Unlocking your scroll of destiny

For us to understand where we are going and what YHVH wants us to do, we have to understand and remember where we have come from. We’ve got to go back to the very root of our origins, to the source of our life and how we were originally created and made as a spirit being so that we can understand the call and mandate of YHVH that is on each one of us.

Many of the references to God throughout this book have been changed where appropriate, to the 4 letters in the Hebrew alphabet that the original Hebrew text of the Bible uses to reference the name of our God, often translated as Yahweh.

Jeremiah 1:5 – before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.

The Yasod is the governing bench of 3 as well as the Council of Yahweh. In the beginning Yahweh sat as the bench of 3 in his counsel and from under the shepherd’s rod Jeremiah received the scroll of records for his life. It was from this arena and from this governmental bench that Jeremiah was ordained to bear out his scroll on the face of the earth. In the very beginning Yahweh provided the source of everything for Jeremiah, when he was released to come to the earth, from within the relationship of Yahweh.

Yahweh sets in place and ordains your walk to fulfill a mandate that you agreed with him for coming to live in this Adamic form. Your mission and reason for coming to the earth was to fulfill that mandate. Yahweh has a plan to unfold for your life, but our big problem is that we have amnesia about what that plan was.

We get amnesia by the encasing of our spirit man by our physical body and our soul, then by retraining our records of the memory of heaven by overlaying them with the knowledge gleaned and framed by the physical world we live in. So we lose the memory of what we came out of and what we were called to do.

Life from conception

I want to describe what happens at the point our life begins, when a man and woman come together and the seed from the man joins the egg from the woman. From this you get the forming of a woven fabric and foundation of a covenant going through a protocol agreement system, deciding things like being big or small, short or tall, brown eyes or blue eyes, bald head or lots of hair, big nose or small nose. You can see the assembling of this agreement between the 2 seeds under an electronic microscope. This is the point that every single protocol for your life begins. It only takes about 3 or 4 seconds. The moment it does that and comes together completed, there is a flash of light on the outside of that single cell that can be seen with the electronic microscope. Scientists call it energy. I want to reframe it completely differently and call it the opening of the realm of eternity to make a way for your spirit man to arrive. The flash of light is the arc of heaven between the ovaries over the seat of the womb.

 Exodus 25:10 – and they shall make an ark of acacia wood… And you shall overlay it with pure gold, inside and out… And you shall put into the ark the testimony which I will give you. You shall make a mercy seat of pure gold… And you shall make 2 cherubim of gold; of hammered work you shall make them at the 2 ends of the Mercy seat… And the cherubim shall stretch out their wings above, covering the Mercy seat with their wings, and they shall face one another; the faces of the cherubim shall be toward the Mercy seat… And there I will meet with you, and I’ll speak with you above the Mercy seat, from between the 2 cherubim which are on the ark of the testimony.

The ark of the covenant has 2 cherubim on it. The high priest would go into the holy of holies and sing and intone the names of Yahweh. This would produce resonance and vibration inside the arc, which would then set up a frequency as a superconductor of power. The frequency would activate the ark, which would vibrate, creating energy. Power from the vibrational frequency would create a release of physical power to form an ark of light that would go from wingtip to wingtip between the 2 top wings of the cherubim. That arc of light was an opening and a window into the kingdom realm so that the realm of heaven would open and the presence of Yahweh could come through that window and sit on the Mercy seat.

A woman has two ovaries that do a similar thing in my opinion. The womb is the seat prepared for the spirit being that comes out of the realm of eternity. An arc is formed between the 2 ovaries, which creates the open window for the spirit being to come through into the womb when the 2 seeds join together. The scientists call it energy. I call it the Lord’s way of opening a window where the spirit kingdom realm opens up and the spirit being comes out of the realm of eternity and goes into the womb. To me that is an amazing thing.

You and I come out of the realm of eternity with our testimony scroll. This is now wrapped and sealed inside your spirit man. The instant your physical body starts to form it starts making a place for your spirit man to live in.

So we come out of heaven as a spirit being and start living inside the womb of a woman. It was amazing and freaky for me personally that I knew very quickly after my wife became pregnant, because I was aware of other things going on within her body and because I was aware that there was another spirit being sitting inside her that was another entity born out of heaven.

Now we can focus on what begins to happen here. You came out of the realm of eternity, the realm of pure white light with the full knowledge of all you knew of Yahweh and go into the womb of a woman. Your spirit being has the full knowledge of Yahweh and all the realm of eternity. Your spirit man came out of that realm with full knowledge and agreement to complete a work down here. Your spirit man’s objective is to take that record back, completed on the earth, as a testimony and witness to heaven.

You are born from the realm of creative light into darkness, to see the light, to reflect the light, to become light once again.

What begins to happen in the womb of a mother, that little single cell, that has come together in genetic covenant begins to multiply. There is a dividing, replicating process that begins. It begins to replicate that original cell created from the joining together of your mother and father’s DNA. It begins to multiply itself until it gets this little ball of cells. The original cell formed from the joining of your parents DNA, which is what you are made in the record of, carries the record to complete your physical body.

That original cell implodes into the center of the conglomeration of cells and starts to form the human heart. Your heart is made from the original cell created at covenantal joining of your mother and father seed, which is a record of your earthly testimony. That is why as a man thinks in his heart so is he – Proverbs 23:7 – because whatever your parents thought about, looked at and experienced in every form, is now in the record of the very cells in your body. Your heart is also the house of your soul. Your soul came out of the fusion of your spirit being to the physical form of human DNA and is formed as the mediator for your spirit to be able to engage the realm of physical creation. Originally you were created as a spirit being that has a soul and lives in a physical world. The only reason you have a physical body is so that your spirit man can interact with the physical world.

What happens now is that those cells begin to multiply. The first thing that begins to form is the human skull in the backbone. The little babies body at this stage looks something like the form of a tadpole. The key issue in question here is, what is the human DNA doing when it is forming that body? I believe its first requirement is making a house for your spirit man to live in and weaving it around the human spirit that now lives inside the womb of the woman. The physical body has now become a temple inside the womb of a woman for the spirit being to live in.

This is the first house that is made. This again is where your spirit man lives and has its existence within that cavity of your skull and down your spinal column. No blood penetrates this area of the physical body. There is a membrane that separates it called the blood brain barrier. Even UV radiation will not penetrate through that membrane. What happens is that your spirit man gets a house built for it to live in by your DNA and your human body forms around that.

Our conflicting testimony scrolls

Now here is the central core problem with our current form: I, as a spirit being have come out of the realm of eternity with a testimony scroll, a witness in heaven and the full knowledge of heaven. I have also come out of the realm of eternity with full knowledge of what I’m going to do on the face of the earth, bearing Yahweh’s image. My issue is that my parents DNA has a different testimony scroll, which has been formed in their image, in their brokenness, in their memories and their recall. This DNA forms a different scroll that wraps around that spirit scroll and begins to shut the spirit man’s record down. I then get born and i come out of the womb of the woman and my problems start to worsen, due to the pre-programming of my physical form and my accumulating of human memories in created light framing the physical world around me.

Just an amazing thing to know about Mary, as a virgin, is that she still had a part of her body that had not been broken through sexual union. Jesus came through the matrix of her virginity and broke into the world through a blood covenant in his mother’s womb. So he was crowned with a blood covenant.

We have this human body that wraps around our spirit being. When you come out of the womb you begin to get taught to live from the outside in. All through your childhood you are learning from the outside in. You are learning the protocols of how to see. When a child first sees it does not see out there in the physical world. It sees inside its brain on the screen of its mind – we still do in fact – until the child learns that what it is seeing inside its brain is out there. The child does this by learning how to create memory from the accumulation of its world being framed around it by measuring distance with its visual and touch senses. If you ever watched a newborn baby, it looks with this weird, wide-eyed expression. I’ve watched all 3 of my children go through this weird, wide-eye experience. Remember, you do not see with your eyes, you see through them.

A child gets its hand and it will reach out, trying to figure out what it is seeing inside its head and how far away what it is seeing is. It measures this in memory inside its brain, forming neuron trees until it learns, through the repetitive learning processes and protocols, measuring each present experience against the past. These become memories, meaning that each time it touches something; a new created memory is accumulated measuring and creating its understanding of the physical environment around it.

Then, within about 3 weeks, the child can see something like 24 inches. That is why it can see its dad’s face and begins to respond accordingly to a greater range of environments. The child begins to learn that everything coming from the outside is now it’s reality, and in turn begins to shut down the testimony and remembrance of what it was in heaven before being on the earth and the memory of what it knew on the inside. This comes about by the formation of new neuron pathways. Doing this shuts down the witness and record of what it came out of heaven with and it shuts down the voice of the record of it scroll by the present that it now lives in. The record of the scroll that speaks inside of you gets shut down. So gradually, all the information that is supposed to be flowing from the inside out gets shut down because you learn and are taught to flow from the outside in.

We grow up learning all this from the outside in until the memory is no longer active within us of how to live from the inside out.

Then we get born again have an instant and fairly major problem because our outside body has been dictating to us how to live, having all its needs being met, and not necessarily in the right way, by the soul mediating its desire. We get born again and suddenly our spirit man is empowered to actually begin to stand up and take the reins of influence back. Our biggest issue now is that there is another scroll sitting on the outside called your soul and body that will fight for its position and will say, no you won’t. I want control. I have had control all through this life so far. I will give not up easily. Just because you have been born again does not mean your spirit gets to be in charge. You can just stay locked up in there, because your body and soul will want to stay in charge and stay in control. Your body and soul will fight against the revelation of Jesus within you. That is why we have to crucify ourselves daily, which is not an easy task but one that can be accomplished. We have already looked at dividing soul and spirit in the realms of the kingdom volume 1.

Moving forward, we are birthed out of the realm of the eternal presence of Yahweh with 5 things. it Can be closely connected to and pictured like a hand but it is in fact more like a tree that provides the covering for a fruitful life.

Part of our engagement with the presence of Yahweh is understanding some of these things, so that the realm of the kingdom can actually manifest itself through us. We have a testimony scroll that we need to unravel. The only way to unravel it is to present yourself as a living sacrifice by opening up your inner life parts and exposing them to the presence of Jesus as our high priest.

The reason you need to expose the inner parts of your life to him on the inside is because he needs our surrender. When the high priest used to cut and prepare the sheep for sacrifice, he would open it up, cut it in half and open the 2 halves up. What it was symbolizing was the exposing of the full testimony of its life, uncovered and completely vulnerable. So what Yahweh is wanting us to do is to open ourselves up so that the full testimony of what he has written for us to do can be exposed, uncovered, become unlocked to be able to be read, seen, decreed and begin to manifest again. This scroll will attest and speak of itself, of as it is in heaven, so that all we have come out of heaven to do will be seen on the earth.

The thing I love about science is that it backs up everything Yahweh has established. When you come out of the realm of heaven and out of the realm of eternity, you are created as an eternal spirit being. Your spirit man comes out of that realm of eternity, comes in your mother’s womb, and the moment your spirit being touches the cell of the DNA, the human soul gets formed. That is the life of Yahweh engaging the seed that releases the nature of the soul to be formed because the spirit man brings that breath of life with it.

Creative light and created light

There are 2 completely different sources of light: creative light and created light. The first thing you come out of the realm of eternity with when you are released is creative light. You are a creative light being. You are a spirit being that carries the full capacity of the creative light of Yahweh. Creative light is what happened when Yahweh said, let there be light – Genesis 1:3. Created light is when he put the sun in place to shine with its light. This will be discussed in future books in much more detail.

When you take a light beam and shine it into a prism, it shatters into 7 spectrums of light we call the rainbow. When you and I came out of the realm of eternity we came out reflecting the spectrum of the realm of eternity – creative light, pure and white. However, when we entered into the womb, you and I came into the realm of created light. At this point we begin to take on the nature of the fallen measure of light described as created light, still white but from a different source. Because of this, our eternal light spectrum shatters and breaks into the 7 created colors of the rainbow.

All the different spectrums of light that are in the physical world around us are amazing. A scientific fact for you: if you take the colors of the rainbow and put them on a keyboard as 7 keys, and if you were to take every other spectrum of light that is currently visible, not just to human beings, such as ultraviolet, infrared etc. that are in creation put them all on the same keyboard, the keyboard would physically reach from the Earth to the Moon.

It is amazing when you take the 7 colors of the rainbow, they will go back into the source, which is white light. We’re supposed to be transformed back into the original pattern as white light beings, completely reflecting the glory of Yahweh. That is how we were originally created. You come out of the realm of eternity as light because you are a light being from the realm of eternity. The Bible says that Yahweh is light – first John 1:5. You come out of the womb of the presence and the person of Yahweh into creation bearing the full record of that light.


The second thing you come out of the realm of eternity with is fragrance. Fragrances are very interesting things. Fragrances are actually a vibration that is picked up by your nose hairs. Scripture says, to Yahweh we are the fragrance of Christ – second Corinthians 2:15.

When the Bible talks about anointing with oil ( the fragrance of Yahweh ) it does not mean the religious practice of putting a drop on your finger and putting it on the middle of someone’s head while making the sign of the cross and saying, I anoint you with oil today. That is not what anointing with oil really means. To understanding the anointing with oil process, you have to go back into the Old Testament where the priest or prophet used to anoint someone with oil. They would take a horn of oil. On the top of the horn of oil there was a wax plug. As the prophet prayed and held the horn over the person’s head, if that was the person that was chosen by Yahweh then he would witness this by the dancing fire on their heads. This in turn would melt the wax plug, and the whole horn of oil would run out over them.

First Samuel 16:1 now the Lord said to Samuel… Fill your horn with oil, and go; I’m sending you to Jesse the Bethelehemite. For I have provided myself a king among his sons. Jesse made 7 of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel said to Jesse, the Lord has not chosen these. Samuel said to Jesse, are all the young men here? Then he said, there remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, send and bring him in for we will not sit down till he comes here. So he sent and brought him in. Now he was Rudy, with bright eyes, and good looking. And the Lord said, rise, anoint him; for this is the one! Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the spirit of Lord came upon David from that day forward.

Samuel came to all Jesse’s sons and, until he found the last one, nothing happened. Then they called David, this young man was way out in the desert tending and living with the sheep, who seemed too Ruddy, not tall or strong. In fact, he was just a young teenage boy who had been taking lambs out of the mouths of lions and bears and killing them; he looked immaterial in his outside appearance but his heart was already fully connected to Yahweh. Samuel gets his horn of oil  and puts it over the head of David. The wax plug melts and the oil comes out of the horn.

Oil carries frequency inside it. Pure oil has measures of frequency inside it that affect the human body. Jesus was given gold – the balm of Gilead, frankincense and myrrh. Frankincense has one of the highest frequencies of any naturally occurring oil in its pure form. This has a resonant frequency that can help tremendously with your health and well-being especially with your physical body. In those days they did not have antibiotics. They had fragrant oils and plans ever use to help in the areas of medicine. So when the Bible says, is anyone sick among you? Let them call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil – James 5:14, it actually means the poor oil all over you and pray.

Fragrances are so interesting. When you smelly fragrance your brain assimilates the vibration of the fragrance and you associate the smell with the word, usually taught by your parents as a baby. When your nose hairs picks up the vibration, translated as the smell, the small hairs in your nose do not actually register the smell, the pick up the frequency and vibration, triggering the memory connected to the vibration as a smell. Her nose hairs, not your brain, translate that as sent.

In the desert certain cactus flowers smell like rotten meat! When the cactus flower produces a smell comes out in the form of a vapor that can be detected by infra-red light, which is the way many insects see and is attractive to flies. For them that frequency and car means it is something good for them to eat. So they go to it, but the key is the smell, which attracts the fly so that they can pollinate the flower because there are no bees in the desert.

If you have other things attached to your life, admitting their own fragrance, this fragrance will attract to you whatever recognizes it as their home. We’re supposed to be the freight was a Yahweh in Christ Jesus – being attractive to Yahweh and angelic realm.

Second Corinthians 2:14 – now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of his knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

If you are not curing the fragrance of Jesus Christ in the evidence of the platform for what he is doing inside your life, then you are going to be attracting something else to your life. What I have found is that demonic spirit forces feed into the source of corrupt fragrances and live in the product of the fragrance inside our lives.

Our song

The third thing you come out of eternity with is a song. Everyone’s individual DNA vibrates in each person’s vibration has a different sound and told her a song that is released around them. Scientists can quantum physically take your DNA, put it into a milli-voltmeter and measure and read the frequency and the sound of your DNA that sings an individual song. This is usually an expression of worship to the presence of Yahweh. That is why we are the song of the Lord. It is our DNA that is vibrating and singing a song that desires to be released.

Isaiah 12:2 – I am confident and unafraid; for yah adonai is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation!

The promises that if our DNA is messed up and there’s something else sitting inside it, then we are going to be singing a different song that is out of harmony with the sound of heaven. That will then be attracting things that live outside of the harmony of heaven. To get our body back into alignment is to come back into the realm of the presence of Yahweh so that our song is sung unto the Lord. That is what the Bible says – Ephesians 5:19 – in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. It is the sound of who you are coming as an offering and a fragrance before the presence of Yahweh, having the original seed the heart reformed and reframed the sound like him.

 Our equation

The fourth thing you come out of the realm of heaven with is a mathematical equation. Our body can be mathematically calculated. How do we know Yahweh is a mathematician? The Hebrew language itself is a mathematical equation. If you do not know, you need to go and do some study on linguistic mathematics. You will find that the Bible is actually perfect. They have studied it with computer binomials and it is actually perfect. It is amazing when you get the original Hebrew language and can put it into a special computer programme. It is just unbelievable what comes out. It makes your brain fried. The word of Yahweh has been written by many different people over thousands of years but it all matches perfectly mathematically. That is Yahweh all over.

You come out of the realm of eternity with a mathematical formula because in created light, for a solid object to form there must be a mathematical formula the measure created interference. Here mathematical formula forms you as a solid being in created light. It is this mathematical formula that makes you a solid being.

Quantum physically you actually measure as 99 point 9% empty space, which effectively makes us all holograms. So quantum physically you are just a hologram. You’re just an empty shell that vibrates with a mathematical formula in created light that moves at 197,272 miles per second. To understand and have some idea of how fast created light travels, if I were to hold a gun and shoot the gun, baying, the bolt will be able to cover the entire circumference of the world twice, by the time it take my finger off the trigger.

A mathematical equation interferes with the frequency of created light, causing it to form a solid object. That is why the created world around us is not made of solid objects, it does not exist in the way we think. It is 99 point 9% empty space. It is just an observed, mathematical formula in created light. If I am a creative light being then this world is subject to me as I was made before it was.

It is important for us to understand that Yahweh has set things in place for us to see his kingdom come. Science in the kingdom should never have been separated. All quantum physics does is backup the reality of the kingdom.

Our destiny scroll

The fifth thing you come out of eternity with is your testimony scroll. In the Bible it says, they overcome him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony – Revelation 12:11. Unfortunately, we have been taught that our testimony is what Yahweh has delivered us from, and what has happened in our lives along the journey of getting saved, changed and transformed to where I am today. This to me is my witness, the things I have accomplished. That does not empower you to overcome. What empowers you to overcome is doing what you were designed to do and what you came out of heaven with which is called your testimony scroll. Your scroll comes out of the realm of the kingdom with all the protocols of your function recorded on it, to walk on the face of the earth in this day. That is how you overcome the enemy. When you walk you will display the measure of the glory of Yahweh that was written and agreed about before you were on the earth. Again this will only come about as it is unlocked inside of you as you walk through becoming a living sacrifice.

Psalm 139:15 – David says, my frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they all were written, today’s fashion for me, when as yet there were none of them.

Somehow David knew about this, because David had the capacity to live out of the future in his day. You see, the key of David is living out of the supply of the future. If you are living out of the future the present cannot harm you. He said things like, do not take your Holy Spirit from me – Psalm 51:11, when the Holy Spirit was not yet even given – John 7:39.

We come out with things written on our testimony scroll that have become a mystery. The only one that could do those things written on your scroll is you. Just because you are doing good things does not mean to say that they are on your testimony scroll. You only get rewarded for what you are doing on your testimony scroll, for doing his will, which is the outworking of your scroll, not for good works.

Matthew 7:21 – not everyone that says into me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will my father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name have cast out demons? And in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: the part for me, you that work iniquity.

The word iniquity means doer of your own thing. Actually, what it really means is whatever the eye is hooked into multiplies. If we have been busy doing our own thing, our eyes have been hooked into something that was not on our testimony scroll. If favorite saying of mine is, it does not amount to a hill of beans, actually to the presence of Yahweh. One iniquity means is that you did not know him. Remember you are there when you are here. So Yahweh wants us to get to know him here, as it was there, because Yahweh wants to take us back there, to where we have come from with the full knowledge of our scroll.

Hebraically, he was always thinking a circular way. Linear thinking is Greek. Growing thinking goes 1 plus 2 plus 3 equals 6. Hebrew thinking goes 1 plus 2 plus 3 equals 6 equals 3 plus 2 plus 1 because then it must always equal the beginning. You find the basic law is that the end must equal the beginning. It is the law first mention and the law of last mention coming together to form the realm of eternity, which is circular. For Hebrews the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as something that unravels completion and the tree of life is something that brings to completion. Many of us have been fed by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil by being taught linear thinking, which does not come to completion. It stops halfway in the middle. The whole education system is based on linear thinking, which produces death. It does not produce kingdom life.

In schools we read from left to right. Hebrews read differently to us. They do not read from left to right, they read from right to left. Hebrews are taught to think right to left, not left to right. We write from left to right but they write from right to left. When they read a scroll, they open and then they read that part. They hollow The word of Yahweh, so will not expose all of it at once. They’ll read a piece and then seal it up and open it up at another piece until the scroll is finished.

Wanting to know the whole now is very much the way of Greek thinking – reading the end of a book before the beginning. Hebraic thinking means you open up the portion and you fulfill the portion that has been assigned to you in that season. This prepares and empowers you for the next season once this piece has been sealed and is now done. This enables you to open up another piece. One of the issues we face is in the Greek way of thinking and the way we have been taught. We have been taught the one everything into one it now. Unfortunately, what that does is it keeps us immature and having no responsibility. To a Hebrew, opening the whole book exposes the full testimony, causing our bombardment and a lack of maturity and witness because it is not manifested, revealed or even understood.

Regarding the unwrapping of your scroll, the father wants to give us a little piece to see if we will be faithful with a little. This he does so he can open up a little bit more for us. When we are faithful with what he has given, he will give us a bit more, and to the whole scroll begins to get unraveled in the truth of that begins to sound inside of us.

Scrolls are really interesting in the kingdom spirit realm.’s in the amount Yahweh there is a scroll room and you can go and get information on every single thing ever created and how it was done from there. The scrolls are fascinating; the words on them are written in what appears to be hebraic writing. When engaging the scrolls, each letter and word will come off the page and form a door that leads into revelation about the testimony of that word, its function and how it is mandated to operate in the world and in heaven. You can only live in the word when you go into the door open by the letters. It is not reading as we would read on a piece of paper. An example is: and ian went down the road. The and comes off the page, displays and opens up and reveals a picture to you. Went comes off the page and does the same thing. Each picture is a doorway of entry into revelation for the fullness of that the manifest and be revealed. When you begin to open your scroll you will find that it will behave in exactly the same way because it is a living thing. As you walk it out, it will reveal your life’s purpose and will help you to begin to remember what your call was from the very beginning.

Yahweh wants us to live out of the revelation of our scroll. He does not want us to live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of his mouth. This helps to release the testimony of Yahweh because the scroll of ours must have a voice and must speak. When our scroll speaks here on earth, it will speak and bear witness there in heaven. You will then find that the scroll manifest down here on earth. When both up there in down here are saying the same thing, this will form an image in a shadow on the earth of as it is in heaven. This in turn will release an attestation and a desending of heaven to earth to frame itself in its own image, now being released on the earth.


Let’s have communion – thank you Jesus.

Father, we want to thank you that you sent your son onto the earth, to give us a record of your DNA. Father, I think you that you overshadowed Mary and you implanted the yod chromosome into the womb of Mary’s body and you took on the nature of man, carried the glory in the fullness of Yahweh, in that one piece of the 23 chromosomes.

Lord, I want to thank you that you came to earth to give us that record to birth it in married to give us the establishment of a new protocol that our body could get changed into, to give us a record to engage inside of us.

Lord, I want to thank you that your body carries the testimony of the resurrection on the mountain, of being transfigured in the glory of the sound, the frequency and the wave of your manifestation as a fullness of a son.

Lord, I want to thank you that you have given us this testimony in the physical form of your body.

Lord, you said, whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life – John 6:54.

Lord, this is life in its fullness, in the realm of eternity here today, on the face of the earth, characterized in the symbols that we hold in our hand today.’s

We want to acknowledge the important of the symbols of death, resurrection, burial and everything associated with your son. We want to acknowledge the healing power that is in the restoring glory, that you gave us in the record to fully restore, fully healed and fully bring to manifestation.’s

Father, today we received this as sons, we receive it with full knowledge. We take it willingly in the name of Yeshua. Lord, we speak the life of Yahweh into this today. We released the life and called into its being, call it into its fullness as a testimony on earth, as a symbol Lord. Lord, this is not who you are but as a symbol of what you gave us in we acknowledge this symbol today, by faith, in Jesus name we today. Let us eat and drink. I want you to put your hands on your stomach.

Father, today by faith I engage the sound of your resurrection. Father, I engage it inside of me and I draw it into the sound of my DNA. I draw it into my body, the sound of the frequency of the light of Yahweh in the glory on the mountain of Yahweh. I draw it into my physical body today out of what I have inside of me in the name of Yeshua, hamashiach.

Father, today I draw on the record of the testimony of your DNA that I now have in my physical body. Father, I draw it and I commanded to go into my bones, into the Merrill of my bones that my bones may take on the image of your presence and that my DNA would be changed to carry the similitude of who you are as it is in heaven Father.

Lord, today I speak to my bones and I command them to live, that the breath of Yahweh would breathe into them, and that which is within me would come back to the truth of the life I was really given, not this life that I live in today. Lord, I engages freely, I release it to flow through me and out of me, the change me into your image, for it is written’s that – as we have borne the image of the manna does, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man – first Corinthians 15:49.

Father, today I want to thank you for that realm of your kingdom gets unlocked within me, to flow from within me to change my spirit, to transform my soul and to transfigure my body, in the name of Yeshua mahashiach.

Father, today I want to bless these people, that you would be there shade upon their right hand, that the sun would not smite them by day, nor the moon by night. Lord, preserve them from all evil, preserve their going in and are coming forth, this time forward and even forevermore.

Father, let the letter your present shine upon them and let the countenance of your glory be seen in them, and around them. Father, lead them into passive righteousness, that the word a Yahweh would direct their path, that the word would make the path before them plain, because their steps would be ordered by the Lord.

Father, I bless them today with the knowledge of the kingdom, and the impartation and release of your kingdom, that as they sit in as they meditate and as they engage in as they practice that you would truly draw them into Sun ship reality. Father, I asked that the blessing a Yahweh would begin to sit like a shadow in a covering over these people, that the manifestation of the huppah of of Yahweh – jolt 2:16, would engage them and become a covering of blessing for them.

Lord we bless the readers in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah!

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