Walking with God

To enter into a new and deeper level of walking with God we have to really desire it, hunger after it. We have to learn how to be single minded, because things can enter our heart to steal the word, choke the word, and distract us from our destiny. Persecution and desires for other things, the cares of this life, anything that can misdirect our focus so that we do not come into the fruitfulness of the parable of the sower.

We want to be the first fruits of those who enter into an end time walk with God, the Elijah, Joshua, Joseph and Enoch generation.

We need to learn how to seek the lord until we find him, this must be our determination. Once we have made the breakthrough, we can do it again because the door has been opened to us.

We start out by seeking the Lord, through prayer, worship, waiting on the lord until we become conscious of his presence.

We must determine to seek the Lord until we find him. But once we get a breakthrough in the realm of the spirit, that position we have now entered into, is easy to maintain.

It takes encounters with the Lord to condition us to be prepared to walk with him. It takes encounters with the Lord to condition us in our spirit, in our soul and our physical body to bring us to a place where we can continually walk with him.

We cannot condition ourselves; we have to encounter the Lord. We have to discipline ourselves to have a meeting with God, an encounter with him which conditions us to come up higher.

Our mind has to be renewed, the barriers in our soul have to be removed and this takes some time.

God waits for us to make the first move, we have to draw near to God and he will draw near to us. Our walk with God and our progress has to do with us taking the initiative to seek God. To draw near to him and these encounters with the Lord can be at many different levels.

It starts out as an encounter where we just become aware of the Lord and feel his presence. This is at a lower-level but it is an encounter. We become consciousness of the anointing, and we feel his presence.

 The anointing can become stronger and stronger. We can feel a very strong physical sensation of the anointing as it rests upon us; it becomes harder to function in the natural.

As we continue to seek the lord we begin to have encounters with the Lord where we see-through a veil dimly but we see the Lord, but it’s very faint, very vague and very dimly but it’s an encounter with the Lord.

The level of our encounters with the Lord begins to condition us.  We are changed through our exposure to the Lord.  As we draw near to him being in his presence he begins the work of conditioning in us. As we seek, ask and knock, the Lord draws near.

As the gateways of our spirit are opened there is a flow of light that comes from him at different intensities to begin to condition us.

There is a process that we go through in order to enter into a walk with the Lord. In order to walk with God we have to spend time on a regular basis waiting on God.

We have to have a systematic time where we shut the world out and we come and wait on God. This is a discipline that is required on our part.

 If we will seek him, it requires discipline. And that discipline is important. Drawing near to him requires discipline. The moment we begin to seek the Lord, God will watch, he will stand back for a while and watch to see how consistent we are, how determined we are. Casual seekers do not come into a walk with God. Is this the priority of our life, or is it something we are going to try and it doesn’t work we will give up.

We have to determine in our heart, we are going to do this and we are going to do it every day for the next 12 months or 18 months or however long it takes. It requires persistence.

In waiting on God a separation takes place, between those who are seeking God with their whole heart and those who are not.

The enemy will come and pressurize us; he will say nothing is happening this is a waste of time, why don’t you give it up, why don’t you try something else.

Most people in seeking God, if they do it at all will eventually give up and disqualify themselves. We are not talking about going to heaven when we die, but entering that realm while upon the earth.

Until our spiritual eyes and ears are open to the spiritual realm we are not going to realize what is going on in that realm. What we can’t see when we are doing this, spending time waiting on the Lord is what is going on in the spirit realm around us

 When we start doing this all hell breaks loose to try and stop us. We don’t see that, but pressure comes against us and it’s registered in our feelings and in our emotions, to give up and stop doing it. That happens all around us in the invisible realm of the spirit which we don’t see at the time. But once we are determined to set our heart to seek the Lord, we are triggering something and the enemy will try and stop us.

 When we set our heart to seek the lord until we begin to have heavenly encounters, and we mean business, it becomes a way of life; God will set aside special groups in heaven to intercede for us. The cloud of witnesses will be releasing light and encouragement to us.

Determination is the key to break through this barrier, it takes time for God to condition us, it takes time for God to clear the way for us.

 When we set our heart, God works certain things in our lives as we are in the presence of God which triggers things in the spirit realm that grant us permission to enter into another realm. We need written permission from heaven to enter into, to travel to the next level. We need a heavenly passport just like in the natural if we want to travel to another country. We need a heavenly passport to enter into another dimension in God.

As we come and wait on God, as we come before the Lord, as we persistently systematically seek the Lord, conditioning continues to take place within us which begins to open us up, he begins to condition us and he is bringing us to a point of absolute surrender to God, we become a bondservant of the Lord, a friend of God.

 And this takes some time as we wait on God and when we come to that point, there is a shift in the realm of the spirit, something breaks, something registers in heaven and the door opens.