There’s so much more in sonship to our role in bringing creation into freedom from its corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. If we do not know the fullness of our glory, our true identity, then we will only be limited to what we can do on earth or what we can do in heaven. But we’re called to be multi-dimensional ESbeings, immortal in both quantity and quality.
My heart filled with joy when I experienced this. BNI sank deeper and blissfully into rest, but at the same time, I was so excited by this revelation that I could hardly contain myself. I mean, can you imagine, in a moment, God showing you all that I’ve described? It was mind-expanding in that I was able to contain and believe what He was revealing. That is the reality of who I really am.
And the Father said, “See how easy it is to just be.” There’s a statement! And it was like, wow. When this happened to me, it didn’t feel easy. It was just like, whoa, my mind was going round and round, but I was also at rest in the same moment. So, “It’s easy just to be. This is just a glimpse of what it is to be I AM that I AM, that you will ascend to when you become an ascended father”. And I think for all of us, don’t be limited to just the thought of being a good son. God wants us to become co-creators in an ascended state of fatherhood. Do I understand that? No, but it’s in my heart, and I know that that is the reality of His intention for us.
“Son, learn to become aware of multi-dimensional reality but always stay in rest, living in love, joy, and peace within. Be balanced by the tree of life in the union between your spirit, soul and body”. I always anchor myself within that core of my being, with spirit and soul and body being equally in union and oneness and in harmony. I don’t put a value of the spirit or the soul above the body: I equally value every part. And that tree of life brings a balance between soul and spirit so we don’t just get caught up in all the spiritual, or get caught up in all the things in the world around us, but we are balanced and in harmony, one with the other.
“As you expand your spirit’s boundaries, practise expanding your consciousness to become more aware of the dimensional realities that you are mandated to govern in”. I have done that. It’s not something that I do all the time, but it’s something that I am aware of, and I am rejoicing, thankful, and grateful for all of that.
“All you learn to do as a son, made in our image with creative abilities, will equip you to become an ascended father in the ages to come. Son, the true authority of a son is realised through surrender, not service. So abandon yourself totally to just being.” Which is why I’m not focusing on all the doing, I’m focusing on ‘this is who I am, this is who you are, this is who we are’. We are called to embrace this level of expanded awareness and consciousness that frees us from being earthbound (or even heavenbound). God is unconditional love; that is why we can trust in His faithfulness, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, consistency, constancy, steadfastness, diligence, and perseverance.
Unconditional Love
God is good. This is the dimension of the whole dynamic of unconditional love. There’s more I could probably go on to, but I feel that I want to move to something else. But unconditional love—stay in it, embrace it, experience it. Go beyond. Rest is that state of being where we are totally trusting in the Father’s love, His goodness, kindness, faithfulness, loving-kindness. The Father is 100% totally reliable, trustworthy, and dependable. To rest is to be in a state where there is no fear, worry, doubt, or unbelief. We just dwell, abide, and rest within that place—face to face, heart to heart, mind to mind.
All that I’ve experienced and discovered has deconstructed my mind, thinking, and beliefs, totally transforming my worldview, unlocking my identity as a son, and revealing my creative sonship abilities. I’m absolutely no different from you. You have the same abilities, capacity: the same sonship. You are unique and wonderfully made, and God wants you to experience and know that reality and truth for yourselves.
So I ask the question: Have you experienced unconditional love? Are you living in unconditional love? Are you demonstrating unconditional love by the way you live? Do you have this heavenly vision of unconditional love and the reality of who you really are? Do you know the vast sum of God’s thoughts about you? Embrace them, pursue them, seek them, and you will find them. Keep knocking, keep seeking, keep looking. Don’t give up, but be at rest and let Him lead you so that you follow Him by walking together with Him. This gets outworked in love, in that experience.