- Mathew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

I just cannot help the tears of gratitude that flow forth from me, as the Spirit of God comes upon me and Blesses me, and I start crying because He loves me so much, it is what is called first love. I love God because He first loved me. And God is never closer to me than He is when He embraces me.

Psalm 51:17   The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise

Psalm 34: 18   The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

The moment I lose that contrite spirit before the Lord, is the moment I lose that which is most precious in His sight.

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