Walking by design

We are called to an inheritance. We need to learn the love language that God has for each of us. It is always a language of promise. There are so many unclaimed upgrades, we have not cashed in our promises, and many do not know what they are. Promises are how God loves to speak to us. He has a love language of promise. This is vital to our discovery of who he is, and the discovery of our place in the kingdom.

We need to ask the lord questions about our friends. We need to know what is going on in their lives. I was thinking about you the other day, and this is what I felt the lord would want to share. It is a blessing to be there and give them a word before something happens, other times it is giving them a word as something is happening. Sometimes we get in a place where we cannot see the goodness of God towards us for ourselves.

We need to learn how to walk by design.

In 1 Chronicles 28:6 David is recounting a conversation that he has with God about his son Solomon.

       CHAPTER 28: 5 And of all my sons, (for the LORD hath given me many sons,) he hath chosen Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the LORD over Israel. 6 And he said unto me, Solomon thy son, he shall build my house and my courts: for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father. 7 Moreover I will establish his kingdom for ever, if he be constant or strong to do my commandments and my judgments, as at this day.

Prophecy is relational. Everything God does is relational and extremely intentional. He is the most intentional person you will ever meet in your life.

Scripture declares that Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world. Before Genius 1:1 there was a conversation in heaven. They hadn’t even breathed life into anything. They hadn’t spoken anything into being, but they already knew Adam would go his own way. Who would go to redeem mankind that even wasn’t in existence yet? This is intentionality.

God is the most intentional person we will ever meet. He has intentions, he has thoughts about us, the number of which it is impossible for us to fathom. He knows everything about us, he has never for one moment ever been disillusioned with us, because he never had any illusions in the first place. He has always known exactly what we are like, and what we are capable of and what our struggles are, he knows everything about us and he is still deeply committed to who we are.

Prophecy is relational. I have chosen you to be a son to me and I will be a father to you. Everything that God does, everything that he says is always rooted in relationship. It is about who we are to God, what we mean to him and who he wants to be for us. This is the biggest part of our story and our journey, this ongoing discovery of what it is that God wants to be for me now in the situation and the circumstances that we are in. Jesus, what is it you want to be for me now that you couldn’t be at any other time.

We are called to know and love God first and foremost. But before that we must be known and loved by God. He knows everything about us, nothing is hidden, and he is deeply affectionate towards us. There comes a point in our relationship when we must realize the critical importance of obedience. Of following after what God is saying and living a life whereby we get to say yes lord, we cannot say no lord because then he is not lord.

If he resolutely performs my commands, everyone performs, performance is not wrong, the reasons we do it may be the wrong thing. Everyone has to perform, athletes have to perform, actors have to perform.

In Gods heart there must be a performance on our part of what he is declaring to us. All the time he is looking at us he is just saying, come on, if you just step up then I can give you what I really want to give you. If you will step into my intentional space with me, then I can release everything that you need. But God does not release things to a casual seeker. He is not available to a casual seeker. He is available to someone who is wholehearted about pursuing him because he is wholehearted about pursuing us.

Obedience to the call that he puts on our life and acting in partnership with him is absolutely vital for every one of us. That we walk with God wholeheartedly and with a willing mind. We have to sort our thinking out. What we think about God is the most important thing in the world. We will never have a more important thought than that. What we think God is for us is the most important thought we will ever have. Because it is that thought that renews our mind and it drives our whole walk. What we perceive that God is for us dictates everything that comes into our life. it dictates the very way that we live, the way that we stand, the way that we present ourselves to God, the way that we walk before God, the world and the devil.

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